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The new fascism

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posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:09 PM
I remember many times reading about the analogy of a frog that is slowly killed by being in a pot of water that is raised imperceptably to the boiling point, until it boils to death.

This is somewhat like what is happening now. Slowly almost imperceptibly, freedom of thought is being taken away. Its happening on many levels. And its not a conspiracy, its a change in human conduct and behavior.

First there is political correctness. We are getting to the point where you are no longer allowed to voice your dissent to an issue. If you are a religious person and you are against gay marriage on religious grounds, this is now socially unacceptable. Thats right, you are no longer allowed to think certain ways about certain things. If you see the hypocrisy of the outrage of a white policeman shooting a black youth, while at the same time black youth kill each other and innocent bystanders, many of them black people, at an alarming rate, with hardly a notice, you are a racist. And I am not saying that the cops killing people under questionable circumstances isnt something that should generate outrage, its no less outrageous than the amount of killing young men of color bring to bear against one another EVERY single day, with NO outrage or hardly a mention.

If you are for workers rights, or protecting the environment, you are a tree hugging socialist. If you believe in global warming, you are a whacko. It's like for every thought that isn't liked by some group or other, there is a label to be applied to you to make you shut up. And that in a nutshell is the new fascism, its suppression of thought by application of a negative label to that thought.

And then there is the technological fascism. We all have this mindless sheepish desire to have the latest gizmo, without ever thinking or knowing whether it will truly benefit us or not. People are glued to their smartphones every free moment. Where conversations and socializing used to take place, there is just now staring into that little glass rectangle.

On television, new horrors are unleashed every day. Be it a school shooting, a movie massacre, a beheading, or a gruesome murder, it gets its 30 seconds of our attention until it doesn't register that we now see unbelieveable violence on a daily basis. Its like we are in a waking sleep.

And the funny thing is, so few of us even realize this is happening to us.

I wonder where the world is going. If we extrapolate all these things that are happening, we are headed for some very bad, very ugly times at some point in the future. Will we wake up in time? Do we love our children enough to come out of this malaise and actually do something? And you may ask, what can we do?

There are two things we can do. One is practice kindness. The other is practice compassion.

There are two modalities of thought we need to use. One is the realization that there are other people who may have other points of view than ours, and THATS OK. The other thing is, we need to constantly THINK about what we are doing and thinking. Instead of acting like lemmings, we need to QUESTION THE VALIDITY of things that we hear, especially on the internet.

The world we have is the one we will make.

Just some thoughts on a friday evening, and good luck to us all.
edit on 14-8-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:23 PM
The new fascism is a form of neo-liberalism, not old style liberalism, but the new hip and cool liberalism that goes by progressivism.

I've even had people seriously say to me in their posts that
ethics are totally needless in this day
and age right here on ATS,
when supporting abortion.

The neo-liberal can not tolerate any dissent
with the constantly shifting ethics
that they demand everyone agree with
or else.

They purposely ruin the lives of people who
disagree with them (bakers/florists)

They destroy people for things said in
private to lovers that happened to
be taped by the "lover"
(the football team owner who was always
very non-racist to the players but said
something that was deemed racist to his
lover in private and lost the team as a result)

The progressive set love to destroy people
as vigorously as possible and with great
glee and love to follow up with lots of hate
e-mail and death threats, all in the name of
their peculiar brand of ethics.

The new liberal philosophy is, if people disagree
with us, destroy their reputations, their lives,
their jobs until they agree or we have so
terrified others that no one will publicly
disagree with us.

The Hillary philosophy for sure.

The neo-liberal is really a fascist through and through
because they will not and are unable to cognitively
process any disagreements with their philosophy
and their ever changing set of "ethics"

Throw out all the old, it is all bad.
Anything that was ethical and moral in 1950 is
by default evil and oppressive and unacceptable
for anyone to believe any longer.
Especially religion, that is deemed by the facist
neo-liberal to be the worst sin of all, the one
thing that is worthy of sending someone to "reeducation camp",
the ever evil religion and any and all morality associated
in any way shape or form with religion.

edit on 9Fri, 14 Aug 2015 21:29:14 -0500pm81408pmk145 by grandmakdw because: grammar addition

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

What a strange black and white world you live in! A world of absolutes, no middle ground or moderation, only extremes.

I guess we see what we want to see....

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

You can say what ever you want, just know that people are breaking away from the old views and will voice their opinion right back at ya.

So you are still allowed to say what ever you want.
Just don't act like what you say has no consequence.
We live in a social media age, so when you blast your opinions to millions of people, you might get some people that don't agree with you.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: openminded2011

You can say what ever you want, just know that people are breaking away from the old views and will voice their opinion right back at ya.

So you are still allowed to say what ever you want.
Just don't act like what you say has no consequence.
We live in a social media age, so when you blast your opinions to millions of people, you might get some people that don't agree with you.

You just made my point about neo liberals
being unable to tolerate anything they
disagree with to the point of threatening

"Just don't act like what you say has no consequence."

An implied threat. Typical liberal/progressivism
reaction to anything they disagree with.

"So you are still allowed to say what ever you want. "
Implies that if you have your way people won't be
able to say what ever they want much longer.
Again a typical liberal/progressive
reaction to anything they disagree with.

That is how fascists react to anyone who dares
to even think thoughts that the fascist does not
approve of. Use social media (society) to punish
incorrect thought and what the liberal/progressive
deems to be currently incorrect speech.

edit on 9Fri, 14 Aug 2015 21:46:02 -0500pm81408pmk145 by grandmakdw because: addition

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

And those select few will make sure they smear, sneer and jeer all they see as opponents.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: openminded2011

You can say what ever you want, just know that people are breaking away from the old views and will voice their opinion right back at ya.

So you are still allowed to say what ever you want.
Just don't act like what you say has no consequence.
We live in a social media age, so when you blast your opinions to millions of people, you might get some people that don't agree with you.

You just made my point about neo liberals
being unable to tolerate anything they
disagree with to the point of threatening

"Just don't act like what you say has no consequence."

An implied threat. Typical liberal/progressivism
reaction to anything they disagree with.

"So you are still allowed to say what ever you want. "
Implies that if you have your way people won't be
able to say what ever they want much longer.
Again a typical liberal/progressive
reaction to anything they disagree with.

That is how fascists react to anyone who dares
to even think thoughts that the fascist does not
approve of. Use social media (society) to punish
incorrect thought and what the liberal/progressive
deems to be currently incorrect speech.

Just look to whom the liberal establishment swoon at - Che, Castro, Chavez. Liberals make the best dictators.

Edit: Forgot one
edit on 16355Fridayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

So if you take my words and twist and spin them it proves your point??
You are creating the implications, that doesn't make it true.


I made no threat, all I said is that you can't just say what want and expect no backlash.

Implies that if you have your way people won't be able to say what ever they want much longer.

LOL, ok what ever you say.
You know me best!

What I said was that you are still allowed to say what you want, that is all it means.

Once there are laws against the speech, then get back to me about not being allowed to say something.

There is no implied threats in this post, all perceived implications are of your own and not based in reality.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Bilk22

Who swoons over them?

Because a company sells shirts at walmart that means liberals swoon over them?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

"I made no threat, all I said is that you can't just say what want and expect no backlash." Tell that to the Dixie Chics LOL

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:03 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Bilk22

Who swoons over them?

Because a company sells shirts at walmart that means liberals swoon over them?
Who buys them?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Bilk22

IDK, I don't see them very often. I would bet it is people that have no idea who is on the shirt and just bought it for 10 dollars because they didn't want the shirt with the cat on it.
But would those people that buy it speak for all liberals?
Pretty large blanket there.

And tell what to the Dixie Chicks?

They are an example of PC coming from the other side, they said things they 'shouldn't' have said and they got plenty of black lash for it.
Exactly what I am saying.

Also shows it is not just the dirty liberals engaging in this

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Bilk22

IDK, I don't see them very often. I would bet it is people that have no idea who is on the shirt and just bought it for 10 dollars because they didn't want the shirt with the cat on it.
But would those people that buy it speak for all liberals?
Pretty large blanket there.

And tell what to the Dixie Chicks?

They are an example of PC coming from the other side, they said things they 'shouldn't' have said and they got plenty of black lash for it.
Exactly what I am saying.

Also shows it is not just the dirty liberals engaging in this

"Fidel Castro is a genius!" gushed Jack Nicholson after a visit with the Cuban Führer in 1998. "We spoke about everything," the actor rhapsodized further. "Castro is a humanist like President Clinton. Cuba is simply a paradise!" Jack Nicholson has been saying such things for years now. Many of his Hollywood cohorts follow suit.

"Socialism works. I think Cuba might prove that" (Chevy Chase).

"Castro is very selfless and moral, one of the world's wisest men" (Oliver Stone).

"If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!" (Harry Belafonte).

"It was an experience of a lifetime to sit only a few feet away from him (Castro)" Kevin Costner.

"The eight most important hours of my life," Stephen Spielberg describing his dinner with Castro.

Socialist socialites: Hollywood mourns Hugo Chavez


edit on 18222Fridayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Kindness and compassion are traits we all should espouse, yet it is tolerance of others that is lacking from many in our society. Tolerance that allow others that make choices that go against one's beliefs, but brings fullness and happiness to their lives. I have found that extremists from both sides of the political spectrum cannot tolerate allowing people to live their own lives without impinging on others, and want to enforce their ideology and will upon those who don't share in their belief systems. Those that don't toe the line are to be labeled, ridiculed, and shunned. Some are so entrenched in their dogma that violence and death are justified, in their minds, ala "Swatting", firebombing clinics, and sniping the opposition.

One of the great things about this Country are the freedoms the Founders sought to preserve for generations to come, and how citizens enjoy freedom of speech and religion, to name a few, as long as one doesn't infringe on others rights. Problems arise when tolerance is absent from the equation.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I think it has mostly to do with the shortening of attention span; nowadays, no one has any time for actual discourse. Everyone wants to hear or see a situation and immediately leap headlong to judgement. There is little back-and-forth debate in the news, for instance, just zingers and sound bites. Anything that is perceived as controversial is castigated and the speaker/writer is figuratively burned at the stake. No discussion, no debate, no thoughtfulness, just chaos and verbal anarchy.

The speed between scene changes keeps increasing. What used to be up for considered discussion and listening as well as talking is now replaced with instant, absolute dismissal out-of-hand. A need for instant gratification and increasing resistance to measured debate, in addition to lack of face to face communication on a regular basis, are dehumanizing us all, I fear.

There seems to be no willingness to hear what others think or feel without objecting and yelling about how the thoughts and feelings are hurtful to others, or objectionable, or politically incorrect. I can't see this abysmal condition changing of its own volition. It might change, but how?

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: Bilk22

Oh, so it is the handful of celebrities that speaks for us all now.

Guess all of the right swoons over putin and his love for freedom.

Or the freedom people have in the ME.
Since we are getting out the big brushes.

And no one likes Rodman anyway, kimmie can have him.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: Sremmos80

"I made no threat, all I said is that you can't just say what want and expect no backlash." Tell that to the Dixie Chics LOL

The Dixie Chicks backlash came from free market forces. People called radio stations and said they would not listen if they played DC songs. Enough calls came in that the DC music stopped for a time. But now the DC are back.

The PC backlash we are seeing right now are along the lines of a non-chain pizza shop saying they would not cater a same sex union, and receiving backlash from liberal fascists who threaten to burn their store, kill the owner, and organize twitter-bot armadas to slander the restaurant. Luckily people stepped up to help the owners.

Or force a cake owner to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the emotional distress of not baking a cake. Or arranging flowers. Luckily people are stepping up to help them.

Or a governor making a word illegal (alien) because it hurts the feelings of illegal aliens. Or forcing cities to ignore an illegal's non-resident status when interviewing for a job with the police force.

Or ignoring the violence of people from a religion with non-stop global history of violence and slavery since its creation over a millennium ago, but banning the flag of a defeated nation on public land because it was adopted by an organization with less than 50 years of political influence... all because a single murderous dip# had it on his belt buckle.

But yes, insulting your fan base is totally equivalent.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

The people are boiling......

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

The human mind is often quite at schism with itself and others. Progression towards perfection is unattainable no matter how determined towards such a goal and the reason for this is simply we don't know who we are or where we are. Reality is just one long '___' trip, sometimes brilliant and sometimes nightmarish all mixed up and churning round and round in the swirling energy of the known Universe.

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

If you are a religious person and you are against gay marriage on religious grounds, this is now socially unacceptable. Thats right, you are no longer allowed to think certain ways about certain things.

Oh come on, you're allowed to have an opinion on gay people, what's unacceptable is using your personal opinion to justify real life interference in the lives and rights of gay people.

If you are for workers rights, or protecting the environment, you are a tree hugging socialist. If you believe in global warming, you are a whacko.

It feels to me like the opposite is true. Any time I criticize global warming research I tend to get treated like a whacko. The world is becoming more and more socialist every day, the power of the nanny state is growing rapidly and people don't even blink an eye.
edit on 14/8/2015 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

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