posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:53 AM
Hi! Since there is no active thread on Remote Viewing and the subject seems to have died out here I decided to post a new thread.
I want to do this "right" so I am going to post a few guidelines which I would like you to take in consideration when viewing a target.
-Use a piece of paper, write down the target number.
-Does the target feel large or small?
-What kind of shape? Try to sketch it.
-Texture, color, taste?
-Any emotion?
-Any activity?
-Add any thoughts that might stick out to you.
If you can post your sketch along with your result then that would be great.
I hope I can get some participants here. I will post a target when I get 3 or 4 participants.
I will post a new thread(Modwilling)in which people can post their results, so we can keep things seperated in order to avoid "contamination".
If things go well I would like to mix it up and do some "experiments".
Also, maybe we can take turns with posting a target, but I will do at least the first few.
I will review all posted results individually.
The more participants the merrier!
Target will be posted soon!
edit on 22-6-2015 by HotMale because: (no reason given)