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I once supported the legalization of weed...

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posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Given the tests for marijuana in your system trace it back to 30 days, sometimes longer but can't pinpoint any specific time frame within that 30 days, that whole argument about marijuana accidents increasing is largely BS. There are no current tests on the market which tell whether someone is high or not.

So someone gets in an accident. Their fault. Blood work is done. Shows marijuana in their system. Idiots will use that to blame it on or attribute it to marijuana when the accused could have smoked three hours prior, three days prior or three weeks prior.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight
Many people that don't se the whole picture say, "then sell your house, take all that money and buy something else." The problem? Anything I buy is inflated over its real value as well. My house is almost paid off, don't want to lose thA to get in a bidding war over a house. In 1996 I purchased for 138k, it's now at 400k. It's 2400sq feet, 4bed/3 bath and my mortgage is $978 a month. Comparatively, you can rent a 2 bed/ 1 bath apartment here for $1700 and higher a month. Is pot the only reason for the increase? Who knows, but skiing has existed here for a long time so it's not that. Perhaps it's our freaky airport...I dunno.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:06 PM


posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:10 PM
And how many people have moved to Holland without any detrimental effects to enjoy their lax drug laws?

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: combatmaster
People have murdered while being high on the purified THC they now use. People are blowing up their houses here pretty regularly with it's well. This isn't your father pot bro...
I agree it isn't normal pot behavior, but it's so purified, the dosage is sometimes 3gummie Bears but people eat a whole bag.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
I'm not a house flipper and your being short sighted. There are retired old people with their houses paid off that can no longer afford the yearly property taxes...that's screwed up. Houses increasing 20% in one year IS big problem.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Morningglory
Funny story, my wife's parents bought 40 acres in a small town called Telluride (have you heard of it) back in 1982. They paid 32k for's now worth over a million. Thankfully they are unincorporated so their property taxes are less than mine. Anyway, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Buying a home in your price range can seriously change to the point you can no longer afford that same house.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: lightedhype
Yep, you get it. Thanks for the post.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Hr2burn

When the tax revenue of weed is in the millions of dollars with expectations of over 600 millions since the legislation was passed I don't think that the weed is going to be gone anytime soon.

That amount of money can buy a lot more cops and security for the entire state.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: Hr2burn

Seriously guy, I'm not opposed to weed.

Unless it involves people moving to where you live so they can access it..

I will say this, "back in my day" you smoked weed, chilled and ate weird food combos. They have now purified the THC and concentrate it to such a purity, people ingest it and kill people, jump off building and things you just would expect of weed. It's not the plant God intended

You may be confused they have not purified the thc they have created strains which produce far more thc then they used to, also the greater use of hydroponics has changed the type of chemicals used and the amounts,so the plant absorbs more which no doubt causes problems....

leave it to man.

That i agree with...

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: Kester
a reply to: savemebarry

AAAhhh! Missed a spelling mistake!

Did you think it though, or....

Let's hope the uptight grammar police don't catch on to that one.

Or those who find being ridiculed over such an important issue. Let's not forget them... cast the first stone, glass houses, et al...

When you've finished sighing melodramatically think a little about the advantages of being able to discuss cannabis with a healthcare professional unworried about potential snitching. That's worth discussing, is it not?

If there is a medical reason to, sure. That's got very little to do with the OP that claims the place is being overrun with stoners who flocked there for the legal weed. If it were legal, unrestricted as it should be, then people could happily talk to a healthcare professional about it.

but never mind that, allude to those who advocated the positive change in it's status as too stoned to think things through.. One step forwards, two steps back...

And really, I'm closely in touch with various UK cannabis organisations, hemp fanatics and CBD sellers. Yes. Many of them are totally away with the fairies and can't see anything except their own fantasy future. The OP is about a consequence that a less idealistically blinded individual may have anticipated.

Did you add thieving cops to that list of unwelcome legislative effects? It's such a common story, money and drugs going missing during a drugs raid, sometimes very large sums of money.

I'm closely in touch with a lady who was making her own oil who had some dick snitch on her, and she is now facing 11 years in jail, has lost her home, her assets, her life, is on the verge of being homeless awaiting trial.

Away with the fairies? So what. What sort of crap is that? "Hurr they're away with the fairies, better to keep them under arrest and away from my lawn."

Have you ever met a skater? or a person who jumps willingly out of a perfectly sound plane? Or someone who climbs tall buildings and base jumps?

yeah they're away with the fairies too. so they have no argument in doing things that they enjoy when it does no one else any harm or causes any problems. Beyond the "I don't like them" arguments...

I think you are all over the place by the way. What on earth does 'thieving cops' have to do with stealing drugs if the drugs are legal, hence no raid?

Someone is trying too hard.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: savemebarry

Spin it all you want. All the descriptions you give to alcohol also fit with pot. A mind altering chemical. period. Now we are faced with more cocktail variations.

Utter complete and obnoxious tripe.

To equate the negative effects of alcohol with pot, you're showing your agenda.

By the way, I'm an alcoholic who has known both. I know which one causes me the more harm. So unless you have lived it, your assumptions are baseless.

What you omit is all those people who have lost possessions or have been incarcerated
were fully aware of the consequences of their acts. Now THAT'S an any definition.

And everyone who helped free slaves knew the consequences too. Or helped Jews. Guess they were addicts too.

Jesus christ the level of ignorance some people still retain is overwhelmingly sad.

So using other addictions to justify another addiction is an addled argument.

How about this. I have a right to do what I want with my own body if it harms no one else. Now tell me, how much does alcohol affect society?


How about get out of my life and stop telling me I am an addict if I choose to disobey a fundamentally illogical and backward law, in protest of my god given rights, and smoke something.

By the way, I don't even smoke anymore, but I see this rubbish espoused and it does my head in.

"Oh them stoners are invading my city and driving slow booo hooo" what a load of toss.

edit on 2-7-2016 by savemebarry because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 02:58 AM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: aorAki

When and 'if' you come down
, you might look again at the definition. It applies precisely to individuals who, to this day, lose literally millions is salaries from professional leagues due to usage of drugs....including Mary Jane.

So drug testing at work is a failure? And I mean for people UNDER the influence, not people who may have used a week ago.

How many people rock up blind drunk to work, hungover. Everyone, I know, it's an epidemic. we need to outlaw people, they can't be trusted. So many lost millions from the drunkards. we need more laws, more prisons, more rules. less rights.

I knew you had an agenda though... good to see you open up to it.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: RedDragon
My buddy just moved out there for the legal pot. He's 25 and makes 6 figures.

He's a dirty rotten dope fiend. You should stop being friends with him. He'll eat all your crisps.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

What is a marijuana related road death, or a marijuana related hospitalisation?

You mean people died on the road and went to hospital, but they had used pot?

How many milk related road deaths are there every year? Bet you can't source me a figure, because there is no agenda against milk, seeing as we don't have a legal milk trade being pushed out of the way for a better, safer milk.

sad.. just sad.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: Hr2burn
a reply to: combatmaster
People have murdered while being high on the purified THC they now use. People are blowing up their houses here pretty regularly with it's well. This isn't your father pot bro...
I agree it isn't normal pot behavior, but it's so purified, the dosage is sometimes 3gummie Bears but people eat a whole bag.

It's my personal opinion that in 99% of those cases, the person was also taking other drugs or drinking. And the other drugs or drinking were the cause.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: Hr2burn

I have hidrandenitis suppurativa. It's believed to be an autoimmune disease, but doctors haven't studied it enough to say definitively. Essentially, I get extremely painful cysts, ranging from dime to the palm of my hand in size. I have had up to 30 wounds on my body at a single time- though that is an extreme and it's not usually that bad. Th worse part is that as the disease progresses (which it doesn't in all people), the wounds form tunnels and swap infection back and forth. Eventually the area will open and remain an open wound, having to be bandaged 24/7.

I only have two of these open wounds, and they are fairly small. But in a bad location, which makes it difficult to move around. Out of desperation I tried cannabis oil (consumed, as smoking has no effect on my wounds), and within 5 days the wounds healed and closed up. This is something the doctors tell me is only treatable with invasive surgery, including a skin graft, and that there is no guarantee it won't return. I experimented, going off the oil, and the wounds open up again.

Like I mentioned, I am pregnant, and so I stopped the oil, the wounds returned but not for long. There is something during pregnancy that allowed the area to heal as well. This is very interesting to me, as it gets worse for some women during pregnancy.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Hr2burn
I'm not a house flipper and your being short sighted. There are retired old people with their houses paid off that can no longer afford the yearly property taxes...that's screwed up. Houses increasing 20% in one year IS big problem.

Your Original Post was about you, not some anecdotal elderly couple. And frankly, those kind of increases are not just contained to Colorado, any time there is a revaluation people see their property taxes go up.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: snowspirit
So it should be legalized everywhere.
Problem solved.

This. This is the answer. Jesus, that was simple.


posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: savemebarry

I love the moronic leveled justification
for pot legalization.....Alcohol.

Somehow booze is the excuse for increasing pot use?? That is hilarious!! I don't disagree that alcohol is perhaps worse than pot. But really somehow that makes pot good??

I could care less whether you were an alcoholic or not. I was heavy drinker in the day and not a single drunken experience, for me, came anywhere NEAR messing me up like a 'cured' doobie did.

I also don't care in the slightest what you do with your own body. Drive, work, interact with others and your not only affecting 'your own body' family members? hello?

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