posted on May, 4 2015 @ 09:09 PM
Greetings threeduece;
Over my time researching, studying , learning - externally and internally, as well as with certain people on this planet..
My conclusion is the double headed eagle represents Saturn, the black sun. 32 degrees Fahrenheit represents 0° Celsius, or the freezing point.
32°F = freezing point. As Jesus died/froze at 32 and resurrected @33. Hence 32° frozen = death, 33° = resurrection.
The 33° degree comes back to life, to transcend the body, as the internal spirit. Jesus died on the stake, which is metaphorically the spine, during
"his" internal journey. Spirit = spear it, struck it in the spine/stake.
This all relates to the internal journey of the spine, in true freemasonry, not the surface guy fraternity joke.. there are 33 vertebrae in the
spine, after that you transcend into the top of your temple/kingdom/crown chakra/heaven...
The black eagle is the symbol of the black star, that governs the lesser planetary bodies. The opposing sun (as opposed to the one we see in the sky).
The Lord of the rings, the father of time/life cycle.. so many names and hidden metaphors.
In specific circles throughout humanity; there is lunar worship, saturnianalian worship (goes back to Roman and much further back). Saturn is the king
of the moons, and sent it's Trojan Horse to earth, what a gift that was. Once upon a time there wasn't a moon, and then there was, when that red
dragon/black eagle/phoenix/Santa gave us the gift...
The gift of sin, the akkadian resemblance of the moon. Which governs half of our races Menstruation periods, throughout the moonth. What happens in
this cycle? Our fee-male (she pays the price)counterpart produces an egg through ovaries (which look like a horned head). We can call it the moon egg,
where (Wo)Men are born IN Sin, or born in the moon egg of this cycle.. and given birth as seamen in this planned Net. ..(those reborn in sin, another
life cycle-hence karma)
Saturn can be seen as the master mind behind it all, where some see just a gas giant object, others see it internally and astrologicaly..
There is too much to write about all of this in a forum, it's knowledge throughout millenia, hence akkadian to Egypt, to Greece to Rome, to more
modern times..
Saturn is the G, the grandmaster architect who created the false blueprint. The REAL free masons (free MA's sons = sons of MA) are architects of
internal temples and external blueprint to control man, such as their master has done on this very planned Net with its Trojan Horse, the moon.
The entire structure of today's society is based on a blueprint, manufactured by the REAL masons of MA.. who care not of recycled souls. They care of
building/MA-stering their temples and transcending the 33° of the human blueprint (internal structure).
They created London, America, Washington DC, Paris .. all the major and powerful centers on this planet, through the blueprint.
Isn't it amazing how politicians, presidents ,astronauts, judges, CEOs, nation leaders etc... are high degree masons? They have the internal
blueprint, and aim to create the false EXTERNAL blueprint to keep everyone on the outside (you and i) stuck in this system, like crabs in a bucket,
fighting eachother and holding eachother back.
The program is real; language, doctrination, laws, governments, society structures and heirarchies.. feed THE FED your money and souls... they are
hungry for more.
The black eagle is the Internal aide of this crap. "As above, so below". Ring a bell? How did these factions gain such planetary control and control
over the only "intelligent species in the universe"?
They followed the blueprint. If we can break the external trap that is SQUARING THE CIRCLE (what is the FM logo?), we have to defeat the INTERNAL
blueprint that has our soul energy/light "trapped" in this prismatic-pentagram-geometry.
(Stars in geometry are pentagrams/bodies. The USA has 50 pentagrams/bodies/blueprints that humans residein)
Throughout the year the moon journeys Earth, SQUARING the circle.
"As above so below".
Again , the symbol of an eagle is your last worries. It's hidden within the internal structure of our being. We must first defeat the evil-trickery
of masonic blueprints EXTERNAL (the waking reality) first.
Sorry to overload. Take with grain of salt. I'm crazy