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crap happens and over time peoples opinions and social value systems rise and fall, and what was acceptable back then sure is not today, and vice versa.
originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: Tenebris
Completely agree. There's the really nice ones, not so nice ones, neutral ones, bad ones and the extremists.
To single out a whole culture or religion because of the extremists is rediculous.
It would be like hating all Christians because of "The Army of God", all Americans because of the mass murders, all the Finnish because of the skinheads, all the British because of the BNP and so on.
originally posted by: frenchfries
you're so right... and it takes a good one to tell you how really bad the bad ones are!
originally posted by: savemebarry
originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: Tenebris
Completely agree. There's the really nice ones, not so nice ones, neutral ones, bad ones and the extremists.
To single out a whole culture or religion because of the extremists is rediculous.
It would be like hating all Christians because of "The Army of God", all Americans because of the mass murders, all the Finnish because of the skinheads, all the British because of the BNP and so on.
You got any bloods or crips coming over for dinner tonight?
I mean to say all gang members are bad is "rediculous"
Go on, be a happy camper, invite them all in, there are only a few who will want to steal your things, beat you for your culture, rape your wife... not enough to worry about.. hell, it will only be 1 or 2 who want to blow your house up.
originally posted by: mekhanics
a reply to: Tenebris
But Majority Militant farty Christians are in a mission to convince everyone, 1.6B Muslims are BAD! Their religion are BAD. So therefore they're terrorists!
F****n flat-earthers!
originally posted by: SpaceGoatFart
originally posted by: Snarl
Most people have a problem with the political ends of Islam. They simply fail to see there are two components: One religious and the other governance.
Focus on the governance part ... and you can kick every stinking one of them back to the Middle East where their system of government belongs.
I have a problem with the political ends of Christian faith and Zionism in the US.
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: imsoconfused
"If the majority of Muslims would stop wanting us dead maybe that would stop."
But the majority of Muslims just want to get on with there lives and really wish you no ill will whatsoever.
Why not try testing the premise of you argument? Ask 10 everyday Muslims out on the street whether or not they wish you dead.
Whats the bet that 9 of them really dont give a crap?
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
originally posted by: Jefferton
Also, water is wet.
Pointless thread.
You'd think that, but the way people act on these forums when you say the word "Muslim" makes me greatly doubt that.
originally posted by: Raggedyman
originally posted by: WeRpeons
All religions have been used to justify killings, maiming and torture. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize religion is the catalyst that corrupts and brain washes the mind, the soul, and creates conflicts and wars around the world. Just like the saying "it's the economy stupid", in this case, it's "Duh, it's religion stupid!"
So did atheism, non religion
Stalin, Mao, pol pot
It's people
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: savemebarry
Why should I talk seriously to someone who insults me and my opinions before asking a question? How about this? You are wrong and you'll just have to accept that as my opinion.
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: savemebarry
What about the washed Socialists?
No wonder you're voting clinton, really. you want the world to collapse as they are planning it.
originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: Tenebris
Completely agree. There's the really nice ones, not so nice ones, neutral ones, bad ones and the extremists.