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"Pre-Packaged" BBC News Report of War Breaking-out Between Russia ...truncated

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posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: bastion

In case you missed it, the thread was never about whether it was an actual event that happened, it was about a 'canned event' which related to current personnel that limits its viability to a very short term.

It is a conspiracy theory...

Why else are we here?

If you want facts, proof, and mathematically proven statements, go to a physics forum.

To be clear I was laughing at the creators of the video not yourself as I worked in the sector for 15 years and been watching BBC news since I was four or five so I was mainly offering my expertise to help others deny ignorance (most people are less boring to have spent deacdes studying new and it wouldn't be so obvious to them (I'd be clueless if it was a report in a language I don't understand/news network I'm not familar with so shared my unnique insights from having worked for BBC Norrth, but that doesn't mean they don't have a right to know information or access it (just as if your breaks down you take it to an car mechanic).

I gave a list of hints and tips on how to spot fakes, how 'canned news' and links to the real conspiracies in journalism.

Though I am a physicit/applied mathematician so do have an annoyingly logical mind and wrote for CERN cafe and a few forums - forums are debating grounds, if people all agreed or based arguments on unsubstanciated statements then there's little point in having a forum.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: notmyrealname

If you want facts, proof, and mathematically proven statements, go to a physics forum.

That's why this should be moved to either a hoax, skunkworks, LOL.,.

Because those are where threads like this end up, as they have zip to provide to back the claim.

It is a conspiracy theory... Why else are we here?

And we are on a conspiracy theory site that has a very interesting motto...

Deny Ignorance.

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Yep, and the last thread of mine that was moved to the gray area or hoax bin was actually completely accurate and verified. That being said, while my thread sat in the dumpster, 4 new threads populated the "new" news regarding what I had offered as insider information in the first place months earlier.

...Deny ignorance indeed....

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: notmyrealname

what thread are you talking about?

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: notmyrealname

what thread are you talking about?

posted on Aug, 10 2016 @ 09:01 AM
Just thought i might add this nugget to the conversation...The guys family played a prank on him and it worked a treat.

Caution: a few swear words......Given the circumstances i'm sure it's acceptable.

edit on 10-8-2016 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: Pyle
Notice how it cuts away from the bbc news anchor at the start and goes straight to B reel? Also how the news anchors don't identify themselves which isn't very bbc like. Or the Stock photo of the PM. It is 100% fake. Not even a good fake.

The Anchor you can see is George Alagaya, the voice you hear immediately is not him. I stopped watching straight after that, fake as.

posted on Dec, 20 2017 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

It was you, really.

You were even doing an ATS post on your phone at the time!

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 07:15 AM
Hello, friends. I trust performing a bit of thread necromancy is not out of order.

I went looking on YT for "Ben Marking's" videos which I really enjoyed back when they were released. I found them gone, their channel gone, and the trail several months cold. However, I did find this article from the BBC:

Naturally, the "beeb" was not pleased with having their name attached to something so controversial...I'd always assumed that. We all knew it was fake, and the channel's creators never tried to pretend it was anything but that. However, I'm intrigued by the revelations in that article. We now know the origins of the "Ben Marking" name, in any event. And then there's this paragraph, which stands out to me:

According to the company website, Benchmarking Assessment Group was "founded in 2006 in Ireland" and works with clients to develop "methodologies in assessment for selection, development and talent management".

Am I the only person wondering what sort of "clients" this company might be working with? I can see prepping your workforce for fires, hostage situations, mass shooting, various natural disasters...but nuclear war? That's taking "preparing for every contingency" to a whole new level.

Anyway, thought I would share what I found even though it's old news by now. I find it intriguing, and I'm wondering what ultimately happened to those videos. I always thought the one with the "Bargain Hunt" show at the beginning was the best of them. Banality pre-empted by the ultimate horror.

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