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North Charleston cop charged with murder after video surfaces of him shooting man in the back

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posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: AgentSmith

I just think it's the way you are wording your posts, it comes across that you are saying this guy is at fault becuase he ran from the police.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: ObjectZero
a reply to: AgentSmith

I never said you did. You asked for info I provided.

Don't think this can come down to a race shooting as well. More as someone who feels they have power over another to the point of killing them.

Ah no worries sorry, when you said he should not have been shot I thought you were implying I thought he should which I don't.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: AgentSmith. The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

That makes it OK then, as long as the cop threatened to murder the guy before he did, gave him a heads up, its totally cool. I'm frankly surprised that it took so long for somebody to come forward to defend this POS, as much ad you're trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

That's absolutely what he's saying, there's no ambiguity there IMO.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:20 AM
There should be some kind of stand down law regarding cops and guns! "officer criminal" should never see the light of day again, he is proof there's a lot of bad cops out there!!! a reply to: alienjuggalo

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: AgentSmith

I just think it's the way you are wording your posts, it comes across that you are saying this guy is at fault becuase he ran from the police.

He was at fault but not to the point he should be shot, clearly he should not have run away. I tried to make it clear but I obviously failed. I DON'T think he should have been shot, I was just pointing out that it would have been better to live another day after the cop said if he ran again he would shoot him by not running. I also want to know the facts about exactly what happened as it's not that clear from the video. Like if it is the taser tossed to the ground at the start then how are the wires going from the cop to the guy running. I know there is a separate cartridge but if it was removed, why and again where was each end? Seems unlikely the cop would still be holding the cartridge while firing his gun and the taser itself is tossed away.
As I said, maybe the guy initially got the taser and managed to shock the cop with it making him angry. Doesn't justify him being shot though after he was running away if he no longer had the taser obviously.

I don't see a version of this where the cop didn't do anything wrong, but that doesn't mean that the facts become unimportant. Nor does it mean that the suspect didn't do anything wrong or he's some sort of saint, he clearly did - what I'm NOT saying though is that whatever he did justified him being shot.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Monger

originally posted by: AgentSmith. The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

That makes it OK then, as long as the cop threatened to murder the guy before he did, gave him a heads up, its totally cool. I'm frankly surprised that it took so long for somebody to come forward to defend this POS, as much ad you're trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

I'm not defending him, as usual you've cherrypicked a tiny part of that whole post and all of my posts in general. Ironically (and ignoring the first part where I categorically point out I do NOT think it is justified) you have missed out the following part of the post which applies to people like you:

I see that certain people seem to have a problem where they put words into people's mouths, or completely ignore what has actually been said and spin their own narrative to meet their own preconceived perceptions.
There also seems to be some discomfort among the ranks when anyone dares to question anything purely for an accurate picture of the events rather than just banging a war drum and demanding blood.
A trend I've also seen on places like Twitter and extending to here is the blatant lying about what people have said if they ask pesky questions.

Are some of the people here a bit delusional and compulsive liars maybe? Or just not very good at reading?

Have you spoken to your psychologist about this?

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: Monger
a reply to: WilsonWilson

That's absolutely what he's saying, there's no ambiguity there IMO.

It is not what I'm saying and I've clarified it multiple times. The only way you can make it seem I am saying that is by selectively picking specific sentences from what I have said and take them out of context. You may as well copy and paste individual words and make them say whatever you want. You need to speak to someone about your lying problem.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: Monger

originally posted by: AgentSmith. The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

That makes it OK then, as long as the cop threatened to murder the guy before he did, gave him a heads up, its totally cool. I'm frankly surprised that it took so long for somebody to come forward to defend this POS, as much ad you're trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

You really are special aren't you, even if you just look at the part you quoted:

The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

And you see this as me defending the cop and saying it is OK? You're a liar mate and you need to seek help, seriously.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 06:47 AM
I guess things may be different in the US but i probably wouldnt think a policeman would ACTUALLY kill me, i would think it was an idle threat.
But then i guess relations being what they are in th States maybe he should have known better.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
a reply to: Badgered1

I guess he just did not feel like chasing him..

Looked like he purposfully dropped his tazer at the guys feet. Maybe said something to the victim to make him run, then cold blooded murder..... Looked like it was premeditated to me...
edit on 8-4-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: AgentSmith

originally posted by: Monger

originally posted by: AgentSmith. The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

That makes it OK then, as long as the cop threatened to murder the guy before he did, gave him a heads up, its totally cool. I'm frankly surprised that it took so long for somebody to come forward to defend this POS, as much ad you're trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

You really are special aren't you, even if you just look at the part you quoted:

The cop did say 'If you run again I'll shoot you' and he ran again, so he shot him. I do not think this is right, nor did I imply it was right. However it is common sense to not run in that situation and the guy would still be alive if he had not run away again.

And you see this as me defending the cop and saying it is OK? You're a liar mate and you need to seek help, seriously.

I saw a slowed down version of the video where you see the cop purposfully throw the tazer at the guys feet. There was no altercation or warning. It was a planned attack and first degree murder. I wonder how many similar shootings happen every year....

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Would have gotten away with it. Just like countless other bully cops....

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:46 AM
Wow this is all over the UK news.

Saw the video that is cold blooded murder... Hope the pig frys.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Police will likley harras the guy now for exposing them.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Thankfully there was a concerned citizen who was able to film this.

That greaseball thought he'd get away with it too. Too bad for him, hope the scumbag gets life

Hopefully that concerned citizen will not now be targeted by the police for taping it all. Horrible thought isn't it?

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: AgentSmith

Your clarifications consist of 'it was wrong, but....' Help with what, exactly? Why are you resorting to personal insults and namecalling. You've been here long enough to remember when decorum actually mattered on ATS.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:12 AM
Shocking, I have no doubt that if this video didn't turn up, there would be no charge.

I think there is either a second video out there or the person doing the filming changes perspectives. And there is very little in the video (s) that is helpful in the officer's defense. The video starts at what appears to be the end of a scuffle. Something black and gun shaped hits the ground as soon as the film starts (this is probably the tazer) i suppose that could be from a scuffle over it or a reaction from the victim after being tazed and causing it to fly ( a video on CNN appears to show the person charged with murder removing the electrodes from the victim while other officers are rendering half-assed first aid). The officer charged with murder proceeds to shoot a fleeing man 7-8 times in the back. He then handcuffs the victim, does not attempt any first aid, and then runs back to where he shot from (i've seen speculation that it maybe was to police up his brass, but I don't think he had time to do that)and picks the black thing up and keeps it in his hand and walks back toward the victim. However, a second police officer has arrived at the victim while he was back getting the black thing off the ground. The video pretty clearly shows the officer charged with murder drop whatever he picked up from back where there was a scuffle near the victim. At this point either the perspective of the person filming changes or a second person starts filming. In this video you can see the officer recover whatever was dropped from the ground. I also believe this is the part of the video that CNN was able to enhance to show them removing the tazer probes from the victim.

The only person showing any courage in this video is the one holding the camera. That person showed remarkable wisdom in showing the video first to the family of the victim. And the family of the victim, probably on the advice of their lawyer, showed like wisdom in waiting till a report of the shooting was made before releasing the video. The report not matching what is pretty clearly seen on the video is damning. The clear attempt to plant evidence closer to the victim shows that the officer charged with murder knew he had committed an unlawful act and was attempting construct a scene that would justify his actions.

If the local prosecutor cannot get a conviction out of this, there is no justice, no equal protection under the law, and whatever violence is unleashed we deserve for letting our police forces get so far out of control.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

What was the source of that video. I've been wondering something myself. It looks like the tazer gets flung (or maybe kicked if you're right) well behind where the scuffle happened. If the officer threw it at his feet and then the victim kicked it that would explain why it appears to fall so far behind the officer. Gotta watch it again.

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