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Guard against being deceived

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posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society publications have made a series of predictions about Christ's Second Coming and the advent of God's Kingdom, each of which has gone unfulfilled. Almost all the predictions for 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918 and 1925 were later reinterpreted as a confirmation of the eschatological framework of the Bible Student movement and Jehovah's Witnesses, with many of the predicted events viewed as having taken place invisibly. Further expectations were held for the arrival of Armageddon in 1975, but resulted in a later apology to members from the society's leadership.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

What they will tell you: Jehovah’s Witnesses are Christians (although this varies – some JWs will not say this). What they won’t tell you: They believe that all true Christian churches are of the devil. They believe Jesus is not God, but is the Archangel Michael – the first being created by God. They deny that God is a Trinity. They believe Jesus died on a stake, rather than a cross. They deny that Jesus rose bodily from the dead. They believe that ony 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses will go to heaven. The rest will live forever in a paradise on Earth, never meeting the person who died for them – Jesus Christ. They believe that salvation is impossible outside of the Watchtower. They are not allowed to question the Watchtower leadership or teaching. They claim you need to read the Watchtower’s magazines and other material in order to understand the Bible correctly. If you don’t read the Watchtower’s books, you will “fall into darkness” – what they call reverting to normal Christianity. They have falsely predicted the end of the world five times. They have just changed a major Watchtower prediction that the end of the world would come before the generation of Witnesses born before 1914 died.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: whereislogic
Charles Taze Russell The False Teacher

False Teaching Unlike so many other false teachers before and after him, Russell did not rely upon visions or other extra-biblical revelation. Rather, he simply interpreted, and misinterpreted, the Bible. While claiming to be a Christian and, in fact, a Christian who was restoring the faith of the New Testament, he denied many key Christian doctrines including eternal punishment, the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and the existence of the Holy Spirit. Russell, as with most Adventists, denied the existence of hell as a place where the wicked face God’s wrath. He also held that the soul simply ceases to exist after death.As with Arius centuries before, he held that Jesus was a created being, and was actually Michael the Archangel in human form. While he taught that this Jesus died on behalf of humanity, he also taught that Jesus rose only spiritually rather than physically. While he denied the divinity of Jesus, he denied the existence of the Holy Spirit,teaching that the Spirit is not a person, but simply a name given to express a specific manifestation of God’s power. In denying the divinity of Jesus and the existence of the Holy Spirit, he necessarily denied the Trinity.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 09:15 AM
Ephesians 4:29
29 Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.
2 Timothy 4:3,4
For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the beneficial teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* 4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories. [*: Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”]

The person who is rightly motivated seeks understanding, not out of mere curiosity or to exalt himself, but for the very purpose of acting in wisdom; ‘wisdom is before his face.’ (Pr 17:24; see WISDOM.) He is not like those in the apostle Paul’s day who assumed to be teachers of others but were “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything,” unwisely letting themselves become “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words,” things that produce disunity and a host of bad results.—1Ti 6:3-5:

If any man teaches another doctrine and does not agree with the beneficial instruction, which is from our Lord Jesus Christ, nor with the teaching that is in harmony with godly devotion, 4 he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything. He is obsessed* [Or “has an unhealthy fascination.”] with arguments and debates about words. These things give rise to envy, strife, slander,*[Or “abusive speeches.”] wicked suspicions, 5 constant disputes about minor matters by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, thinking that godly devotion is a means of gain.
Luke 16:10,11
The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much. 11 Therefore, if you have not proved yourselves faithful in connection with the unrighteous riches, who will entrust you with what is true?
Proverbs 26:
22 The words of a slanderer are like tasty morsels;
They are gulped right down into the stomach.
23 Like a silver glazing over a piece of earthenware
Are affectionate words from* an evil heart. [*: Lit., “fervent lips with.”]
24 The one who hates others disguises it with his lips,
But inside he harbors deceit.
25 Although he speaks graciously, do not trust him,
For there are seven detestable things in his heart.* [Or “For his heart is completely detestable.”]
Proverbs 14:5
5 A faithful witness is one that will not lie,
but a false witness launches forth mere lies.
1 Timothy 4:1,2
However, the inspired word* [Lit., “the spirit.”] clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements* [Lit., “misleading spirits.”] and teachings of demons,
2 by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron;
Proverbs 18:2
A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding;
He would rather disclose what is in his heart.

Understanding must be based on knowledge, and it works with knowledge, though it is itself more than mere knowledge. The extent and worth of one’s understanding is measurably affected by the quantity and quality of one’s knowledge. Knowledge is acquaintance with facts, and the greatest and most fundamental facts relate to God, his existence, his invincible purpose, his ways. Understanding enables the person to relate the knowledge he acquires to God’s purpose and standards, and thereby he can assess or evaluate such knowledge. The “understanding heart is one that searches for knowledge”; it is not satisfied with a mere superficial view but seeks to get the full picture. (Pr 15:14) Knowledge must become ‘pleasant to one’s very soul’ if discernment is to safeguard one from perversion and deception.—Pr 2:10, 11; 18:15; see KNOWLEDGE.

Proverbs 1:1-6 shows that the “man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful direction, to understand a proverb and a puzzling saying, the words of wise persons and their riddles.” These must not be things said merely to pass the time away in idle conversation, for wise persons would not customarily waste time in such manner, but must refer to instruction, questions, and problems that discipline and train the mind and heart in right principles, thereby equipping the learner for wise action in the future. (Compare Ps 49:3, 4.) Knowledge and understanding together bring wisdom, which is “the prime thing,” the ability to bring a fund of knowledge and keen understanding to bear on problems with successful results. (Pr 4:7)

Isaiah 5:20,21
20 Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,
Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,
Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those wise in their own eyes
And discreet in their own sight!
Proverbs 15:2
2 The tongue of the wise makes good use of knowledge,
But the mouth of the stupid blurts out foolishness.
Matthew 12:34 (Jesus teaching)
34 Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste,* [Or “pure.”] whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering* [Or “thinking about; meditating on.”] these things.
Leviticus 19:16
16 “‘You must not go around spreading slander among your people. You must not stand up against the life of your fellow man. I am Jehovah.

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” said Jesus Christ. (Mt 12:34) Consequently, what one usually talks about is an index of that on which his heart is set. The Scriptures urge us to safeguard the heart and to think on and speak of the things that are true, serious, righteous, chaste, lovable, well spoken of, virtuous, and praiseworthy. (Pr 4:23; Php 4:8) Jesus Christ said, “It is what proceeds out of his mouth that defiles a man,” and he went on to name “wicked reasonings” and “false testimonies” among the things that proceed from the mouth but actually are out of the heart.—Mt 15:11, 19.

Gossip can lead to slander, becoming disastrous to the slanderer. The wisdom of the words at Ecclesiastes 10:12-14 is very evident: “The lips of the stupid one swallow him up. The start of the words of his mouth is foolishness, and the end afterward of his mouth is calamitous madness. And the foolish one speaks many words.”

Gossip is talk that reveals something about the doings and the affairs of other persons. It may be unfounded rumor, even a lie, and although the gossiper may not know the untruthfulness of the rumor, he spreads it nevertheless, thereby making himself responsible for propagating a lie. It may be someone’s faults and mistakes that the gossiper is talking about. But even if the things said are true, the gossiper is in the wrong and reveals lack of love. The proverb says: “The one covering over transgression is seeking love, and he that keeps talking about a matter is separating those familiar with one another.”—Pr 17:9.

edit on 3-2-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 09:28 AM

What is the difference between gossip and slander?

While gossip can in some cases be more or less harmless (though it can become slander or lead into it), slander is always damaging and always causes hurt and contention. It may be with or without malicious motive. In either case, the slanderer is putting himself in a bad position before God, for “sending forth contentions among brothers” is among the things that God hates. (Pr 6:16-19) The Greek word for “slanderer” or “accuser” is di·aʹbo·los. The word is also used in the Bible as a title of Satan “the Devil,” the great slanderer of God. (Joh 8:44; Re 12:9, 10; Ge 3:2-5) This indicates the source of such defamatory accusation.
The slanderer gets pleasure in revealing things that cause sensation. The one listening to slander is also wrong and is damaging himself. (Pr 20:19; 26:22)...The Scriptures foretell that the notable presence of slanderers would be one of the marks of “the last days.” (2Ti 3:1-3)

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There are six things that Jehovah hates;

Yes, seven things that he* detests: [*: Or “his soul.”]

17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil,

19 A false witness who lies with every breath,

And anyone sowing contentions among brothers.

Proverbs 26:
22 The words of a slanderer are like tasty morsels;
They are gulped right down into the stomach.
23 Like a silver glazing over a piece of earthenware
Are affectionate words from an evil heart.
24 The one who hates others disguises it with his lips,
But inside he harbors deceit.
25 Although he speaks graciously, do not trust him,
For there are seven detestable things in his heart.* [Or “For his heart is completely detestable.”]
John 8
42 Jesus said to them: “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word. 44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. 45 Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Who of you convicts me of sin? If I speak truth, why is it that you do not believe me? 47 The one who is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.”

edit on 3-2-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
a reply to: Pinocchio
The reference to freemasonry in my commentary is alerting people to the fact that there are those who are spreading misinformation about the source I used for that article having links to freemasonry. It's used as slander, a standard propaganda technique to discredit the source rather than discuss the arguments and points in the article.

Another favorite paint job to avoid discussion or (people) thinking about (considering seriously, taking seriously, valuing highly or as reasonable) the arguments and points in the article is: "false prophets" and "cult" (or "heretic" or "into the occult" or 'being brainwashed or indoctrinated with strange false teachings or nonbiblical teachings' if the intended target audience includes those present within Christendom). Basically any argument/point that paints some negative attribute or attributes on the intended target to discredit (so that their "beneficial teaching" from the bible is ignored, put aside as unreliable or not benefical, useless, substituting light for darkness, and slander/darkness for light), tailored to the target audience that is to be convinced* with these "persuasive arguments". *: probably should have gone with "deluded" to use the bible's words at Col.2:4:

I am saying this so that no one may delude you with persuasive arguments.
2 Cor.11:11-15
For what reason? Because I do not love you? God knows I do. 12 But what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis for being found equal to us in the things about which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.

There you have an example of Paul clearly teaching the importance of works in relation to salvation for those who like to ignore that as well in their slander directed at Paul. A nice bonus (not the main reason for the quotation).

Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult? Exploding the MYTHS (4 successive videos)

...starting with the one entitled "Song 141 Searching for Friends of Peace (with lyrics)" but a person may want to see more of the context related to the accusation about so-called "false teachings" (regarding the identity of Jesus or God for example, or other supposed "false teachings").
edit on 3-2-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

JW Cult

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the beneficial teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* 4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories. [*: Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”]

OK...then how bout YOU define TRUTH....without your buddy "Paul". How bout you let Jesus define it ? Do you know where to find what HE said?
Oh, and you really need to shorten your "copy/paste" posts. Boring...

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Matrixsurvivor

OK...then how bout YOU define TRUTH

If one rephrases that request to a question you get: "What is TRUTH?" See my commentary in the following 3 threads, one of which is basically Pontius Pilate asking the same question to Jesus about "truth" also because he just happened to have used the word, same situation* (possibly with the same spirit/attitude towards that topic as you or others here have, so one can checkout if it compares with their own view and why Jesus didn't answer him; *: see also my quotation of Eccl.1:9 there):

The Greatest unanswered Question of all time, What is Truth? (don't miss the 2nd comment or 3rd comment for an answer if one is genuinely looking for an answer and doesn't have the same spirit/attitude towards it as Pontius Pilate)

What is knowledge? (you might want to read this commentary about wisdom and our thinking abilities as well, which relates to how to figure out what is true and what is false regarding any subject)

Give it a try, training through use (practice) is the key (practice makes perfect they say, which is also a synonym for "correct, without error/true/factual/accurate/absolute/conclusive/certain/definitive/fautless/genuine):


Is that true or false?

That's a multiple choice question with only 2 possible choices to give as an answer (not a rhetorical question, if you're asking questions in order to have a conversation and not in order to affect how people perceive the commentary of another, possibly subtly encouraging reasons for dismissing or seriously considering another's commentary, please include choosing an answer to this question), just like it's done in IQ-tests where you have only 1 correct answer (allthough often with 4 optional answers, 3 of which are false/incorrect and 1 is true/correct, without error); see my example given in one of those 2 threads to see an IQ-test with only "true or false" type of questions if you want more practice. Here's the 3rd thread on the subject that also mentions Pontius Pilate's question:

Three 16th-Century Truth Seekers—What Did They Find?

Just remember that the meaning or definition of the word "truth" is very simple to understand, one learns it very early in their lives, no need for attempting to start a debate about it if one feels so inclined (IF...not implying, merely mentioning it), making it also a bit of an unnecessary question to ask someone else to define "truth" in any rational honest respectful conversation but possibly demonstrating something else that I recently quoted.

The person who is rightly motivated seeks understanding, not out of mere curiosity or to exalt himself, but for the very purpose of acting in wisdom; ‘wisdom is before his face.’ (Pr 17:24; see WISDOM.) He is not like those in the apostle Paul’s day who assumed to be teachers of others but were “puffed up with pride, not understanding anything,” unwisely letting themselves become “mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words,” things that produce disunity and a host of bad results.—1Ti 6:3-5:

If any man teaches another doctrine and does not agree with the beneficial instruction, which is from our Lord Jesus Christ, nor with the teaching that is in harmony with godly devotion, 4 he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything. He is obsessed* [Or “has an unhealthy fascination.”] with arguments and debates about words. These things give rise to envy, strife, slander,*[Or “abusive speeches.”] wicked suspicions, 5 constant disputes about minor matters by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, thinking that godly devotion is a means of gain.

It really is a 'minor' or simple matter/subject to understand, just the meaning or definition that is. Of course finding out the truth regarding specific matters involving the existence, purpose, attributes, identity, etc. of God, takes a bit more effort than demonstrating the accuracy of the bible's description of the human behavioural pattern above.
edit on 4-2-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 11:59 PM
edit for the ending: It really is a 'minor' or simple matter/subject to understand, just the meaning or definition that is. Of course finding out the truth regarding specific matters involving the existence, purpose, attributes, identity, etc. of God and "the teaching that is in harmony with godly devotion" which is equal to "the beneficial instruction, which is from our Lord Jesus Christ", takes a bit more effort than demonstrating the accuracy of the bible's description of the human behavioural pattern above.

Just remember it's a two-fold logical thinking process. Distinguishing both right/true/correct, without error and wrong/false/incorrect. That's what you do during an IQ-test as well, you look at the answers and begin your evaluation, then you try to determin (come to a conclusion) if that answer is true or false and move on to the next optional answer. If you do this well, properly using logic, your mental figurative database of knowledge, understanding (or let's just say thinking abilities to sum everything up), then you get it right/correct and a higher score for every question you get right.

Hebrews 5:14

But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their powers of discernment* [Or “their perceptive powers.”] trained to distinguish both right and wrong.

See my signature and text under my name regarding the phrase "solid food".
edit on 5-2-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2017 @ 02:36 AM

Psalms 34:1

I will praise Jehovah at all times;
His praise will be on my lips constantly.

Joshua 23:6-11

6 “Now you must be very courageous to observe and carry out all that is written in the book of the Law of Moses by never deviating from it to the right or to the left, 7 by never mingling with these nations that remain with you. You must not even mention the names of their gods nor swear by them, and you must never serve them nor bow down to them. 8 But you must stick to Jehovah your God, just as you have done down to this day. 9 Jehovah will drive away great and mighty nations from before you, for not a man has been able to stand before you to this day. 10 Just one man of you will chase a thousand, because Jehovah your God is fighting for you, just as he promised you. 11 So be on guard constantly* by loving Jehovah your God. [*: Or “So watch your souls carefully.”]

Song 51 We Cleave to Jehovah VOCALS
edit on 20-5-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2017 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Could It Happen to You?
Your cherished religious beliefs may have existed for centuries, perhaps having been passed down from generation to generation. That, however, does not necessarily mean that they are true. Why not? Well, the Bible record shows that soon after the death of Christ’s apostles, deceitful men arose in the Christian congregation and taught “twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.” (Acts 20:29, 30) They very skillfully misled people “with persuasive arguments” as well as “through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men.”—Colossians 2:4, 8.

I totally agree with Acts 20:20, 30 and Colossians 2:4, 8..
Problem is the Bible, spesifically The New Testament suffer major criticsm.
As "Father of Church History", Eusebius of Caesarea suspicious character does not help either.

Eusebius' Praeparatio evangelica (Book XII, Chapter 31)[60] in which Eusebius discussed "That it will be necessary sometimes to use falsehood as a remedy for the benefit of those who require such a mode of treatment."[61]

My stand is always with William Shakespeare's “Trust not to rotten planks,”

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