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North Charleston cop charged with murder after video surfaces of him shooting man in the back

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posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:19 AM
Wow, By the cops demeanour it doesn't look like it was his first time doing something like this. I hope they go back an re investigate other cases that he was involved with.

Now hopefully the race baiter’s, MSM,Jesse Jack$on, Al $harpton and simple minded folks don't make this into another case of racism of the bat, as that would take attention away from the real issue: police training , qualifications, control issues, and compensation.

More justification for body cams on cops and justification to allow citizens to freely video tape cops in public.
edit on 22430America/ChicagoWed, 08 Apr 2015 08:22:36 -0500up3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
Wow, By the cops demeanour it doesn't look like it was his first time doing something like this. I hope they go back an re investigate other cases that he was involved with.

Now hopefully the race baiter’s, MSM,Jesse Jack$on, Al $harpton and simple minded folks don't make this into another case of racism of the bat, as that would take attention away from the real issue: police training , qualifications, control issues, and compensation.

If there is evidence in the shooter's past of racism, then let them have at him.
But as it is, there are at least two bad cops involved, the shooter and the guy on scene that watched him plant the taser next to the body and did nothing about it. They need to make the original police reports public to see how many bad cops are involved in the case.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:23 AM
Body cams should be a condition of employment for all peace officers in the U.S.

Disabling or Obscuring the camera during contact with the public should have a zero tolerance policy. You obscure/disable your camera, and you're involved in some type of confrontation, you're fired. Simple as that.

I'm normally one to side with the Officer on this, but the video is pretty damning. I hope this monster fries.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

If there is evidence in the shooter's past of racism, then let them have at him. But as it is, there are at least two bad cops involved, the shooter and the guy on scene that watched him plant the taser next to the body and did nothing about it. They need to make the original police reports public to see how many bad cops are involved in the case.

Totally agree. Obviously there is an issue in this country with the interactions between police and citizens.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Police will likley harras the guy now for exposing them.

I think this is likely. I also think it is likely that in the end, this cop won't see the death penalty and, quite possibly, only a little of the inside of a prison cell. The police (and those higher up the food chain) won't stand for that precedent being set. The boys in blue appear to be throwing him under the bus now but that may be to placate the public because there is such graphic and clear evidence showing this officers actions. I think they'll spin it in the end and the guy who shot the video better watch his rear. They'll come for him.

Another poster said it (and I think he is something of an apologist for the police), that if the officer thought the man was a threat to the public he is still within the law to shoot him. This guy tried to run twice (what is he guilty of?). Who tazed who is not that clear in the beginning so they'll just bank on that fuzziness and say the suspect tazed him, or they may go the other way and say the cop tazed him and it didn't take him down so he was obviously affected by some narcotic. The officer put 7 shots in him before he went down. The cop says he thought the guy was "on something" and "behaving erratically" and that it took that much to take him down is additional circumstantial evidence and there ya go, the officer behaved in accordance with the law. He thought the man was a threat to the public. Done. All of this is revealed after they release whatever they can dig up on this guy to and release it to the media to facilitate a character assassination of the victim.

I hope I'm wrong. I really, really do. I would like to see some sort of check on the power of the police over the citizenry because this kind of cold-blooded murder goes down all the time.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Badgered1
Eight shots (and he was still running until that last one) at close-ish range, and he still has to cuff him? What on earth was he shooting at? Was he trying for a wound, or to kill?

Victim didn't appear to be armed, so the officer obviously was afraid of....possibly the way he ran away from him?

You don't "shoot to wound." That's something out of the movies. One is either justified in using deadly force or not. By the looks of the video, the police officer was not justified in the use of deadly force. Unless some extreme evidence comes to light, I'd have to go with a murder conviction as the end result. The planting of the taser by the officer is an indication that he KNEW he did wrong and even further damns him.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: redhorse

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Police will likley harras the guy now for exposing them.

I think this is likely. I also think it is likely that in the end, this cop won't see the death penalty and, quite possibly, only a little of the inside of a prison cell. The police (and those higher up the food chain) won't stand for that precedent being set. The boys in blue appear to be throwing him under the bus now but that may be to placate the public because there is such graphic and clear evidence showing this officers actions. I think they'll spin it in the end and the guy who shot the video better watch his rear. They'll come for him.

Another poster said it (and I think he is something of an apologist for the police), that if the officer thought the man was a threat to the public he is still within the law to shoot him. This guy tried to run twice (what is he guilty of?). Who tazed who is not that clear in the beginning so they'll just bank on that fuzziness and say the suspect tazed him, or they may go the other way and say the cop tazed him and it didn't take him down so he was obviously affected by some narcotic. The officer put 7 shots in him before he went down. The cop says he thought the guy was "on something" and "behaving erratically" and that it took that much to take him down is additional circumstantial evidence and there ya go, the officer behaved in accordance with the law. He thought the man was a threat to the public. Done. All of this is revealed after they release whatever they can dig up on this guy to and release it to the media to facilitate a character assassination of the victim.

I hope I'm wrong. I really, really do. I would like to see some sort of check on the power of the police over the citizenry because this kind of cold-blooded murder goes down all the time.

The law does state that if the suspect is a threat to the public (say fleeing with a gun in his hand) then deadly force is authorized, so the poster in question has a point. From the video, however, I don't see how one could say that this is the case here.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:43 AM
Every citizen should have some kind of bullet proof clothing to stop this kind of abuse.

Wont stop cops from beating people to death but its a start.

Also a camera on every corner to follow everyone around all the time may stop the needless killing that happens.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: redhorse

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Police will likley harras the guy now for exposing them.

I think this is likely. I also think it is likely that in the end, this cop won't see the death penalty and, quite possibly, only a little of the inside of a prison cell. The police (and those higher up the food chain) won't stand for that precedent being set. The boys in blue appear to be throwing him under the bus now but that may be to placate the public because there is such graphic and clear evidence showing this officers actions. I think they'll spin it in the end and the guy who shot the video better watch his rear. They'll come for him.

Another poster said it (and I think he is something of an apologist for the police), that if the officer thought the man was a threat to the public he is still within the law to shoot him. This guy tried to run twice (what is he guilty of?). Who tazed who is not that clear in the beginning so they'll just bank on that fuzziness and say the suspect tazed him, or they may go the other way and say the cop tazed him and it didn't take him down so he was obviously affected by some narcotic. The officer put 7 shots in him before he went down. The cop says he thought the guy was "on something" and "behaving erratically" and that it took that much to take him down is additional circumstantial evidence and there ya go, the officer behaved in accordance with the law. He thought the man was a threat to the public. Done. All of this is revealed after they release whatever they can dig up on this guy to and release it to the media to facilitate a character assassination of the victim.

I hope I'm wrong. I really, really do. I would like to see some sort of check on the power of the police over the citizenry because this kind of cold-blooded murder goes down all the time.

The law does state that if the suspect is a threat to the public (say fleeing with a gun in his hand) then deadly force is authorized, so the poster in question has a point. From the video, however, I don't see how one could say that this is the case here.

If they say the cop thought the victim was on some sort of narcotic that made him erratic and violent they might be able to pull it off. It's a stretch, but they have stretched pretty far to maintain this status quo where the police can use deadly force with ever growing impunity.

For the record, I hope that you are right and I am wrong.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: redhorse

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: redhorse

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Police will likley harras the guy now for exposing them.

I think this is likely. I also think it is likely that in the end, this cop won't see the death penalty and, quite possibly, only a little of the inside of a prison cell. The police (and those higher up the food chain) won't stand for that precedent being set. The boys in blue appear to be throwing him under the bus now but that may be to placate the public because there is such graphic and clear evidence showing this officers actions. I think they'll spin it in the end and the guy who shot the video better watch his rear. They'll come for him.

Another poster said it (and I think he is something of an apologist for the police), that if the officer thought the man was a threat to the public he is still within the law to shoot him. This guy tried to run twice (what is he guilty of?). Who tazed who is not that clear in the beginning so they'll just bank on that fuzziness and say the suspect tazed him, or they may go the other way and say the cop tazed him and it didn't take him down so he was obviously affected by some narcotic. The officer put 7 shots in him before he went down. The cop says he thought the guy was "on something" and "behaving erratically" and that it took that much to take him down is additional circumstantial evidence and there ya go, the officer behaved in accordance with the law. He thought the man was a threat to the public. Done. All of this is revealed after they release whatever they can dig up on this guy to and release it to the media to facilitate a character assassination of the victim.

I hope I'm wrong. I really, really do. I would like to see some sort of check on the power of the police over the citizenry because this kind of cold-blooded murder goes down all the time.

The law does state that if the suspect is a threat to the public (say fleeing with a gun in his hand) then deadly force is authorized, so the poster in question has a point. From the video, however, I don't see how one could say that this is the case here.

If they say the cop thought the victim was on some sort of narcotic that made him erratic and violent they might be able to pull it off. It's a stretch, but they have stretched pretty far to maintain this status quo where the police can use deadly force with ever growing impunity.

For the record, I hope that you are right and I am wrong.

I'd suggest that in order to justify that, It'd have to be a pretty objective and clear reason--like having a deadly weapon in his hand, or screaming he was going to kill somebody as he ran, or had a bomb trigger. "I thought he was acting erratically" hopefully won't cut it in court.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:58 AM
sadly, if this incident had not been caught on video, i have no doubt whatsoever that it would have been a mere footnote in the news a la 'self defence' by the officer. body cams for all police, on ALL the time, must be implemented to attempt to begin to address this problem.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:01 AM
Just did my morning round of news sites. Huffpost, WND, TheBlaze, CNN, Fox, pretty much every new site is reporting the same. What is unique is the unanimity of comments on both left and right wing sites. Pretty much everyone, regardless of their feelings about police, or political persuasion is saying it looks like murder. Even the cop apologists they had on CNN last night was unable to mount any defense of the officer.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:21 AM

Sorta makes me feel like its our civic duty to film police at all times.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:22 AM
They're gonna love him in prison I'm sure the booty bandits will be paying him a visit.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: jefwane
Just did my morning round of news sites. Huffpost, WND, TheBlaze, CNN, Fox, pretty much every new site is reporting the same. What is unique is the unanimity of comments on both left and right wing sites. Pretty much everyone, regardless of their feelings about police, or political persuasion is saying it looks like murder. Even the cop apologists they had on CNN last night was unable to mount any defense of the officer.

I just you tubed Fox News Walter scott and there isn't one video posted...

So is fox (the same people who constantly claim the MSM is hiding stories) really not reporting in it past the ticket?!?!?

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: wantsome

This cop won't ever see general pop in prison. They'll put him in the same wing that house the sex offenders and mentally ill.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: redhorse

Another poster said it (and I think he is something of an apologist for the police), that if the officer thought the man was a threat to the public he is still within the law to shoot him.

That makes sense and is understandable. However , in this particular case they are claiming that was not what appeared to happened.

My Understanding from what I have read is that the COP shot the victim as he was running away then walked up to him after he was in the ground , and dropped (planted) the tazer next to the victim. Then the cop continued to break the law by falsifying his report and claiming that the victim was running away with the tazer he planted in the end.

However, looking at the video I see the Officer picking an object in front of the victim at 1:54 mark of the following longer version video , But I can't honestly see where the officer placed the object next to the victim from the video?

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: interupt42

I hope so as well. This should be about corruption not a race battle. It is even shown late in the video that a black police responded to the other polices call. He shows no hate to him.

This is and should stay about abusing power over others.

But I wouldn't put it past the race baiters to try and make a quick buck on him.

Also betting there are a lot of police out there both good and bad that really don't like this guy now.

edit on 8-4-2015 by ObjectZero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

Top story on when I go there. Has the video as well, sure you just don't hate Fox? That's alright, but they don't seem to be trying to ignore this to me. I can barely stomach fox on TV most of the time myself, but I don't see them ignoring it.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: jefwane
a reply to: Entreri06

Top story on when I go there. Has the video as well, sure you just don't hate Fox? That's alright, but they don't seem to be trying to ignore this to me. I can barely stomach fox on TV most of the time myself, but I don't see them ignoring it.

Both CNN and FOX are known to watch the ATS forum. I've seen them change stories and put up and remove photos, just from a couple of comments here.
edit on 8-4-2015 by ObjectZero because: (no reason given)

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