a reply to:
I've been wondering about Hilary as President along much the same lines as your question. You ask why anyone would support Hilary and I've been
researching what a Hilary Presidency will mean to the US.
Who will vote for Hilary?
Basically, if you look at her website, she's appealing to the "Us v. Them" crowd where the US is anyone not white and not male and "Them" is the avg.
white, middle class white guy who hunts and fishes and serves in the US military. She's appealing to the US that identifies as victim, as
"Progressive", as "Liberal", as "oppressed", as "LGBT", etc....the usual suspects actually and Obama's base in particular. She's of course appealing
to the Immigrant and Latino voter claiming she'll grant amnesty and pursue the "Dream" act.
To get a flavor of how Hilary appeals to these various groups see these bullet points from her economic plans:
*Expand employment Opportunities (I have no idea what that means unless she's saying "increase federal jobs")
*Provide tax relief for Small business and the middle class
*Enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Why is that in the Economics bullet points)
*Make America the world's clean energy super power. (
This is important if your an investor That means more free gov't investment money to
Tesla, First Solar etc. and it means hardship for Oil & Gas and Coal. It'll also probably mean ever increasing energy taxes and Electric rates across
the US.
*Fund breakthroughs in Medical and scientific research (Everyone says that; its a sop to Big Pharma that feeds her campaign funds.)
*Increase private and public investment (she doesn't say in what......probably Abortion Clinics)
For the rest you can see:
Her social justice initiatives are pretty much what you'd expect; she wants to federalize local police forces by forcing down Federal regs on them;
she wants to let crooks out of prison and to integrate them into middle class communities where the profits from crime will be higher and violent
assaults will be more rewarding. And of course, I'm sure she's all for TPP.
Her anti-gun proposals are interesting. She proposes to "Repeal the gun industry’s unique immunity protection. Hillary believes the gun industry
must be held accountable for violence perpetrated with their guns. Hillary will lead the charge to repeal the so-called “Protection of Lawful
Commerce in Arms Act,” a dangerous law that prevents victims of gun violence from holding negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable for
violence perpetrated with their guns." And of course she supports the assault weapons ban. All this to make people "feel" safer because her base is
all about "feelings" and not reality. Whatever, nothing really new there except wanting to repeal the gun industry's immunity protection. That could
well dry up manufacturing which then only leaves the problem of how to get existing firearms out of circulation. My guess is she'll take the approach
of outlawing sale and ownership of any weapon "capable" of accepting a magazine that holds more than ten rounds.
There you have it; for more check the website.