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Murder in the neighborhood

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posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 02:03 PM
There was a murder in the streets a couple blocks away from where I live, a man stabbed another right in the chest after an argument.
It's all well when you hear these things in the news, but when it happens in your neighbourhood, seeing a whole block cordoned off, police everywhere, it hits hard.
There's a great number of idiots and psychos walking the streets.
Then I think about the family of the victim, how they lost their loved one suddenly just like that, because of a stupid violent argument. Not even being able to say goodbye or I love you, one last time.
The atmosphere is weird, like an oppressive air in the area.
I would like to be able to say a big f*** you, scumbag killer, and wish you and all other murderers and maniacs the worst and mean it, but there is no satisfaction in that, it doesn't change anything. Plus that's not in my nature.
The truth is you are probably just victims of your own demons and conditioning. Trapped in your own little world of fear and anger, too weak to stand up for yourself using your intelect, too blind to see there's always other choices.
Anger and violence is the weapon of the weak and scared.

I don't know if it's a rant, just had to say it.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

The sad thing is Big Media corps keep on desensitising violence, and Big Movies corp keep on portraying is as "cool".

Your message is a sensible message, thank you for sharing.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

It should speak for about 25% of ATS members

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

I'm a bit desensitised to murders to be honest, unless of course I knew or cared about the deceased.
The world can be a horrible place and a percentage of any population will always be horrible.

Your rant isn't gonna stop anyone from carrying out murder but I see your sentiment.
A man got beaten to death in the street next to mine a few weeks ago, the killer was caught, and I didn't know either of them so cared as much as I do when reading about say a murder in London.
Can't cry for the world...well you can, but it seems a waste of life to me.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

Murder has been part of life for humans everywhere throughout time. We could count our lucky stars that we live today and not in days gone by. Murder in most neighbourhoods is a calendar moment to be remembered for always. It isn't so long ago when it was almost a part of the fabric of day-to-day society.

This isn't to dismiss the effect it has had on you. I'm acknowledging how it's been much worse and how grateful I feel that murder is something to be appalled at instead of taking it in our stride.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:13 PM
Sadly I lived in a street where this happened three times in a year. Plus more madness.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:48 PM
But... murder is entertainment! Look at any night's teevee listings! Murder this, that and the other thing! Gun fights, stabbings, rape victims, missing dead children, car chases and shootouts. Bleeding screaming pretty women!

All of it day after day after day, for your entertainment, and for the entertainment of tiny children plunked in front of a glowy doom box as babysitter.

Add in 100 degree heat and a bunch of alcohol, and your choice of pharmaceuticals, and yeah, people are going to get stabbed in the chest in broad daylight.

What's to be done about it? Damned if I know. Maybe a collective realization that 'civilization' isn't THIS, would be a good start.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: SentientCentenarian
What's to be done about it? Damned if I know. Maybe a collective realization that 'civilization' isn't THIS, would be a good start.

Humans will always kill each other, always have.
There is already a 'collective realisation' that murder is wrong, just some folk will always be psycho killers or regular murderers who snap in a moment of emotion.
Someone in that zone doesn't care if society generally abhors murder, and crying about the murder of strangers doesn't fix anything.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

That's the thing, I also feel like I'm becoming desensitized in a way, thanks obviously to the apparent increase in the reporting of violence in the news, in the web, in the facebook feed, and of course the 'terrorist threat'.
Maybe I'm trying to hold on to the part of me that wants to live and still believes in a truly advanced society. Where humans finally understand their psyche, and what makes us all the same, and there is real education and help for those that need it.
Yes it's a waste, I know, an Utopia.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

Ah we share a wish for Utopia, just I save my energy on creating it wherever I can.
Grieving for the worlds individual strangers would take some of the same energy I wish to use changing my own little life bubble.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: athousandlives makes you too...happened to some friends of mine and the annoying one is still out there... in my hood.
Wish she would just serve time for longer than one night... then my friends can feel like it is safe to be around where she is.
My friends friend was a harmless fellow... or not... never spoke to him except when he yelled at me being in the porta potty..and that did not make me mad... may his spirit move along, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Don't mean to derail your rant and start my own, I'm still upset.
I have asked her to settle on one man or just ask JC for forgiveness but she won't stop being a windbag of annoyances.
The police had been notified... it is up to her to confess and ask for forgiveness... yet she wants to deny me... any authority as a messenger for the good lord... good word and do I pray..
May all involved find truth in the confession of sin in the name of my lord and friend... the knick knocker. From below...
Op, hope all is well and your neighbor hood finds solace and serenity in the evil act of what occurred... and the loved ones of the perfect and departed soul tend to the spirit of their beloved human.
With love and gratitude, ACat.aman men Ahbrother, blessed are the women for they love too.
This is not me being a troll, I belong to a foundation of certain sect of certain tribe..of Egypt. The Nefrites. If you have any questions, pm me I will contact my leaders.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

The worst criminals and biggest psychos are the ones getting voted into power and worshipped by the people. Ill take a murderer on the street over mass murderers who have been given power over everyone else.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions (Excluding serious mental defects) but you also can't ignore how diseased society is now. Just because you dont live it or see it does'nt mean it is non-existent or rare it just means you know little about it and could never understand it.

I knew someone who was a criminal, then he became a murderer and that was the last time I saw him. From an outside perspective you could say he is a dick. But if you knew him you'd know he was sexually abused by his uncle and physically abused by his mum and dad till the age of 13 when he got taken into care. By then it was to late and he was already twisted by these events. As he grew up im guessing he got worse though mentally he seemed normal when you spoke to him inside is a different story.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: athousandlives

I'm sorry you're having to go through this.

Its an odd thing. The statistics show a steady decrease in crime since the year 2000 and then, beginning in 2015, the violent crime rate started to rise, although only by a small percentage. A lot of it may have to do with the economy. People see things improving somewhat around them and they hear the unemployment rate has come down and the economy is improving, but.............they don't feel it in their personal lives. And of course, its the case that most of the jobs being added aren't high paying quality jobs. Every year of this so-called recovery, I expect its getting very frustrating for people.

Keep an eye on the trends in your neighborhood. If there's more of this, you might want to consider moving. We've had to do that twice now. It has gotten tough though because the criminal element has been moving out to the burbs. Only the wealthy in their gated communities and private security get to live relatively safe anymore. I'd wager that if the rich people were getting killed at the same rate as the rest of us, they'd do something about the problem.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 06:26 PM
Oh man, sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how unsettling it is for you and everyone around there.

I can only suggest coming together for something positive? A BBQ? Helping out the elderly in their yards? A neighborhood clean up day? Something to focus on positivity in the neighborhood.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: WhatGoldStandard

Yeah, psycho killers in the whole spectrum of life

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: athousandlives

I can only imagine the way the area must feel, after something so violent. Any death can be difficult, and a violent death is even more so. I firmly believe, too, that there is a spiritual effect from such a thing, which is what you would be feeling.

Any idea if the killer was caught?

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

It looks like nobody has been arrested yet, police still calling for eyewitnesses even though it was in a busy intersection on a Friday night.
Yeah there's definitely some sort of 'spiritual' effect after something like this happens, you can feel it in the air, and it's not just shock and sadness. I can only begin to imagine what must it feel like when there's a mass shooting or attack.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: WhatGoldStandard

The worst criminals and biggest psychos are the ones getting voted into power and worshipped by the people.

I won't argue with you on that.

Society is well diseased, that's my understanding too, that's why I say I can't honestly wish them bad, because all of this is just a reflection of the general state of humanity. And it will get worse probably, until we start putting more importance in the studying and taking care of our minds, and understand that we all have the possibility of insanity and violence within ourselves just as much as the possibility of love and happiness.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: athousandlives
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

It looks like nobody has been arrested yet, police still calling for eyewitnesses even though it was in a busy intersection on a Friday night.
Yeah there's definitely some sort of 'spiritual' effect after something like this happens, you can feel it in the air, and it's not just shock and sadness. I can only begin to imagine what must it feel like when there's a mass shooting or attack.

That has to make it so much worse, because anyone hanging around could be the attacker. Hope they get whoever it was! Be safe.

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