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United States Major General Blows The Whistle On What They Really Found On Mars

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posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

Retired Generals and Admirals and such are still connected, and are usually consulted on global and national security issues. They sit on boards as consultants to presidents, and committees and still retain their top secret security clearances even long after retirement.
Plus, they get cushy jobs as consultants by corporations and are often Liaisons to current military leaders and other high level people inside and outside government.
They might be old, but they are hardly obsolete. And they are still "in the know" when it comes to many current top secret projects.
So, what you mentioned above is really 100% incorrect assumption.

Um, no, you are claiming that the General is a valid source of information on Mars, he was, 30 years ago, but even then, only because he ran the Stargate Project (a remote viewing project) at Fort Meade, so the claims he is allegedly making now, are from things he did then, which are based on remote viewing, not anything real. Before he was forced into early retirement for being bonkers

But still, feel free to regard him as valid, you obviously need to

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed
I am curious about "Marduk"; isn't that the name of the planet that was destroyed in (way back when) wartime with Mars and is now the asteroid belt existing between Mars and Jupiter? Old_God most likely knows what I am speaking of.

No, that was Tiamat

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: Telos

If what A. Stubblebine says is right, then Ed Dames and his team have been right all along as well.

The carbon dioxide that is present in Mars today is due to microbes-- the only current life form on the planet, he said, aside from what he called "sentient machines or robots" that stayed behind after the loss of the Martian civilization. According to remote viewers, the Russian Phobos II spacecraft was destroyed by one of these robots, which took on the form of a spacecraft. The sentient machines control via an underground command center-- "they are the ones who create the crop circles on Earth...they are the ones responsible for the Rendlesham Forest Incident, for the Cash-Landrum radiation incident," Dames announced.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Marduk
I am fairly certain the planet in question that is now the asteroid belt was originally named "Marduk". Tiamat was one of three other celestial bodies; this one you reference was called "maiden of life".

edit on 4-10-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: Telos

If what A. Stubblebine says is right, then Ed Dames and his team have been right all along as well.

According to Ronson, Ed Dames was one of Subblebine's personal recruits so it's highly unlikely these two came to similar conclusions independently.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Marduk

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

Retired Generals and Admirals and such are still connected, and are usually consulted on global and national security issues. They sit on boards as consultants to presidents, and committees and still retain their top secret security clearances even long after retirement.
Plus, they get cushy jobs as consultants by corporations and are often Liaisons to current military leaders and other high level people inside and outside government.
They might be old, but they are hardly obsolete. And they are still "in the know" when it comes to many current top secret projects.
So, what you mentioned above is really 100% incorrect assumption.

Um, no, you are claiming that the General is a valid source of information on Mars, he was, 30 years ago, but even then, only because he ran the Stargate Project (a remote viewing project) at Fort Meade, so the claims he is allegedly making now, are from things he did then, which are based on remote viewing, not anything real. Before he was forced into early retirement for being bonkers

But still, feel free to regard him as valid, you obviously need to

I don't feel the "need" to do anything. If you think the Stargate project is all bunk and never produced any accurate results, that is your choice. Move along then..I haven't said even once that everything, or even anything this general says is true or false. Another bogus assumption on your part. I would even say you are intellectually dishonest for saying so.
What I say, or believe is all open ended here in the Skunk Works Forum. If you need help knowing how to participate in Skunk Works, I will help with that. You don't seem to follow it yet.

Stargate has many people coming forth now saying they were a part of that program, and that many assignments they did were true. You believe it or you don't, but either way you still don't have a clue if they were real or not. If this General says something is true, and it was done using remote viewing, he would know which guys were hitting their targets accurately, and which ones weren't good at it.

So I at least give him credit for being smart enough to make that call, based on his incredible level of past service to this country. Not a role you or I could hope to fill.
And all of that still doesn't guarantee anything he says, but that is why we discuss it here in this particular forum.

edit on 4-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: Marduk
I am fairly certain the planet in question that is now the asteroid belt was originally named "Marduk".

One interesting way to find out if the asteroid belt "Was" an entire planet at one time, now broken up, would be go there to that belt in orbit, and gather samples from many points along that orbit path, and examine the isotopic ratios and see if they all have a common trait that would expose them as belonging to some body like a destroyed planet.

They can do it already with anything like meteorites from Mars and know 100% they are really from Mars, or the moon, or whatever it is.. Might be a cool future mission some day.

edit on 4-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed
The "Dawn Mission" found Ceres within the asteroid belt (they are calling it a dwarf planet)! This is the rock body that has weird luminescence on its surface. Some think also shows evidence of past subterranean activity.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:24 PM
I find myself wanting very much to believe this. But I don't see it getting the kind of attention a revelation of this nature should be getting. It makes me wonder why it is not on front pages all over the world.

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

The Russians that came forth, (That Blonde astronaut woman) and showed those images showing that huge cigar shaped object near Phobos, were saying seriously that their craft was rammed by that thing, and sent to oblivion somewhere, and when the Curiosity Rover landed, the first images it sent back showed that same cigar object in the sky, according to "Aliens on the Moon, the truth exposed" a documentary that is a pretty good one.
The normal paste in code isn't working for me, but it's a couple years old or more, but still a good watch, and has a segment about the object seen in the Russian image taken in the '70's, and shows the same object in the Rover's first images

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel
Who ultimately controls the MASS media, is the answer to your question.

edit on 4-10-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Telos

Yeah but he looks crazy. I tend not to put much stock into people that appear to be suffering from pathological narcissism or self reinforcing delusions...

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Brainiac
a reply to: Telos

Yeah but he looks crazy. I tend not to put much stock into people that appear to be suffering from pathological narcissism or self reinforcing delusions...

You do realize (by your good judgment inference) are perfectly discribing many published images of Pope Benedict the 16th?
edit on 4-10-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed
I am curious about "Marduk"; (annunaki God from Sumerian writings) but isn't that the name of the planet that was destroyed in (way back when) wartime with Mars and is now the asteroid belt existing between Mars and Jupiter? Old_God most likely knows what I am speaking of. It amazes me the lengths de-bunkers go to discredit Generals, Astronauts or other very reputable individuals statements about what they know regarding all that is hidden from us.Is it fear based or a planned deliberate agenda?

It is fear based containment. (And definitely planned), Even with the best of the best informing us, all it takes to ruin it is some unknown, or not fully trusted subject matter like remote viewing (But a couple years ago everyone was flag waving that this stuff is totally LEGIT :lol when it was viewing on bomb factories locations, or some other "more normal" earthly thing..

Remember when it was easier targets like the former mentioned, where people were "oh-ing and ah-ing" how awesome remote viewing is and our military is kicking butt with it.. (or just the idea that it could help us stop some future attack by shutting down some foreign plan against us.) And this fit with main stream goals because we could find some bomb factory in some place so even the media was on board with it and open to it being real, although still possibly unverified. But the media has never been favorable or
"allowed" to be on board seriously with Alien civilizations having existed on the moon or Mars, so now remote viewing is all total bunk again..

Just toss in some very possibly true but not physically verified oddity like Mars once had a thriving civilization and a nuclear war a million years ago and 80% of the crowd goes into full waffle mode so their peers don't kick them to the nearest curb

I have read from different sources in the past, can't remember them all, about that planet. The only issues I have ever run into about those stories is how it is in the same story containing way too much other hard to believe things, so, in the end the story is filled with so many things, and some of them are way far out there, and even if true, impossible to verify.

But having said all of that, we still have all that material in the asteroid belt that leaves us with all the same questions unanswered. That material had to come from something, an event, or whatever. It does point to a good possibility that there was a planet there that was destroyed, whether by natural or unnatural event. It had to have been something

But there is also the problem of story makers using known things they fit right into the rest of a false story to make it all look true. That leaves us in the same boat, without the ability to know for sure, until some break through happens that shows something concrete.

edit on 4-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 09:35 PM
originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

NCA: It is fear based containment. Even with the best of the best informing us, all it takes to ruin it is some unknown, or not fully trusted subject matter like remote viewing (But a couple years ago everyone was flag waving that this stuff is totally LEGIT :lol when it was viewing on bomb factories locations, or some other "more normal" earthly thing..

Ed Dames is valid; so is Robert Monroe and Thomas Campbell. I use the method and it works. It is those that are themselves in fear will not even approach or use the technique to examine or participate.

NCA: I have read from different sources in the past, can't remember them all, about that planet. The only issues I have ever run into about those stories is how it is in the same story containing way too much other hard to believe things, so, in the end the story is filled with so many things, and some of them are way far out there, and even if true, impossible to verify.

It is a question of having a faith in a truth being revealed is all that resonates to your being (where you came from). Some believe in Jesus's resurrection/many more understandings exist Osiris, Vishnu etc; (that sort of iconic distribution of information) true for some others not. Not a big deal as is not your destiny to be the mouthpiece for a recalcitrant 'disappearing act' God figure. You are attempting to disseminate complex information into a youth based popular culture (just kidding; more disruptive would be the unimaginative calcified older people).

NCA: But having said all of that, we still have all that material in the asteroid belt that leaves us with all the same questions unanswered. That material had to come from something, an event, or whatever. It does point to a good possibility that there was a planet there that was destroyed, whether by natural or unnatural event. It had to have been something

It exists; and takes up the space where normally a planet should exist if you look at the physics of the layout of this solar system.

NCA: But there is also the problem of story makers using known things they fit right into the rest of a false story to make it all look true. That leaves us in the same boat, without the ability to know for sure, until some break through happens that shows something concrete.

Story makers are not your problem as they themselves have to in desperation continue to swim upstream against the truth to fabricate/falsify. I have great empathy for them and that impossible task to continue to obfuscate; as the truth is destined to reveal itself despite their best efforts to hide it.
edit on 4-10-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 10:10 PM
Yes indeed on all points.

Using the eye within the spirit to feel the truth. A gift? Some have this and some sure do not. At the age of 7 or 8 I went to a UFO documentary at a theater with the whole family, and all of the debunking attempts weighed against all the reported witness testimonials gave me the distinct impression that the Air Force was making up a whole lot of the "debunking" material.
In further years, this was certainly being shown true. Then Blue book was always just around the corner in every story or report, with only debunking materials to offer the public. All of these things clashed with witnesses most every time.

That the public was being lied to was not difficult to see by anyone, let alone an 8 year old kid like myself then.

The whole theater of people roared with laughter when given the already boring excuses like heat inversions, and bird flocks reflecting off a lake and showing in the clouds as a reflection, after hearing and seeing real footage of metallic disks zipping around, and there were footage's of the real deal to be seen.

Just because objects were birds in one report, and may have been heat inversions in another just could not be copy and pasted over every report like the Air Force was hoping, but they went with it nonetheless, to everyone's knowing smiles, laughter, and even anger, that knew the opposite was true.

They still insist the same laughable things cause ALL sightings.
Everything else they insist on has zero credibility and the only real tool that works against them are those who can see the truth, no matter what BS they say.

And like you said, lies are always running in patch and repair mode. Like a new undelivered 747-400 in AOG status, (airplane on ground) receiving "fit and refurbish" grade final assemblies from 3rd party vendors. They always are much poorer quality and the flaws can be EASILY seen, but they are accepted by the Airline and are still accepted by FAA as "true" or whatever you want to label it...

That is why being able to see and feel what the truth is defeats them. A lie is a construct riddled with human social traits, and the truth is the truth without any of that overhead baggage, or grade B third party vendor components.
edit on 4-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 10:44 PM
originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Yes indeed on all points.

NCA: Using the eye within the spirit to feel the truth. A gift? Some have this and some sure do not. At the age of 7 or 8 I went to a UFO documentary at a theater with the whole family, and all of the debunking attempts weighed against all the reported witness testimonials gave me the distinct impression that the Air Force was making up a whole lot of the "debunking" material.

My first abduction was when 4 years old on a Nuke base. I was shown the guts of the operation. This does not surprise me at all. It is well known (Malmstrom AFB 1968) had a huge problem with UFO sightings and had a random shutdown of all Minuteman silo sites; those included also were Warren and Minot AFB sites. This was a disaster.

NCA: In further years, this was certainly being shown true. Then Blue book was always just around the corner in every story or report, with only debunking materials to offer the public. All of these things clashed with witnesses most every time. That the public was being lied to was not difficult to see by anyone, let alone an 8 year old kid like myself then.

It isn't news that is current or relevant. What does this tell you? Someone some organization succeeded in the suppressing of that information.

NCA: The whole theater of people roared with laughter when given the already boring excuses like heat inversions, and bird flocks reflecting off a lake and showing in the clouds as a reflection, after hearing and seeing real footage of metallic disks zipping around, and there were footage's of the real deal to be seen.

I would hope its common knowledge; but the common people have been so confused with the truth interspersed with Hollywood play acting a truth telling (ticket sales) wouldn't know about a possible truth regarding "The Last Temptation of Christ" or "Alien" or "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" to an "Abyss" scenario. Big concepts.

NCA: Just because objects were birds in one report, and may have been heat inversions in another just could not be copy and pasted over every report like the Air Force was hoping, but they went with it nonetheless, to everyone's knowing smiles, laughter, and even anger, that knew the opposite was true.

Not birds; no heat inversions. I have seen the crafts floating above over, monitoring these bases (lived there witnessed them).

edit on 4-10-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: Marduk
I am fairly certain the planet in question that is now the asteroid belt was originally named "Marduk".

One interesting way to find out if the asteroid belt "Was" an entire planet at one time, now broken up, would be go there to that belt in orbit, and gather samples from many points along that orbit path, and examine the isotopic ratios and see if they all have a common trait that would expose them as belonging to some body like a destroyed planet.

They can do it already with anything like meteorites from Mars and know 100% they are really from Mars, or the moon, or whatever it is.. Might be a cool future mission some day.

An entire planet must have been a small planet, easier than that the mass has been calculated.

About half the mass of the belt is contained in the four largest asteroids: Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea. The total mass of the asteroid belt is approximately 4% that of the Moon

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: Marduk
I am fairly certain the planet in question that is now the asteroid belt was originally named "Marduk".

One interesting way to find out if the asteroid belt "Was" an entire planet at one time, now broken up, would be go there to that belt in orbit, and gather samples from many points along that orbit path, and examine the isotopic ratios and see if they all have a common trait that would expose them as belonging to some body like a destroyed planet.


You don't think it would be easier to evaluate the claimant, who in this case translated Sumerian tablets to get this story and who has no linguistic qualifications at all. Not a single qualified person supports his claims and he has been caught out lying about his evidence so many times already. Yanno, if you grant any veracity to him at all, then surely validating fairy stories would be a better waste of time and resources...
Maybe we can find out if there really were once a race of architecturally gifted pigs and a wolf that could talk

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Marduk

forced into retirement for being bonkers or forced into retirement for knowing too much and being a risk of letting out the information. It's easier to pass him off as crazy to the general public and discredit him as a nut.

Wasn't Ingo Swann part of the stargate project , and he RV'd a whole bunch of alien stuff on the moon.
Wasn't it Ingo Swann who RV'd the rings of Jupiter like the planet Saturn before they were discovered by NASA and the voyager mission
which baffled all of the NASA scientists !

So there is at least some merit to the ability to RV locations for me if this guy is saying that there are structures there (and he based this on his history with the stargate project) although he didnt explicitly say this then I believe it, because I believe Ingo Swann RV'd many things and these were proven correct.

Anyways interesting story would be cool if its true.

edit on 5-10-2015 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-10-2015 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

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