posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 05:29 PM
Therefore, one can realize, any ideas and perceptions and feelings i hold for reality are in truth only seperating me from reality. Therefore, to grow
closer to real reality, i must let go of the conceptions of mine. So, I build up, first, everything i can imagine, and my feelings for them. You can
do this as these thoughts and feelings arise naturally within you or you can do it through meditation. Then, I let go of these things, realizing that
they exist regardless of my conception of them.
They will still plague you, yea they will grow worse, but the idea at this stage is to simply watch these things as they come and go. Notice how your
feelings arise and fall and how they coincide with your thoughts and how these coincide with your actions and how these coincide with the rest of
reality.... Keep firmly in mind that all these things are illusions generated by your ego, and constantly reject them in your mind realizing that you
are the observer and the ego is feeding you lies.
relinquish your control, relinquish your importance, relinquish the quaint notion that there need be any meaning at all... Despair will arise, just as
hardhsip arises...and just as with hardship your job is to weather on with a smile on your face, simply experiencing... doing your best to bring
benefit to the world around you... Existantial dread will too pass... all things pass into the unkown, this is the physical death of things. We can
sail past this metaphysically long before we physically die, this is our gift as humans, the ability to become consciously as one with objective
This is the fight against Satan, this is what was meant when Jesus said 'take up your cross daily and follow me' Jesus won and he assures us that he
will fight for us... We simply must begin the fight and resolve to keep trying to fight a winless battle... He promises us that when we come to him he
will relieve us of our burden and he will give us his to wear... He will take up the fight against ego, who cannot stand befor him... He will cleanse
the spirit of ego and he will give us his cloak to wear and we will eat of truth and be satisfied and he will reign in our minds and we will be pure
and clean. He will unite us with our father and we will be perfect in his sight.
The reason these words seem empty is because they must be experienced.