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The words Male and Female banned by university professor

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posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 10:22 PM

A professor at Washington State University is barring students from using “offensive” and “oppressive” language, including the words “illegal alien,” “male” and “female.”


What the actual F. So now we have college professors banning the use of 'male' and 'female'?! I don't know if this 'professor' realizes this - but all of his students, and him, are there because a 'male and female'. I don't care which of the 30 some new genders a person identifies with, you reproduce as only one.

“Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated,” the syllabus reads.

Such “offensive” language includes “the man,” “colored people,” “illegals/illegal aliens,” “tranny,” and “referring to women/men as females or males.”

The professor emphasized that repeated use of such vocabulary could warrant punishment such as “removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and—in extreme cases—failure for the semester.”

'Phobics' and 'isms'. And now you know where the college tuition dollars your fronting for your child are going and why college degrees exponentially mean squat. Welcome to the EQ>IQ era. Common sense be damned.

edit on 12-9-2016 by ghostrager because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

This is from last year. Are you feeling a that triggered by this class exercise? An exercise in not using labels to identify people.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: TheAmazingYeti

Good catch, but could be 10 years ago and my opinion wouldn't change.

It's strange how an exercise can define a multitude of new labels while dismissing the only two that matter. Identify as one will, but how you reproduce is your only value in society.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 10:48 PM
Wouldnt expect less ignorant BS from a college that close to Cali
Par for the "course"

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:00 PM
but all of his students, and him, are there because of a 'male and female'

NO FRICKEN DOUBT!!! That professor should find a new job. Disgusting. I have no hatred towards the LGBT community but THIS PC onslaught # IS REEDONKULOUS

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:02 PM
Star and flag. If someone gives me a hard time for using "MALE" or "FEMALE" I'm going to catch an assault charge!!
edit on 12-9-2016 by 191stMIDET because: Typo

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:22 PM
Maybe because he spent lots of money and time on his best friend who did nothing in return then his best friend met a chick and doesn't even know her but has already done more for her than he ever will for the best friend he will ever find, simply because she has a different anatomy. Probably pissed him off, this anatomy thing is out of control. Not that I agree with the liberal nutbags.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

There are only two genders. Male and female.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Wouldnt expect less ignorant BS from a college that close to Cali
Par for the "course"

What does California have to do with anything? The only yuppies live by the coast everyone east of that would laugh at anyone calling themselves anything different than male and female.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: ghostrager


This is a totally unrealistic response to a genuine problem. Realistically speaking, there are those who deliberately use misgendering as a way to insult and demean a transgendered person. That is unacceptable. However, dealing with such incidents as and when they occur, rather than banning the terms used entirely, especially since they are necessary to the study of certain subjects in the field of biology and medicine, is a blanket response and as we have discovered from the lessons of history, blanket measures create broader problems.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: ghostrager

I just don't understand how any of these kids are going to be prepared for the 'real world' (which I thought college was for!) with all these PC blankets and safe spaces to hide under.

So use of the words male and female are considered microaggressions now?!

Why has everything gone to loony tunes?!?!

edit on 13-9-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:51 AM
Fair enough.
But lets hope he/she/they/them?, also drop the term "Professor", which is derogatory to other people, as it implies said person is more intelligent, smarter and above "Normal" people.

So ...Professor is out too, under the proposed logic...

Just call everybody "its".
edit on 13-9-2016 by gort51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

With respect, university is not meant to be a perparation for the real world. That is what high school is for.

Universities are supposed to be locations where the real world is irrelevant and only the pure academic matters are considered. They are supposed to be places where aspiring physicists can work their formulae to their hearts content, absent the cloying, mindless complaint of the terminally dull, that nothing so boring can ever amount to anything interesting. They are supposed to be places where artists can hone their crafting skills, in an environment which promotes rather than stifles their creativity. They are supposed to be places where a person can become immersed in history, drunk on poetry and literature, where academic achievement and study are paramount and all other concerns fall by the wayside.

They are NOT supposed to be places where things like ones careers and other mortal concerns, are ever supposed to enter into the equation. All there is supposed to be, is the access to data, an environment where ones access to it is not only permitted without limit, but advocated for by staff and student alike, in all fields.

If your universities are doing anything besides allowing such environments to flourish, then they are not doing their jobs correctly. Period.

High school is a much better preparation for the real world. It contains people you may have grown up with. It contains not the merest hint of intellectual excellence. It prepares one to live cheek by jowl with morons, places the physically weak under the heel of the physically strong, promotes ignorance over intellectualism. That is the real world. That is not what university is supposed to be about.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Oh is that why there's safe spaces?

Well it's good to see what these bright minds so entrenched in academia are accomplishing here.

I would have dropped this pretentious joker's class upon reading the syllabus.

edit on 13-9-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 07:00 AM
If its not a required class and the students knew the deal when they signed up, then who cares?

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 07:23 AM
Anyone remember seeing a movie "Freejack" ? I picture a future like that coming soon to a neighborhood near you and I.
Years ago we all smirked at "1984", now nobody's laughing.

Subverting the natural order of things can only fail, much as the 'Flat Earth' crowd. As for these ''Professors", one could look back and see what many have twisted for their own beliefs ...... take Saul Alinsky for instance, or the ever popular Che Revera.... Few have any idea what he actually stood for and was espousing, but the youth sure like the T-shirts.

Un-challenged, these 'Professors" will subvert our youth into mindless automatons...

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: ghostrager

The syllabus is 404'd so I don't believe this for a second. Sounds like sensationalized BS to me. Another case of conservatives being outraged over misunderstanding a liberal's actions.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 07:28 AM
I assume shortly after this incident the professor was forcibly retired?

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: ghostrager

There are only two genders. Male and female.

Actually that is incorrect, you are forgetting hermaphrodites.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: 191stMIDET

That is indeed the one exception.

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