posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 12:54 AM
Continued from post above.
Garren scanned the bookshelves, Most seemed to be in a mysterious writing, more like symbols than letters. "There is nothing there for you
to see woodland boy! Nothing you would understand, now sit down and stay away from my stuff!" "But I have no...stuff of my own here." He replied
sadly. "My friends are in danger and I have no one to talk to, no one who even cares about me. I could be tortured and killed here and...I'm scared."
The little goblin took his glasses off and placed the quill in its stand. He rested his head on his hand and took a closer look at the boy. "What are
you whining about? Nothing good ever lasts forever. Kind hearts hurt the worse. Better to be here with evil ones and on their side than tortured and
killed by them. Besides, you can watch other people's misery and yours won't seem so bad. Try it sometime."
Garren cried for the first time since he had left his home in the forest with his guardians. He plopped himself on the poorly made bed and curled up
into a ball, tears streaming down his innocent handsome face. "Oh flubberdy duddily, me oh my! Stop that at once! It does no good now does it? It only
makes you feel worse." Garren sat up and stared intensly at the ugly long nosed goblin. Jojopo, why are you really here? If you helped build this
place, you wouldn't be a prisoner and stuck in here like me. You are heartless and bitter and probably been here a very long time. Look at all these
books and furnishings you have and papers and ink and a quill to write whatever it is you are writing. I take it you have done favors for the witch
and these are your rewards. What kind of life is that?"