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WHY do so many people treat the bibles as gospel when its full of rubbish...

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posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:35 AM
I personally don't believe any of the bibles (take your pick-I'm sure it's full of rubbish)

I still believe in God and I think bibles have done some good as well...

Why do people who arnt necessarily gullible or stupid (but can be quite the opposite), why do they obsess over what the bible says?
How would you convince them not to waste there time?

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: gell1234

First off. I agree with you, HOWEVER your OP is rather lacking in substance. Care to actually discuss any relevant stories/snippets that you consider as rubbish versus what actually happened? You know so that we have somewhere to take the conversation and all? Also because this is a history forum, it would help to discuss history within the bible and contrast it with actual history instead of just the bible as a whole.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: gell1234

"Bibles" are full of "do good rubbish"?

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:43 AM
i don't believe everything in the Bible but i do believe in god, that being said what you provided isn't really an OP, instead you make a brief statement, you are either trying to be controversial to get as many Christians in here shouting at you as possible or you genuinely did not realise that when making a thread it is always best to create a substantial OP with your thoughts and feelings and reasoning behind it..

as i said, i agree with your statement about most of the bible being nonsense but c'mon man a little bit of effort goes a long way to create interesting threads that create discussion, as opposed to posting the bare minimum of information

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: gell1234

Because some folks show little to no respect for other peoples opinions and are unable to refrain from deliberate provocations and attacks.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: gell1234

noun: gospel; noun: Gospel; plural noun: Gospels; noun: gospel music; plural noun: gospel musics
1.the teaching or revelation of Christ.

"it is the Church's mission to preach the gospel"

synonyms: Christian teaching, Christian doctrine, Christ's teaching; More

-a thing that is absolutely true.
noun: gospel truth; plural noun: gospel truths
"they say it's sold out, but don't take that as gospel"

-a set of principles or beliefs.
"the new economics unit has produced what it reckons to be the approved gospel"
synonyms: doctrine, dogma, teaching, principle, ethic, creed, credo, ideology, ideal; More

2.the record of Jesus' life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament.

The reason Christians find the Bible to be gospel is because that is the definition of the word. Now, to your point. Why do so many fundamental Christians see the Bible as absolute truth and dogma?

In a deliberative democracy, compromise is a value, but for hardliners it is often viewed as a character flaw. Many of us think of fundamentalists as people who can’t be reasoned with, which is a problem for democratic politics. But you reassert fundamentalism as a “church movement” first and foremost, representing localism against “superchurch” ecumenism. How does that translate to politics?

The article goes on to explain the growth of religious fundamentalism here in the US and its slow engraining into the political right. Good read, and should help explain your question.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 07:55 AM
the bibles are not Religion..

the bible is a type of roadmap...created from the collective conscious mind of humanity...
some of which is presented as 'Prophecy' which is more properly a guideline for dedicated followers of Bible teachings to help 'make happen' 'become fulfilled' so that the Bible may obtain a certain level of credibility and gravitas in the affairs of human civilizations (portending to be God's Voice/Words )

to me, the Bible is like the works of Shakespeare...A Worthy & Classic contribution to humanity

but hardly brought about by a Divine entity residing outside this Universe
edit on th31145217502607572016 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:09 AM
link's not like any 'book' you might be familiar with, op's worth studying & applying

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: gell1234
I personally don't believe any of the bibles (take your pick-I'm sure it's full of rubbish)

I still believe in God and I think bibles have done some good as well...

Why do people who arnt necessarily gullible or stupid (but can be quite the opposite), why do they obsess over what the bible says?
How would you convince them not to waste there time?

Otay. You believe in "god", but you don't believe in any of the ancient documentation that tells us there is a god. Seems to me, there is at least one thing they all had right then, from your perspective. 1 point for bibles.

How did you find out there is a "god"?
Why did you believe the source that informed you there is a "god"?
Why should we believe you and your source, and not the manuscripts you say are rubbish?

Sincere questions. I'm always curious as to how people come to the realization there is, or is not a god. It would seem both sides owe at least some of their epiphany to books and people that preceded them. Deity seems to be something handed down, rather than originating in any one persons thoughts without outside influence.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: gell1234
How would you convince them not to waste there time?


If mankind would quit erasing history everytime they build a new empire, we wouldn't be clutching to our bibles as the only record they haven't wiped out. As it stands, real human history is up for question. Tribal histories, destroyed. Cultural records, destroyed. People's family histories, burned. Traditions of various languages in the past, lost.

originally posted by: gell1234
why do they obsess over what the bible says?

The only people who say we obsess over the New Testament, are the same people who in 1869 said that Homer's "iliad and odyssey" were complete works of fiction. Had no bearing on either history or reality. And were little better than mythology or a children's fairy tale.

Then Von Schliemann (the father of archaeology) went and discovered the lost city of Troy. Exactly where Homer's so-called work of myth, said it was.

originally posted by: gell1234
WHY do so many people treat the bibles as gospel when its full of rubbish...

Murder scenes are frequently full of stink, ugly, smeared blood, and unnatural looking bodies. An ignorant bystander might think the investigator has an attraction to all that. When really, they seek justice.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled secular atheist institutions of material and consumerism.

because obviously the banks are your daddy and they love you, and they would never do anything to wrongfully empoverish a whole country.
/end sarcasm

Mike Grouchy
edit on 7-1-2016 by mikegrouchy because: format

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:15 AM
i guess it must be easier or safer to attack christians than muslims or jews or scientologist or any other religion.
I mean i just dont understand, i am an atheist so attacking one teams book and not anothers is pretty gutless to say the least. in my point of view sure the stories in all the religious texts are an insight but humans being humans and by that i mean lying, cheating, decietful, murderous, manipulative animals that we are, there is no way in hell that any of those books in any religion made it out of the printing room without being influnced by human need in some way. for the same reason the government censors documents now, mankind would have manipulated the bibles , talmuds and qurans in the centurys of the past to control the sheep.
its not rocket science its logic.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:21 AM
Many people need something to believe in even if it does not stand up to logic and reasoning.

Many other people need to have people who believe in things that do not stand up to logic and reasoning in order to exploit them for profit, even if they don't realize they take advantage to make their living.

They use religion and forgiveness as an excuse to do what is really outright misbehavior and also use it to forgive themselves for doing what they suspect may be in error without really having any of their own thoughts about it.

Safe and sound under the wing of an imaginary man in the sky who sees everything and does nothing about it.

It is a messed up world....

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: gell1234
How would you convince them not to waste there time?

Why do you care? ("Their", by the way)

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: gell1234

Not sure what the aim of your OP is. If you want your thread to promote critical discussion you need to cite examples where there are either contradictions or the interpretation is questionable.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:36 AM
My personal opinion on the bible, is that everyone should read it. Not necessarily for the religious aspect, but more for the values and morals that are taught within it. There is a lot of life lessons in there. It teaches you right from wrong in many ways. Gives you guidelines on how to live a good life. I'm not overly religious either. Some days I believe in god, some days I don't.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: gell1234
I personally don't believe any of the bibles (take your pick-I'm sure it's full of rubbish)

I still believe in God and I think bibles have done some good as well...

Why do people who arnt necessarily gullible or stupid (but can be quite the opposite), why do they obsess over what the bible says?
How would you convince them not to waste there time?

Its because they live their life in fear, they want to go to heaven and not hell. I dont really blame them as in most times they were raised to be that way.

Also most people who believe in the bible actually have not read the bible, or cant comprehend tge hate or garbage littered throughout them.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: gell1234

The good ole bible, a very interesting book full of lore mix with myth and some historical true, but the reason in my views it became the law of the land for the Christian movement is because during the church total power "centuries" nobody could question the church.

Still in this days and times, people are not soo much behind the bible as the law of the land but we still have fundamentalist and fanatics that do.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: troyof69
My personal opinion on the bible, is that everyone should read it. Not necessarily for the religious aspect, but more for the values and morals that are taught within it. There is a lot of life lessons in there. It teaches you right from wrong in many ways. Gives you guidelines on how to live a good life. I'm not overly religious either. Some days I believe in god, some days I don't.

I do not agree with you on that. If your daughter gets raped would you mary her off to the rapist? Would you stone gay people to death? If your wife was pregnant and and you thought she cheated on you, would you take her to a priest to drink poison to see if she lives or not? If she dies they say she cheated, if she lives she didnt. But they would most likely die every time (which means "god" is in support of abortion). I could go on for ever about all the hate in it.

There is not a single thing in the bible that you cant learn on your own or with common sence.

Thats my position. Im 100% against every and any religion and bible. As you dont need a book to tell you about common sense.

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: gell1234

Im not a huge religious person but ACTUALLY, as a document the bible is full of history and places and things that actually happened, kings, reigns, places.

Obviously you arent a student of History or Archaeology or you would know this, as are many other ancient texts.

This reads more like a troll thread then an actual thread discussing the Historical Merits of an old book

Bad taste IMHO


posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: gell1234

The good ole bible, a very interesting book full of lore mix with myth and some historical true, but the reason in my views it became the law of the land for the Christian movement is because during the church total power "centuries" nobody could question the church.

Still in this days and times, people are not soo much behind the bible as the law of the land but we still have fundamentalist and fanatics that do.

Christianity is a farce and every follower of jesus will go to "hell". Why? Look at the ten commandments..

The first one "god" said that we are not to worship any entity but him/her/it.

The second says that we are not to create idols... What do you see at christian churches? Idols of jesus on a cross or different poses.

Every christian defies "gods" first two commandments.

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