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The Delusion of Gnosis

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posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 04:00 PM
All the delusions of the gnostic mentality may be derived from this one, very ancient statement:

Let no one ignorant of geometry enter"

So, the legend goes, was what appeared above the front door of Plato's academy.

Understanding the delusion of gnosticism - and by gnosticism, I specifically refer to the belief that man is the creator, man is "alien", and man, in essence, is transpersonal - is very fundamentally about the dissociative significance of putting a speculative geometry above an embocied self-awareness.

I do not for one instant doubt that we have a cosmic meaning and a cosmic source - but I am a psychologist, and unlike the ancient gnostics, I have far more knowledge about the Human condition in my hands to work with - on human psychological illness, and most importantly, the nature, structure and evolution of the human nervous system - and so, unlike naive freemasons, I make use of modern science and philosophy, and, more importantly, am properly skeptical about the influence of secret societies as a powerful neurological-psychological biasing factor on Human interpretive mechanisms.

This last point is very, very important, yet the person caught up in the "allure of ancient knowledge", surrounded by others who render the process magical with profound ritualization and garb, do not realize that what they are being "initiated" into is not an objective-knowledge of reality, but a philosophy which receives its imprimatur and status from the way and manner the information is conveyed i.e. exploits Human affective processes.

So why is this belief a fallacy and a horrendous, ancient delusion - typically infecting the minds of the elite, the established and the advantaged - particularly those educated in western academies? Quite simply: math. No intellectual faculty more effectively speaks to mans egotism than the elevation of an abstract impersonal representational structure (numbers, shapes) over the actual processes which structure its existence. If demons exist, they are genius for exploiting math as a dissociative device - to get the Human disconnected from the sort of knowledge which keeps entropy - demons - at bay, and so, out of competition with more coherent understandings.

Yes, how obvious, yet how pernicious. The glorification of man - the individual - has everything to do with the dissociation of self-knowledge, and the subjugution of emotional and interpersonal understanding to an abstract, disembodied, literally alien way of looking at yourself, and even worse, at others. Elitism is very much related to the "mystification" of mathematics, inasmuch as it establishes within the individual a way-of-seeing that does not entail an analysis of flows or a recognition of inter-dependence.

The glorification of geometry, morphed itself into a spiritual system that became monstrously monological. Monologism is a way of seeing things which basically works by dissociating the inherently and fundamentally dialogical nature of reality. And dialogism, for Humans, is synonymous with a knowledge of feelings, needs, and attitudes.

In the west, Mary Shellys "frankenstein" should be read as an expression of Mary Shelly's psychology - the psychology of the elitist culture that carried within itself a horrendous cynicism - a creature created and responding to its own creations - morphing and changing as a function of a "structural drift" - or the 'shifting baseline syndrome' which keeps the Human being from recognizing how it keeps shifting in its understanding as a function of its shifting perceptual and cognitive conditions. Whenever I read a work of fiction or even science (such as Rene Thom) and certain negative themes emerge, particularly that of an intrinsic alienation to the Human condition, I know that the author is probably pursuing yet another gnostic allegory - an allegory fundamentally dependent upon the structuring process of cities, taxes, commerce, and the other experiences of living since the start of the agricultural "revolution" that presents the Human experience as "alien". Yet what is alien? The gnostic, instead of more logically attributing the sense of world-alienation to a set of ecological scaffolds that structure mind-brain functioning (this interpretation needed modern neuroscience, perhaps?) in its ontogenesis as an individual, instead mythologizes the Humans dysfunction as if it were essential: more so, they blame the God of Genesis - the relationally disposed deity of the Hebrew Bible - that is, they put themselves in opposition with expressed reality, as if the problem were "in reality", rather than the individual.

Is this not an obvious case of philosophical projection? It is. All around this schematization lies negative feelings of being with others - the Other is not trusted, and a cynicism seems there as the "core referent" for the indiviudals functionality. The person feels 'alienated' from others, and so, quite logically (within this closed system of referents, that is) he is prone to accept and internalize a philosophy of "blaming God", or, rather, positing a "God above God", and thus structuring into reality a dualism - as if reality weren't one, but in "competition", and the competition, more so, is that between man and God!

The solution? Well, math becomes a center of interest, and moral and ethical behavior - the very essential basis of Human consciousness - is swept aside as something only people who want "face", or "honor" do - as if this interpretation wasn't a rationalization of a selfish mind that is habituated to pursuing its own selfish interests.

So herein lies an interesting dilemma: your actions constitute the ground for your perceptions. Action and perception mutually "inform" the synthesis of your feeling body, and so, the feeling body is the only thing a Human needs to pay attention.

"Gnostics", or people who assume themselves to have some essential and fundamental knowledge, are nevertheless structurally determined in their functionality by species typical evolutionary attractors. This attractor is systemic: it is a "we" that is always above your I; in fact, your I receives its phenomenological quality from the "reaction" within the interpersonal encounter: just like any object in the natural world (an electron or molecule) converging objects (humans, in this case) 'work out' their asymmetric differences on route towards a 'relaxed correlation' in both ideas and concepts (common beliefs) but more essentially, through feeling.

Yet, the only way to get a hold and so shape these attractors - via orbitofrontal regulation of the amgdala - is to pay them mind: to, in other words, say a big "phuck you" to Plato, because the reality of the constraints of living and being and the conditions underlying human harmony and has absolutely nothing to do with numbers.

Indeed, any sane person should be afraid of another Human who has come to see numbers - or math - as more "real" than you - your feelings or your needs as a person. Math lends itself quite well to a machiavellian eugenic style characterization of all "mathematically illiterate" people as inferior - as if math itselfl wasn't 'bootstrapped' by the same interpersonal experiences of living.

In short, and as others have written before me, we ARE NOT GODS. Even more importantly, we derive our capacities FROM OTHERS, and so, must honor Others.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Using this abstraction of math the scientist becomes a god, the destroyer of worlds , and minds . where is the love :>(

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Or maybe he was referring to Sacred Geometry which is a spiritual alchemy that has nothing to do with numbers.

The ancients hid messages in esoteric sayings because anything else would have been a death sentence.

Western philosophy comes from those who lack the understanding of the esoteric language used.

In the same ways the religions have misrepresented the prophets, western philosophy is a disgrace to Plato and his message.
edit on 24-10-2016 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Or maybe he was referring to Sacred Geometry which is a spiritual alchemy and has nothing to do with numbers.

Sacred Geometry has everything to do with numbers.

Numbers are manmade symbols that represent information. And shapes are a manifestation of information in the 2nd dimension. Matter would be a manifestation of information in the 3rd dimension.

To say that Sacred Geometry, let alone any Geometry, has nothing to do with numbers is wholly untrue.

Edit: For example, the golden isosceles triangle has degrees of 36, 72, 72 - thus a 2 dimensional representation of the golden ratio and 36 + 36 = 72. The golden ratio is expressed as A + B = C then A/B = B/C. Add numbers and you always get around 1.618.

So numbers, lots of numbers.
edit on 10/24/2016 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: Isurrender73

Or maybe he was referring to Sacred Geometry which is a spiritual alchemy and has nothing to do with numbers.

Sacred Geometry has everything to do with numbers.

Numbers are manmade symbols that represent information. And shapes are a manifestation of information in the 2nd dimension. Matter would be a manifestation of information in the 3rd dimension.

To say that Sacred Geometry, let alone any Geometry, has nothing to do with numbers is wholly untrue.

No, it's about shapes, patterns and perfection.

The math is only a tool that demonstrates the perfection. One does not need to undeserved the mathematical equation to understand the Spiritual Alchemy.

It's a matter of Virtue that is proven by the perfection in the design.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Perfection, like information, is an abstraction.

Perfection can only be observed when compared to imperfection thus perfection and imperfection are intrinsically linked.

Shaped and Patterns are conceptualized using numbers. A triangle has 3 sides, for example. A pattern is identified using numbers.

I'm not sure how someone touting Alchemical knowledge could have made that mistake.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: Isurrender73

Perfection, like information, is an abstraction.

Perfection can only be observed when compared to imperfection thus perfection and imperfection are intrinsically linked.

Shaped and Patterns are conceptualized using numbers. A triangle has 3 sides, for example. A pattern is identified using numbers.

I'm not sure how someone touting Alchemical knowledge could have made that mistake.

What is perfect cannot also be imperfect. Therefore God must be perfect. Therefore we were made out of perfection.

The numbers are no more significant to the Alchemist than the rituals are to the Spirtual. They are all a means to comprehend his perfection. And our path towards his perfection.

Plato said Virtue cannot properly be explained. But the one who is virtuous understands what language fails to communicate with words.

Perfection is abstract but not unobtainable, since the whole universe is governed by Sacred Geometry which is the perfection and unity we strive for.

It's not about numbers, except the numbers prove perfection. It's about perfection. If I believe in my path to perfection I don't need the numbers any more, but I will still comprehend the meaning.
edit on 24-10-2016 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Not sure what you're talking about. Judging from all the clues you give your readers, "cold wisdom" doesn't sound like a nice thing; nor does a "black lodge" sound like a nice place; or your photo, for that matter, looks very dark and demented.Then the signature "I have the fury of my own momentum." .

Clearly - you are the very prototype of the mind I am referring to!

Perfection and imperfection are distinctions that require a referent: an experience. You do not come into the world as a 'neutral observer' ala Heiddegerian phenomenology - but are thoroughly needing certain things i.e. love and care from the environment. But what if you never receive that? What if, you've been indoctrinated and canalized into interpreting reality as composed of "opposites" which fight one another? Of course - its modeled all the time in your relationships! Why else obsess upon opposites and dichotomy and present meaning as anything other than moral action?

It's quite simple: the baby becomes the child who becomes the adult. If your relational expectancies are disturbed, so shall your mind and beliefs become.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

The opposities at war philosophy is the downfall of humanity IMO.

This is why the prophets taught One God with all the power.

To prove the perfect way is not about conflict but unity.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

That's a possibility. I guess the only way to resolve this issue would be to ask Plato, whats more important: the mystery which you and the pythagoreans ascribe to geometry, or being conscious of yourself so as to recognize your own unconscious neediness for the attention of others, and so, vulnerability to act from insecurity?

Whereas I'd hope Plato would recognize why the latter is a necessity, a part of me thinks that even he would find himself canalized into behaving in ways that essentially prioritize mathematics or intellectual capacity over kindness i.e. with a REALISTIC UNDERSTANDING of how context and experience mediates the formation of skills and capacities.

The Greeks, to my mind, introduced an individualism that seems very much based in dissociative processes that emphasize the wrong things at the expense of the right things. If Plato could write what he did, is there not already an elitism and sophistry in the very NEED to differentiate yourself from others via the concept of math and geometry?

You see, its not easy to honestly reflect on the formative basis of desires and needs, because it often times reveals an insecurity - a feeling of inferiority - and this indeed might be present in the admonition about geometry: its a way differentiate truly "smart, wise and developed minds" from the mere ignoramuses of the larger culture. Pomp - the fun of writing stuff like that - wins out over humility.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

I have to say that this OP seems more like a rant. You are really having a go at the occultists , freemasons, new age followers, enlightened people (or those whose think they are enlightened or want to be) on the one hand and then criticising the opposite of the spectrum (the mathematicians and scientists) on the other.

I am not too sure who is spared from your dislike or meets with your approval. Could it be fellow psychologists only ?

In my experience , Psychologists are the most critical people on the planet. They psychoanalyse everybody. Yet, the Art (or is it science ?) of psychology is entirely based on speculation.

Jung had some good ideas. Some of the things he speculated on were very interesting to me. Many of his concepts were readily incorporated in a form of astrology called Jungian astrology. Is that something that bothers you a lot ?

As for geometry and maths, I have no problem understanding how they fit into our world of opposing forces. What you see as demonic and enslaving humans, I see as necessary to give shape to force. Form against Force, which give rise to manifestation. But then, this is going into the realm of Western Esoteric tradition, something which seems to give you a lot of grief and anger.

edit on 24-10-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Not sure what you're talking about. Judging from all the clues you give your readers, "cold wisdom" doesn't sound like a nice thing; nor does a "black lodge" sound like a nice place; or your photo, for that matter, looks very dark and demented.Then the signature "I have the fury of my own momentum." .

Thanks for the incredibly ignorant assessment of my account info.

Since you provoked the discussion,

Cold Wisdom is a pseudonym for my real name.

The Black Lodge is a reference to the 90s TV show (that is returning in 2017) called TWIN PEAKS.

My avatar is a picture of the character Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks.

And my signature is a quote from a deleted scene of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

Honestly, none of that has anything to do with the fact that numbers are intrinsically connected to Sacred Geometry.

Your false presumptions and your personal observations about me taken at face value is a brilliant microcosm for your lack of wisdom regarding The Occult.

edit on 10/24/2016 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 06:16 PM
Dbl post
edit on 10/24/2016 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 06:25 PM
The Gnostics were the first to recognize that we live in a grand simulation created not by the unfathomable creator entity, but rather a programmer creator poseur, Saklas (Yadalbaoth).

Of course, they didn't have the vocabulary to express such a notion back in the day, but even they could figure out that the key to understanding this existence is to first understand that we're a flawed mathematical and geometric construct, and that "true" existence lies somewhere beyond it. In the Gospel of Judas, Judas tells Jesus: “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo." The male / female source of creation.

Maybe he was giving Jesus a little too much credit. But Judas at least kind of understood that Jesus was aware of the artificiality and sub-divinity of existence as we know it.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Insecurity is a path to security.
Fear is the begging of wisdom.

Plato was not an elitist, he was the elite. It's hard to separate true genius from elitism at times.

His entire premise stands against elitism and tyranny.

The individual has a moral obligation to conform to the laws of the land or the moral obligation to have the courage to stand against its tyranny. - Both properties of Virtue

Plato was a virtuous genius, a prophet amongst the philosophers. Often times misunderstood by his students whose egos get in the way of understanding.
edit on 24-10-2016 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 10:54 PM
Sometimes you read a lot of these Masonic and 'occult' books and they just sound like a lot of hot air.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Astrocyte

I love your OP, very true and well written, so thank you for that.

But it evolved and evolves, higher up in the woo chain people aren't believing anymore what was true 2000+ years ago, at least I hope they don't. And it's kind of ironic how you seem to convey a pretty separated, negative outlook on others yourself. Do you really believe if you come to the realisation we are all connected and three layered beings no one else stumbled upon that earlier?
Many of those becoming masons do so because they are humanists. Many things we learn are through experience, that's always more powerful than what is taught. The right conclusion is obviously very often not the first we draw.
Point is, and I'm pretty sure you already know that, math-magic, or sacred geometry, is the same mindset as the world is a simulation and the speed of light is proof. Understandable logical fallacies all coming from the perception of the stone age people who assume "a god" is flying over the grass causing the wind to magically move things.
For some it's just impossible to imagine an universe existing perfectly functional without their tiny brains to observe it. God is a symptom of human megalomania, our wishful thought that it is all created just for us, because we are all equally stuck in experiencing a world from the human perspective and it's just hard to grasp that everything works perfectly in perfect balanced harmony of the forces if we're there or not.
That the golden ratio is not installed for us to prove the existence of god/simulation but because it evolved that way out of the symphony of all forces, physical, biological, geometrical as the most effective.
We are not only dependent on other humans, but the entire universe.

Sorry for the rambling, I need coffee. But beautiful topic and rare to see it discussed so rational, yet empathic. Holistic humanism.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: Astrocyte

In the same way you built a flow chart of differentiation, Masons and others build geometry in civilization. If everyone was a leader then there would be no followers.

Last I read statistically speaking 98% are followers not really leaders yet all feel after childhood they are leading their own lives out of self determination even if that is more of a quasi-reality instead of the actual reality as leaders past and present are the creators and upholders of those very systems.

So of course this idea of self determination in such systems gets twisted into choice in the modern world if only Coke was available then Pepsi wouldn't stand a chance; so the idea and image that one soda makes you more of whatever stereotype the majority of followers adore the more sales are going to be experienced by that brand and yet there's a choice giving the illusion of self determination in the system... and if one does not know it is an illusion then authorities will be happy to remind you that walking down the street naked smoking a fatty only appeals to you and punishment will see to it that it will not be so appealing in the future.

Of course those are the norms dictating law... in some cultures walking around naked smoking a fatty is the norm but other than brow beating it's doubtful being clothed and saying no thanks won't bring incarceration until you get with the program.

The program and that's basically what it is... group after group vying for all of those followers for thousands of years some have managed to hang onto followers generation after generation like a communicable disease that can even lead to death instead of the peace they claim it will.

So drawing a line is the first step in geometry and from the end that line will look like a point... an important thing to know when someone asks what's the point for drawing this line? To build something special of course is always the answer followed by; you're special not like all of those on the other side of that line wink wink. So now there's a line a hook and well is the person going to take the bait? As long as the reward system or ego is fed properly? The beast will continue on unabated.

Whether it is good for society is not even a concern whether they look good to society however is... or else newspaper titles will happily place their name as the new face of evil or enemy so all the followers can go Boo! Boo! at this entire group that really doesn't have a face just an ideology... but like in the book of Exodus it takes a long time to say and Jib-Jab begat Rib-Tickle and He-Saw begat what She-Did so those get relegated out of personal responsibility into group responsibility.

In such a manner what changes? The group if they want to be seen in a good light slaps their hand and reminds them in a newsletter what they represent has a local meeting to remind members and justice is served and perhaps someone expelled. So course such a thing has even permeated politics and even business where no one can be held in a personally accountable position they will step down and to the side if reprimanded to continue on in whatever dirty work that needs to be done or appreciate them doing and need some of that somewhere else.

Of course not personably accountable makes perfect sense in such entities when they get named people? Then they become too big to fail even though they were horrible in their duties as a corpor er I mean person we'll give them another chance it's the human thing to do after all isn't it... sure if one is speaking of corruption and making it justifiable to retain positions of power and control because real actual people depend on it then sure.

Of course that's when society and it's systems start becoming more of a detriment and profiting off of human misery in society instead of a society looking and working to alleviate it. As a psychologist it will leave yourself and others much job security as such madness continues on as a practice... some may see such systems as practical instead of a technicality, especially when such things are seen as vital to the system of society or at least sold as such.

So every two to four years industry and everyone else is looking for that wink or nod that their upcoming quarters will remain intact and grow which means keeping the followers or workforce from moving in any way shape or form upward as competition to challenge the already entrenched and remain status quo business as usual or be bought out and absorbed into yet another conglomerate venture... as an global competition vys for their branding to cross "enemy" lines even if citizens themselves do not consider each other such and as the cabal then raises it's head we can see why everything is what it is... Bayer buying out Monsanto and other major networks of corporations looking to buy out other countries major corporate networks or buy into them as one huge family while all the populous continues to scratch around.

Of course all of that can be made into a balance if humanity is involved where these conglomerates are broken up and power given back into the hands in which it belongs or continue on down jauntily as mere cogs with a precognized role to play out like a machine with self awareness issues... or simply put pesky humans and their rights of and to life instead of being owned in a slave boat they aren't even aware of being in, in the first place.

Of course this is life and to grease the human animal then it must be listened too or chemically straight jacketed to it's ok to be aware of the machine and be a part of the machine but try not to think of oneself as either, as productivity yadda yadda yadda.

I don't know how much protocol you have to have or follow in your practice in stabilizing human beings... but if you have pretty much a free reign or your own practice and human health really is your calling to see people be well? Then I suggest familiarizing yourself and them with tropes so many people living them and trying to cope with them wholly unaware of the programmed stereotype they are choosing to be and that's what continues making them unhappy... so either they embrace it in a now that you know your role live it up scenario or change it now that you know the trope and that's why you feel like tripe.

Freemasons etc. are playing roles and they know they are playing roles and that's the difference, many are playing roles out of tradition or at least seizing the label and well once you have or are given a label you're expected to live up to it or play the role yes? That label acceptance some feels bring them acceptance but that acceptance of any label is also a choice and could never ever define who someone is as complex as a being that we are; as it is more limiting than empowering or encouraging... want to be a statistic? No one has ever said ever... but choosing a label or accepting one does just that.

Take care.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:25 AM

"Let no one ignorant of geometry enter"

That was just his way of saying "Hey this is a geometry club. If you seek wine ,women or psychologists, then this isn't where you want to be"

A modern example would be a John Deere sign : "Only John Deere Quality Farm Equipment Used Here"

O.K. I was " called" in geometry class, in high school. It goes beyond pure numbers and geometry They
have worked the very concepts so deeply into the English Language itself that ignorance of geometry
is no longer an obstacle. If you speak/ read English you are "part of the club" Let me take this opportunity
to welcome you all .

"The Golden Ratio" anagrammed = " The good learn it"

Oh, and by the way, the crucifixion of Christ has also been anagramatically worked into that phrase too.

"The Path to Enlightenment?" you ask. No prob. Anagram for that is : "Note Phi length math tenet."

That's "note" as in "make notice" of, or "make a note of"

Are you writing this all down?.......
edit on 25-10-2016 by RavenSpeaks because: to edit

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: crowdedskies

I have to say that this OP seems more like a rant. You are really having a go at the occultists , freemasons, new age followers, enlightened people (or those whose think they are enlightened or want to be) on the one hand and then criticising the opposite of the spectrum (the mathematicians and scientists) on the other.

No, just people - any people - who are in the habit of placing the impersonal (unreal) above the deterministic affective dynamics that reflexively operate between human actors.

Life is mysterious. Enlightenment exists. It just does not, in fact, exist in the form where an abstract, disembodied consciousness comes into some sort of superimposition on the other i.e. this being the general attitude of anyone who doesn't think morality applies to them.

Could that be you?

I am not too sure who is spared from your dislike or meets with your approval. Could it be fellow psychologists only ?

See, you're taking this too personally. I am critiquing ideas that don't have any empirical basis - and which affective neuroscience, social science, cognitive science and and other systems sciences render effectively impossible.

If ancient oppositions exist - as they do - between a 'left and right' way of seeing things, it must burn when affective reality - human perceptual experience - can no longer be placed outside the equation, and so, rendered "alien".

This alienation has a simpler and more explicit scientific term: dissociation. It means to 'no longer associate'; but do not think that "no longer associate" means, to no longer be AFFECTED by; yes, behavioral economics has exposed the human self for the delusion weaving, confabulating, endlessly concerned with defending its self-concept, creature that it is - at least a rendered in the capitalistic/competitive system we live within.

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