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Making a (Red) List and Checking it Twice - Is This What Jade Helm is Really About?

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posted on May, 7 2015 @ 06:47 AM
I will have to admit to being drawn in to the Jade Helm debate hook, line and sinker. In hindsight it's easy to see that would be a normal reaction to such news from our government. "Oh, hey everyone - we're doing military exercises in your back yard so don't get excited about it". Of course it would stir up a barrage of controversy and those who organized it knew this.

Putting yourself in the globalist's seat what would you need to do to ensure an easy transition (aside from gun confiscation) from a Democratic Republic to an Oligarchical system? First you need to identify who the opposition is. Yes, they have been monitoring our communications for years - even snail mail. No doubt they have extensive files already about people who speak out in defiance of losing our liberties. Like Santa Claus this operation may be nothing more than taking that list and checking twice - shock testing the public to see who jumps (I know I sure did).

Perhaps I have conflated Jade Helm in to something beyond it's intended purpose. It says in their literature that Jade Helm is about "Mastering the Human Domain". Seems to me double checking that list would be the final step before taking any direct police or military action against civilians.

Is this really just about who's naughty and who's nice and who will be on the red list when it comes time to clean house?
If that wasn't the purpose I would say they sure got an intelligence bonus out of our collective reactions. Did we just do all the work for them ?

Eta General Info: Yesterday we had a V22 marine Corps Osprey fly low over our house and land at the local airport. The naval nuclear fuels division is here in my town.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Or maybe it's a cool new name for an old idea and it's training.

Where I used to live we had a small regional airport that got a fair bit of helo traffic, simply because it was a place guys on training flights could set down if they needed to.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I tend to agree, this Jade Helm smells rather fishy to me. Have to say through, what makes you think you live in a democratic republic as opposed to any oligarchical system?

Personally i imagine most first world nations of our planet have been operating along the lines of a totalitarian technocracy since the end of WW2. Our notion of the democratic process is simply window dressing for the masses.
edit on 7-5-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:20 AM
I think Jade Helm is what they claim it to be, a training exercise. But training against who? Sadly, distrust of my government has got to the point that some of the stories concerning this ring all too true.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

The fun side of this is we don't have a long wait for this to start. Good or ugly, we will soon find out.

If it's ugly, it'll get REAL ugly as their is quite a few folks full of rage waiting for a spark to start this blaze.

Fun times ahead!

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Ya got to admit, that exercise is creepy. Time will tell what's gonna happen eh?
I'm not flippin out over it. But! I am sure those who are close to the action are!


posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:32 AM
We're coming to get you.

And your pretty dog too.

Officers are like corporate managers. They make up buzzwords and sloagans regularly to impress people. "Mastering the Human Domain" is another one of those buzz phrases.

It literally means nothing. Think about it? What context could you ever use that in that it would make sense?

Funny story. Every time my Hawks do a cross country flight to another base I monitor ATS for the "Black helicopters are watching me" posts.

The paranoia about jade helm was once disturbing to me and it bothered me so many people thought it was some kind of take over.

No its just hilarious.

Tomorrow it will be sad.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I will have to admit to being drawn in to the Jade Helm debate hook, line and sinker. In hindsight it's easy to see that would be a normal reaction to such news from our government. "Oh, hey everyone - we're doing military exercises in your back yard so don't get excited about it". Of course it would stir up a barrage of controversy and those who organized it knew this.

In my opinion, if you want to blame anyone, you can blame your state and local government for not discussing this with the public when they knew it was happening and when they participated in the discussions over it.
People are acting as though this is the big bad federal government running roughshod over the states and people, when there have been constant discussions, meetings, planning and organization at the state level for far longer than anyone seems to want to discuss.

Is it the job of the federal government to sit down with every concerned citizen of a state to explain to them what is happening, or the job of the state representatives to explain it to their citizens in that state?

And, for all the claims people are making about how scared/outraged/angry the "public" is, there doesn't seem to be that level of animosity from the general public. Where are the thousands of protesters? Where are the people filling up town halls demanding an explanation? Where are the constant blog posts and news reports from all these many concerned citizens?

They don't seem to exist. Even on ATS, we had perhaps a week of outlandish threads claiming all sorts of BS, but most even in the conspiracy world don't seem too bothered about this in the way the paranoid claim.

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Putting yourself in the globalist's seat what would you need to do to ensure an easy transition (aside from gun confiscation) from a Democratic Republic to an Oligarchical system? First you need to identify who the opposition is. Yes, they have been monitoring our communications for years - even snail mail. No doubt they have extensive files already about people who speak out in defiance of losing our liberties. Like Santa Claus this operation may be nothing more than taking that list and checking twice - shock testing the public to see who jumps (I know I sure did).

So the belief is that the "globalists" (or Illuminati, NWO, or even the damn Lizard People) plan to replace your democratic system with an Oligarchical system instead? How would that work, exactly? It hasn't worked in Russia. Oligarchy is a result of personal greed and the hunger for power, it's not something that's designed by those who find themselves in that position, because it leads to greater problems eventually. All intelligent people know this. Oligarchy is not something you strive for as a collective (even when you are an Oligarch yourself), it's a name put on something which results from personal self-interest, greed and power structure.

And what is there to prove that anyone has files on those who challenge the power? It's easy to claim anything, but unless there is evidence for this it's not something someone can reasonably just assume to be the case, in order to support their fears.

Even if that were the case, how does the federal government get in on this, using masses of resources and power to please the globalists and plunge their country into turmoil?

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Perhaps I have conflated Jade Helm in to something beyond it's intended purpose. It says in their literature that Jade Helm is about "Mastering the Human Domain". Seems to me double checking that list would be the final step before taking any direct police or military action against civilians.

You've taken this simple phrase and turned it into something it's not, but you're not the first one to do that. Mastering the Human Domain just says to me that this is about urban conflict in a Human landscape, rather than air or sea. That's all this is about; on the ground logistics, preparedness and combat.

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Is this really just about who's naughty and who's nice and who will be on the red list when it comes time to clean house?
If that wasn't the purpose I would say they sure got an intelligence bonus out of our collective reactions. Did we just do all the work for them ?

No it's not about that at all. Don't you think there would be better ways to achieve something like that than announcing a massive, expensive, and attention getting exercise?

This notion that everything the government does is somehow designed or intended to capture you, imprison you, maim you or kill you is nonsense, absolute and complete nonsense.
For a start, Jade Helm would need to be nation-wide for it to be effective if this was some kind of nefarious plot against the public. You would also need the support and acceptance of hundreds of thousands of serving military personnel, all Americans. Do you really think that your own serving military would turn on their own people in such a way?

Even if they did, this would end up being a civil war which would last for decades. People seem to think that their own government would be capable of subduing the entire American population with a few thousand troops (who would all need to be brainwashed or under some other form of duress to do something like that) and that the American people would all simply lay down and accept this fate - a fate which is still completely unexplained and entirely illogical for any government.

Let's just play devil's advocate for a moment and say that Jade Helm really is some kind of nefarious plot to do something to the American people, I have some questions to ask...

1. How do the "evil ones" manage to convince thousands of military personnel to act against their fellow citizens?
2. How do "they" manage to overpower millions of Americans across the country, when they are only using limited resources in only limited states?
3. Who would benefit from anything like this?

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:39 AM
It sure makes you think twice when you drive by the local downtown airport and see six of the big, black army cargo choppers sitting there, and we're not in the exercise.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

You said:

'"Mastering the Human Domain" is another one of those buzz phrases.

It literally means nothing. Think about it? What context could you ever use that in that it would make sense?"'

Are you kidding yourself and us? I'm not on the bandwagon suspecting really dark deeds to appear during this exercise, but far from worthless buzz words as you suggest, look at those words again:

"Mastering the Human Domain" They literally mean taking control!

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Need more coffee. I laughed and had to re-read your "federal government" comment. I swear it said feral...

Ah screw it, I'm sticking with feral!

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
I think Jade Helm is what they claim it to be, a training exercise. But training against who? Sadly, distrust of my government has got to the point that some of the stories concerning this ring all too true.

As I understand it, cross-branch communication and logistics is a major problem in such a large military, and it seems to me that this is focusing on that in the same way Russia has done in recent times.

There's no denying that this training will have to incorporate scenarios for various threats, and yes that includes domestic issues.

They probably wouldn't want to say that outright, but it's a reality sensible people have to deal with. If there was a revolutionary group in your country planning to act wouldn't you WANT your government to be prepared for it? If there were to be a war and invasion was plausible, wouldn't you DEMAND that your government be prepared to fight against that? If there was massive unrest due to a collapse of the banking system, wouldn't you EXPECT your government to be able to step in and restore some semblance of calm?

It seems that too many people here want to redefine things depending on what they personally feel at any given moment. There are a lot of "constitution wavers", "bible thumpers" and "gun-toters" who seem to think a violent revolution is needed - which really is nothing more than a terrorist act against the democratic system of government. Like it or not, the people have voted for those who are running your country, you don't get to just decide that you don't like it (usually based on nothing consequential) and attempt to overthrow that system to install something that suits you personally and the "ideals" you cling to.

These people would rightly be described as being similar to Islamic State. It's the same thing; it's about political, religious or societal ideology, and something these people want to force onto the rest of the population even when it's clear that the population is not inclined to accept it.

For those who think a revolution in the US is "needed", why do you think that? Is it because the rest of your society (for good or bad) is not in agreement with you? Is it because you think things need to be "fixed"? And why is your notion of "fixing" things any better than Islamic State wanting to "fix" things to suit what they want their society to be?

A lot of people want to call themselves "Patriots", when in reality they're only patriotic to their own notions of what they want to force on their democratic nation. If they were truly Patriotic, they would understand that the population elects people to represent them and operate their nation on their behalf, and they would understand that any attempt to usurp this democratic system (for all its faults) is terrorism against their society, not patriotism.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

They literally mean "hearts and minds makes people think Vietnam so we need a new buzz phrase."

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:02 AM
I agree with the other poster, how could they effectively take over by the placing of the soldiers. I mean they are almost Aimed at the south west, meaning they are getting ready for something to come in.

My guess is they are getting a welcome to the U.S. party kickoff for the coming Muslim Jihad. This smells of the age old religious bull#.

What better way to ensure victory, place your special forces throughout the country for quicker and lethal results, as a side bonus it gets the public eye just waiting to be put into focus somewhere. People are getting whipped up and ready to fight, just like other-times in the past.

The elections are coming up

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:03 AM
As much as I tend to question things like this, I gotta say I just don't see the military being able to not only hide the intent of the mission or OP from its own ranks, but that those men and women for the large majority would never take action against us here in the US. I've known quite a few vets as well as some active duty guys...most are combat vets that saw lots of action. Every single one of them have told me that it would be impossible to find enough that would go against us without alerting the larger majority that wouldn't. It just wouldn't work...its asking a lot of folks to go against their families, friends, and loved ones. There just isn't support for it. So theorize on but from all I know about the people who've served is there people like you and I and most have been screwed over by the government just as much if not more than us. Also remember the pool of actual combat soldiers isn't as big as you'd think and most are gonna side with their families and friends not the gov.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:11 AM
This is pretty interesting:

Talks about Mexico wanting to regain the lost states, as it rightly belongs to them:

"MEChA is an Hispanic separitist organization that encourages anti-American activities and civil disobedience. The radical members of MECha who refer themselves as "Mechistas" romanticize Mexican claims to the "lost Territories" of the Southwestern United States-a Chicano country called Aztlan."

They list the states they believe rightly belong to them as:

Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington.

With the exception of Oregon and parts of Washington, these are all the states where the Jade Helm exercise is being conducted (before Colorado backed out)

Food for thought...This isn't an exercise to start Martial Law but maybe there's more to it than just being a regular exercise. We do have an open border to Mexico.
edit on 7-5-2015 by texasgirl because: spelling

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

Is it a separatist group? Or Mexico as a whole? Because that sounds like an ultra nationalist group to me.

The southwest "rightly" belongs to Mexico?

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: texasgirl

Is it a separatist group? Or Mexico as a whole? Because that sounds like an ultra nationalist group to me.

The southwest "rightly" belongs to Mexico?

That's what they believe, apparently. I don't know if it's Mexico as a whole, though.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:34 AM

"The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo officially ended the Mexican war and legally turned over most of the Southwest to the United States.."

Over half the Mexicans believe the Southwest belongs to them.

edit on 7-5-2015 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

Huh. Who knew when you lose a war that you get to lay claim later on to stuff you gave up.

Wonder if they would be willing to give back all the money they got. With interest, of course.

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