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Is North Korea a manufactured fear?

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posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 10:21 AM
By now most of you would have heard of the rocket test and as the rest of the world condemned the news and rightfully so, however many nations appear to have a selective memory.

Many nations have shown their 'outrage' as the always do, but where was this outrage when the french conducted nuclear tests at Mururoa atoll that lasted for thirty years? The Manhattan project, the Tsar Bomba, India, Pakistan...There are thousand upon thousands of nuclear weapons that could end life as we know it yet one secretive nation launches a rocket and suddenly enough is enough? and let's not forget Enola Gay and their payload...So one country can drop the atomic death on one nation but yet condemn another nation for threatening to do the same?

There is a simple reason why-fear.

Remember that NKPR nuclear test that was not exactly a nuclear test? people lost their minds. Remember when Sudan warlords were a bigger threat to innocents than lil Kim? No. Remember when the constantly warring tribes of Africa took millions of lives? of course not-they were never a threat to the west so screw Africa and it's concern of it's citizens.

Kim could be just another scapegoat-another excuse to send more assets to the south China sea. That chubby bub lil' kim doesn't want to play fair and China wants its sea back and lil' Kim could be a perfect excuse to patrol the South China Sea. We have been through this rubbish before with Gulf war 2-remember those WMD's that existed that were never found?

I hope that this is not another ruse. The last 'confirmed North Korean nuclear test' is now a 'may or not be a nuclear test' and as per usual the media may just take the baton and run with it.

So I ask you ATS- Is the North Korea threat overhyped? is it a true threat? or is this just a convenient excuse for the U.S to poke it's nose into yet another situation that may or may not concern them?
edit on 7-2-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 10:31 AM
Look at it this way....
If your crazy neighbor [ NK/Lil' Kim ] had a gun , killed members of his own family for disobeying him, took random pot shots at you and your family [ SK ] and constantly made threats to kill people in other neighborhoods, would you want him to get a bigger gun?

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Look at it this way....
If your crazy neighbor [ NK/Lil' Kim ] had a gun , killed members of his own family for disobeying him, took random pot shots at you and your family [ SK ] and constantly made threats to kill people in other neighborhoods, would you want him to get a bigger gun?

Awesome Point!

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Yep, that pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. Kim is an immature tyrannical dictator who has too many dangerous toys at his disposal. If China continues to protect him, they may have to deal with some nuclear fallout created by this idiot in the not so distant future.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

How about if you were the little guy with a little gun constantly afraid because the biggest gun in the world was pointed in your face 24/7?

Guess that never counts.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

But where is this proof of a "bigger gun?"

There are hundreds if not thousands of satellites that could've detected this launch so why is that the major nations have not detected it but yet can automatically determine the purpose of this rocket? unless the spooks are keeping their cards close to their chests then it's just a rocket-unless they know something that we don't....

Of course there will be a need to protect ones own, however the U.S is in the unfortunate position of being the first and only nation to use an atomic weapon against another nation. The precedent has been set as If lil kim realizes this then he will continue his 'WMD' research and then god knows what will happen. A white dove needs to be sent.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: DAVID64

But where is this proof of a "bigger gun?"

Probably the same place as the proof of the 'yellowcake' that was used as proof that Iraq was developing WMD's....

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: notmyrealname

Exactly. Responsible gun owners have the finger pointed at them all the time but enjoy their right to bear arms. But the poor nine to five North Koreans? lets punish them all by sanctioning the hell outta all of them. Surely an olive branch has to be sent, just don't send Scotty Pippen, Sean Penn or Bono as emissaries-that would not be the greatest idea.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

There is only one real source of the fear of an EMP attack (P.V. Pry) and it is no coincidence that the agencies he is representing are looking for a big-buck increase in the 2017 budget. The best way to get the budget increase is to get everyone afraid of something.

...USA: wash, rinse, repeat

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: DAVID64

How about if you were the little guy with a little gun constantly afraid because the biggest gun in the world was pointed in your face 24/7?

Guess that never counts.

You're defending the little guy? Besides all of the usual dictator behavior, he purposely starves his people. That should be enough to take the creep out.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

The South China sea dies not now and never has belonged to China.

It is an asset of the entire world, just like every ocean and sea on earth. They own a few miles out to sea, just like the US or anyone else.

After the 10 mile zone thc 15 Mike zone whatever it is, it is international waters.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: DAVID64

How about if you were the little guy with a little gun constantly afraid because the biggest gun in the world was pointed in your face 24/7?

Guess that never counts.

If the US wanted to take out any nation in earth, it wouldn't be there.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:52 AM
Think of it like this, NK isn't the reaction ( nuclear war) they are the catalyst ala ( making it more likely). If they were to ever fire a real nuke because little kimmy ran out of cognac. The entire world would end, humanity would disappear. So it's worrisome that a self proclaimed man-God has all of our fates in his fat little hand.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

If acting like a dictator is enough, What about Obama?

Forbes on Bloomberg regarding Obama being Dictator

If purposefully starving people is enough, What about the USA?

Hunger & Poverty in USA

Maybe we should focus on our own inequities and foibles before addressing others....

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: DAVID64

How about if you were the little guy with a little gun constantly afraid because the biggest gun in the world was pointed in your face 24/7?

Guess that never counts.

If the US wanted to take out any nation in earth, it wouldn't be there.

I fail to see how your comment relates to my response.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 12:00 PM
Perhaps. If it is, it was very poorly manufactured. People SHOULD BE afraid of communism and totalitarianism in general. The fact that North Korea comes off as more of a joke than a real problem either shows that it is a poorly manufactured fear or that it's not (for some strange reason) being taken as seriously as it should be.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

If acting like a dictator is enough, What about Obama?

Forbes on Bloomberg regarding Obama being Dictator

If purposefully starving people is enough, What about the USA?

Hunger & Poverty in USA

Maybe we should focus on our own inequities and foibles before addressing others....

I stepped away from ATS for a while because of so many (otherwise good) discussions needlessly leading to the US being the focus. It's really tiring. Just two threads in and same old crap, a reasonable discussion about the behavior of lil Kim and all of a sudden the USA is as bad as N. Korea. If you live in the west and can't live with guilt, move to a nice third world country.

Guess I'll stick with Trump & Sanders bashing threads. Those are at least fun to read.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

True positive change comes only after acknowledgement that there is indeed a problem.

Clinton, Obama, Trump, Sanders 'hope and change' provides a great place for those unwilling to look at the cold hard facts and bury their heads.

Enjoy the Hope & Change....

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 01:03 PM
Who knows. Anyone can speculate. Iran sancions recently lifted. North korea supposedly getting a sattelite up just in time for the terror plot hyped superbowl 50 on the west coast. Candidates saying we need to update our aged 'miss'iles. And North Korea is our biggest threat. internal laptop bombs blowing holes in planes they say. Are there cellphone bombs also? probably.. Which is the misdirection? Good luck. It's in plan A,B,C, or D..
edit on 7-2-2016 by Corruptedstructure because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 01:12 PM
Kim is just another pawn for the elite to manufacture doom porn 24/7.

Look at the border line that occurs on the 33rd Parallel. The elite always function by numerology and 33 = 3 (unclean trinity) x 11 (sin).

If the elite of all western nations nuked NK they will have less doom porn to feed off.

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