+11 more
posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to:
I am going to treat your response as your opinion and you have a right to have one but I honestly think that if this is the way you truly feel about
it then you should step away from the conversation. I have had this argument with untold amount of people, if you are willing to walk away from
something as important as a politician someone who works for you, who has lied, cheated and allowed people to die to better their own future, then
that shows a personality that is very dangerous and sadly one that seems to be growing in this new world that we are living.
She does not have the right to take away those emails for the simple fact that they are not her emails. Yes, they are sent to her and have her name on
it, but those emails are for things that almost completely pertain to her work as a politician and therefore are the emails of the public and she has
no right to remove and or delete them from the server but the sad part about this, is that it seems the American people (and other nations including
my own, UK) do not have the guts to call them up on it and demand they stand trail or explain their reasons without saying 'Oh I'm bored of this
now, lets talk about something else. Hey did you hear that Kim Kadashian or some other unworthy celebrity airhead has got a new perfume coming out.
lets go waste our time on that'.
When politicians begin to see the way that Hillary has gotten away with this, when they all start to think Hey we can do this as well and just explain
it away as being of no importance then we have a problem, and not just the states but all countries have a big problem. But I'm sure, like most
people there are more important things to concern themselves with rather than caring about how their country is being run and what dirty deeds are
being done and how badly they are being sold down the river; I mean with the new Apple Iwatch, the next Iphone and Ipad coming out oh and dont forget
the breakup of a stupid freaking boy band who will no doubt do a reunion tour in about three years, why would you care what's going on and how badly
your country is being sold off piece by piece.
(Just to clarify, most of that isn't an attack on you personally, just your response which is becoming a growing trend)