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The BBC just published this article....

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posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Doodle19815

There is a rule in business, that ANY publicity is GOOD publicity.

This is very true, and I think what I'd do if I were TrueBrit (judging by the comments from his LGBT friends at places like the pink news), would be to get as many of the LGBT community to come forward to support him and his family business - by actually being there to purchase something - anything - a £1 pink padlock even (since this whole thing was about locks) that they then go and lock onto a bridge or fence somewhere say - which has been a bit of a lovers fad - but doing it to show support with him and his shop and that they don't believe it.

The negative ramifications of this from 1 gay man and his allegations may have dire consequences for the business, by showing an overwhelming support from LOTS of people & friends from the same sexual orientation as the alleged "victim" will negate that "bad publicity" and show the world that other LGBT people do not believe it happened, and cast doubt upon it.

Of course make sure that gets in the local & national press, and on TV, etc.

Put the boot onto the other foot - let this idiot have to back up his claims - who will people believe - 500 LGBT supporters, or 1 idiot who had no proof that anything happened?

I think that would do TB more good that a fund raising thing on t' web.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

The thing is the "victim" won the case... he's been awarded £7500 and the cost in total including legal fees etc, according to TB's mum in the DM article, will be £40,000.
So unless everyone spends lots of money or 40,000 people spend a pound...then it's not likely to help the cause.

The best things would be for PR... all of that would help the reputation and character of TB and the business.
I'm pretty sure TB has now been convicted of a hate crime... I can't even imagine what that must be like.


posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: blupblup
a reply to: Power_Semi

The thing is the "victim" won the case... he's been awarded £7500 and the cost in total including legal fees etc, according to TB's mum in the DM article, will be £40,000.
So unless everyone spends lots of money or 40,000 people spend a pound...then it's not likely to help the cause.

The best things would be for PR... all of that would help the reputation and character of TB and the business.
I'm pretty sure TB has now been convicted of a hate crime... I can't even imagine what that must be like.


From what I understand of it TB has not been convicted of anything.

The business was sued in a civil court because of the accusations against an employee(TB).

Aside from the impact this has had on TB and his family the ramifications of this are quite scary given that this award was given because of the actions of an employee whilst on a break.

This essentially means that any business owner can be sued for an employee whilst on a break making gestures that could be deemed offensive.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Ahhh ok then my mistake.

It's a bugger then.

Too expensive to take it to court or appeal.... you're really just at the mercy of randomness in the justice system then.

That's bollocks

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: blupblup
a reply to: Power_Semi

The thing is the "victim" won the case... he's been awarded £7500 and the cost in total including legal fees etc, according to TB's mum in the DM article, will be £40,000.
So unless everyone spends lots of money or 40,000 people spend a pound...then it's not likely to help the cause.

The best things would be for PR... all of that would help the reputation and character of TB and the business.
I'm pretty sure TB has now been convicted of a hate crime... I can't even imagine what that must be like.


I don't mean spending £1 to raise £40K, I mean spending £1 to show they are behind him and don't believe the allegations - even if the shop does close down from this, he has his personal reputation in tatters - he needs that rectifying, because while I have crossed swords with him a few times here and we disagree on things I absolutely 100% do NOT believe he did this, and am even more certain he doesn't deserve what he's going through.

He has lost because a minority made a claim against him, and the courts, politicians, the Police, everyone in any kind of authority immediately backs the minority to avoid being called some kind of bigot.

He needs to overwhelm that with an opposing force, from the same people that is many orders of magnitude greater - a big gay loud, proud show of support.

Because only then will anyone listen, and might anything happen - maybe even the case will be ordered to be reheard, especially with the wider reaching legal implications the result carries - it needs support from MPs etc, and they will come out in droves rather than be seen to not be supporting an LGBT cause celebre that is fighting an injustice that clearly needs to be righted.

Otherwise no one will do anything, he'll go bust, his reputation will be in tatters, and the compensation claims will get wilder and worse.

I believe that the person making the claim is a me, me, me, look at me everybody type person who has done this out of vindictive spite, and I would guess it's not the first time they've played this card, and I would also guess a lot of LGBT will NOT be impressed by it, and will probably know who it is and will probably dislike them because they are probably not a very nice person.

TB needs to take the fight to the enemy, not sit back and try to control the damage that has already been done.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:05 AM
The moment for a demonstration of Glory has begun.

One of the children of the wealthy and one of their priceless artifacts will have an accident.

The permanent damage will happen to the one they value more, the child or the art piece.

A message must be sent.

I know you would never approve of such intervention TrueBrit, on your behalf. But a message _must_ be sent. If they dare to touch one of mine, the cost will = too high.

The tragedy is all theirs. You and I would gladly have helped any gay person. I call on David Bowie himself to intervene on your behalf. It is the only way to prevent the curse from becoming real.

/end scapegoating

Mike Grouchy

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: blupblup
a reply to: nonspecific

Ahhh ok then my mistake.

It's a bugger then.

Too expensive to take it to court or appeal.... you're really just at the mercy of randomness in the justice system then.

That's bollocks

From what I understand of the legal system an appeal must be lodged within 21 of the ruling which has now passed.

The only real option is to start afresh and put it down to life giving you lemons.

I cannot imagine that TB does not have the strength and convicion to rise out of the ashes and I personally think that the people within his community will see through this for what it is and stand behind him.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: blupblup
a reply to: nonspecific

Ahhh ok then my mistake.

It's a bugger then.

Too expensive to take it to court or appeal.... you're really just at the mercy of randomness in the justice system then.

That's bollocks

From what I understand of the legal system an appeal must be lodged within 21 of the ruling which has now passed.

The only real option is to start afresh and put it down to life giving you lemons.

I cannot imagine that TB does not have the strength and convicion to rise out of the ashes and I personally think that the people within his community will see through this for what it is and stand behind him.

I don't think he can afford to ride on the winds of fate, it needs resolving.

When an important legal precedent has been set - and there's probably at least 2 here - then there is always room for manoeuvre within the legal system, because important rulings that can a severe impact need to be "approved" for want of a better word - so he needs to start lobbying the powers that be, and to get them to listen he needs something spectacular to get their attention.

that's my opinion, and I think I'll butt out now and leave him to decide for himself what he does and doesn't want to do - it's his life.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

I like the pink padlock sale thing. Put a decent markup on them, so he can recoup some of the legal fees and fines, then advertise the sale while explaining the situation. If the LGBT community rallies on his behalf, this one lone joker will be shamed into exile and hopefully TB will be able to continue to do business in his town.

I think this upsets me so much because it could happen to anyone in business for themselves, and it's certainly not fair.
Plus, TB is likely the most likable person I have come in contact with.

Perhaps a news article in his defense would shed light on this. (with character witness statements.)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

Imagine any of us getting sued for flipping someone off on the way home...

Truck drivers would make a fortune off of me.

Stop blowing kisses at them then

I am shocked to be honest.
Wonder If his shop has a website I may just buy something.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Have I missed something though can you appeal?.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:21 PM
I wonder how the Tandoori and Curry is across the road.

I see the FB SJW are rearing their heads with their 1 star reviews...
edit on 30-10-2015 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:08 PM
It's a very difficult incident for us members here.
Most of us do not personally know TrueBrit and have no idea what he is like when he is not online.
There have been plenty of people over the years who have been serial killers, whackos and psychos who when they were caught everyone said "but he was such a nice guy, pillar of the community" and the like.
Now I am not equating what TB has allegedly done with those kind of heinous crimes, more saying that everyone can appear affable, righteous, loveable and totally decent in a forum/ arena such as this, hell even in RL.

I would love to say with conviction that because TB writes so eloquently and seems to be a very honorable and fair minded guy then there is no way he did this - but I can't say that.
There are two sides to every story and it would be interesting to actually be able to see or hear the conversation and incident that sparked this but alas, we never will.

So while I will happily give TB the benefit of the doubt, it would be wise to bear in mind that we may never know the truth and that saying we 'know' TB didn't do it because his posts are really nice on ATS, is foolish and naive.
If this guy really did make all of this crap up and you are without blame and completely innocent then that is really harsh my man.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Power_Semi
Ive spent many years in Public Relations and I think a pink padlock thing would backfire. Some sort of campaign like that, less predictably stereotypical though, would be a grand idea.

What Peter needs to do is give a candid interview to whatever-newspaper-will-have-him with supporting statements from his lgbt contacts, showing his true nature. He's one of the few people I think actually-hearing will have a positive effect.

Comment on those news sites too, I signed up just for you buddy (TB).

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: stargatetravels
Oh jeez. Dont make phony theoreticals when you dont know the man.

How homophobic.
He is.

Even IF he had done what was claimed, was blowing a sarcastic kiss worth $40,000? How come women who get catcalled dont sue everyone? Anonymous man with a grudge makes a claim with no witnesses. Bull#.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: Ridhya

And you do know him? Personally?
I make no judgement on whether he did it or not or whether his punishment fits his crime, I'm merely saying just because he seems like a good guy on an internet forum, doesn't mean he is.
I'm not saying he's not either BTW - just saying that it's - uhm the internet, ya know?
edit on 30-10-2015 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Ridhya

Can you trust aa newspaper though? What local rag would go against this 'landmark' decision?

I'll more than gladly donate be it money, time or contacts.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: and14263

Just musing, but i'd venture that the Guardian or similar would be eager to hurt the BBC's lack of objectivity and such.

By the way, what is wrong with your country? Even if this sort of case is common one would think this linked case would set precedent for money.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: stargatetravels
It's a very difficult incident for us members here.
Most of us do not personally know TrueBrit and have no idea what he is like when he is not online.
There have been plenty of people over the years who have been serial killers, whackos and psychos who when they were caught everyone said "but he was such a nice guy, pillar of the community" and the like.
Now I am not equating what TB has allegedly done with those kind of heinous crimes, more saying that everyone can appear affable, righteous, loveable and totally decent in a forum/ arena such as this, hell even in RL.

I would love to say with conviction that because TB writes so eloquently and seems to be a very honorable and fair minded guy then there is no way he did this - but I can't say that.
There are two sides to every story and it would be interesting to actually be able to see or hear the conversation and incident that sparked this but alas, we never will.

So while I will happily give TB the benefit of the doubt, it would be wise to bear in mind that we may never know the truth and that saying we 'know' TB didn't do it because his posts are really nice on ATS, is foolish and naive.
If this guy really did make all of this crap up and you are without blame and completely innocent then that is really harsh my man.

I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying, but people are far more likely to behave with a facade in real life, and let their true feelings be known online, from the security of being able to hide behind a computer screen and say it all, than vice versa.

IE - he'd be far more likely to appear to be a nice bloke in real life, while online revealing himself to be a "homophobe" , than appear to be a "homophobe" in real life and yet with the security of anonymity reveal himself online to be a really nice guy who doesn't mind gayness at all.

Re the word "homophobe" - God I hate that word - there's no fecking phobia involved, it's used to make a dislike of something seem irrational and untrustworthy, like a phobia of creepy crawlies - I expect next it will be politicianophobia - and in advance let me just clarify that I am not scared of politicians, I just don't like or trust the c*nts

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: Ridhya
a reply to: and14263

Just musing, but i'd venture that the Guardian or similar would be eager to hurt the BBC's lack of objectivity and such.

By the way, what is wrong with your country? Even if this sort of case is common one would think this linked case would set precedent for money.

They are all in bed together, all serving the same masters, so no, they won't, he needs to create a big bang to get noticed and his side of the story get noticed.

Re the pink padlock for £1 - in the UK the "gay economy" or rather the money flowing from it, which is seen as being quite a lucrative and relatively untapped source, is known as the "pink pound"

Get it?

Pink pound padlock, buy one in support and go and lock it to the court doors - like this or this

In a loud and proud way with the full support of the (very self deprecating) UK LGBT community who hate this kind of negative press as much as anyone else.

With press and TV and MP support / coverage.


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