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8 Yr Old boy pegged as a radical by School....Welcome to the NWO

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posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 12:17 AM
See? that's just what im talking dad would be spinning in his I likely will not get much rest meself.....
I wonder how many have actually tore a chickens head off and plucked and cleaned it before cooking and yum yum eating it....?
I watch people on the dock all the time who couldn't clean a fish, try with dull knives of all types, every summer....
The squeamish tarts of today are ruining your childrens survival chances....

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: bandersnatch
See? that's just what im talking dad would be spinning in his I likely will not get much rest meself.....
I wonder how many have actually tore a chickens head off and plucked and cleaned it before cooking and yum yum eating it....?
I watch people on the dock all the time who couldn't clean a fish, try with dull knives of all types, every summer....
The squeamish tarts of today are ruining your childrens survival chances....

I have. I clean fish too. Have helped skin a deer and a wild boar.

I don't really see the connection.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Annee
Its all the same thing essentially, Annee, all the same damn thing....

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: Butterfinger

Thank you for your kind reply. I was in a bit of a hurry yesterday,so i think my reply was too brief,and gave the impression that we exclusively and specifically do not like Christianity because of some evil individuals who claim to be Christians.

First of all,we want no part of Any religion.We have our reasons,and malicious individuals who happens to follow any religion is the Least of the reason we have such a distaste in religion in general.We have had different lives,we see a kind of..bigger picture,it's a "you cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube" type of thing.But we have no problem with the individual known as Jesus who walked the earth over 2000 years ago,he was a fine dude by all accounts,and that tantrum with the poor fig tree was hilarious.We can enter churches,it's not like we're that kid from The Omen.In fact before my dear elderly friend passed on,i DID sometimes accompany her to the Methodist church she attended,where there Were a few really nice Christians.But i did it for Her,and because i have no problem with the individual who was Jesus-He has never personally actively hurt me or mine,why should i have a problem with him?

The point is we see and know ourselves as sovereign souls,beholden to no one.We chase the demons off by ourselves,by the power of us ourselves as souls.The buck stops with Us.We have our own power within ourselves,as sovereign souls.We really do not need or want to rely on Any deity,real or perceived,and we worship no one and nothing.It is not arrogance either,as it may be perceived by some,it's just the way it is.It is who we are.We do not make excuses for who we are.

This is not off-topic either,as it relates to schooling in my country,and the thread is about school systems and teachers and students,and in my country there IS always the attempt at sneaking the Christian belief system into everything.The Muslim kids may be absent from the prayer part of any gathering,because it is accepted that they have their own religion. Because there is the constant indoctrination that YOU MUST HAVE A RELIGION.Does'nt matter WHICH one,as long as it one of the "Big Religions" A mainstream religion like Christianity,Islam or Judaism.Ctulhu help you if you happen to be of a Wiccan household though,you will be branded a Satanist.You must follow the "accepted" belief systems!!! We are not Wiccan either,btw,just saying.

Back to the school system:

With homeschooling,my son+his education gets concentrated individual attention,not barely any attention whatsoever from a frazzled teacher who has to handle 30 kids.There's plenty of room for "extra education" on practically every page too.If in grammar he comes across the word "stoat" eg,animals not native to my country,we google "stoat" and he gets an extra 10 /15 minutes of education about stoats.Not something that often happens in the everyday classroom,where the teacher just do not have the time for that type of thing if she wishes to complete the year's curriculum for her subject on time.

Then there is the mindset of the teachers and other students.Tv addicts that believe everything their programming tells them,that believe every single thing they see on the news,that idolise celebrities and think the Kardashians and Jersey Shore characters are the examples they should aspire to.People who are taught from childhood to blindly follow authority,to Always believe whatever those in authority say+tell them to do,and that presidents and governments know best.They are taught not to ever Question,but to say and think only "Yessir,how high,Sir?" .They are worshippers of materialism and celebrities and inane drivel,and of AUTHORITY above all.My son wouldn't be learning much while laughing his hiney off anyway,so homeschooling is the way for us.

As i said,saves us and him an ocean of BS.

edit on 4-3-2016 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: bandersnatch

Imo there has been a huge push in recent years, to absolutely pussify the human race,at least in the West. I don't think the whole pc agenda,eg is being pushed so vigorously JUST to annoy the living hell out of sane sensible people.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I'ma 'fraid you're spot on, DB.

All the little think a like drones can not use initiative, must not develop independent thought.

That's much too dangerous for the village, global or otherwise. Must conform. Or be subject to punishment by the Thought Police.

I wonder how horrified George Orwell is in his after life, to see his works coming to fruition so accurately.

Fiction is reality, in this strange new world of ours. ...and there is no one to blame but us.

Are we not entertained?

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: seagull

When I wrote what I wrote, I intended to have tongue firmly planted in cheek.

But it's true, sadly enough.

Children are being raised to be followers, not leaders.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 09:08 AM
Is this the same NWO that's got those that are a bit slower than the rest of us thinking all brown people are terrorist?

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Tsubaki
Yep that's the one....

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

When I was five or six we had a huge water gun fight at school complete with water bomb balloons, and we were definitely pretending to be in the army and/or cops and robbers and such.

How prevalent was terrorism when you were a kid?

Water balloon fight? You're going to compare a water balloon fight to the rather recent horrors of international terrorism?

I'm comparing social norms from then to now. A kid says he wants to fight terrorists versus a school activity involving, date I say it, water guns and water wars. Also, you don't think international terrorism is a recent development do you? Lol, Annee, international terrorism has been an issue for a very long time. In fact, it's pretty darn ancient. So... Yes; yes it was.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: JohnFisher

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

When I was five or six we had a huge water gun fight at school complete with water bomb balloons, and we were definitely pretending to be in the army and/or cops and robbers and such.

How prevalent was terrorism when you were a kid?

Water balloon fight? You're going to compare a water balloon fight to the rather recent horrors of international terrorism?

I'm comparing social norms from then to now. A kid says he wants to fight terrorists versus a school activity involving, date I say it, water guns and water wars. Also, you don't think international terrorism is a recent development do you? Lol, Annee, international terrorism has been an issue for a very long time. In fact, it's pretty darn ancient. So... Yes; yes it was.


Everything's pretty much been with us "forever". The difference is awareness and attention placed on it.

As I was growing up, it was always "Over There . . . ".

The one thing unique about the United States is location. We have been physically isolated to major foregin invasions and terrorism - - - until technology, and internet awareness makes us an easier and more accessible target.

It's new to us.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

When I was five or six we had a huge water gun fight at school complete with water bomb balloons, and we were definitely pretending to be in the army and/or cops and robbers and such.

How prevalent was terrorism when you were a kid?

Water balloon fight? You're going to compare a water balloon fight to the rather recent horrors of international terrorism?

I'm comparing social norms from then to now. A kid says he wants to fight terrorists versus a school activity involving, date I say it, water guns and water wars. Also, you don't think international terrorism is a recent development do you? Lol, Annee, international terrorism has been an issue for a very long time. In fact, it's pretty darn ancient. So... Yes; yes it was.


Everything's pretty much been with us "forever". The difference is awareness and attention placed on it.

As I was growing up, it was always "Over There . . . ".

The one thing unique about the United States is location. We have been physically isolated to major foregin invasions and terrorism - - - until technology, and internet awareness makes us an easier and more accessible target.

It's new to us.

Maybe It's new to you, but it really has been going on "forever" even I'm the good ol' USA.  Yes, it's been happening over here, and many people have been aware.

Check out this small list of the history of terrorism in the United States.

Most of these are home grown (excluding the widespread terrorism from gangs), so here are a couple of pre 9/11 acts of international terrorism on U.S. soil.

* 1975 - New York - Puerto Rican nationalist group (FALN) - 4 dead & more than 50 inured & 13 additional bombings tied to the group.

* 1993 - New York - Al Queda - 6 killed & at least 1040 people inured.

War here at home hasn't been a big issue in some time; I concede. Still, it technically touched our soil during WW2. War touched our borders in the early 20th as well. We've become complacent therefore lax, so it'll happen again. War will touch the homeland like it's the 18th and 19th century all over again.

So again, it's not new in the USA, and plenty people have been aware. Our country took a little break from war on our soil. We never really took a break from terrorists.

And this brings us back to the original point. Wouldn't it only be natural for a kid to want to fight terrorists? Why should he get in trouble for wanting to defend the would be victims of terrorism? Even if awareness is spreading for these "new" threats to American peace, why is there an issue regarding this 8-year-old kid?

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 11:10 AM
I think the "issue" is totally to do with the agenda which the government has placed upon the schools....
This is definitely social engineering at work.....

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80

If the teacher called him that she is wrong. I do worry that an eight year old is thinking about going and fighting terrorists tho. I know I wasn't thinking about that when I was eight. More so how long I could stay outside and trying not to get grass stains on another pair of jeans.

When I was 8, our preferred enemies were Cyberman or Storm Troopers. Occasionally we faced an army of Darth Vaders. "The Commies" were fought quite often but I'm not sure we really understood who they were, only that they were the bad guys.

I should have won an Oscar for some of my "stepped on a landmine while trying to avoid being shot by evil Commies" performances. Lots of slow-motioning throwing myself dramatically across the grass. Even did my own sound effects... "BWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHRHHRHRHHRRGGGHHHH THEY GOT ME! MEDDDDIIIIC!"

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: bandersnatch

Imo there has been a huge push in recent years, to absolutely pussify the human race,at least in the West.
Amen to that.

It's working too.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: JohnFisher

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: bandersnatch

Imo there has been a huge push in recent years, to absolutely pussify the human race,at least in the West.
Amen to that.

It's working too.

Better that we remain wild aggressive animals, don't ya think?

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 01:03 AM
If only we could suck up some Spockian logic and a bit of compassion...with the aggression....

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: bandersnatch

Imo there has been a huge push in recent years, to absolutely pussify the human race,at least in the West.
Amen to that.

It's working too.

Better that we remain wild aggressive animals, don't ya think?

And herein lies the problem. If you try to raise little boys like little girls, you'll end up with grown up wild animals.

Just like all other animal cubs with an aggressive side, boys need the rough and tumble, the playfighting, the aggressive play that the schools try to squash. Some might need it less - or in some cases, more - than others, but it's all part of the psychological training to develop self control.

They often say that women are more vicious in a fight. This isn't actually true. Women (in most cases but not all) are less likely to have a concept of when to stop or where to draw the line; they just lack that background of rough and tumble that builds in those safety limits.

"Pussification", as it is so elegantly described, doesn't actually remove aggression - that's built into us, especially boys, practically down to a cellular level - it only removes the safety valves and self control that "rough play" provides.

With those safety valves removed, when the modern "pussy" male gets their blood up - because it' s still going to happen - what happens next? Can't move to phase 1 posturing and raised voices, can't move to phase 2 pushing and shoving, can't move to phase 3 meeting up after school for a fight... has been raised with a zero tolerance policy that makes him a criminal for anything and everything he might do... next thing you know that "modern pussy" is turning up to school with a gun and a list of names.

Boys are already wild little animals. Playing army, pretending to shoot each other, wrestling on the floor until somebody starts to cry and the teacher punishes the (non-crying) winner... this is all part of turning them into reasonable human beings. Yep, even the "getting told off" part.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: JohnFisher
...Society just up and flipped on its head one day...

More women in positions of power. Women always feel the intense urge to "correct" and "retrain" any man that comes under their control. Just ask any married man...

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: EvillerBob

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JohnFisher

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: bandersnatch

Imo there has been a huge push in recent years, to absolutely pussify the human race,at least in the West.
Amen to that.

It's working too.

Better that we remain wild aggressive animals, don't ya think?

And herein lies the problem. If you try to raise little boys like little girls, you'll end up with grown up wild animals.


The typical defense.

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