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New Bob Lazar information video with a twist!

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posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: baddmove

I never took the allegations Lazar never worked at area 51 seriously. However, I think the real questions regarding credibility should be regarding his mental health. That should have been the focus. His education is irrelevant because he did work at area 51, and he was too intelligent to have been just there as a janitor any way. Not to mention, his dad also worked there as well, and I can't believe that he would have been there as just a janitor.

Certainly having one of your limbs chopped like Lazar's limbs were could result in a mental snap for an otherwise healthy person.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: jammer2012
a reply to: justbe

Thanks for posting bro but thats the one i already had a listen to...Corbell mentions a few time in this that there is the full one hour interview with Dr. Robert Krangle free of charge. I haven't been able to find that interview. But thank's for posting this one there is a lot good info in least i thought so....Hell I just might have me a listen to it again in few...

yo bro, lol, you mean this one?

edit on 7182015 by justbe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: DogMeat
Lazar, was an employee of K/M at Los Alamos, in the position of custodial services “janitor”.
He was so enamored with what was going on and wanted to be a part of the “Big Picture”.
Seems he has built a title, degrees and a job around what he wished he could have done.
He has no degrees…Period.
He read all the magazines and books/papers he saw around Los Alamos. This gave him some Big Words to use to make him sound as credible as he could be. As time passed he studied more to remain as creditable as possible.
He is a fraud and a liar and anyone with an ounce of common sense can see this. Watch his eyes and which way the go when he talks…..
His Element 115 was talked about on magazine 6 months to a year before he mentioned it. So there you have it…Simple huh.
This is how it plays out to me. Some wannabe guy, that can't face the fact he amounted to nada...
Please don’t believe everything you read or hear. Just because it is in the MSN does NOT make it true.

It does seem to be that way. I really don't know, though. But you're right, just becuse you see something on the net doesn't mean it's true.

Most of Ufology would probably die tomorrow if people stopped believing and started fact checking. Problem is, people are lazy and just want to confirm what they already believe. It's like obesity of the mind. A word should be thoguht up for it. It's a dangerous trend.

I don't think people are truth-intolerant. A person can suffer from this illness and still speak the truth. They're intolerant to changing their world views or otherwise their entrenched opinions, even if facts counter them. When do world views form? When do opinions become entrenched? That's key to treating these people. If the infection can be prevented then its probelms won't show up. Otherwise, a method of treatment will have to be found that attacks the illness after it has settled in.
edit on 18-7-2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: justbe

That my friend is the one...Thank you for hunting that down...

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: jammer2012

you're very welcome

and thank you for bringing that to my attention, very interesting!

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 12:54 AM
The best part of the Bob Lazar story is that it hangs together and makes a consistent narrative which completely explains a lot of unanswered questions about UFOs and what the government's relationship is with UFOs. If what Bob says is true, these are not things which were intended for the general public to know. There is a good deal of doubt about the credibility of Mr. Lazar, but perhaps that represents a deliberate effort to see to it that he is not believed.
a reply to: baddmove

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 07:18 AM
Bob Lazar has always struck me as a credible person. I don't know why but there is something about him. I firmly believe he worked at Area 51 and helped the government back engineer extraterrestrial craft. This new information which will hopefully add more meat to the bones of the Lazar story just shows that Lazar wasn't lying after all.
edit on 19-7-2015 by AnonymousTM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 04:10 PM
I agree. He is legit. The craft he worked on wasn't ET though. It was man made most likely by the Germans during the Nazi days. By the 1980's America was still trying to figure out how it worked. Bob Lazar said his job was to figure out how the propulsion system worked and replicate it. The multiple crafts may have been seized by the Allies in WW2 or brought over during operation paperclip. Germany had a better scientific community than the west did and they were further along. They use the ET stuff as a disinformation cover. When Lazar was working there (S4) he was given material to read about aliens. They even use disinformation on their employees to throw them off.

Something that's making it rounds now is that UFO's go back to the Vril and Thule occult societies in Germany. This is something I am looking into more with personal research. There's an interesting youtube video on this. Take it or leave it. I don't agree with everything

This is a link to the video

They are without a doubt man made. Sorry to step on anyone's toes.
So Lazar gave us an interesting account of where the US/Nazi collaboration was in the late 1980's on this research.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 04:37 PM
Cases like Bob Lazar's show just how good the gov is at disinformation. They ridicule and use other means so you start second guessing what you've seen. There must be something very special behind the curtain for them to go to all this work.

I think we have been conditioned to believe that we are not alone, but the smoking gun seems to elude us. Sooner or later something will happen that no government agency or group can keep secret and then someone will have a lot of explaining to do.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: imitator
That is a photoshop from the tv show called the Janitor.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: deanNS

LOL, that's why i said it was not really a "good" photoshop job.

Pffft...some people....thanks Dean.

edit on 20-7-2015 by baddmove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 03:27 AM


posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: jammer2012

Hi jammer2012, for you and everybody else, found a great interview with George Knapp where he talks about Bob Lazar, but also about Rich, Corso, Bigelow's space program, NASA, Majestic 12 and Russian UFO files (awesome! starts at about 34:30)

Great Quote (about journalism) : "We're suppose to investigate the unexplained, not to explain the uninvestigated."

Maybe it's just me, but I could listen to George Knapp for hours

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 07:33 AM
Concerning Bob Lazar's degrees or lack thereof, if I may take a moment to relate my own personal experiences. Many years ago, I attended a school of higher learning. For reasons we won't get into now, I was asked not to return one semester. When I attempted to transfer my credits to another university to continue my education, I found out that my records showed that I hadn't taken and/or passed many of the classes I remembered taking. The university had mailed a printout of my classes and grades to me at the end of every semester. Like a fool, I had only kept a few, and it turns out that if a student's printout and the official record differ, everyone accepts the official record. Lawyers were consulted, lawsuits were threatened, but in the end I simply gave up and took a job in another field rather than continue fighting.

Many years later, I was let go from a job for BS reasons. I soon heard rumors that I was fired for completely different, criminal reasons. I had learned my lesson from university and still had all of my exit package paperwork including the page with the official reason I had been fired as signed by my supervisor. I went to the company upset about the rumors and wanting them squashed, found out that my copy of the paperwork didn't match the paperwork on file in HR, spurred an investigation that eventually got my former supervisor and his supervisor fired, got an admission from the HR director that the BS reasons I was fired were BS, but still couldn't get my job back due to "policy." The company did correct their report to the state on the reason I left the company so I was at least able to sign up for unemployment benefits. Shortly thereafter, I was told by my new boss at my next job that he almost didn't hire me because when he called to check my employment history he was told I'd never worked for that company. The joke was ultimately on them. When I needed a job later, I was able to get hired back on at the old company because they had no record I'd ever worked there before, let alone been fired from there.

So, do I believe that Bob Lazar is telling the truth about UFOs and Area 51? It's a nice story, but ultimately I think it's most likely not true. Do I believe it's possible for a man to attend schools and hold down jobs and later not be able to prove any of it happened the way he said it did? Why, yes. Yes, I do.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite
Yeah and you want to believe this version and many others believe the other. That doesn't make any of us dumber than the other...

Not because someone said that he worked as a janitor that he tell the truth. Of course this is a more plausible (easier to believe though) version cause we don't know what's going behind that door. If you always believe what's easier to, you will always be far from the truth.

But it's not because Lazar's story is straight from science fiction that it couldn't be true. I personally believe him and no matter what anybody say, I will still believe him. I know how easy it is for a government to erase any traces of an individual person from the records of any university. This guy is brilliant. This could not be just from stuff he read into some magazine. I read a lot of stuff too, and I wouldn't be able to explain that kind of stuff with that ease. Just like I would't be able to build a corvette that works with hydrogen. But that's my opinion.
edit on 25 7 2015 by Nitzz321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: TroyCheek
Concerning Bob Lazar's degrees or lack thereof, if I may take a moment to relate my own personal experiences. Many years ago, I attended a school of higher learning.
So, do I believe that Bob Lazar is telling the truth about UFOs and Area 51? It's a nice story, but ultimately I think it's most likely not true. Do I believe it's possible for a man to attend schools and hold down jobs and later not be able to prove any of it happened the way he said it did? Why, yes. Yes, I do.

I too attended a school of higher learning, many years ago. And quite recently I asked for, and received from that college, a complete college transcript. 25 years later. And my diploma, all my presidents honor roll certificates, are all in a box in my office. I have pictures of my graduation. I am FB friends with some of the guys I went to college with.

Yet Lazar has none of this, not a scrap of paper, no certificates, no records, no acquaintances from his school days. So do I believe anything he says? Why, no. No I don't.
edit on 26-7-2015 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: TroyCheek
Concerning Bob Lazar's degrees or lack thereof, if I may take a moment to relate my own personal experiences. Many years ago, I attended a school of higher learning. For reasons we won't get into now, I was asked not to return one semester. When I attempted to transfer my credits to another university to continue my education, I found out that my records showed that I hadn't taken and/or passed many of the classes I remembered taking. The university had mailed a printout of my classes and grades to me at the end of every semester. Like a fool, I had only kept a few, and it turns out that if a student's printout and the official record differ, everyone accepts the official record. Lawyers were consulted, lawsuits were threatened, but in the end I simply gave up and took a job in another field rather than continue fighting.

Many years later, I was let go from a job for BS reasons. I soon heard rumors that I was fired for completely different, criminal reasons. I had learned my lesson from university and still had all of my exit package paperwork including the page with the official reason I had been fired as signed by my supervisor. I went to the company upset about the rumors and wanting them squashed, found out that my copy of the paperwork didn't match the paperwork on file in HR, spurred an investigation that eventually got my former supervisor and his supervisor fired, got an admission from the HR director that the BS reasons I was fired were BS, but still couldn't get my job back due to "policy." The company did correct their report to the state on the reason I left the company so I was at least able to sign up for unemployment benefits. Shortly thereafter, I was told by my new boss at my next job that he almost didn't hire me because when he called to check my employment history he was told I'd never worked for that company. The joke was ultimately on them. When I needed a job later, I was able to get hired back on at the old company because they had no record I'd ever worked there before, let alone been fired from there.

So, do I believe that Bob Lazar is telling the truth about UFOs and Area 51? It's a nice story, but ultimately I think it's most likely not true. Do I believe it's possible for a man to attend schools and hold down jobs and later not be able to prove any of it happened the way he said it did? Why, yes. Yes, I do.

I can attest to this.

See, most people talking about his education background, how it's not there, how it doesn't exist is really, in my opinion, sort of stupid or actually they never attended college in the past.

1. Do you think, as powerful and resourceful as the U.S. government, they'd have no capability of erasing this man's credentials?

Do you not watch any spy movies? Do you know how easy it is for the government to either fabricate an entire life story (including actual witnesses/actors) or to completely remove someone else's life?

2. Community Colleges, University or State Universities actually have this kind of problem. I was actually told by my counselor to keep all my works for each class. Keep every single grade file that the teacher gave you on file before you graduate.

For the longest time, I couldn't understand it. When my wife told me to do the same thing, I was kind of shocked. Like, why in the hell would you keep any paperwork or documents from the previous classes that you took.

Basically, she said the same thing as the counselors, apparently, she's been told the same thing when she was in college and there are examples of what happens when you don't.

Sometimes, school records make mistakes. Not everything is automated, there are people who are responsible for data entry duties and guess what? They're humans and they make mistakes.

What ends up happening is, if your school records ever go wrong, it is up to you to provide the necessary proof that you've taken those course and have the materials to show for it. If you don't, you follow the official records and it could mean that you've never taken those classes in your life.

To add sugar toppings to it, for the longest time, my college had me registered as an ARMY VETERAN, even though I've never enlisted, never served and never filled any of that kind of information during the registration process. You have no idea what I had to go through to prove to them that I wasn't an army veteran and that I've never stated I was, ever.

So, is there a point to this? Yes, the point is, people are pulling straws when it comes to his educational background. Always saying that they called so so institute, so and so university, they never heard of him, never had any records of him..

Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph, and we conspiracy theorists are being called gullible? Skeptics really need to step up in their game... How gullible can you be to assume that once your records have been wiped by TPTB, you're still able to find ANY TRACE of it?

Then there's people talking crap about his professors don't remember him... Oh God... yeah, I'm pretty sure all of your professors still remember your ass from back in the 1990's? Right? Right? :rolls eyes: You know how many students the professors teach through out the years? Do you know how many faces and names that they go through? You're honestly gonna call up some old guy and ask him about a student he had back in the early 80's to see if he remember Lazar's face? Are you taking drugs or something?

Surprisingly, in recent months, there's that guy that claims that he finally found a professor willing to come forth to acknowledge Lazar's credentials... Well, the story just keeps unfolding doesn't it?

My take on Lazar, is that he is genuinely speaking.. partial truth, mixed in with lies. Which is why his story is always timeless and can get people roused up quickly. It's rather simple, there are things he say that are true, so true and so accurate, you can actually start to connect the dots on many other things. Then there's the lies, the stuff he made up, which confuses people.

What I think people should do, is stop calling him a fraud. You're not helping the cause. What is the point you're trying to drive across anyway? That if Lazar is a FRAUD, then EVERYTHING he said cannot be taken seriously? I'm actually quite amazed by people's inability to think critically.

Just because someone lied about 1 thing, doesn't mean they are lying about their entire life. So you prove nothing by calling him a Liar Liar Pants On Fire.

What people should do, is take a sheet of paper, put two columns on there. On one column, we list all the things that Lazar said that that rings true, all others that sounds fishy on the other column. Then maybe focus on research about the truth instead of keep circling around things that doesn't really matter much, such as his education background.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Crisis

Has he had a break-in because why does he not have his MIT diploma and other documents to back up his story. I mean, I have still my swimming diploma when got it at age 6.

His story is consistend over time tho... and he never sought publicity because he needs it....or writen a book about it. That says a lot too. I am on the fence, just a little out of balance and prepared to fall on his side of the fence.

BTW..Do people not need to return their badges to the company when they leave the company..espescially companies with "sensitive" products?

edit on 10/9/2015 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Element 115 is the smoking gun.

Even with my caveman understanding of physics I know that the heaviest elements cannot be sustained for long periods, they live and die in the blink of an eye. If his story was true then the technology that he used to smuggle out element 115 without it decaying would be something extraordinary.

the two isotopes of 115 synthesized so far are unstable. that's true and its to be expected of any element above lead. even Bismuth is technically unstable though it has a half life of billions and billions of years.

But of the two isotopes known the second isotope of element 115 has more neutrons than the first and it lasts longer than the first and is still about 12 neutrons away from the doubly magic stable number. There is no reason to exclude the possibility that heavier isotopes of 115 would not be stable or quasi-stable like Bismuth. Bismuth is above element 115 in the same column of the periodic table. and shares some properties with element 115 as a result. it has the same nucleonic structure and shape as element 115.

These synthesis experiments only detect unstable atoms anyway so there is no way the synthesis experiment would have even detected stable atoms.

As for Bob's claim about gravity and the strong force evidence has emerged that relates QM gravitons to gluons which is the carrier of the strong force. The work recieved the Sakurai prize for theoretical physics.

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: stormbringer1701
As for Bob's claim about gravity and the strong force evidence has emerged that relates QM gravitons to gluons which is the carrier of the strong force. The work recieved the Sakurai prize for theoretical physics.
Bob said there's no such thing as gravitons.

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