posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 01:30 PM
The only way Demons can posses a person is when their vibrations are low, a high vibrational person would literally burn these demons up. For example
what happens when you put bad fuel in a car, it wont run as good. Well the same thing happens when you put bad food and information in your body.
Foods like meat, sugar, dairy all lower your vibrations. Watching TV programs that promote fear, death and violence all lower your vibrations. The TV
is the biggest weapon for demons it is in every home in America. Not only that but demons use your TV as a portal while your under a trance watching
football, perfect timing for these demons to enter your home through your TV and start manipulating your thoughts. You don't have to believe me but
its the truth.
After this you go to work the very next day with your mind racing and
thinking everyone is gossiping about you. You see this is how they get you, then you come home from a long days of work, you turn on the TV what's
the first thing you watch is the news and all you see is the
media promoting death, violence and fear. So and so got killed on
block ave, so and so got killed on main street, where waging war with
Iraq today Iran the next, Protest over here and Riots over there,
Police killing today. See this is how they keep you at a low vibration
with all these distractions.
I'll let you in on a little secret alot of what you see reported by
the media are fictional events. Perpetrated by demon entities that can manifest in our realm taking on human form just to push their agenda. If your
still asleep and haven't woken up yet ask yourself this why are they dropping chemtrails full of aluminum and barium over our heads. Why are they
putting high fructose corn syrup in our food, which if you look up what it is it's rat poison. Why are they putting fluoride in our water that cause
dementia, alzheimers and calcifies your pineal gland. Why are they putting artificial flavors and
sweeteners like msg in our foods which are all poisons. Why is
Monsanto selling us GMO seedless fruits that are fake with no
You see everything your good books told you would happen is happening. This is all by design if you look at you low income communities for example you
would see there's no fresh produce in the community but you have liquor stores, corner stores and fast food joints on every corner by design. So these
areas become high crime rate areas, so then private companies and investors move in by building new prisons. Locking these people up, once locked up
they could feed these people whatever crap they want. If you notice something most of these people that come out of prison are never the same person
prior to entering prison. They've been institutionalized to the point they come out walking the streets talking to themselves demon possessed and
re-entering the prison system committing worse crimes.
In the not so distant future many people will become RFID chips not
implanted but actually become the RFID chip. It will all be from what
you eat, the government will do everything in their power to limit
natural food production including seeds to grow fresh produce. In its
place will be Monsanto specialized food that were created in
laboratories with no nutrients. So how do you become the RFID chip,
easy when toxins and parasites accumulate in the body you'll
eventually clog up your pores and colon leaving no where for these
toxins to be released from your body. From there you become a walking vessel to demonic spirits to enter and posses you at will. Not only that but
the government, the police, your job can track your every
move and every thought on their CPU systems. They could then send WiFi and satellite signals to your brain to manipulate what you hear and see.
This is the reason why they are dumping aluminum on our heads,
aluminum is used in deodorant to prevent you from sweating. In the
future when the government implements thought laws you'll know this went into full affect. The RFID chip makes you a product of the demon network
sort of like Facebook.
Satan and his demons are working like clockwork to trap as much souls
as they can on earth. Those with low vibration will be stuck into this
3D realm reincarnating over and over in Satan's kingdom where he sits watching from the darkside of the moon. He'll come from the sky appearing as an
angel of light bearing gifts to heal the blind, the
sick and those missing limbs using nano technology from aborted
babies. From there he'll have people believing he's God and that he could get them to this new world.
They would then have to agree to plug themselves into machines. Life
will be so chaotic and miserable that this would seem to be a perfect
alternate. For those who willingly accept to plug themselves in
machines their souls will be dammed for eternity. Satan will be able to control their thoughts and actions destroying their free will. This is what
you call transhumanism an age of cyborgs and machines.
Satan is acting fast now poisoning the food, the air and the animals.
He knows his time is running out and he see's a perfect opportunity
with this me generation. This generation were raised on fancy new technology and gadgets they have learned to trust and rely on technology. Satan
believes he can capture many souls by collapsing the economy, creating wars, jacking up oil prices so people can't travel, feeding the people GMO
foods. This me generation will cry for change and here comes Satan with the resolution, cause and effect. He'll tell the people plug yourself in these
machines you'll be free from pain, you'll be free from fear, you'll be free from stress and you won't
have to suffer no more. Many will accept not knowing the dire
consequence of losing their souls in the process. This is why I come
here as a messenger to wake you up, only a few will get this message
many won't be prepared, many will be deceived. Take head to the
warnings and raise your vibrations.