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+28 more 
posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:35 AM
A white man, who dresses in apartheid-era political flags, goes to a historical Black Church in the U.S. He stays there an hour, then shoots and kills nine black people. One of them is a State Senator. As he does so, he shouts racial slurs, blaming the Church-goers for plaguing the country and "raping [white peoples'] women". This is the story of the Charleston shooting on Wednesday night.

To my mind, there is absolutely no doubt that this attack was racially motivated. There is also no doubt that it was aimed at terrorising the black community in the U.S. Furthermore, deliberately killing a Senator, and supporting apartheid regimes, implicates a solid political intent.

Yet, major news outlets and an endless thread of comment forums, including this one, are ravaged with denial. "Let's wait for the facts" (you have them), "stop making everything about race" (it is about race), "stop getting people outraged about racism" (racism is something to be outraged about), and "it's not terrorism" (it is) seem to somehow be justifiable reactions.

You see, this is why America cannot resolve its issues of racism. America does not admit that these issues exist. And how can you ever resolve something that, in your mind, does not even exist

If a black man kills/hurts somebody, his enviroment, race, and upbringing is blame, he's laballed a thug and that there is a deep, routed problem in society that breeds these type of people. On MSNBC a reporter asked a group of African American activists what the black community could do to prevent events like this happening! Seemingly rejecting the obvious underlying racism that exists and to ask such an insensitive question to a community who only several hours earlier suffered a viciously violent terrorist attack is unbelievable

Had this church shooter been a Muslim man, there would have wide spread media outrage at Islam (the religion) and at the global Muslim community. The religion would have been called supporters of terrorism and would have been asked to apologise for, (or condemn) his evil crime.

If a white man kills somebody, hes lablled a loner, mentally ill and forgot to take his medicine. His religion is never brought into it and he would never be labelled a terroist, hough he has probably been heavily influenced by right wing media and militia.

White right wing militias is one of the greatest threats to public safety. In post 9/11 white American culture has become increasingly pathological but they will not look at what is radicalizing white men to commit such acts of domestic terrorism and mass shootings. Fox News and other right wing media encourage it. Which is why 'America' is often referred to as 'AmerKKKa.'

edit on 19-6-2015 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

there are many issues however that are spun to be about race and if you dig deeper into those issues youll find out that the media does a really good job of spinning that story.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

I agree with much of what you said. But it seems like you're assuming some people don't want it to stay like this. Just remember, the US only ended racial segregation in 1964. And it took some states much longer to implement this racial integration. And interracial marriage bans were overturned in the 1967 Supreme Court case Loving v Virginia. during Segregation, we were literally 2nd class citizens & only had some of the rights & benefits that "white" people had.

As you can probably guess, many of the people who supported racial segregation & its many consequences are still alive today. You can't assume they all changed their beliefs just because the US government changed its laws. I believe it'll take another 40-50 years before a super-majority of Americans will be beyond the issue of "race".

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:49 AM
maybe i am oversimplifying a complex issue, but frankly i don't think so.
Racism will exist as long as it's profitable.
It has little to do with our individual sensitivities, and more to do with the fact that as long as there is money to be made, people in power will enable racism to thrive.
As long as the prison system in america can suck up tax payer dollar like a vacuum, blacks and minorities will be jailed in larger numbers, and the same thing with hate crimes towards blacks.
Death has been, and still is a lucrative business.
And it's just easier to direct it towards people that have less standing in any society.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:54 AM
Two words : gun control
And to all the pro gun guys, let's talk in about 10 years from now as to what you are allowed to own in regards to guns in the US.
Maybe a .22 six shooter

edit on 19-6-2015 by Ddrneville because: (no reason given)

+11 more 
posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: Ddrneville
Two words : gun control
And to all the pro gun guys, let's talk in about 10 years from now as to what you are allowed to own in regards to guns in the US.
Maybe a .22 six shooter

Well geez, the lack of guns certainly helped those nine dead folks.

Maybe if one of them had a gun, a permit, and the proper training to use it, the situation could have resulted in less deaths!

Remember, when you need help now, the police are two minutes away, when they arrive, they might shoot your dog or your family...on accident.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

there are many issues however that are spun to be about race and if you dig deeper into those issues youll find out that the media does a really good job of spinning that story.

So the media is racist?

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

there are many issues however that are spun to be about race and if you dig deeper into those issues youll find out that the media does a really good job of spinning that story.

Then why not doing this time too? This makes no sense. Is it because the kid is white?
edit on 19-6-2015 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

The man was white , he had something against black people , and i am pretty sure it will come out that the elevator did not go all the way to the top floor , a couple of sammiches short of a picnic so to speak . It is what it is , crazy white kid kills blacks .Nothing more , nothing less . The sad thing is that this will be a poster moment for those wishing to stir up racial tensions .

+21 more 
posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:07 AM
(Another) Manchurian candidate-type is "activated" and executes his program.

Two goals:

1) Advance population disarmament agenda; and,

2) Manufacture racial division.

I don't believe for a second that "whitey hating on the coloreds" has anything to do with this.

We're just being played like a fiddle. And out-of-tune, but no one notices (or cares).
edit on 6/19/15 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: Ameilia

You expect the people in the church to carry loaded guns with them during bible studies/ service. Are you trolling or deluded?

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

there are many issues however that are spun to be about race and if you dig deeper into those issues youll find out that the media does a really good job of spinning that story.

The cousin of the church's pastor who was killed quoted a survivor who said Roof told the church " I have to do it, you're raping our women and taking over our country" I wonder where he got that idea from (sarcasm) the media.

I agree with much of what you said. But it seems like you're assuming some people don't want it to stay like this. Just remember, the US only ended racial segregation in 1964. And it took some states much longer to implement this racial integration. And interracial marriage bans were overturned in the 1967 Supreme Court case Loving v Virginia. during Segregation, we were literally 2nd class citizens & only had some of the rights & benefits that "white" people had.

As you can probably guess, many of the people who supported racial segregation & its many consequences are still alive today. You can't assume they all changed their beliefs just because the US government changed its laws. I believe it'll take another 40-50 years before a super-majority of Americans will be beyond the issue of "race".

It would be very ignorant of me to think people dont want americas insitutional racism to change, it's quite apparent that your media is doing its best to uphold and justify the racist behaviour towards none-whites

And to the person who said gun control, the people need controlling, not the weapons. The whole mentality towards weapons in america is wrong. There's plenty of countries that haveloose laws around weapons, its just proven that a vast majority of Americans dont have the metal capacity to be trusted with one.
edit on 19-6-2015 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

Funny I have NEVER seen a racist militia that isn't actually a gang which isn't what one would call militia.
ALL the militias I know of just want armed people ,skin making NO difference.
Those Neo Nazis are A GANG.
edit on 19-6-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse
Racism isn't about profit making, it's profiling and a form of xenophobia. ..that's it. Racism isn't about political power or a pissing contest, it's simply a fear/lack of understanding of the different. Only partially educated black activists turn it into an issue of money.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

Quite possible. A senator was killed though, unless I am mistaken. It could have been politically driven.

Even with the above said, and even with the fact it MAY have been racially motivated...

WHY do we have to assume that everything in these past several years is about RACE? All these stories of thugs being killed by cops etc.... is just ridiculous! Why is it that very few people can't see past the BS??

Violence by cops is a problem, but it's not a RACE problem, what about all the thousands of youtube vids of police violence against whites AND blacks? What about all the black violence against whites not being reported on, or the black on black violence? WHY does the issue have to be a race thing when it clearly isn't in the majority of cases??!

When race is entered into the equation there is no call for UNITY, there is only calls for whitey to die and to be further hated by blacks. This doesn't SOLVE the issues, but someone, somewhere, wants everything to be racially driven. This causes conflict and more hate. The same hate the media reporting all this biased nonsense preaches against day in, day out.

People need to get MINDS of their own and stop buying all this crap. Don't you see, they don't WANT us united, they want us DIVIDED.

*Faceplam, shakes head and all the rest with a big *SIGH*
edit on 19-6-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

I agree with your post 100%. No hemming or hawing or nitpicking at your comments.

Sadly, America has to come to grips with one of her major issues, race relations.

Some will say it has nothing to do with one particular group hating on the others but the facts speak for themselves. I was just reading that one of the biggest racist websites, R****t, many of its members openly advocated and gleefully espoused the same sentiments shared by this deranged and murderous thug, Dylann Storm Roof.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: n00bUK

This particular issue was clearly about race.

Quite possible. A senator was killed though, unless I am mistaken. It could have been politically driven.

Even with the above said, and even with the fact it MAY have been racially motivated...

WHY do we have to assume that everything in these past several years is about RACE? All these stories of thugs being killed by cops etc.... is just ridiculous! Why is it that very few people can't see past the BS??

Violence by cops is a problem, but it's not a RACE problem, what about all the thousands of youtube vids of police violence against whites AND blacks? What about all the black violence against whites not being reported on, or the black on black violence? WHY does the issue have to be a race thing when it clearly isn't in the majority of cases??!

When race is entered into the equation there is no call for UNITY, there is only calls for whitey to die and to be further hated by blacks. This doesn't SOLVE the issues, but someone, somewhere, wants everything to be racially driven. This causes conflict and more hate. The same hate the media reporting all this about preaches against day in, day out.

People need to get MINDS of their own and stop buying all this crap. Don't you see, they don't WANT us united, they want us DIVIDED.

*Faceplam, shakes head and all the rest with a big *SIGH*

No, people need to see what you're seeing-a bias media which is altering the direction of Americans.
Its hard to lookpast what you stated when they don't even know that exist

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: NthOther
(Another) Manchurian candidate-type is "activated" and executes his program.

Two goals:

1) Advance population disarmament agenda; and,

2) Manufacture racial division.

I don't believe for a second that "whitey hating on the coloreds" has anything to do with this.

We're just being played like a fiddle. And out-of-tune, but no one notices (or cares).

Completely disagree. Why is it that when a white man does anything like this, its MKULTRA or some other #.The only brainwashing this idiot had was from the media and the racist bastards who he hung around

+13 more 
posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: n00bUK

Its hard to lookpast what you stated when they don't even know that exist

And THAT is the problem! Your OP shares the same tone as the media, and it needs to STOP unless you want this "hate" to spread further.
I don't think you realize it, but your OP is spreading a message of hate toward whites, and your side right now is WINNING. If you want a race war then keep up the rhetoric! Keep creating the illusion that "right wing" people are terrorists because those people whom are now being accused of being terrorists and racists, bigots etc, make up over HALF of the U.S. People concerning their own political beliefs, and they sure as hell don't like being hated so much like never before and being accused of something they took no part in.

Just THINK and STOP with the BS!! That's what people need to seriously consider doing right now because one crazy nutcase does NOT represent an entire group of people who have certain political leanings. This is becoming dangerous, and it will only get worse if threads like this keep baiting it, I promise.

edit on 19-6-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

People need to get MINDS of their own and stop buying all this crap. Don't you see, they don't WANT us united, they want us DIVIDED.


(Winner, winner, winner)

TPTB do not want to see us as a Nation united
Why do you think they have tried so hard, especially in the last 6 years to keep us divided?

And yes, the MSM is a large part of this so-called racial blame game
Players at their finest....and the sheeple eat up their words without question

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