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Caitlyn... Check Yourself!

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posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 06:11 AM
Sorry - I had second thoughts about my post.

edit on 7-8-2015 by berenike because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
a reply to: TrappedPrincess

Lol I'm not upset at all. Just because someone voices an opinion that you don't like or agree with does not make them upset. It just means you don't agree with them. Thats your right,just as its mine to disagree with you.

Absolutely, you have the right to be as bitter and nasty as you want to be. So maybe you should articulate your bigotry in a way that does not make you sound so upset. I know its the inter webs and text can be hard to judge tone or demeanor but ya seemed upset. Maybe you could articulate your disdain for us into poetry aye, just a thought.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
a reply to: EKron

In fact I have already posted about their suicide rates. It does concern me. I think more counseling is needed before letting people do this. The doctors will make their money off this group,but that doesn't mean its for the best. I am always concerned when it comes to people. I see so many so unhappy in this day and age. Happy people don't commit suicide,so what ever those that take that route were looking for,they didn't find it.

Oh okaaaaaay, your just SOOOOOO concerned about us and our suicide rate huh? I smell crocodile tears and a false argument to attempt to validate your obviously deep rooted contempt for us. You don't have to specifically say that you don't like someone for it to be true ya know.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

Sometimes It's enough to make ones hair turn gray heff.

'I believe in biological reproduction-that's the reason why you and I are here, but-'

'Stop right there; you can't accept us transgender people for what we are, how dare you?'

'If you'll let me finish-'

'No Cake, you said it. You don't want us to be who we are and you can't accept that fact you intolerable a-

'ENOUGH!!!' if you'd let me finish I was about to say it's your choice and yours alone and nobody should stop you.'

'oh, so it's my choice now? well go eff yourself you-'

*walks away*

I don't know if it's a persecution complex and I can imagine why it could be and I can imagine the anger, but whether it be a man or woman or man come woman or vice versa, being an ass is universal.

edit on 7-8-2015 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: Hefficide

Sometimes It's enough to make ones hair turn gray heff.

'I believe in biological reproduction-that's the reason why you and I are here, but-'

'Stop right there; you can't accept us transgender people for what we are, how dare you?'

'If you'll let me finish-'

'No Cake, you said it. You don't want us to be who we are and you can't accept that fact you intolerable a-

'ENOUGH!!!' if you'd let me finish I was about to say it's your choice and yours alone and nobody should stop you.'

'oh, so it's my choice now? well go eff yourself you-'

*walks away*

I don't know if it's a persecution complex and I can imagine why it could be and I can imagine the anger, but whether it be a man or woman or man come woman or vice versa, being an ass is universal.

You are correct in your last line: "being an ass is universal".

Aside from extreme activists PC websites, I never hear people react that way to people who genuinely say what you did "if you'd let me finish I was about to say it's your choice and yours alone and nobody should stop you". Most of us are cool with that attitude unless it's accompanied with a ton of uninvited judgmental opinion (complete with tons of inaccurate information they've read from Brietbart or something).

There is a huge difference between your attitude and the attitudes of several others on here. I'm sure you can see that.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

I hear you say this, but please provide SOME non-anecdotal evidence that they are BORN THAT WAY...

I'll be listening to the crickets for a long time thinks...


posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: research100

Are you trying to claim that intersex peoples are the majority of homosexual cases? Your statement has no bearing on the argument. Gender is NOT psychological. If someone with man parts thinks they're a girl, then they are mentally disturbed.

edit on 7-8-2015 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

Can you prove they are not?

There have been Brain Scans of Trans people compared to Cis-People where Trans Woman and Cis-Woman have similar Brain Scans, and Trans-Men and Cis-Men have similar Brain Scans


posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: Darth_Prime

I hear you say this, but please provide SOME non-anecdotal evidence that they are BORN THAT WAY...

I'll be listening to the crickets for a long time thinks...


There are tons of "non-anecdotal" evidence within scholarly articles in medical journals. I'm not going to buy these articles for you but here's a professor discussing a couple of the findings from a long study:

The studies he's talking about are available for purchase in some databases and I've read through them but I don't have access directly. If you are interested enough, find the free ones that you can on the subject.

In the womb, there are two distinct phases of sexual determination, one for the brain and one for the rest. Transgender folks usually didn't get to have them line up like the rest of you guys do.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
As long as we keep the 'Trans' part out of it, that has nothing to do with her Personality, or her positions on political things.

Her being transgender does not make her Bad or Hypocrite

Please define what transgender is, most of us actually still do not have a clue.

And really, it has not been explained, and really I do not think it can.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO
Please define what transgender is, most of us actually still do not have a clue.

My perspective on this is probably skewed? Can someone else give this a shot? My answer probably won't be helpful or accurate.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: research100

Are you trying to claim that intersex peoples are the majority of homosexual cases? Your statement has no bearing on the argument. Gender is NOT psychological. If someone with man parts thinks they're a girl, then they are mentally disturbed.


And someone who goes out of there way to disregard the gender I quite obviously present as and proclaim to be would be remiss to do so in my physical presence especially on an evening when I have been drinking. Do you understand that??? DO YOU?!?! Again I point out that people like you only say the things you do from the safety of home behind your keyboard. The best part would be that you would underestimate me based on my appearance which would just be another example of your willful ignorance and inability to see beyond your own distorted perception.

A cahllenge for you, go into the world and find someone and verbally berate them and see what happens...I dare you.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

When you are born you are Assigned a Sex at birth, but that is Not your Gender-Identity. Transgender is when your Gender-Identity does not match your assigned Sex

Gender-Identity is separate from Assigned Sex and Sexual Orientation

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: honested3

And my red pen is here to mention that "cisgender" seems very much like the sort of slighting terminology that is deliberately invoked to illicit a specific reaction and show contempt rather than respect. I imagine it would be rather hard to fight intolerance from a position of, well, intolerance.

ETA: And to be clear, I did not, in fact, say that my relative caused me to "have prejudice". What I did say was "he certainly has caused a predisposition towards some level of bias within me".

To be more specific, I was conscious of the fact that I might be projecting a bit of my relative onto Kaitlyn.

Well I am sorry it 'seems' that way to you but that is the acceptable term for non transgender people. I can refer to you as 'non transgender' if you prefer. And nobody was disrespecting you. In fact I would say you are acting rather entitled as though respect is yours to dish out.

"he certainly has caused a predisposition towards some level of bias within me".

Maybe a minute amount of bias/prejudice, but still bias/prejudice. A little drop of poison goes a long way.

I am not really sure what the whole point of this, I feel like I am trying to make you feel better for challenging you on your own sentiment.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Cisgender + ignorant = Cis-ignorance. Its not meant to say all cis people are ignorant, its the same as saying white ignorance.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: honested3

Ah, now I get it. This is social justice warrior rhetoric. The whole I should live in endless self-loathing cuz privilege thing.

Yeah. Not happening.

Oh, and the acceptable term for non transgendered people is the same as for actual transgendered people... it's the people part that is relevant.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: honested3

Ah, now I get it. This is social justice warrior rhetoric. The whole I should live in endless self-loathing cuz privilege thing.

Yeah. Not happening.

Oh, and the acceptable term for non transgendered people is the same as for actual transgendered people... it's the people part that is relevant.

For someone who doesn't like terms, you seem to endear them. I still don't understand what you're arguing about, I never said to hate yourself, that was your own contribution.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 12:59 AM
Don't make me turn the car around, you two.

This is blown out of proportion with the "cisgender" thing. It's a term and shouldn't be used in conjunction with an insult. "Cis-ignorant" does have its place but it is understandably mistaken as an insult. Likewise, the term "cisgender" is perfectly valid.

So let's all agree that it's a valid word and that we won't abuse it. Ok now, shake hands, you two.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

Heff, at first I was going to respond by saying i think maybe it's your personal experience coloring your opinion, but then i realized there's something else at play, and maybe you (and many of us) missed it because we haven't noticed it in some of its unsuspected forms. Faux Conservatism.

By the term, i mean the current and recent predominant form of ideology of the so-called political Right in the US. Fearful of terrorists, liberal with money, as long as it is going to the right corporations (weapons manufacturers, halliburton types, etc. ) - a big slice of Neocon to start with. However, the key hallmark of these folks, the ones who leave the marginalized real conservatives frustrated trying to explain that they're not one of those idiots:

They believe government should stay absolutely out of our lives and choices, they are the stalwarts of Freedom and Patriotism, they are the last of the True Americans... long as you live and believe as they do, or at least cooperate with, and never do anything counter to THEIR agenda.

They're not all the same, except in this anti-Freedom, anti-American foundation. Many do share the majority of their checklist of "Which Opinions & Choices Are the Right Ones to Have, for All Citizens."

Their response to the non-conforming ranges from a nonsensical thought to themselves about how stupid the other person is for having a different opinion: "Bob eating that organic produce. What an idiot. There was no such thing as organic 500 years ago" to political action, violence, spewing of elevated decibel level, regurgitated blobs of verbal hypocrisy.

Regardless of the response, the trigger is always the same: "that person thinks/acts/does something differently than me. Therefore, he is wrong. That type of behavior should be punished. "

We've been used to experiencing this among a very specific set of parameters, which i believe has to do with the Republican party's branding. For years now, their core has been based not on policy issues, but on personal opinions. Liberals generally think we should expand social safety net programs, Conservatives think we should contact the programs. Two opinions on policy - useful as a prelude to a debate! Instead, the core focus has been: What do we like & how many Americans can we convince that Jesus would agree, while dancing on the burnt remains of the Constitution?

What we didn't realize is that "Complete & Total Freedom for those who Agree with Me" doesn't necessarily only apply to the standard issue Republican List of True American Beliefs. It applies to anyone who is so full of themselves, and full of [#2] to realize that freedom is meaningless if it's not for all. In their eyes, somehow, the opposite of freedom is freedom. Freedom means "your way" is "the way", and there's no if's, and's, or rights to free speech.

Caitlyn just happens to be herms own unique brand. There's probably more flagrant versions out there. Somewhere, there's probably a sequined pickup truck blasting Barbara Streisand, cursing "N-words" for using the same road equally as if they were "Real Americans."

Stop the Constitution, Cease Human Compassion, Issue Behavioral Edicts & Decrees. Vote Fascist!!

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 01:20 PM

edit on 8-8-2015 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

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