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Wife's Ultimatum: Get Rid of Newborn With Down Syndrome or Get Divorced. He Chose...

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+22 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:43 PM
Of course he chose his son over the piece of trash he married. The child can learn to be a good person but she has ugly down to the bone. Can't change that.

Can you imagine this POS wife doing this? It shows how little love she has for the husband let alone the newborn. What a Bitch!

The doctor then told Forrest that his son had Down syndrome. While he admitted to experiencing a period of “shock” as he absorbed the news, the father said he never considered not taking his son home from that hospital. But when he walked back into his wife’s hospital room, he was hit with a second shock. Forrest said his wife gave him an ultimatum: either he gives up the baby or she would file for divorce. Forrest chose his son.

"Forrest has set up a GoFundMe page and is relying on the generosity of strangers. In nine days, 3,821 people from around the world have donated more than $117,000."

I would have done the same as him. I can understand at the time that she might have been stressed, shocked, scared or all of the above. But just the fact that she would consider even saying it to her husband and following through makes her a very ugly person IMO and he is lucky to know now rather than later.

His reaction to the news?
"They took me in to see him and I looked at this guy and I said, he's beautiful -- he's perfect and I'm absolutely keeping him."
Her reaction? "Get rid of him".

On a side note I noticed this:

Forrest, who's from Auckland, New Zealand, said he was completely unaware of the hospital practices in Armenia when it came to children.
"What happens when a baby like this is born here, they will tell you that you don't have to keep them."

What the hell does this mean? Do they put them in an orphanage? Euthanize? Trade for a better model? I couldn't find the answer on this point but it sure sounds like $hit for the child.

I wish him luck and if any of the people who coughed up a few bucks in these difficult times are reading are heroes.


edit on 7-2-2015 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: jude11

I heard this on the radio the other day and I couldn't believe it. How could a mother give birth to a baby and do that? It just boggles the mind. Not only can I not imagine doing that to a baby, especially mine, but then to turn my back on my husband?

I just don't get it.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: jude11
Can you imagine this POS wife doing this? It shows how little love she has for the husband let alone the newborn. What a Bitch!

The doctor then told Forrest that his son had Down syndrome. While he admitted to experiencing a period of “shock” as he absorbed the news, the father said he never considered not taking his son home from that hospital. But when he walked back into his wife’s hospital room, he was hit with a second shock. Forrest said his wife gave him an ultimatum: either he gives up the baby or she would file for divorce. Forrest chose his son.

"Forrest has set up a GoFundMe page and is relying on the generosity of strangers. In nine days, 3,821 people from around the world have donated more than $117,000."

I would have done the same as him. I can understand at the time that she might have been stressed, shocked, scared or all of the above. But just the fact that she would consider even saying it to her husband and following through makes her a very ugly person IMO and he is lucky to know now rather than later.

His reaction to the news?
"They took me in to see him and I looked at this guy and I said, he's beautiful -- he's perfect and I'm absolutely keeping him."
Her reaction? "Get rid of him".

On a side note I noticed this:

Forrest, who's from Auckland, New Zealand, said he was completely unaware of the hospital practices in Armenia when it came to children.

"What happens when a baby like this is born here, they will tell you that you don't have to keep them." What the hell does this mean? Do they put them in an orphanage? Euthanize? Trade for a better model? I couldn't find the answer on this point but it sure sounds like $hit for the child.

I wish him luck and if any of the people who coughed up a few bucks in these difficult times are reading are heroes.


The worst part, for me, as a parent of a special needs, is this woman walked away from the best thing in her life, and sadly she will never know it. As a parent, you hope for all fingers and toes, you pray for health, if neither happens, you deal with the blow and move forward to find a way to best help your child. The fact that all she cared about was the perfect baby is heartbreaking. She will learn eventually there is no such thing as perfection. After all, she certainly isn't displaying it now.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:50 PM
Good for him downs people are ace and they have such a bad rep.
We have had a downs MP before and he did a splendid job as a minister for the disabled.
That woman.....doesn't deserve any kids.

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:55 PM
He seems a good guy. And she just couldn't cope. It happens. No one really knows what they would do in a situation until they're in it. Better to find out now and be honest about it than try to cope and walk away later, I guess.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:56 PM
Jeez, I feel terrible that we've reached a point where we actually feel happy that a father chose to take care of his child. Good for him, showing that humanity isn't dead just yet.

As for the woman... you get what you give. She's giving her child and her (ex) husband no love, she'll get no love from them as well. I hope she enjoys a very lonely life.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: jude11

I heard this on the radio the other day and I couldn't believe it. How could a mother give birth to a baby and do that? It just boggles the mind. Not only can I not imagine doing that to a baby, especially mine, but then to turn my back on my husband?

I just don't get it.

It takes a special breed of crap to do this.


posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: LukeDAP
Jeez, I feel terrible that we've reached a point where we actually feel happy that a father chose to take care of his child. Good for him, showing that humanity isn't dead just yet.

As for the woman... you get what you give. She's giving her child and her (ex) husband no love, she'll get no love from them as well. I hope she enjoys a very lonely life.

I hope the little guy never learns the truth. He has a difficult road ahead without knowing he was abandoned because of who he is by his own mother.


posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
No one really knows what they would do in a situation until they're in it.

Maybe for some but not me.

I absolutely know what I would do.


posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:04 PM
Maybe in time she will have a change of heart and decide to be a positive influence in the child's life. IS this a young lady? maybe she will grow out of whatever mindset she has right now.

+16 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:09 PM
The story has been explained in the UK media. She told him the child would be better raised outside of her native Armenia due to their prediguses agaisnt anyone with disabilities. He then left her so it's not all on the mother. The father is an attention seeking arse. She wanted to move to his native New Zeland but he didn't want to take her. Always two sides to a story.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: jude11

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
No one really knows what they would do in a situation until they're in it.

Maybe for some but not me.

I absolutely know what I would do.


I'd like to think I know what I would do but just can't be that sure.

Think there's an off chance that she may even change her mind? It sounds like this was a shock to the couple, and people in shock...well they do some crazy things.

a reply to: On the level

Hence my "seems" like a good guy. There are always a lot of ways to spin a story, aren't there? The proof will be when time goes by...for both parents. We never really know anything about people but what they want us to know.
edit on 2/7/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: On the level
The story has been explained in the UK media. She told him the child would be better raised outside of her native Armenia due to their prediguses agaisnt anyone with disabilities. He then left her so it's not all on the mother. The father is an attention seeking arse. She wanted to move to his native New Zeland but he didn't want to take her. Always two sides to a story.

So you've devided to believe the other side of the story.

I'd say it's probably somewhere in between.

+13 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:23 PM
I've decided not to just join the lynch mob my friend

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:50 PM
Great man!

Not much more can be said.

Good luck to him.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: jude11

Thank God he didn't have to keep her.

She's emotionally disabled.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: jude11

Bottom-feeder. Materialistic cow. (no offence to cows btw).

May the remainder of her life be filled with regret and sorrow. She is the poster child of everything that is currently wrong with the world.

The dad is a legend and definitely made the right decision.

Similar to boymonkey and his line of work and exposure to DS peeps, one of my mates has DS and he is the king of parties, fun and has such a wonderful innocence that I could only hope to emulate.

If this cow is suffering from post-natal depression and her thought patterns led her to give hubby this ultimatum, then I might, MIGHT, change my tune. Most here know that PND can have serious effects on what you and I consider logical thought-processes.

Until then she remains bitch of the year for 2015.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: On the level
I've decided not to just join the lynch mob my friend

Wise choice.

There does seem to be more going on.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 06:13 PM
Darn. I'm fresh outta pitchforks today.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Kali74

you can have one of mine, I've been collecting heaps of them lately to protect myself from oxygen thieves and just about anyone who does not fit into my own personal little bubble of how I want everyone to be.


NB: I hope your sarc-meter is calibrated, I'd hate for a response which would suggest I am being serious?

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