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Houston Film Fest: "Very Threatening Calls" from Government Officials Forcing "Vaxxed" Pulled

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posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

You do realize caller ID can be faked, and anyone can just "pretend" and act like some kind of government official to scare someone, right?

Interesting perspective... I would have absolutely no idea how to fake a caller ID, but I would assume it would take some effort to do. But I can see where it would be worth the effort for some folks.

I'm suspecting this of being a marketing trick, as now even MORE people will be interested in the "movie they didn't want you to see" -- it's reverse psychology at work folks.

I'm certainly not discounting that possibility. Before your comment, I assumed that the film fest guy would be in on it, but perhaps not? It sure wouldn't be the first publicity stunt to promote a movie...

Make something have a false sense of demand by pretending that it's "to true to be released" or "to dangerous" or something. Just watch, this movie will now make a lot more money than if it had just gone the normal route...

Pretty smart marketing move, I must say.

Indeed! If this is what happened, I'm rather amused... I don't like the games, but I have to admit a grudging admiration for anyone who can beat their enemies at their own game!

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Pardon?

Supposing what they say in this "documentary" is true (and it isn't) and that African-American boys have a statistically increased chance of getting autism from the MMR and vaccines in general this must mean that there's no stats to show that non African-American boys get it.

You do realise what this means don't you?

Actually, we don't know what stats are out there... or not.

It's entirely possible that there are such correlative stats and we just don't know about them. It's also not just possible, but very probably, that if the AA stats had not been omitted/hidden from public view, that further studies would have been conducted and revealed similar correspondances for other races.

I've also wondered if perhaps the stats for AA boys is indicative of a combination of factors not applicable to other races. For example, were the AA boys in this study from public housing with high lead levels in their water, and/or paint chips/dust, etc?

We don't know and cannot know because too many people with too much power don't want to know and don't want us to know either.

Well yes we do what stats are out there as how did Hooker do his "study" without them?
And come up with his conclusions?
If the data had been destroyed he wouldn't be able to do it would he?

The whole film is based upon the re-analysis.
If the re-analysis was done properly then it would have taken into account all confounding factors.
But it wasn't hence the anomaly.
Hence it's not useful as a study.
So there's absolutely no conclusion you can draw from it.
Unfortunately you can't have it all ways.

And as for the film being stopped being shown to the public...
It hasn't been.
It's been shown at a couple of screenings in New York last week.

The main issue is the falseness of the premis of the film itself (see above) and the fact that it will stop people from vaccinating their children based upon it's content.
That's why people are asking for it not to be showcased.
But contrary to what you're saying, it is and will be, available for the public to see.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

And, and...has anyone denied making the call?

I thought about that too. But no names were named, so who would deny it? It's one of the things I find fishy about this; but then again, I'm not sure what legal action could be taken if he did name names.

Oh what a tangled web we weave...

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: MotherMayEye

And, and...has anyone denied making the call?

I thought about that too. But no names were named, so who would deny it? It's one of the things I find fishy about this; but then again, I'm not sure what legal action could be taken if he did name names.

Oh what a tangled web we weave...

It just seems like a risky marketing ploy to be 'in' on with $100,000 in grants in play.

I suppose I think a spokesperson for the Houston government would deny it if it weren't true.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Pardon?

Thompson said the data was destroyed. In fact, he said they met for the specific purpose of destroying documents/data. Destroyed evidence cannot be analyzed.

I repeat: We do not know what data is or is not "out there." We can only know what we know.

And we do know there is a film "out there" about this very subject that certain factions do not want the public to see and are trying very hard to make sure the public does not see. Including you.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

There are apps and websites you can use to fake caller ID...not hard at all, if someone wanted to prank these guys and scare them.

I think we have two realistic possibilities, as I honestly don't see a legitimate government authority doing this...

1. Some pro-vax people (the kind that argue on here against anti-vax people) are playing a prank on these guys


2. This is a marketing gimmick to drum up interest in the movie as I said -- it's something *I* would do to trick people into thinking my movie had such damming info it HAD to be seen. I'm shameless. This, I know.

People really are like cattle, and you can herd them around and direct them where you want them to go if you understand human psychology.

When you tell people the product you have is somehow "contraband" or deemed "unfit for consumption by the authorities" people will crave it more.

We always want what we're not supposed to have.

Remember that Seth Rogan movie about North Korea? Remember how it was only available on-demand or whatever? After all that, it made a ton of money -- much more than it would have in theaters. They probably knew it would bomb and not make much at the they made this huge media hype and manufactured controversy about it.

And in all honesty -- the simplest explanations are usually the correct ones.

What is more likely? Someone who actually works for the government, calling these guys up and identifying themselves as working for the government and threatening them? OR ....Someone pulling a prank, or some kind of reverse-psychology marketing stunt?

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Pardon?

Thompson said the data was destroyed. In fact, he said they met for the specific purpose of destroying documents/data. Destroyed evidence cannot be analyzed.

I repeat: We do not know what data is or is not "out there." We can only know what we know.

And we do know there is a film "out there" about this very subject that certain factions do not want the public to see and are trying very hard to make sure the public does not see. Including you.

No he didn't.
He said the data was omitted.
I repeat: If it had been destroyed then how did Brian Hooked perform a reanalysis on it.
Which bit don't you get?

"I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed."
Thompson's Statement

And again, why did Thompson not say anything until after Brian Hooker's reanalysis?
Was it because he thought Hooker's reanalysis actually showed something and is now quiet because he know's he's wrong?

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I just searched to see if any Houston government officials had commented on this at all, and I couldn't find anything. I also checked Natural News and the OP source link for any updates, and nothing. But I did find this:

CDC is hiding a massive collection of damning scientific evidence proving vaccines are linked to autism... shocking details from the recorded phone calls of Dr. William Thompson

The article includes a partial transcript of the conversation between Thompson and Hooker... very interesting.

Dr. Thompson: Right now I am sitting in a very pretty position in terms of providing you a lot of information and let me tell you what is um just became available and I was talking to Marshalyn and my team lead, my immediate supervisor, this week and I was telling them what should be done because it is just outrageous. You will die when you hear this.

We have eight hundred kids with autism that have been given the ADI, well that’s autism diagnostic interviews for the parents, right, so, all of them have been give the ADI and the ADOS. So, they’ve all been given these instruments, all confirmed cases of autism. Um, we have population controls of similar size and we have disability controls of similar size. Now, this is the study I was brought in to clean up. Diana Schendel left town, left for Denmark, and I was brought in to clean it up. It’s a big mess but regardless, there is now data available. Ya know, and there is going to be more data available. We’re going to have twelve hundred kids with autism as part of this uh study, um, with all their medical records and all their vaccine records abstracted. So, um, what’s amazing, now this is what’s going to be shocking to you, it shocked the crap out of me. They have ya know six different sites interviewing data and um they all put in proposals to do studies. So far there is about sixty proposals in, um, for people ready to do studies. Not a single one of them looks at vaccines, not one! [laughing] So, I, well, I ripped into these people this week. And I’m like, “These vaccine studies have to be done. This is the largest case-control study you could ever do. They’re all objectively identified as kids with autism. You have the vaccine records.” And what I just, and I, after seeing the Posey hearing I was like, “What are you ...” I was like, “How are you guys going to answer the question when you know they want these environmental studies and want to look at all these risk factors. What are you going to say when you have twelve hundred autism cases and a bunch of controls and you never looked at vaccines and you have all their vaccine records?” [laughing] . . .

Dr. Hooker: Oh my goodness . . .

Dr. Thompson: And we have their prenatals, we have all the prenatal stuff that wasn’t [unintelligible].
[snip] So here’s the point, here’s what I said to them. I said, I told them, “This study needs to be done.” I said, “It should be contracted out to some independent organization,” and I said uh, “Groups like SafeMinds should be included in the study and uh we [laughing] we’re insane to be sitting on this data and not um ya know have an independent group, independent of the CDC, completely,” I said. CDC not even touch it, not even have a coauthor on it. Anyway, so, the point I’m trying to make I want to give you the name of the study so you can start telling people who to ask questions about this study because this data is sitting ready to go. No one has analyzed it yet. And they don’t really want people to know that this data exists, again. [snip]

Dr. Thompson: It’s mind-boggling that um it sat on one CD and actually the guy that had the one CD just came down with pancreatic cancer. Literally, that study data could have been gone for good. Anyways, so the name of the study is The Study to Explore Early Development. It’s called SEED.

Here is a link to the SEED study referenced:

The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED): a multisite epidemiologic study of autism by the Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE) network.

I will read it -- but no promises on how much I'll understand!

ETA: I "snipped" the quote for brevity... much more at the link.
edit on 8-4-2016 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
And in all honesty -- the simplest explanations are usually the correct ones.

What is more likely? Someone who actually works for the government, calling these guys up and identifying themselves as working for the government and threatening them? OR ....Someone pulling a prank, or some kind of reverse-psychology marketing stunt?

As of right now, the simplest explanation is that the call was actually made by the Houston Government. Apparently, no one from the Houston Government has denied making the call.

I don't see why the Houston Film Festival would risk $100,000 in grants by making it up. And they would have to be 'in' on it, because the film distributors would have no way of knowing that the Film Festival Chairman would share the info in a letter with them, if they had someone call and pretend to threaten to pull $100,000 in grants if they showed the film.

Without the Film Festival Chairman's letter, there's no pretend censorship to help market the film.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Pardon?

No he didn't.
He said the data was omitted.

Yes, he did say it was destroyed.

CDC Scientist: ‘We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents’

Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”

Perhaps Hooker got the info before that meeting to destroy the data... In any event, we know it wasn't quick or easy getting that info:

As we have previously reported, Dr. Brian Hooker spent 10 years fighting the CDC and submitting over 100 Freedom of Information Acts to obtain the raw data from studies the CDC conducted that allegedly proved there was no connection between the measles MMR vaccine and autism. It was almost exactly one year ago from now, in February of 2014, that Dr. Hooker was finally able to secure the raw data from the studies he was seeking, with the help of Congressman Bill Posey, which revealed that the CDC had data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism for over 10 years.

Obama Grants Immunity to CDC Whistleblower on Measles Vaccine Link to Autism

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I agree with Mystikmushroom, this is a clever marketing plot and it worked, everybdy wants to watch the Vaxxed documentary, in fact they (Wakefield and chums) have already made more than $28,000 over the weekend! (LINK)

According to Todd Hunter (chairman of Houston film fest) the mayor never called him:

...he denied any pressure from city officials. "The mayor did not call me," he said. "I am sure that he has better things to do." "Hunter Todd, WorldFest's founder and director, said festival sponsors threatened to pull their financial support if the film showed. He said the monetary hit would have been around $50,000 and could have affected the festival's ability to return next year for its 50th anniversary. FROM HERE

And Boadicea, you did get the ethyl and methylmercury correct (
) but vaccines DO NOT contain any thimerosal at all. That's what people dont' seem to understand.
edit on 8-4-2016 by Agartha because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye
The one thing that makes me allow for the possibility of this being a publicity stunt is that the Houston official has not been named. Why?

(I'm leaving open the possibility that the film festival is afraid of retaliatory legal action against them if they name names)

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Pardon?

No he didn't.
He said the data was omitted.

Yes, he did say it was destroyed.

CDC Scientist: ‘We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents’

Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”

Perhaps Hooker got the info before that meeting to destroy the data... In any event, we know it wasn't quick or easy getting that info:

As we have previously reported, Dr. Brian Hooker spent 10 years fighting the CDC and submitting over 100 Freedom of Information Acts to obtain the raw data from studies the CDC conducted that allegedly proved there was no connection between the measles MMR vaccine and autism. It was almost exactly one year ago from now, in February of 2014, that Dr. Hooker was finally able to secure the raw data from the studies he was seeking, with the help of Congressman Bill Posey, which revealed that the CDC had data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism for over 10 years.

Obama Grants Immunity to CDC Whistleblower on Measles Vaccine Link to Autism

So in one statement he said it was destroyed and in another he said it was omitted.
Then it says some 10 years after the original CDC study was published Hooker finally received the data from the CDC.
But I thought the data had been destroyed?
And then Hooker publishes his reanalysis and then Thompson then speaks out.
Here's the study.

Someone's lying.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: MotherMayEye
The one thing that makes me allow for the possibility of this being a publicity stunt is that the Houston official has not been named. Why?

(I'm leaving open the possibility that the film festival is afraid of retaliatory legal action against them if they name names)

It was the Mayor.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

This is a marketing gimmick to drum up interest in the movie as I said -- it's something *I* would do to trick people into thinking my movie had such damming info it HAD to be seen. I'm shameless. This, I know.

LOL! I think that's called confirmation bias -- wink wink!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: MotherMayEye
The one thing that makes me allow for the possibility of this being a publicity stunt is that the Houston official has not been named. Why?

(I'm leaving open the possibility that the film festival is afraid of retaliatory legal action against them if they name names)

They could face legal action whether or not they named names though if they are lying.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Pardon?

Thank you for the link. Hmmmm....

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Pardon?

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: MotherMayEye
The one thing that makes me allow for the possibility of this being a publicity stunt is that the Houston official has not been named. Why?

(I'm leaving open the possibility that the film festival is afraid of retaliatory legal action against them if they name names)

It was the Mayor.

Wow! That is interesting!

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: tsurfer2000h Yeah right. Only people way out there to the left believe that story you are peddling. And isnt that exactly where you stand Bro? On the far left? Am I correct?

The far left is now becoming synonymous with truth, facts and science, this is something I completely approve of.
So by this statement, you are basically admitting that the right are more interested in propaganda, junk "science", unfounded bs and ideological crusades based on nothing?

Every source in the OP is unfounded bs. It's all bloggers, all anti-vaccination crusaders, all propagandists for group of seriously mentally deranged individuals making money from putting hundreds of thousands of kids at risk of contracting diseases that should be entirely preventable.

I wonder, who is making money out of that film?

Are they selflessly putting all of that money into legally challenging the use of vaccinations? Are they taking their fight to the courts?

No, they're pocketing that money, and they wont make any legal challenges, because they know they're nothing more than sick individuals profiteering off of the sickness and death they promote through wilful ignorance.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:55 PM
So from Pardon's link:

Mayor Sylvester Turner took steps to stop its scheduled screening at the city’s international film festival.

“We just couldn’t have city funding encouraging people not to have their kids vaccinated,” said Janice Evans, a spokesperson for the mayor.

So no publicity stunt....

I really wish the film festival had told them where to shove their grant monies, and had shown the film anyway, just because I want to know how far Big Brother would go...

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