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Is this the moment that "Time Travel" was discovered?

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posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:17 AM
Now, I do not even pretend to understand the complexity of the Collider and the science behind any of the experiments but.I thought it was an interesting article all the same.
So, if the scientists have theorised that it is "possible" to send messages back to the past or ahead to the future, and are actively going to research the possibilty, do you think that we are now living in an alternative "future" and things have changed? I am only basing this on some of the other ATS threads on time traveller's stories that said we should of been at war with Russia by now. Unfortunately the name of said "Time Traveller" escapes me so Iam unable to link the said threads...sorry.
This thread is just the workings of an overactive mind and what Ihave just read, and as stated earlier I have very, very limited knowledge of science.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: chelsealad

Unfortunately the name of said "Time Traveller" escapes me so Iam unable to link the said threads

John Titor

I have very, very limited knowledge of science - good, glad I'm not alone.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: chelsealad

Anything is possible


Know this

When it comes to big things like time travel, altering reality etc

The big powers that make TPTB look like school kids, get involved

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Thanks. The name of that person was beginning to bug the heck out of me lol

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: MensaIT3

Too true

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:47 AM
Nah... we can't do that yet.....

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: MensaIT3

I'd go along with that.

For all intents and purposes, as time travel is a theoretical scientific will at some point be realised by Humanity, and by others before or behind our discovery.

Which all conspires to mean, that time travel has already been perfected and utilised, whether or not it is perfected tomorrow or in 1000 years has always been present, at all points in time.

We're talking about time travel after all.

There must exist some authority that would be acting as protectors of the timeline or similar organisation...whether they actually exist YET is irrelevant, because they will exist at some time, and then have access to time itself.

Although perhaps not...perhaps the concepts of causality and temporal paradoxes are just sci-fi musings with no basis in reality.

The realities of time travel may be even stranger than our Science Fiction authors have imagined.

It could be that for every event triggered by a time traveller that previously has been thought to generate a paradox, i.e. going back in time and accidentally killing your grandfather (grandfather paradox) actually doesn't cause a reality destroying paradox at all..but instead causes the creation of infinite alternate realities, each minutely different and each specific to the time traveller's actions or inactions during his or her travelling.

A new timeline is created to compensate for the action of killing the grandfather, so the paradoxial effects are shunted to a new, but alternate timeline instead of destroying or adversely affecting our current one.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:58 AM
Time travel is possible but highly dangerous, imo.
a reply to: chelsealad

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:12 AM
Time is a man made thing ... A construct for measuring the movement of our Cosmos

We can only go back in thought ... and only go forward through thought
We can say look at past actions / intentions and go forward with new actions / intentions

Whilst on Earth we are fixed to Earth by having a physical body ... this is a natural law and has intelligent reason for being so.
We can travel off the Earth physically but that is also very limited

All we can do is interfere with the natural way of things ... why would one want to go back in time physically or forward in time ... when thought makes all things possible

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:21 AM
Watch deja vu. Their concept of time and paradoxes are my favourite yet do ask more questions than they solve

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: rossacus

In a way "Deja Vu" Is the recognition of pre planned events / situations actually occurring... for me it shows a higher intelligence at play ...

Situations and circumstances are created before they are made manifest on Earth ...

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: artistpoet
I think deja vu occurs simply because people have mundane lives and little change in daily routines, thus feeling they lived the moment before. Those with get up and go and a versitile lifestyle will experience it much less imo

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: chelsealad
Is time travel simply another way to describe what we view as death?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: rossacus

It depends if have actually experienced Deja Vu ... My only experience of it was when a young child ... hardly lacking get up and go ... quite the opposite.... It shows me there is more than the perceived mundane /every day at play.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 07:07 AM
I believe that "when" the time travel "mechanism" was/is discovered is the start point in the time line. Operators any time PAST the discovery point can do what they do by going back in time and foward, but before the discovery point, nobody can travel back or foward because the time of discovery mechanism hasn't been found yet.

So, we may be visited by time travelers, or not. The main question is whether or not we currently have an operational mechanism, if not, we're going to have to wait until it's produced, if we live that long to that point. Otherwise we get to sit back and hope we run into a time traveler.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 07:33 AM
If cern figures out time travel then john titor was real.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: [post=19254345]amurphy245[/post

Why? excuse my ignorance.

Titor maybe real anyway. maybe!

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: MensaIT3

I'd go along with that.

For all intents and purposes, as time travel is a theoretical scientific will at some point be realised by Humanity, and by others before or behind our discovery.

Which all conspires to mean, that time travel has already been perfected and utilised, whether or not it is perfected tomorrow or in 1000 years has always been present, at all points in time.

We're talking about time travel after all.

There must exist some authority that would be acting as protectors of the timeline or similar organisation...whether they actually exist YET is irrelevant, because they will exist at some time, and then have access to time itself.

Although perhaps not...perhaps the concepts of causality and temporal paradoxes are just sci-fi musings with no basis in reality.

The realities of time travel may be even stranger than our Science Fiction authors have imagined.

You guys are going to love this:

edit on 19-4-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: chelsealad
I have been obsessed with this since I was kid.

I am convinced that the timeline has been changed. I think its natural though, not artificial. I also think it is possible to alter the timeline with nothing more than thought. Its complicated, but basically.

I also think that communication is a primal part of the process. We can exchange information with alternate versions of ourselves.

Not like one person speaking to the other. Its more like two computers sharing the same cloud.

The deep mind....Thing is immensely interesting. Its like a magnet drawing you into its secrets and shadows.

I think our technology is just an expression of the deep mind giving us information from many versions of the universe where this has been tried for various reasons.

LIKE if we learn how to submerge a capsule to a very deep depth so as to understand ocean currents....and another version of us gets that insight and does the same, but so as to start deep ocean drilling.....then another version gets that insight and starts to build one but for the express purpose of making an underwater colony.

They all used the same insight but the variables for WHY change with each string of time and space.

The motivation could be void of reason. They could build it just because....not knowing the capabilities but answering a deep seeded urge to build this thing they have in their mind.

Time......the deep mind exists outside of it, and from it, we can learn all things we have ever known.

IMHO of course.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: combatmaster

Would you elaborate a little on your question Please?

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