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UK Referendum 23 June 2016 - Will it be an EU BREXIT or Not?

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posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: eletheia

TODAY another one of them ... Christine Lagarde of the IMF came out with dire

warnings *Brexit bad to very, very bad*

The old rich biddy says house prices would plummet......LIKE THATS A BAD THING!

As a 28 year old paying rent and struggling to get on the property ladder even though im in the 40% tax bracket I say


Boo hoo super rich who are mortgaged on multiple property’s will lose cry me a freaking river

Least I will be able to get a mortgage in the south east on something more than a shoe box!


It's actually just more propaganda.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

To me a property crash is a brilliant thing anyway.

So that stay in propaganda could very well backfire and cause young people on the fence to vote out as they might get a chance to own a half decent home!

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 01:32 PM
Hmmn.... Is there any creditability in what this woman has to say regarding


Christine Lagarde

edit on 13-5-2016 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: eletheia

I can't see any point in asking anyone who works for the EU bureaucracy what they think of somebody leaving. Obviously they are going to be against anything that reduces their power and influence and income. Yes it would be very very bad for them.

To say anything else would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

Hmmn.... Is there any creditability in what this woman has to say regarding


Christine Lagarde

I hope so. I truely truely hope so.

I pray for a property crash!

Everyone under the age of 30 propably does!

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Trouble is there's kind of been a few already, in 2008 and 1990, of recent note, getting on the housing ladder as you hope does make sense as opposed o renting, but at the end of the day your still playing the bankers game...

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul

Trouble is there's kind of been a few already, in 2008 and 1990, of recent note, getting on the housing ladder as you hope does make sense as opposed o renting, but at the end of the day your still playing the bankers game...

The point of being a householder is that by the time you retire you are 'rent free'

so your pension goes further ..... or you have the facility to cash in some of your


You maybe playing the bankers game for a time .... but the 'landlord' game lasts

a life time! And he, like the banker is cashing in on you!

edit on 13-5-2016 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 08:32 PM
Renting sucks. You usually end up paying for someone elses mortgage so you may as well get one of your own if you can afford the initial deposit and fee's etc. Monthly mortgage repayments can be cheaper than renting depending on the length of the mortgage and interest rates. However, you are then responsible for stuff like boiler breakdown etc.

Back in Q3 2007 just before the financial crash I was lucky enough to get a mortgage for my own house. I say lucky because I was single and on around £17k per year. They were literally paying people to get mortgages, I received £1,500 cashback on a small mortgage for instance. I got a feeling that they knew it was going to crash and that was one of their ways of preventing it, or they knew nothing and were just greedy.

When the financial crash hit the value of my house dropped so I was in negative equity but the house price has picked back up over the years. Even if Brexit resulted in falling house prices (I think they would slightly due to less demand on housing) I am still voting Leave. I'm not voting Leave for personal loss or gain, I'm doing it because it's the correct thing to do for our country and our future generations.

I'm so tired of all the establishment crap we have had to endure over the past decades and after we Leave the EU, we need to get rid of the scum who tried to give away our freedom and democracy.
edit on 83134bAmerica/ChicagoFri, 13 May 2016 20:34:34 -05003116 by 83Liberty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 11:54 AM
Latest from Pollstation: 39900 votes an its now 82% Leave and 14% Remain

I know like many have said its just an internet poll, but if there was a 27% margin or error that would still be a comfortable Leave vote victory.

I am sticking to my 53-57% prediction for 23 June.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: eletheia

Don't you think I realize that? That's why I said getting on the property ladder makes sense as opposed to renting.

Many people including myself are paying more in rent than what they would be in mortgage repayments yet still can't get a mortgage. Either because they don't have enough for the deposit or it is deemed they don't earn enough to make the re-payments. Funny that if there current rent is more than the mortgage re-payments. Sure interest rates can vary and affect things but even if they went up to 9% in my case I could still afford the mortgage.

I'm sure it doesn't help with the amount of property investors and buy to let people out there that created the bubble in the first place, not to mention the greedy bankers.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Latest from Pollstation: 39900 votes an its now 82% Leave and 14% Remain

I know like many have said its just an internet poll, but if there was a 27% margin or error that would still be a comfortable Leave vote victory.

I am sticking to my 53-57% prediction for 23 June.

53-57? You mean 43-57% presumably which I think is very optimistic if you are on the side of leave...

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul

Don't you think I realize that? That's why I said getting on the property ladder makes sense as opposed to renting.

Keep your hair on!! I was only pointing out 'Bankers' aren't the only greedy gits,

Landlords run close they too are making a fortune while keeping their capital


Many buyers want to start at the top whereas if they buy cheaper and smaller to

start with and move on to bigger and better with time.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Latest from Pollstation: 39900 votes an its now 82% Leave and 14% Remain

I know like many have said its just an internet poll, but if there was a 27% margin or error that would still be a comfortable Leave vote victory.

I am sticking to my 53-57% prediction for 23 June.

53-57? You mean 43-57% presumably which I think is very optimistic if you are on the side of leave...
No I mean that the Leave vote will be 53-57%.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 04:27 PM

from an article by deputy political editor of the 'Express'

Brussels bureaucrats were accused of keeping planned spending
increases secret until after the UK referendum.

Presentation of the 2017 draft EU budget due out later this month
has been delayed till after June 23rd.

The EU Commission already stand accused of holding back a raft of
controversial policy measures until after the referendum, for fear of
encouraging a *Brexit*vote including new guidelines on free
movement for EU workers

Orders have allegedly gone out to Brussels officials to be on the
lookout for proposals that could fuel *Britain's leave campaign*

Ukip MEP Johnathon Arnott who sits on the European Parliaments
Budget Control Committee said EU membership costs the UK a huge
bag of cash each day ... And the European commission wants to keep
the British people in the dark about exactly how much this WILL increase

The commission is dishonestly withholding vital information from
British taxpayers who deserve to be fully informed about how much
the EU is costing them.

We currently know that the EU is also holding back a wall of
legislation till after the referendum
This latest move should alarm everyone who wants to make an
informed, democratic decision based on the FACTUAL cost
of EU membership.

They are hiding the true cost of remaining in the EU. IF we vote to
stay in, there is a raft of hidden nasties being stored up by the
EU Commission...
They are hiding the true cost's of the UK remaining in the EU.

Except for David Cameron's and the *stay in* campaign of scare

mongering .....Could anything be more devious.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 04:42 PM
Just watched Eurovision Song Contest and what they dished up was on par with what the EU does. Generally rubbish! Another reason to leave the EU, then maybe we wont get invited to the Eurovision next year so no need to watch it!

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:15 AM

This serves as a stark reminder that a vote to remain is not a vote for the EU...
As we know it ... Those at the helm, wholly unaccountable, are determined to bring
about further intergration eroding our democracy and our personal freedoms.

The Home Secretary has insisted the UK will not participate in the scheme, but
according to legal experts David Cameron's decision to fully sign up to the European
Arrest Warrant in 2014 means that Brussels will be able to overcome our objections
to the scheme.

As Mr Fischer QC remarked in 2014 "The introduction of the EPPO will presage the
ability of an EU institutional authority to trigger the criminal process, and iniciate
the curtailment of individual liberty in a non-EPPO participating Member State.

Now I maybe a bit slow on the uptake ... but can somebody help me out with

this,I see a lot of smoke and mirrors and the bending of words .....

WHY is the vote we are going to make on June 23rd to *REMAIN IN*

or *LEAVE*

Surely we were never ACTUALLY IN Were we

Didn't we only sign up to a TRADING agreement

That being the case if the vote does come out as REMAIN IN we

will then become full EU members under full control of the EU

Two birds one stone??

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Latest from Pollstation: 39900 votes an its now 82% Leave and 14% Remain

I know like many have said its just an internet poll, but if there was a 27% margin or error that would still be a comfortable Leave vote victory.

I am sticking to my 53-57% prediction for 23 June.

I think the bloody Scottish will anchor us in.

Not enough they were to cowardly to leave the UK but they will all vote in too!

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

I think the bloody Scottish will anchor us in.

Not enough they were to cowardly to leave the UK but they will all vote in too!

You could very well be right! The Scots I have come across in these threads

are mostly 'bloody mindedly' intent on keeping us in because they didn't get

out, and are blaming us and the broken promises of David Cameron and the



I was raised in my formative years by books that many/most of you will

never have heard of.... *Aesop's Fables* and *Brer Rabbit* but they

obviously made a life time impression on me about underhanded slyness

and mistrusting

Bedtime stories with moral consequences!!!!

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: crazyewok

I think the bloody Scottish will anchor us in.

Not enough they were to cowardly to leave the UK but they will all vote in too!

You could very well be right! The Scots I have come across in these threads

are mostly 'bloody mindedly' intent on keeping us in because they didn't get

out, and are blaming us and the broken promises of David Cameron and the



I was raised in my formative years by books that many/most of you will

never have heard of.... *Aesop's Fables* and *Brer Rabbit* but they

obviously made a life time impression on me about underhanded slyness

and mistrusting

Bedtime stories with moral consequences!!!!
Have faith comrades, fellow countrymen/women and every other Leave Tom, Dick and Harry! The mood is set and I think the Stay campaign are committing electoral suicide by treating people like they are pets and stupid. Sovereignty and massive immigration/migration concerns will fuel a nationalistic response in N.Ireland, Wales and England thus a Leave vote!

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 12:41 PM
Did anybody hear the little, fluffy news item about Benny from ABBA hoping the UK would win Eurovision because it might persuade British voters to vote Remain?

Now there's a man with his finger on the pulse of the British electorate's average IQ...

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