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Friendly Reminder: Donald Trump Still Hasn’t Released His Tax Returns

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posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Only the people that REALY care???

I don't know what reality you came from, but in this one people that vote Are the ones who REALY care and many of them care when it looks like a nominee is hiding something which is exactly what it looks like Trump is doing.

I am just telling you the facts about it while I should stay quite and let each party degenerate further, because I support neither of them.

500,000 more votes for Johnson.

Did I do it right?

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: dragonridr

Your right corporate taxes are often conected between the years.

Nobody is asking for Trump Corporate tax returns. We're asking for his personal tax returns. Donald Trump, the corporation isn't running to president, regardless of Citizen's United!

He runs nearly all of his businesses as sole proprietorships and partnerships. His personal income comes from those businesses. Again, already explained by his lawyers.

And that's the problem you don't seem to understand each corporation pays taxes quarterly. Meaning his taxes are always in Flux. Corporate taxes for each of his companies are constantly amended for up to 5 years. Meaning in 2016 he's still dealing with tax returns from 2011. The only thing you would see on trumps is disbursements from his companies. Meaning seeing his tax return is useless as I said you want to look at his financials. They have far more information than his tax returns and currently anything from 2013 on is an estimate.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth


I see. Like I said, political partisanship. You go ahead with propaganda. Like I said before I am sure Trump is devastated that he missed the chance of getting your vote. He must know you were on the fence

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Anyway you look at it, Trumps' refusal to release his tax returns, any tax returns, makes him a liar, again!

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: dragonridr

Your right corporate taxes are often conected between the years.

Nobody is asking for Trump Corporate tax returns. We're asking for his personal tax returns. Donald Trump, the corporation isn't running to president, regardless of Citizen's United!

He runs nearly all of his businesses as sole proprietorships and partnerships. His personal income comes from those businesses. Again, already explained by his lawyers.

And that's the problem you don't seem to understand each corporation pays taxes quarterly. Meaning his taxes are always in Flux. Corporate taxes for each of his companies are constantly amended for up to 5 years. Meaning in 2016 he's still dealing with tax returns from 2011. The only thing you would see on trumps is disbursements from his companies. Meaning seeing his tax return is useless as I said you want to look at his financials. They have far more information than his tax returns and currently anything from 2013 on is an estimate.

Lol, It's not me who is so desperate to see his tax returns. i agree with you. He's already released the financials.
His tax returns will mean and show very little.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

Anyway you look at it, Trumps' refusal to release his tax returns, any tax returns, makes him a liar, again!

Well no it really doesn't. It means he doesn't want to release his returns until the audit is done. It makes him wise.
I can understand your political motivations leading you to NEED and WANT to call him a liar, but that really doesn't make it so.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

If it is as you claim, and Donald Trumps taxes are tied up in audit from 2009...?

Then lying Donald Trump knew that when he promised the American people that he would release his tax returns, no problem.

In an interview with talk radio host Hugh Hewitt in February of 2015, Donald Trump said that would “certainly” release his tax returns if he ran for president, saying he had “no objection” to the idea.

So, was he lying then, or is he lying now? It doesn't matter, because if his lips are moving, he's lying!

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

Anyway you look at it, Trumps' refusal to release his tax returns, any tax returns, makes him a liar, again!

It means he doesn't want to release his returns until the audit is done.

Just an extension on his 15 year audit?

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

If it is as you claim, and Donald Trumps taxes are tied up in audit from 2009...?

Then lying Donald Trump knew that when he promised the American people that he would release his tax returns, no problem.

In an interview with talk radio host Hugh Hewitt in February of 2015, Donald Trump said that would “certainly” release his tax returns if he ran for president, saying he had “no objection” to the idea.

So, was he lying then, or is he lying now? It doesn't matter, because if his lips are moving, he's lying!

He's not said he won't. He said he will release when the audit is done.
It's not me claiming he is under audit form 2009, it's his lawyers.
edit on 29/7/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

Anyway you look at it, Trumps' refusal to release his tax returns, any tax returns, makes him a liar, again!

It means he doesn't want to release his returns until the audit is done.

Just an extension on his 15 year audit?

No his lawyers said the 2002-2008 audit is done, however the audit from 2009 includes income attributable to ongoing transactions from 2002, so it's all wrapped up - according to his lawyers.

Trump has complained about being continually under audit though - often citing that his friends are not. Why that is one could only speculate.

edit on 29/7/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

He said he will release when the audit is done. It's not me claiming he is under audit form 2009, it's his lawyers.

Says the lying Donald Trump.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

He said he will release when the audit is done. It's not me claiming he is under audit form 2009, it's his lawyers.

Says the lying Donald Trump.

We'll not know that until his audit is done, but as I said before I understand your political needs.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Why that is one could only speculate.

That,... perhaps 6 bankruptcies, leaving investors, contractors and employee high and dry, not to mention his defunct university embroiled in lawsuits. LOL He wants us trust him to run the country!

It's not looking good for the angry little orange man!

edit on 29-7-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: UKTruth

Why that is one could only speculate.

That,... perhaps 6 bankruptcies, leaving investors, contractors and employee high and dry, not to mention his defunct university embroiled in lawsuits. LOL He wants us trust him to run the country!

It's not looking good for the angry little orange man!

Lol, I can see your are quite outraged

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

I can barely understand my own taxes and my wife is a tax consultant. What are the chances I am going to understand the tax details of a billionare? I'll tell you....slim to none. The only people I ever hear talking about Trumps or Hillar's tax returns are media attention whores or rabid political partisans whose wet dream is to find any little tidbit of info that will keep the game of dirty politics endlessly playing in order to promote their own brand of political propaganda. Do yourselves a favor and stop being political pawns.
edit on 7/29/2016 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/29/2016 by Sparky63 because: spelling....sticky keyboard

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Sparky63
a reply to: UKTruth

I can barely understand my own taxes and my wife is a tax consultant. What are the chances I am going to understand the tax details of a billionare? I'll tell you....slim to none. The only people I ever hear talking about Trumps or Hillar's tax returns are media attention whores or rabid political partisans whose wet dream is to find any little tidbit of info that will keep the game of dirty politics endlessly playing in order to promote their own brand of political propaganda. Do yourselves a favor and stop being politicl pawns.

Yep that is right and the fact Trump is not falling for the liberal attack Romney fell for last time around AND it is not effecting his poll numbers is frustrating the hell out of the liberal media and their attack dogs. That's where the silly insults come from.

I rather suspect, by the way, that Trump will play this out for all it's worth, getting liberals all in a lather and frothing at the mouth. Then dump his tax returns around October showing huge income and no issues. He's already reporting last years business income at a whopping $500m plus.
edit on 29/7/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Sparky63

so investigate everything Hillary has done....but, investigate how trump makes his money and pays his taxes, and now we are political pawns and attention it.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

It doesn't matter who you support...You are still pawns, That's the nature of the game. Sad but true.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Sparky63
a reply to: UKTruth

I can barely understand my own taxes and my wife is a tax consultant. What are the chances I am going to understand the tax details of a billionare? I'll tell you....slim to none. The only people I ever hear talking about Trumps or Hillar's tax returns are media attention whores or rabid political partisans whose wet dream is to find any little tidbit of info that will keep the game of dirty politics endlessly playing in order to promote their own brand of political propaganda. Do yourselves a favor and stop being politicl pawns.

Yep that is right and the fact Trump is not falling for the liberal attack Romney fell for last time around AND it is not effecting his poll numbers is frustrating the hell out of the liberal media and their attack dogs. That's where the silly insults come from.

you mean Romney using offshore accounts to skirt paying taxes? mean that "attack".....yeah that was a vicious, in the gutter mean thing to say (shakes head).....this is while thread after thread after thread is nothing but Hillary and democrat attacks.....yeah I feel so terrible.....what goes around, comes around

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