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A drug like substance MSG found in alot of our food is toxic

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posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:39 AM
MSG or monosodium glutamate is commonly referred to as a flavor enhancer but does not actually alter the food. It causes a drug like effect by tricking your brain into believing the flavor is better. This effect allows the food companies to use more inferior ingredients in the food we eat.

I've read one report that 30 percent of the population has adverse effects relating to MSG. I am one of those. It causes me to have severe stomach aches depending upon how much I ate a few hours later up to 24 hours later in my case.

MSG causes numerous problems in many people. Migraine headaches are a common sign of ingesting MSG in your food. Here's a link describing some of the numerous health problems that could result from eating MSG.

There is even some research I believe that may link Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's chorea to this food additive.

The FDA and the government I believe are choosing to look the other way since the production of MSG is a multi-billion dollar industry now.

Other than lobbying governments for the proper labeling and reduction of this substance, there is one thing the 30 percent of the population that has adverse reactions can do, they can attempt to stop buying and eating all food with this additive. If 30 percent of the population didn't buy products with MSG, it would have a big impact. It may also prevent many unexplained stomach aches, headaches, etc. Your food may not be bad, it may just have MSG.

If you want to avoid MSG and the resulting stomach aches, headaches, etc., you could avoid eating foods with the following ingredients to see if your problems go away. To try this experiment to eliminate unexplained headaches, stomaches, migraines and/or a number of other problems you will need to look at the labels on your food. Here is a list of the ingredients to look for in the link shown.

I am happy to report that after becoming extremely sick from eating at a restaurant that heavily used MSG, I discovered that MSG was the source of about 99 percent of all my common stomach aches. I just had to give up eating Doritos, Ranch style or almost any special style of potato chips except plain. Even the Oscar Mayer Fat Free hot dogs had it in them too. The hot dogs had an ingredient of sodium caseinate I believe if I remember correctly which has MSG. If the food industry would recognize that a significant portion of the population has adverse effects from MSG in it's many forms, then maybe they can eliminate it as well.

Edited note: For those of you who want to eliminate MSG from your diet, I read somewhere that one of the ingredients in Kentucky Fried Chicken was MSG. I always take all the skin off making sure I don't eat any of the skin and don't have a problem myself with that method I believe. I'm not sure what the scientists would say about that method for eliminating MSG from the chicken.

A number of food companies seem to be adding more and more MSG to our foods. A high enough dose of MSG is toxic to everyone.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by orionthehunter]

[edit on 16-1-2005 by orionthehunter]

[edit on 16-1-2005 by orionthehunter]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:50 AM
If NWO was to excist one of the ways controlling drugs could be delivered to the population on mass is through the food industry or water system.The amount of crap in pre packed ready meals and fast convinance food is getting out of control and is starting to creep into the fresh food production.Maybe we should all strt looking into major diet changes and the way we gain fresh ingredients before we all turned into zombies.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I've read one report that 30 percent of the population has adverse effects relating to MSG. I am one of those. It causes me to have severe stomach aches depending upon how much I ate a few hours later up to 24 hours later in my case.

Another case of food adulteration, this one like all the others I believe does not cause adverse affects in everyone, so for some reason it remains on the market. I wonder what the level of threshold is for a product to be considered a safe consumable.

I also am hypersensitive to MSG and the reaction is so severe I cannot fathom that it remains in the food supply. I didn't realize it till my mid-twenties. I get the most debilitating migraines, and there were even instances where I have no memory of what occurred after ingesting enough of it. Now I consider myself lucky to be so sensitive as I have been avoiding it for years. I once had a roommate that complained she was getting migraines every afternoon at about the same time. I asked her what she was having for lunch and she told me she had been getting the fabulous home made soups at a local deli every day. I mentioned if they were using canned stock it probably had MSG and she was describing what to me was the MSG headache. She stopped eating the soup and the headaches ceased.

But it is amazing to me that so many other people who are having headaches or stomach problems while they stand there with a bag of flavored chips do not take this information seriously enough to cut it out even for a week to see how much better they might feel. I almost think there may be some sort of addiction aspect here.

By the way, your linked list of suspect ingredients is rather upsetting. There are too many ingredients for anyone to be able to avoid putting it in the shopping cart unless you only buy fresh, whole, organic foods. It's just getting too hard to eat anything these days.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:37 AM
There is another thread on here somewhere that we were discussing this on and I posted a link to one of the food company lobbyist web sites tah discusses the addictive properties of their food additives, they were literally boasting about. The FDA keeps on letting them use it. It isn't just MSG either, there are a crapload of other names they use for it, one of which is literally as vague and as common as 'natural' and or artificial flavoring. Do a search for that other thread there was some good info on it.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 06:03 AM
It's also very popular for flavoring "chinese food" as you all know.
Some restaurants even put up the "no MSG" sign in their store windows.

But, for those of you that are hypersensitive, (including me, bad, bad headaches), keep in mind, that those signs only mean that NO additional MSG has been added at the time of cooking..Some of the pre-prepared ingredients contain PLENTY of MSG..

Man I hate that stuff..Worst headaches ever..

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 06:25 AM
If you suffer from severe Asthma, you should be very wary of MSG and similar flavour enhancers.

Symptoms may include one or more of the following: burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms, and chest; numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back; tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms; facial pressure or tightness; chest pain; headache; nausea; rapid heartbeat; bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG-intolerant people with asthma; drowsiness; and weakness.



posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 06:28 AM
Cool I did a search on it and came up with the thread, ahd some good info there you guys might want to check out...

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 09:15 AM

I am always careful to ask in Chinese restaurants ahead of ordering to determine if MSG is used in their food.

IMHO from many years as a lay nutritionist: synthetic food additives of any kind, built up in the body over many years, weakens it to being more open to getting cancer, which current research indicates is caused from viruses.

The upshot: avoid MSG and other food additives and you also help to prevent getting cancer later on.

We must all be careful to read the labels on the food products we buy. Another one to avoid is olestra.

Excellent post and links. You received my way above vote!

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:51 PM
Thanks Paul_Richard for the vote. Thank you twitchy for the link providing additional MSG information. I didn't realize MSG may be addictive and a trick that the food industry may be using to get kids and the public to eat more even if they become obese in the process. I guess the food industry has learned from the tobacco industry and even got a bill passed (if it passed, I'm just assuming it did) that prevents them from getting sued if the public finds out about these food additives. Reading the information in the link provided by twitchy made me remember something else that I read. Aspartame has MSG like effects so if you're sensitive to MSG, you should avoid this substance as well. Aspartame is an ingredient in Nutrasweet, Equal, and other artificial sweeteners and I've read that it has the same effect as MSG.

I don't know why some people don't try to eliminate suspect foods to see if they feel alot better. Maybe it's the addictive property of MSG. We may have all been drugged by this food additive and not realize it. Another side note, I read that one doctor believes 80 to 90 percent of all migraine headache sufferers he sees could eliminate their migraines by eliminating MSG from their diet.

I actually thought a few years ago that I might be getting a stomach ulcer because of all the stomach aches I kept getting. I suppose I feel lucky that I did eat at a restaurant that someone told me had MSG. I didn't realize that was the problem. The next day I was extremely sick in several ways. A book I had bought recently listed the other ingredients that contain MSG (ingredients provided in one of the links I posted above at top of thread) and everything suddenly made sense to me.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 03:18 PM
Thx, for the info!

I don't have MSG related headaches but I do feel that with Chinese and various Fast Foods, often your stomach feels bloated like you've eaten ten burgers, while you ate only one or two. I can eat two large plates of spaghetti without getting that same bloated feeling, wich already made me wonder what could cause this....

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Countermeasures]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:16 PM
I'm glad you mentioned aspartame, that reminds me of another deadly poison they cram down our throats. Aspartame was developed by a company that was orginally contracted for chemical weapons research. When submitted to the FDA, the FDA wasn't going to approve it because it's a deadly freaking poison. But the then head of the FDA basically has the power of veto and overturned the decision, thenthe creep resigned and took an executive position with guess who... The Aspartame people. When you work at an Aspartame factory, you have to wear a mask or it will kill you. Some sweetner eh?

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:29 AM
Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal) causes memory loss and brain damage, among other things. This combined with MSG has horrendous effects on the body over long periods.

"Four patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome for two to 17 years are described. All had undergone multiple treatment modalities with limited success. All had complete, or nearly complete, resolution of their symptoms within months after eliminating monosodium glutamate (MSG) or MSG plus aspartame from their diet...All have had recurrence of symptoms whenever MSG is ingested..."

"Aspartame, used in thousands of diet food and drinks has been linked to more than 90 adverse reactions including brain tumours and blindness..."

Taken from: Aspartame Dangers

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:50 PM
I suffer from headaches caused by MSG. It was my father, not the doctors, who figured it out when I was in my early teens. I'm so sensitive to it that I'll get a headache a few hours after eating something with MSG. I'm even fairly reluctant to try anything new out of fear of another headache. They don't go away until after I've slept.

I've been paying attention to labels since the early '80's and it looks like MSG is used more and more often and it keeps creeping up higher on the ingredient lists. Or is it just me?

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 08:39 AM
Interesting. If MSG is bad for you, then anything with fat in it is bad. MSG, or Monosodium Glutimate, is the exact chemical for animal fat, nothing more nothing less. MSG is just the man-made equivalent. I do not doubt that "some" people get sick from it. But, I think that it's extremely unlikely that so many are having these reactions as humans have been eating the exact same thing for many thousands of years. MSG IS a flavor 'enhancer' and has absolutely no taste, sounds contradicting doesn't it? Actually, there was a study to see why. It showed that your blood fat content level raises the moment MSG touches your tongue. Your body doesn't even wait for MSG to digest before your body reacts. This is why foods 'taste' better with MSG, you are reacting to your bodies blood-fat content when you eat. This is the reason, I believe certain people are getting sick. They have an issue with their blood-fat levels - but this really should have NOTHING to do with your weight. If you normally have high blood-fat content, you should stay away from MSG AND FAT.

If everyone had bad reactions to MSG then the governments of the world would have out-lawed eating any kind of meat by now. Sort of sounds like a vegitarian website now that I think about it. Nothing against vegitarians, as many of my friends are vegitarian. The MSG argument doen't work in my book.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:02 PM
I didn't have a clue substances like aspartame had such effects. I consumed loads through soda's as a kid.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Relentless

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I've read one report that 30 percent of the population has adverse effects relating to MSG. I am one of those. It causes me to have severe stomach aches depending upon how much I ate a few hours later up to 24 hours later in my case.

Another case of food adulteration, this one like all the others I believe does not cause adverse affects in everyone, so for some reason it remains on the market. I wonder what the level of threshold is for a product to be considered a safe consumable.

I also am hypersensitive to MSG and the reaction is so severe I cannot fathom that it remains in the food supply. I didn't realize it till my mid-twenties. I get the most debilitating migraines, and there were even instances where I have no memory of what occurred after ingesting enough of it. Now I consider myself lucky to be so sensitive as I have been avoiding it for years. I once had a roommate that complained she was getting migraines every afternoon at about the same time. I asked her what she was having for lunch and she told me she had been getting the fabulous home made soups at a local deli every day. I mentioned if they were using canned stock it probably had MSG and she was describing what to me was the MSG headache. She stopped eating the soup and the headaches ceased.

But it is amazing to me that so many other people who are having headaches or stomach problems while they stand there with a bag of flavored chips do not take this information seriously enough to cut it out even for a week to see how much better they might feel. I almost think there may be some sort of addiction aspect here.

By the way, your linked list of suspect ingredients is rather upsetting. There are too many ingredients for anyone to be able to avoid putting it in the shopping cart unless you only buy fresh, whole, organic foods. It's just getting too hard to eat anything these days.

That is very interesting because I remember a while back that I used to be able to eat all kinds of chips potato chips & stuff, then lately like from the past five years, whenever I eat certain kinds of chips I get stomach cramps and upset stomach and I was wondering why all of a sudden the chips I used to eat gives me that reaction now then recently I read another article about a food substitutethey put in chips and different things that cause that reaction in people. I had to stop eating chips especially Pringles, and I used to love Pringles and they never affected me, now I can't eat them, and I'm usually not allergic to anything! I don't know what they are doing to the food, that's why people and kids are going nuts.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Man I hate that stuff..Worst headaches ever..

That's gotta blow man...

I imagine it's near impossible to avoid - Shopping at a health food store would really be your only option....

I've heard they're calling it other things now - like: spices, flavoring, other ingriedents, etc....

Now there's a worthy lawsuit......

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:36 PM
Quick question to folks that are sensitive to MSG. Does your symptoms appear when you eat meat? Animal fat and MSG are the exact same thing. So, if a potato chip throws you into a migrane headache then so will a steak or piece of grilled chicken. If meat doesn't cause a headache, then I strongly suggest you go see a doctor because it's not the MSG causing your problems.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

I am always careful to ask in Chinese restaurants ahead of ordering to determine if MSG is used in their food.

IMHO from many years as a lay nutritionist: synthetic food additives of any kind, built up in the body over many years, weakens it to being more open to getting cancer, which current research indicates is caused from viruses.

The upshot: avoid MSG and other food additives and you also help to prevent getting cancer later on.

We must all be careful to read the labels on the food products we buy. Another one to avoid is olestra.

Excellent post and links. You received my way above vote!

Yes Olestra is the one! I couldn't remember the name! That's either the new thing they added or else they started adding it in higher doses I read about it. Chips of different kinds have upset my stomach since somewhere around the late 90's and I was wondering why all of a sudden my favorate types of chips have upset my stomach and I didn't know why. Then when I read about that and the syptoms of it, I knew that was it.

[edit on 1/18/2005 by Leading Lady]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:21 PM
History of Olestra

First created in 1968
By researchers for Proctor & Gamble who were looking for product to increase the amount of fat intake of premature babies
Ended up creating sucrose polyester
F.Mattson and R.Volpenhein first synthesized the fat
Name "Olestra" given to the product by Proctor & Gamble(P&G)
Couldn't be used for babies because it was indigestible.
When first considered Proctor & Gamble's request, United States Federal Drug and Administration (FDA) didn't know what they were getting into
1975 - P&G sought approval to use Olestra as a drug for lowering blood cholesterol levels
Studies weren't successful enough for it to be put on the market
1987 - the P&G requests that FDA consider allowing the use of Olestra as a fat replacement in shortening, cooking oil, and savory snacks such as potato chips and crackers
By 1990 approval had been held up again
P&G made another appeal, proposing that Olestra would be used as a fat substitute in savory snacks (i.e. potato chips, tortilla chips, crackers)
January 1996, the U.S. FDA approved the use of Olestra
Used under P&G's trade name Olean™, in savory snacks as a fat replacement
Provided warning labels are printed on all product packages
Olestra is used in tortilla chips, crackers, cheese puffs, donuts
1996-97 - Frito-Lay and Proctor & Gamble began testing products on the market
Middle of 1997 FDA had over 1000 reports from consumers suffering side effects from eating the products
Same effects had also been noted in the laboratory during animal testing
P&G said there was no proof of these effects
By 1998 P&G had spent almost $500 million on development of Olestra products
Took more than 25 years for FDA to approve Olestra the United States
2000 - Health Canada decided that Olestra wouldn't be permitted for use in Canada as a food additive
Products are still on market in USA
Sales of chips and other savory snacks that use Olestra instead of natural fats have had a steep decline since these products were first put on the market in the late 1990's

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