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New Bob Lazar information video with a twist!

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posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:10 AM
Hopefully, in the short attention span world of internet, enough time has gone by that we forgot the liars lies enough to open a whole new round of Lazar.

We just go wipe… (mind melding)

and then… oh, Lazar? Isn't that the guy that worked at secret government underground UFO bases and never once took something off the shelf from the lab or one picture of anything to lend credence to his whistle blowing?

Yah, that guy.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
Hopefully, in the short attention span world of internet, enough time has gone by that we forgot the liars lies enough to open a whole new round of Lazar.

We just go wipe… (mind melding)

and then… oh, Lazar? Isn't that the guy that worked at secret government underground UFO bases and never once took something off the shelf from the lab or one picture of anything to lend credence to his whistle blowing?

Yah, that guy.

.. Which is why we're still talking about him 25 years after the fact, and will continue to do so while nobody's like you remain adamant it must be a giant lie. But that's good because doubt is necessary, in fact Lazar has even said he prefers you DON'T believe him.

Seriously, even if there was full disclosure there will still be those that insist it's just a hoax. It's easy to deny but hard to accept. Lazar never claimed to have knowledge of alien species or abductions or anything. He never said he discovered Element 115. He never said he personally back-engineered an alien spacecraft all by himself. As with most things, people hear only portions of the story and fill in the blanks themselves.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Crisis

.. Which is why we're still talking about him 25 years after the fact, and will continue to do so while nobody's like you remain adamant it must be a giant lie.

He's the one making extraordinary claims, without proof. In fact it was proven he lied about some things. So go ahead now , "25 years later', forget all that…

He never said he personally back-engineered an alien spacecraft all by himself. As with most things, people hear only portions of the story and fill in the blanks themselves.

Right, his tale is all big blanks… mixed with proven lies. Investigated right here on a conspiracy website… but probably blanked out in others minds, It has been a while, after all.

edit on 17-7-2015 by intrptr because: change

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Drunkenparrot

originally posted by: galaga
I live in NM. I worked with a guy whos dad worked with Bob at Los Alamos.

At the time,.my friend had no idea how famous Bob was. He just thought of him as a family friend.

We were getting dressed in the locker room. We started talking about crap and stuff. I dont remember why the topic of ufos came up. My friend Kenny says, back in the day, this guy Bob would come over and tell stories of working on UFOs.

I was like "Bob Lazar?l

Kenny was like "you know Bob too?"

I asked him how he knew him. He said worked with him at LA.

I was like "Bob is famous because of that"

My friend had no idea.

Thats when i knew Bobs story was legit.

The problem with your friends story is that Lazar claimed to have worked at Los Alamos in 1982 prior to his alleged work on extraterrestrial spacecraft at A51/S-4 in 1989.

How does that work?

You missed my second post. He came to visit in the 80s-90s.

You can still visit your former coworkers ya know?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: intrptr

What proven lies?? How were they proven??? Do you at least have some links to where these lies have been proven right here on ATS...

I know that many times I have heard someone claim that lies have been proven, when I look at it, they've been anything but...


posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Masterjaden

His education for one. And his resume, stuff he stole… etc.

Got a google minute?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: intrptr

you know, it's goddamn easy for the government or the military or the secret services to erase the background of someone?? a good hacker could do it and make you officially dead in the records if he wanted to, so trust me, they can do it!! the fact that the MIT don't have any records of him doesn't mean he never attended the school. maybe he was erased from it, so the people would call him a liar because no one can prove his educational background. it's that simple!!!

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Nitzz321

exactly, and this is exactly why I asked what proved lies. Records not being there doesn't make him a liar, far from it, in fact.

Hell, I had trouble getting the junior college I went to to acknowledge that I had gone there. The first several times I tried to get my records they claimed they had no record of me attending there. I wouldn't imagine it being difficult for certain 3 letter agencies to arrange for records to disappear and no one at the school to remember him.

People said never taken any pictures. Having worked as a military intelligence operative, I can tell you that you don't have an opportunity to take pictures. They don't let you take phones, cameras, flash drives, etc... into scifs...I would imagine that if his story was true that the security procedures would be even more stringent.


posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Nitzz321

you know, it's goddamn easy for the government or the military or the secret services to erase the background of someone??

So again, no proof he ever was who he said he was.

maybe he was erased from it, so the people would call him a liar because no one can prove his educational background. it's that simple!!!
Lots simpler to erase him, instead of erasing his "education" history. Especially if he's "telling" all the secrets.

Your best evidence is missing evidence?

Now the shoes on the other foot.

You prove anything he claims is true.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 12:44 PM
In the janitorial field, most experts cannot build one of these.

One would think you need some kind of knowledge/schooling/background in some form of physics/electronics field to do it...

edit on 17-7-2015 by baddmove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 12:46 PM
George Knapp and others that have a stake in Lazar NOT being completely full of it drag something out of the closet every time the world moves on from the whole B.S. mess.

He was on C2C with John Lear of all people trying to convince a fresh crowd that may not already know what a silly mess the whole story is.

The new tactic seems to be to discount people who know what a steaming pile the whole thing is as, "Well, that's one opinion".

I dont know who's worse, Lazar or guys like George Knapp that keep trying to dine out on Lazar's decades-old fantasy.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 01:16 PM
There may be other parts of his story that are questionable, but at this point and even before this, him working at Los Alamos shouldn't be one of them. Knapp has long said he's found plenty of evidence to verify that he worked there. But even when he produces it, people still wanna not believe it.
edit on 17-7-2015 by jordan77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: lme7898354
Wasn't it Bob Lazar that discovered element 115, which wasn't verified for many years later.

He never claimed to discover it.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 01:22 PM
His background just isn't strong enough for me to believe him. I can believe TPTB can erase his Educational Certificates and Information held by Schools or Colleges but friends and people who knew him, no way.

Imo, John Lear and Jean Huff had some type of X Files type stunt they wanted to pull off back in the day and found some people i.e Bob Lazar and George Knapp to pull it off. The end product being Money, although it never produced the Bang they were expecting apart from a cult following.

I want to believe the story. I do want to be proved wrong!

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: jammer2012
I was able to check out the Coasttocoastam interview with Jeremy Corbell there are some clips were he is talking with Dr. Robert Krangle and i have to say that i'm impressed. You know some people just want budge and still wouldn't believe if you rolled out a ship and body's..Ohh if anyone come's across the full one hour interview drop it in a link... if i have some time i'll try to find it and link it myself.

do you mean this one?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: justbe

originally posted by: jammer2012
I was able to check out the Coasttocoastam interview with Jeremy Corbell there are some clips were he is talking with Dr. Robert Krangle and i have to say that i'm impressed. You know some people just want budge and still wouldn't believe if you rolled out a ship and body's..Ohh if anyone come's across the full one hour interview drop it in a link... if i have some time i'll try to find it and link it myself.

do you mean this one?

Hey! Thanks for posting that, I am going to listen to it tonight..

This is one of my favorite shows as i lived in Vegas for over 12 years.
edit on 18-7-2015 by baddmove because: added words

edit on 18-7-2015 by baddmove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 12:31 AM
I am into the second hour now, If you are a skeptic about all of this, listen to this particular show. Pretty interesting show so far, here's a quote..

During the second hour, Corbell revealed how he has found a new witness to the Bob Lazar story: a man named Dr. Robert Krangal, who recalled working alongside the infamous whistleblower at Los Alamos National Lab in the 1980's. According to Corbell, Krangal produced a wealth of documentation that verified his own background and, thus, makes the account of his time at Los Alamos extremely credible. Corbell argued that this testimony strongly refutes the longstanding skeptical stance that, since Lazar's educational background cannot be verified, then he was unlikely to have worked at Los Alamos or Area 51. "On the record, we have him at Los Alamos," Corbell said, "maybe people should start considering the seemingly outlandish and impossible thing

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:55 AM
I weep for those who so easily believe the claims of conmen.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: justbe

Thanks for posting bro but thats the one i already had a listen to...Corbell mentions a few time in this that there is the full one hour interview with Dr. Robert Krangle free of charge. I haven't been able to find that interview. But thank's for posting this one there is a lot good info in least i thought so....Hell I just might have me a listen to it again in few...

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 10:02 AM
Lazar, was an employee of K/M at Los Alamos, in the position of custodial services “janitor”.
He was so enamored with what was going on and wanted to be a part of the “Big Picture”.
Seems he has built a title, degrees and a job around what he wished he could have done.
He has no degrees…Period.
He read all the magazines and books/papers he saw around Los Alamos. This gave him some Big Words to use to make him sound as credible as he could be. As time passed he studied more to remain as creditable as possible.
He is a fraud and a liar and anyone with an ounce of common sense can see this. Watch his eyes and which way the go when he talks…..
His Element 115 was talked about on magazine 6 months to a year before he mentioned it. So there you have it…Simple huh.
This is how it plays out to me. Some wannabe guy, that can't face the fact he amounted to nada...
Please don’t believe everything you read or hear. Just because it is in the MSN does NOT make it true.

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