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My view of space exploration

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posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 07:40 PM
When I consider what we have achieved so far in space exploration, it seems that we have made very little progress.

The Apollo Moon missions ended in 1972 at a time when astronauts not only walked on the Moon but also drove around on the Moon's surface in small 4 x 4s. In those days , it seemed that space exploration had truly begun. Then suddenly , it all stopped. Since 1972, no human has gone further than the 220 or so miles above the earth's surface - a distance that the Space Shuttle and ISS dare to venture.

Some of you will say that we never went to the moon in the first place. This is becoming increasingly a possibility. This would explain why 44 years old technology was good enough but not 21st century technology. This would also explain why they are not sending astronauts to the moon as a training exercise. After all , they are supposed to have done it so easily in the 70s. Now there is talk of landing a manned mission on Mars but still no talk about sending astronauts a little bit further out into space ; further than the space station.

Personally I think that scientists are barking up the wrong tree; flogging a dead horse as it were. You also have businessmen such as Elon Musk talking about Mars landing soon. By the way he believes that AI androids will takes us over and turn us into pets and he suggests our survival depends on putting a layer in our brain which will make us think like machines.

Why do I think that scientists are barking up the wrong tree ? I'll tell you why. If a manned spaceship was to land on Mars in say 200 years from now, I can imagine what they will see. There will be some guy sitting in a deck chair with an handkerchief hat on and a pint of lager saying :” hey, what took you so long”

The point I am making is that the Moon, Mars , Venus and all other planets in our solar system are easily accessible. You only need to transfer your consciousness to a subtle body (e.g. body of light) and you would be there in a flash. Entities from other dimensions and other parts of the galaxy and indeed from other galaxies have been doing just that. The only ones I do not particularly like are the ones that have shed their tails and horns for a more sexy, lycra look. I am talking of course about the so-called greys.

edit on 30-8-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies

Yes sir/madam, you've been paying attention! The U.S. government has been lying about their exploits in space. Why? Because nearly everything they say is an outright lie, if not a lie by ommission.

So why such slow progress? The average American would shrug and change the channel if asked that question. Only those that are awake can see we're not being told the truth.

Yes there is a secret space program.
Yes Venus, Mars and the moon have all been explored by us.
And yes, we have technology to enable fast space travel. ( However, us humans cannot achieve the etheric or light body until we reach 4th density.)

All of this has been confirmed by numerous insiders, whistleblowers and former NASA employees.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies
It is not about technology but about money.

NASA budget back then peaked at 4.4% of federal budget. But already in 1975 it dropped to 1% and is currently at 0.5%.

Some also say that it was the space shuttle programm that kept NASA stuck in low orbit by eating up large amounts of its budget.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Thanks for your interesting comments. Nobody seems at all interested , as you say.

Topics that get people going here are those that make them feel that they have no control over what goes on . Such topics as Mendela effect ot "superior" AI taking over humans.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: moebius
a reply to: crowdedskies
It is not about technology but about money.

NASA budget back then peaked at 4.4% of federal budget. But already in 1975 it dropped to 1% and is currently at 0.5%.

Some also say that it was the space shuttle programm that kept NASA stuck in low orbit by eating up large amounts of its budget.

Yes, the space shuttle was a big heavy dinosaur (or a Dodo - as in : bird has wing but cannot fly)

I would have thought that technology would have made up for what is lacking in funding though.

edit on 31-8-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: crowdedskies

Third Party Evidence for Apollo Moon Landings...

Sending humans into outer space to the moon is one thing, traveling the distances in relation to our nearest planets is quite another. The Moon at all times is roughly about 250, 0000 miles away while Mars which is pretty close to Earth at this moment in relation to orbits around Sol is presently about 83.2 million miles away from Earth.

It takes about 51 hours to get to the moon using chemical rockets such as in the Apollo missions.

There are technologies that are today on the drawing board and others where engines are being tested that can
get us into our solar system much faster.

In the interim and despite budget restrictions and beyond the Voyager program we have satellites as far as Saturn in orbit.

The obvious next step is to colonize our solar system and in time moving billions of people to live their.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:33 PM

According to NASA, a vessel with humans on it would take roughly six months to travel to Mars and another six months to travel back from Mars. In addition, astronauts would have to stay 18-20 months on Mars before the planets re-align for a return trip. In all, the mission would take roughly 2 1/2 years.

Cost for mars trip has been estimated between 500 to 1000 billion which would take 30-60 years to save if NASA put its entire budget (20B a year) in a bank. Clearly its not affordable whilst 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion, goes into military spending.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: glend

Actually other estimates range around 80 to 100 billion which is nothing to sneeze at of course.

NASA is working with a prototype engine known as the EM Thruster.

Estimates have presented be calculated to speeds that can take us to the Moon in under 5 hours.

That means to Mars in roughly a week.

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Kashai

100 billion would make it equivalent to Apollo program cost (20 billion) in today's terms so that should be economically viable given the benefits it provides to industry and of cause national pride.

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies interesting theories.
I have mine of course, which are a bit different. I'm convinced that the mass ET's we heard about are hoaxes, carefully produced to confuse certain groups of people and absorb their creative potential for the aims of the high priesthood which is holding power since ancient times. It is quite unlikely the landing of the moon to be real, neither. It was perfect mass delusion for the same reason, bring the aim of creative power to the agenda they wished for. Humans are willingly selling their inspiration and souls, for this what they most highly regard, and if this would be a fata morgana, matters not. Technocracy happens to be so powerful idea, exactly because people believe in it, and are worshipping it on all cultural levels. Technology and science are power words, just like pizza. They are something having imaginative power, a power with no substance, a power fed only by our collective intelligences. Gold has the same power, money too, life also. All carefully premeditated by the priesthood itself. Magic is not only the ridiculous idea of throwing fireballs from your palms, magic is not only to sense things before they appear, magic consists of the manipulation of energy sources, directing them to desired result, by changing their natural course and flow, like making a dam on a river, or creating electricity from magnetic fields. And human intelligence is a source of that kind. Make man to love the idea of torturing others and he will do it willingly when opportunity comes. Make man to love space ships and he will build them when his tools allow. Make man love physical experience to the limits of love itself, and man will fear death with the same boundless power of love. Now you cannot make every man to change himself from A to Z just in a lifetime, but seeding your ideas in the generations of his culture, they become solid as iron, and accepted by default, with no questioning. Then your agenda slowly but relentlessly dominates over all other ideas in the conscious of humanity. It's like selling pizza, first create the cult for pizza, then just open your shops on the street corners. No matter what is the real value of the food called pizza, people will regard it not with their rational minds, but will think of it with the subconscious, which is attached to the power of the cult itself. The same you can make people hate things. Like feeling confused without toilet paper and wet wipes, or salt and pepper. And worst, being unable to think for themselves, as it is proposed that collective humanity is so smart, that you just have to listen to the info sources of the day, and you know exactly everything. Read a magazine, watch the news and leave your brain in the bin. That's the motto of 21st century.

Always against and true,

edit on 1-9-2016 by Argentbenign because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
a reply to: crowdedskies interesting theories.
I have mine of course, which are a bit different. I'm convinced that the mass ET's we heard about are hoaxes, carefully produced to confuse certain groups of people and absorb their creative potential for the aims of the high priesthood which is holding power since ancient times. It is quite unlikely the landing of the moon to be real, neither. It was perfect mass delusion for the same reason, bring the aim of creative power to the agenda they wished for. Humans are willingly selling their inspiration and souls, for this what they most highly regard, and if this would be a fata morgana, matters not. Technocracy happens to be so powerful idea, exactly because people believe in it, and are worshipping it on all cultural levels. Technology and science are power words, just like pizza. They are something having imaginative power, a power with no substance, a power fed only by our collective intelligences. Gold has the same power, money too, life also. All carefully premeditated by the priesthood itself. Magic is not only the ridiculous idea of throwing fireballs from your palms, magic is not only to sense things before they appear, magic consists of the manipulation of energy sources, directing them to desired result, by changing their natural course and flow, like making a dam on a river, or creating electricity from magnetic fields. And human intelligence is a source of that kind. Make man to love the idea of torturing others and he will do it willingly when opportunity comes. Make man to love space ships and he will build them when his tools allow. Make man love physical experience to the limits of love itself, and man will fear death with the same boundless power of love. Now you cannot make every man to change himself from A to Z just in a lifetime, but seeding your ideas in the generations of his culture, they become solid as iron, and accepted by default, with no questioning. Then your agenda slowly but relentlessly dominates over all other ideas in the conscious of humanity. It's like selling pizza, first create the cult for pizza, then just open your shops on the street corners. No matter what is the real value of the food called pizza, people will regard it not with their rational minds, but will think of it with the subconscious, which is attached to the power of the cult itself. The same you can make people hate things. Like feeling confused without toilet paper and wet wipes, or salt and pepper. And worst, being unable to think for themselves, as it is proposed that collective humanity is so smart, that you just have to listen to the info sources of the day, and you know exactly everything. Read a magazine, watch the news and leave your brain in the bin. That's the motto of 21st century.

Always against and true,

Phew! Interesting post but a few paragraphs would have helped make it easier to read.

I guess you are a fellow "individual" like me who does not believe in all the collective BS that they are pushing about. The majority of humans have already become zombies ; with only herd mentality and herd views.

I am intrigued too about who are the maniputalors (you refer as priesthood). What I do know is that every politician (no matter how strong-willed and individual they are ) ends up being taken over by some force. Irrespective of political ideology, they all aim towards the "globalist" agenda and everything is geared towards that .

ATS started with people being anti-globalism. However this has now changed and I believe the majority is all for it now. Very sad. Even in this forum , there are members pushing the "unified action "approach and globalist agenda.

Coming back to the manipulators, I find them quite elusive. I tend to believe that the ultimate objective is to push the masses into little bubbles . For example large sealed domes that give the sheeples that feeling that they have mastered the art of environment management. Already , I see a lot of excitement from people who prefer to shop in a closed , sheltered shopping centre instead of in the open.Families seem to prefer the "Cruiser Ship" type of environment; withno risk and everything monitored for safety. The idea being pushed is that living in a city appartment is the coolest thing to do, whilst the manipulators grab all that is left of land (acres of it). And so it goes on...but you already know more about this. I can see from your post.

I was brought up with the concept of owning a town house and the remote cottage . In my case it was a beach-front bungalow where I spent the best years of my life during school holidays. In the part of the world I was born, everybody learned to swim in the sea. However, all these spaces are being taken from the public right across the world.

Coming back to space exploration and your comments, I agree with you that the space topic is one that is being manipulated extensively. Add to this the likes of Elon Musk or Richard Branson with their unrealistic space views which have already won over so many.I just could not believe how people fell for what I consider the Virgin Galactic con: A few seconds in "low orbit" for the price of US$ 200,000 (or is it more than that. At least Sarah Brightman saw through it and cancelled her trip.

Yes, the manipulators are proposing a love of the machine. Sit back and let your car do the driving. Sit back and let a robot brush your teeth and wipe your bottom and they are all falling for it. Meanwhile the ones who manipulate are looking forward to owning more land and engaging direct with nature by driving their car (yes, steering their own car with own hands; feeling the force of the wind as they windsurf in a lagoon where all sheeples have been driven out. Meanwhile the sheeple live in their over-crowded unban baracoon feelng how cool their life is and thanking providence for all the machines and gadgets.

edit on 1-9-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies
You guessed it right, I neither like BS. Now we have to bring back the brains to the other 99,998 people on ATS, and we can have a small army to turn the tables.

posted on Sep, 2 2016 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies Not all, but most of the zillioners who consider themselves em enlightened have some linage connection to the Egyptian royal priesthood, which at the second and third kingdom of Egypt, when there was a lot of rivals and pharaohs were weak, took possession over the rulership. When their order was prosecuted in the last kingdom, they swore to avenge. Considering they were all magicians, their oath meant something more than just an angry curse.
They got to their vengeful affairs, and by rivals and induced wars Egypt was soon no more. The pharaoh ruling class of Egypt sunk into oblivion, but their pain did not bury their minds. They did and they still do fight the priesthood. Their ancestors wished to build new Egypt in north America, and they almost did, but after the declaration of independence was signed, the priesthood started to undermine their work. Thus the civil wars in US, and Zion took over the land of the free. On economical and social level the war continues. But I should say no more.

Know, there is a legacy of kings, and there is legacy of priests. The war wages from millenia, with millions of people intertwined, by their wish or not on the"battlefields". But don't make false assumptions, neither of the world wars was between the two legacies, they both(wars) were endeavor of the priesthood solely. The stagnation which we experience right now is also their job and is aimed to disarm the Kings legacy most powerful weapon, people's belief. And sadly I see how it flawlessly works. For this we need to make no compromise with our reaction. But first we got to open our eyes to do so, yet the hypnosis of the priesthood holds the masses in trance...

edit on 2-9-2016 by Argentbenign because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2016 @ 07:58 AM
i dont care about your view

posted on Sep, 2 2016 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
a reply to: crowdedskies
You guessed it right, I neither like BS. Now we have to bring back the brains to the other 99,998 people on ATS, and we can have a small army to turn the tables.

The individual brains want to come back but the doors are locked. It is the collective brains (from social media and heavy indoctrination ) that are the new residents.
edit on 2-9-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)


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