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Undisputed proof that demons do exist.

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+12 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:36 AM

The possession and exorcism of Ammons was actually filmed inside the house by police. Throughout the hour-long film officers hear testimony of children picked up and flung against walls and furniture; of adults being ‘choked to death’ by some supernatural force; of a demonic form appearing in different shapes – the shadow of a man, a black looming monster; an apparition of a withered old lady with red eyes and hood; of a house that bled clear, odorless oil and of the household’s three children convulsing and chanting Satanic verses. In a chilling aside, in a separate audio recording made by one of the officers as he took pictures while his colleague filmed – audible here exclusively at MailOnline – the two officers’ speech is cut across by a whispered, but clear, ‘Hey.’ Neither said or heard it at the time. Both are now convinced it is a demonic rasp, issuing a welcome or a challenge as they stood unwittingly on the lip of a ‘portal to hell.’ At one point, Ammons’ mother, Rosa Campbell, who acted as ‘paranormal tour guide’ to the officers drawn from Gary, Lake County and Hammond Police Departments, admitted saying to her daughter: ‘Nobody’s going to believe this, Toya.’ Certainly few involved in the case wanted to when it began in early spring 2012. But today, the veteran police officers, experienced physicians, paramedics, nurses, social workers and clergy linked to the case speak of being ‘attacked’ by demons, profoundly shaken and left with little choice but to believe that ‘something’ possessed the 32-year-old mother-of-three and the rented home in which she, her children and her mother, lived from November 2011 until May 2012. Rosa recalled an occasion on which she was down there alone doing some cleaning: ‘I started coughing and joking so bad…I was praying the whole time and they don’t like for us to pray. They don’t like that at all. ‘Something down there was choking me to death, I don’t know what it is.’

On another occasion she said that her daughter, Latoya and godson were in the basement when, according to Rosa: ‘He felt like something was stabbing him in the stomach. The more he was was reading the Bible, the more it was stabbing, punching... they saw something flying across the room and land “blam” like that.’ Rosa reached for the object she claimed had been flung by some demonic force – a small Holy Family ornament. She also said that her daughter had told her that, as the force had grown in power she had seen it’s full manifestation in her bedroom one night. ‘She said it was like a scary, ugly, black monster… she couldn’t say anything else.’

Two of them most disturbing physical manifestations were witnessed by several medics and law enforcement officials.


One of the best documented cases of demonic presence. Multiple medical and law enforcement officials witnessed these events. According to the news article one of the witnesses even taped what they saw.

As many here on ATS know I have written often about demons and their existence meanwhile those hard core non-believers who wish to not believe in this theory is now clearly a fact based on numerous witness accounts. Here is the proof needed to show that demons do exist. This can not be explained in any way other than there are invisible creatures to the human eye that can and do attack humans and find religious artifacts to be repulsive.

You see.... if everyone would be honest about this theme they would have to realize that if there are demons..... then there must be other things unseen to the human eye.....angels? God? Satan? Jinn?

It is IMO this one article destroys any beliefs atheists and other non-believers might have concerning demons.... a spiritual being. So this act of violence witnessed is proof of a spiritual world beyond most people's comprehension because IF this is true as the article has proven then there is much more to this spiritual realm as atheist and non believers attempt to refuse to believe.

I know why atheist and other non believers refuse to believe in this......they would have to make big changes in their life styles.... something they REFUSE to do. This would mean they would have to see that God does indeed live. This OP is not to debate about God and his existence this OP is to show that there is indeed a spiritual unseen world around us.

For those who enjoy research and are looking for truth... this subject is not hard for anyone to understand that demons are real. Simply because you have not seen one does not mean they don't exist and attempting to explain it away with mental disease by using various terms in psychology or with psychiatry and GENERALIZING it all is deceitful and dishonest. Most psychologist and psychiatrist earn a majority of the annual income and become large grants based upon these exact issues of seeing and experiencing demons. Yes there is mental illness but in the medicine field it is ALL classified as mental and this is the mistake. So to the scientist who want to stick to their explanation of the definition of "science" you will never progress when it comes to spiritual revelation and to those who have written manuals and books about disregarding the spiritual world as nothing more than imagination will one day (actually already) will be shown wrong and this should make people think what else are they wrong about.

Are you open minded enough to look into this phenomenon or do you plan to stay closed minded?

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:50 AM

However, instead of utilising this information in the form of 'haha, told you so', state to ATS that you are here to help non-believers protect themselves from the djinn / daemons / negative entities etc in the coming days of chaos.

At present, a lot of them are going to get angry and simply stick their heads in the sand rather than open their minds to reality.

As the veil continues to thin, more sightings of negative entities will become evident. Its then that believers will be needed to guide non-believers back to the Love of Christ Messiah.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:51 AM
I've seen a demon looking at me through the eyes of a relative. I chose to ignore it. Later my husband told me he saw it too ,he's clairvoyant. The situation was in hand, but it Is a disturbing experience to witness something like that. Looked like Yellow eyes" of the show Supernatural - weird thing is,it could only be detected from our peripheral vision, the moment one looked at her straight- on her eyes appeared more normal.I'm happy there' s not likely to be a repeat of that situation.

+8 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:53 AM
The article proves nothing
Only that some people are delusional and are linked in some kind of mass mind trick, probably all hypnotised

The only real way to prove anything is with real hard data, scientific evidence, real scientists.

That won't happen because, science has to deny the spiritual, it can't quantify what it can't explain

Scientists are in fear of having to deal with what's beyond what they can explain

Scientists are in fear, what if they don't, can't explain everything, they become redundant

+7 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Tristran

I have found for myself, the best defense against negative spirits/ demons is to have no religion- but to be aware that you are a sovereign soul and to stand your ground against spiritual/metaphysical bullies. But to each their own.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: Tristran

However, instead of utilising this information in the form of 'haha, told you so', state to ATS that you are here to help non-believers protect themselves from the djinn / daemons / negative entities etc in the coming days of chaos.

At present, a lot of them are going to get angry and simply stick their heads in the sand rather than open their minds to reality.

As the veil continues to thin, more sightings of negative entities will become evident. Its then that believers will be needed to guide non-believers back to the Love of Christ Messiah.

I am not making this a HaHa article believe me. I know most of the atheist and non believers at this website and trying to reach out to them about religion or Christ only pisses them off and they they accuse me of "force feeding" them my religion. IMO I think the best way to reach out to a nonbeliever is to show clear proof in one area that can not be denied and explained away as in the OP.

Actually I don't expect many atheist to respond to this thread. It is too much for them to accept....they would rather walk away and ignore it. Not much to argue here....

edit on 3-2-2016 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:57 AM
Do we have video? Otherwise, I tend to agree with Raggedyman:

The article proves nothing
Only that some people are delusional and are linked in some kind of mass mind trick, probably all hypnotized

Some perped it, some joined in, and the police were called to make it 'official'.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:58 AM
I would f*ing LOVE to see such a thing. Yes, it would be terrifying, but it would show me that there is more to the world than known science.

Up to now, anything resembling the supernatural is wishful thinking. If there were such events, they might be very rare so that the witness will tell himself that "it could not have happened", regardless if it bit him in the toe or whatever happened.

Never call a scientist "close minded"! Those are the ones with the most open minds in the world, as they accept anything happening. But it has to happen!

+20 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:58 AM
If you had kept this about paranormal activity and not as antagonistic, it would have been much more interesting. "Proof" of demons is not proof of "God". Try sticking to the facts of the case and stop the "na na na na na".

+5 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Yeah..I don't buy it.

'Chanting Satanic verses'-what is a satanic verse? How does the source know what a satanic verse is-if it even exists?

"May Lucifer and Apollyon guide us along the Styx as Cerberus stands vigilant"

Many faiths have their own version of hell but undisputed proof? a bit of a stretch.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I remember this being discussed back when it allegedly happened , if there is video of the The possession and exorcism I'd be interested to see that but don't see a link to it.

I don't believe in Demons or Demonic possession but if evidence can be provided to show it a real thing I'd happily reconsider my position , until then it's an interesting story but I see no Undisputed proof.

Interview with those involved.

edit on 3-2-2016 by gortex because: edit to add video

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
I've seen a demon looking at me through the eyes of a relative. I chose to ignore it. Later my husband told me he saw it too ,he's clairvoyant. The situation was in hand, but it Is a disturbing experience to witness something like that. Looked like Yellow eyes" of the show Supernatural - weird thing is,it could only be detected from our peripheral vision, the moment one looked at her straight- on her eyes appeared more normal.I'm happy there' s not likely to be a repeat of that situation.

I am sorry to tell you.... but it will return. This relative is under attack. It is not uncommon for some demons to show themselves. It is a sign of control and with the hope of getting you as well. Do not look into the eyes of a demon they can be very hypnotic. Possession comes through the eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

If you want more info then just send me a message.

God bless.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
The article proves nothing
Only that some people are delusional and are linked in some kind of mass mind trick, probably all hypnotised

The only real way to prove anything is with real hard data, scientific evidence, real scientists.

That won't happen because, science has to deny the spiritual, it can't quantify what it can't explain

Scientists are in fear of having to deal with what's beyond what they can explain

Scientists are in fear, what if they don't, can't explain everything, they become redundant

This is exactly what I said in the OP isn't it.

For anyone to make a blanket statement as you have shows your unwillingness to examine it any further.

This is a closed mind.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: Tristran

I have found for myself, the best defense against negative spirits/ demons is to have no religion- but to be aware that you are a sovereign soul and to stand your ground against spiritual/metaphysical bullies. But to each their own.

That is exactly what most demons want. They do not like to be confronted. They prefer to remain hidden as they feed.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:09 AM
Slow news day in the Mail.


posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Thank you for the offer, much appreciated but she has thankfully removed herself from our lives. And there shall be no returning to us, as a person she is unfortunately a prize ass@#@$ by nature, a really psychopathic manipulative sly user of people, someone who loves to cause trouble for people, lie, cheat and steal, break up friendships etc.

There comes a time after decades when you have to say enough is enough,this toxic person shall Not ever be part of our lives in any way shape or form.With or without demon present she is too toxic to have Any involvrment with.

But i do appreciate your offer of help, thanks again,Bless you

edit on 3-2-2016 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2016 by Raxoxane because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Ok, I read the article and saw the one video that showed absolutely nothing. The only thing worth commenting about is the still image of a ghostly image which is easily faked. Someone said there was other video evidence, but I don't see it. I am still waiting for that one video that is remotely convincing of a ghost, demon, spirit whatever. Really, I want to believe.

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
I would f*ing LOVE to see such a thing. Yes, it would be terrifying, but it would show me that there is more to the world than known science.

Up to now, anything resembling the supernatural is wishful thinking. If there were such events, they might be very rare so that the witness will tell himself that "it could not have happened", regardless if it bit him in the toe or whatever happened.

Never call a scientist "close minded"! Those are the ones with the most open minds in the world, as they accept anything happening. But it has to happen!

I like your point of view. Star for you.

I understand your excitement about this subject and there is only one way to control that desire and "see for yourself" but there are so many dangers involved. Simply make one mistake around a dangerous demon is enough to ruin you and your family.... and most of the times it involves sickness and sometimes death.

I use to recommend people to start up a paranormal investigation group but I no longer recommend it due to the fact those in the group decide to do it their way and disregard essential training. So instead I recommend you approach your local bishop and offer to assist in any spiritual interventions the church has ongoing. I highly recommend this for unbelievers..... let them see with their own eyes.... it will make a believer out of you EVERYTIME.

When you walk into the room and this person looks at you and then tells everyone in the room your deepest and darkest secrets and sins..... and your life as a child....well lets just say.....most go running for the door.

You will find it hard to convince a Bishop unless you show the true love and faith required to be a layperson in these types of attacks.

According to Father Malachi (in the late 90's before he found murdered) the east coast of the U.S ..... possession and obsession has increased as much as 800%.

If you are really interested.... to looking and you will find it.

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:30 AM
Where is the unquestionable evidence the OP refers to?

I do not see unquestionable evidence here.

Also, the idea that we either agree with the position of the OP or have a "closed mind" is an obvious false dichotomy.

Where's the evidence?

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
If you had kept this about paranormal activity and not as antagonistic, it would have been much more interesting. "Proof" of demons is not proof of "God". Try sticking to the facts of the case and stop the "na na na na na".

The facts of the case should be more appealing then my words for those who are truly interested in the spiritual world.

To say demons exist and agree that there is evil spirits in a spiritual world that surround us but then say there is no proof of God makes no sense. No logic to this statement. Do you not understand there are opposites in this world..... left/right, up/down, light and dark etc......

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