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Is Atheism just an Antichristian Religion?

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posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 12:44 PM
Recently, I have observed a cascade of self proclaimed atheists wage war with Christians. It is a militant level of obsession befitting the title "militant atheism", however, there seems to be something distinctly absent. If one speaks of buddhism, or taoism, or hinduism, or islam, the same self proclaimed atheists have nothing to say. They become quiet as church mice. Except, this isn't entirely true...

Actually, what happens, is they will talk even MORE about Jesus, the Pope, or Christians. "What about Buddha?" you might ask. They will respond with a tirade against Jesus. "What about Muhammad?" they respond with a video of cups labeled Jesus and Science, and Science chemicals turning Jesus wine into "water". "What about Shiva?" They then follow up with a rant about how stupid Christians are and how the Apostles didn't even have Jewish names.

Atheism is supposed to be non-religion. Not Anti-[specific religion to the exclusionary pass for all others]

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: skynet2015

OMG its Skynet. I bet your waiting for the right moment to strike humanity with your machines aren't you?

It is quite obvious. Look at who is running around and attempting to force convert through brainwashing attempt.
edit on 27-8-2016 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: makemap

It is quite obvious. Look at who is running around and attempting to force convert through brainwashing attempt.

But you're not worried about the people attempting to force-convert by cutting your head off if you don't?

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: AaronOfEther

originally posted by: makemap

It is quite obvious. Look at who is running around and attempting to force convert through brainwashing attempt.

But you're not worried about the people attempting to force-convert by cutting your head off if you don't?

Look at which country is letting them through and supporting them. False crusades are the way to go. Everyone must convert to Christianity for the NWO agenda. When that happens, we would be storming all the way to Japan from the West. Two sides of the same coin is not right. Jesus does not approve.

God is no longer protecting America. Why else is everything exposed?
edit on 27-8-2016 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:06 PM
Not all Christians are pedophile priest, same as not every atheist cares about picking on people who believe in fantasy invisible characters.
edit on 27-8-2016 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: skynet2015

"Evangelical Atheists"

They want to convert you...

originally posted by: infolurker
I understand the motivation of of theists. Saving a soul or trying to bring another to salvation are common themes and expectations of the faith. What drives the "Evangelical Atheists" to attempt to "convert" others? Is it hatred? Fear? Ego? Anti-Christian-ism?

The observed behaviors of the Evangelical Atheist is so similar to a religious fundamentalist that I almost believe it is a religion into itself.

So, I shall ask... What is driving the Evangelical Atheist's zealousness? What is driving the motivation to attack faith in god at every opportunity?

First, before the normal zealot crowd arrives and says "what is an Evangelical Atheist" or "there is no such thing"

or "Atheist can't be Evangelical" let me define what we are talking about and you can associate whatever "title" that best fits this behavior or description.

What is an Evangelical Atheist:

2. Evangelical Atheist: An evangelical atheist is one who not only believes there is no god or other supreme being, but is obsessed with convincing everyone around them to become an atheist too, usually through hard-line intolerance (the kind they accuse other religions of). When cornered they usually try to put down their opponent's religion and bash them for 'blind faith', not realizing that their belief that there is no god is no more or less valid or provable than the other guy's belief that there is one. Not to be confused with normal atheists/agnostics, who for the most part just don't talk about religion and accept the beliefs of those around them as their prerogative. Evangelical atheists are particularly common on the Internet, as organized religion is generally accepted as part of 'the system' of global human society, and lately it's become cool on the Internet to hate 'the system'. Evangelical atheist usually seeks to "convert" borderline theists, often by engaging in debate with fundamentalists.

Nevertheless, some of the brightest minds in the English-speaking world right now argue that religion is the problem. And we know they’re the brightest minds because they keep telling us they are. The New Atheists are positively evangelical. They want to make a convert out of you, although if you’re a “dyed-in-the-wool faith-head” they’ll settle for peppering you with insults and sarcasm instead.

What is most worrying is that the New Atheists seem to gain the most followers precisely among the most ambitious and intelligent young people—the people who will be actively shaping government policy in the years to come. Attracted by the intellectual rebelliousness of the movement, young people fall for its insidious message: join us and you can be one of the smart people.

In the 1800s, Karl Marx and other thinkers systematized this anti-religious hostility. When the followers of Marx gained power in Russia, they were even more ruthless than the French revolutionaries in their suppression of religion. Similar horrors followed dogmatic Communism wherever it came to power.

But most of the English-speaking world was spared this excessive institutional atheism. The United States, in particular, has always zealously guarded the freedom of anyone to practice any religion that does not seriously interfere with public order.

That’s why we’re so surprised and baffled by what we call the New Atheism. For the first time in our relatively tranquil history, we’re facing a determined attempt not just to keep organized religion out of government (which most religious Americans agree is a good idea), but to suppress religion completely.

What we call the “New Atheism” is a bit different than its predecessor. It’s more aggressive, and it has more power. The leaders of the sect are well placed in the academic world, and they have a strong determination to mold government policy.

And you wouldn’t like the government if the New Atheists molded its policy. Richard Dawkins has asserted that teaching your religion to your child is a form of child abuse and should be criminalized. Other New Atheists have argued that churches should have to post a sign reading “for entertainment purposes only,” since after all they’re no less a fraud than telephone psychics.

The New Atheists see religion as a disease to be exterminated. Their dream, in short, is not a government neutral to religion, but a government actively hostile to religion. The evangelical atheists assume that religion must inevitably breed mindless fanaticism.

The same mindless fanaticism they in turn use!

edit on 27-8-2016 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: skynet2015

You're confusing "atheists" and "anti-theists". Atheists simply don't believe in God. If you lived in Ancient Rome or Ancient Egypt/Kemet and didn't acknowledge their pantheons as being real, you'd be considered an atheist. Kind of like how I don't accept Ravana, Thor, or Susanoo-no-Mikoto as being real.

Anti-theists are the ones who hate religions. I agree that there's pretty much a cult of anti-theists who are aggressively anti-Christianity and/or anti-Islam.

But I don't think it's good to paint all or even most atheists with that label. Most atheists I've met in real life seem to be good people that simply don't accept the religious beliefs of others without proof.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Not all Christians are pedophile priest, same as not every atheist cares about picking on people who believe in fantasy invisible characters.

The type of short answer that deserves applause for plain old common sense.

Most people that I know that are atheists, however, if they saw/met Jesus, Mohammed (sp?), Siddhārtha Gautama, Shiva, Lucifer, .......would just say "how 'bout that, he/she does exist!!!?

People that have strictly bought into some type of religious dogma would have a harder time accepting new beliefs

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:26 PM
OP, you're trying to drum up a fight where little to none exists.

I think the number of 'evangelical atheists' is massively outnumbered by the number of evangelical christians by orders of magnitude.

Did it never occur to you that there might be a fervent backlash sooner or later against attempted brainwashing of children and demonizing of adults for non-belief in fantasy?

Are people who are against Nazism (that like religion has resulted in millions of deaths over the centuries) 'evangelical'? Or are they finally rising up and saying NO to BS?

There are quiet atheists and noisier ones. Both are having an effect, as technologically oriented youth start wising up to the danger of a 'belief system'.

It's about damn time, too. Be glad we're not burning people at the stake, like your ancestors liked to do for any spurious reason they could come up with. I for one am damn tired of the lower common denominators running the world.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: SentientCentenarian

It's about damn time, too. Be glad we're not burning people at the stake, like your ancestors liked to do for any spurious reason they could come up with. I for one am damn tired of the lower common denominators running the world.

Right. Because atheists have such a great human rights record when they're in charge of things.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:43 PM
Maybe the reason why atheists are not attacking the eastern philosophies are that they do not share the Abrahamic idea at the core that only our faith is a way to reach spiritual knowledge and a connection to something more. I do not agree that the atheists are not addressing Islam. If you read the threads on Ats then from my point of view Muslim have it very hard to convince people here since people are very aware of what the Quran say and not say.

The eastern philosophies are not build on duality where you are a cursed to hell for not following a specific idol/prophet. That is why they can coexist with each other and do not have to compete with each other and can let people logically decide if the ideas are worth following.

Here are some videos from known atheists or in Sam Harris case an Abrahamic Atheist.

I think every Christian should be happy that the reformation is over so that Christians have moved on from being ruled by a corrupt Catholic church controlling you thru faith with power pyramid Ponzi schemes where the priests have a final judgement on what is good and evil.

Islam is still not there yet and that is sad for all Muslim all over the world since the change that they will have to go thru is not easy.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: skynet2015

"Evangelical Atheists"

They want to convert you...

originally posted by: infolurker
I understand the motivation of of theists. Saving a soul or trying to bring another to salvation are common themes and expectations of the faith. What drives the "Evangelical Atheists" to attempt to "convert" others? Is it hatred? Fear? Ego? Anti-Christian-ism?

The observed behaviors of the Evangelical Atheist is so similar to a religious fundamentalist that I almost believe it is a religion into itself.

So, I shall ask... What is driving the Evangelical Atheist's zealousness? What is driving the motivation to attack faith in god at every opportunity?

First, before the normal zealot crowd arrives and says "what is an Evangelical Atheist" or "there is no such thing"

or "Atheist can't be Evangelical" let me define what we are talking about and you can associate whatever "title" that best fits this behavior or description.

What is an Evangelical Atheist:

2. Evangelical Atheist: An evangelical atheist is one who not only believes there is no god or other supreme being, but is obsessed with convincing everyone around them to become an atheist too, usually through hard-line intolerance (the kind they accuse other religions of). When cornered they usually try to put down their opponent's religion and bash them for 'blind faith', not realizing that their belief that there is no god is no more or less valid or provable than the other guy's belief that there is one. Not to be confused with normal atheists/agnostics, who for the most part just don't talk about religion and accept the beliefs of those around them as their prerogative. Evangelical atheists are particularly common on the Internet, as organized religion is generally accepted as part of 'the system' of global human society, and lately it's become cool on the Internet to hate 'the system'. Evangelical atheist usually seeks to "convert" borderline theists, often by engaging in debate with fundamentalists.

Nevertheless, some of the brightest minds in the English-speaking world right now argue that religion is the problem. And we know they’re the brightest minds because they keep telling us they are. The New Atheists are positively evangelical. They want to make a convert out of you, although if you’re a “dyed-in-the-wool faith-head” they’ll settle for peppering you with insults and sarcasm instead.

What is most worrying is that the New Atheists seem to gain the most followers precisely among the most ambitious and intelligent young people—the people who will be actively shaping government policy in the years to come. Attracted by the intellectual rebelliousness of the movement, young people fall for its insidious message: join us and you can be one of the smart people.

In the 1800s, Karl Marx and other thinkers systematized this anti-religious hostility. When the followers of Marx gained power in Russia, they were even more ruthless than the French revolutionaries in their suppression of religion. Similar horrors followed dogmatic Communism wherever it came to power.

But most of the English-speaking world was spared this excessive institutional atheism. The United States, in particular, has always zealously guarded the freedom of anyone to practice any religion that does not seriously interfere with public order.

That’s why we’re so surprised and baffled by what we call the New Atheism. For the first time in our relatively tranquil history, we’re facing a determined attempt not just to keep organized religion out of government (which most religious Americans agree is a good idea), but to suppress religion completely.

What we call the “New Atheism” is a bit different than its predecessor. It’s more aggressive, and it has more power. The leaders of the sect are well placed in the academic world, and they have a strong determination to mold government policy.

And you wouldn’t like the government if the New Atheists molded its policy. Richard Dawkins has asserted that teaching your religion to your child is a form of child abuse and should be criminalized. Other New Atheists have argued that churches should have to post a sign reading “for entertainment purposes only,” since after all they’re no less a fraud than telephone psychics.

The New Atheists see religion as a disease to be exterminated. Their dream, in short, is not a government neutral to religion, but a government actively hostile to religion. The evangelical atheists assume that religion must inevitably breed mindless fanaticism.

The same mindless fanaticism they in turn use!

Thank you for posting this, a perfect synopsis of their methods. It's exactly what I've been seeing on ATS. And it is a religion for them imho, a very anti religion that consumes them with hate.

edit on 27-8-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: skynet2015
Recently, I have observed a cascade of self proclaimed atheists wage war with Christians. It is a militant level of obsession befitting the title "militant atheism", however, there seems to be something distinctly absent. If one speaks of buddhism, or taoism, or hinduism, or islam, the same self proclaimed atheists have nothing to say. They become quiet as church mice. Except, this isn't entirely true...

Actually, what happens, is they will talk even MORE about Jesus, the Pope, or Christians. "What about Buddha?" you might ask. They will respond with a tirade against Jesus. "What about Muhammad?" they respond with a video of cups labeled Jesus and Science, and Science chemicals turning Jesus wine into "water". "What about Shiva?" They then follow up with a rant about how stupid Christians are and how the Apostles didn't even have Jewish names.

Atheism is supposed to be non-religion. Not Anti-[specific religion to the exclusionary pass for all others]

I've noticed this trend too. It always comes back to the crusades and whatever scandal is going on at a church here and there as their basis. They have no vision, just very narrow blinders imho.

edit on 27-8-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:23 PM
The rationale and reasoning of atheists, on the whole, is terribly flawed, yet they fancy themselves to be so smart.

Some Christians are among the world's greatest thinkers, since we're not unwilling to delve straight into the very heart of things in pursuit of universal principals which Jesus taught and embodied.

It really bothers me the degree to which they make various assumptions and then, without any basis in reason and truth and logic, disparage a philosophy and way of seeing and being as an ideal and model of authentic leadership, of which they don't have the first clue and do not care to even begin to understand.

It's not only highly disrespectful, but it's ignorant, and even rude and snarky, while at the same time lacking any real basis or foundation for an argument that's reasonable and civilized.

I think after their onslaught of attacks over the last two decades on the Internet, that people are starting to wake up to the nature of their hate and loathing and poorly conceived arguments, with the pendalum starting to swing in the other direction as well-intentioned and good-hearted people continue the conversation about Jesus and what he intended, in the ongoing pursuit and quest for meaning and significance, a conversation in which the atheist has little or nothing to contribute of any value.

It's vacuous, even nihilistic, because it's fundamental argument is based on a purely materialist monist view of the world and the human being (as just a thing).

edit on 27-8-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: edit

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:23 PM
No, religion is a practice of a belief in a Dogma.
Atheists do not follow a dogma, nor practice anything.

Having an opinion does not equate to belief in a religion.
This argument is nonsensical.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Some Christians are among the world's greatest thinkers, since we're not unwilling to delve straight into the very heart of things in pursuit of universal principals which Jesus taught and embodied.

Christians don't concern themselves with what Jesus taught. What Christians believe is that Jesus was God incarnate, whose life purpose was to be a blood sacrifice unto himself, murdered to pay a ransom to Satan in order to buy back the souls of those who believe the story. This is what atheists reject, not what Jesus, if he existed, taught.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:40 PM
Anti-Christian vitriol seems to be in vogue these days and is very prevalent here at ATS.
It can be seen in several posts today and there appears to be a contest for who can be more insulting.
A conspiracy minded person might even think there is something larger behind the trend.
It is, most definitely, unattractive but I guess hate and intolerance is acceptable here as long as it is only directed at

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: skynet2015

1) There is one god and Abraham is his chosen people and Jerusalem is the axis mundi.

2) There is no god and Abraham is his chosen people and Jerusalem is the axis mundi.

Between the above two is no real practical difference.

3) There is no god. Abraham is irrelevant myth and Jerusalem as axis mundi is also irrelevant.

4) Whether god/gods/goddesses or no, Abraham as myth is relevant to global domination and Jerusalem as mythical axis mundi is also relevant toward global domination.

Choose your battle.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: AaronOfEther

originally posted by: SentientCentenarian

Right. Because atheists have such a great human rights record when they're in charge of things.

Which atheists are those? Because Hitler, for one, was a 'christian'. You going to bring up Pol Pot, who wasn't raised in a christian tradition and 'therefore was an atheist'? Because I doubt we know for sure what his religion was, if any. Despots only pretend to religion (like Trump is doing) in order to acquire power, in reality they're uninterested in the topic either way.

Atheism and morality have NOTHING to do with each other. Neither does any religion.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 03:34 PM
OP, please prove to me Jesus existed as a living person.

Then please prove to me Jesus was half-god, conceived by essentially a rape impregnation of a virgin by a full god.

Please prove to me how this full god had the plan already well thought out, of allowing this half-god/human to live 33 years, whereupon he'd be tortured and murdered in order to take away the 'sins' of all 'believers' then and eternally into the future, and what kind of god would think up this disgusting scheme? How's that work already, the whole 'I'll take your sins away if you'll believe in me' thing? How does 'eternal life' get promised, but not reincarnation for some reason?

Please explain all the other things in the bible (buy-bull) like talking snakes, global floods, intermittently vengeful yet loving, then murdering god figures, all the rest of it that creates cognitive dissonance in any thinking human that is not brainwashed at an early age into not questioning it all, lest they go to hell for eternity and be tormented by this same 'loving' god.

Please let me know where hell dwells, so I can avoid falling into it.

Ditto heaven. Where's that at? Exact co-ordinates, please.

How come your god looks like a white man in most portrayals? If 'god' made man in his image how come the majority of human males look different than white?

How come there's so many variants of religion, when only one can be the true one?
Have you considered the possible personal outcomes if your particular belief system is not the 'right' one?

What kind of 'god' condemns a moral person who has lived an honorable life if they don't believe the exact right kind of stuff? Or if they were born in a place where this belief system has not taken hold?

How come you call people who don't believe all this 'evangelical atheists' instead of 'free thinkers' or 'secular humanists' or any other of the numerous less infuriating and self-righteous names you could use?

Why are you SO worried about being challenged?

Because those of us who have watched and been quiet and exceedingly polite (oftentimes out of fear) while your types have taken over every gathering with your cheap prayers and every national and patriotic event with your obligatory references to YOUR god (not anyone else's) are kinda tired of it. And enraged by how slowly you learn.

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