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Why do people 'hate' the U.S. and Isreal.

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posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 06:37 PM
Looking at counties and saying what country is the most evil is basically like saying which serial was most evil, Bundy or Dahmer.

At the end of the day, most counties have done, and still do terrible things. That's why we should not look at it as countries, but as a whole.

We are a destructive violent race as a whole. History tells us that, and the world tells us that now. Nothing has changed. In fact, we just don't seem to learn from our mistakes

edit on 6-2-2015 by Jay-morris because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 08:29 PM
I'd classify my self as hating the US and israel, and I'm from the US.

For the same reasons OP mentioned as well as the following:
the exceptionalist self view,
the utter embrace of hypocrisy,
the rampant corruption,
the forced polarization of their peoples,
the attachment to materialism,
the embrace of security over liberty,
the racism,
the hatred,

The list can go on and on really. Basically the worst parts of humanity exemplified in a state.
Don't get me wrong, I hate many countries all for the same reasons as stated by OP and others, but the US and Israel are funded by my labor and finances, and I get no say in how that money is used. On that thought I'd like to add "Western democracy" to my list.

Western democracy where you get a choice, punch to the face, or a punch to the face with the other hand.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 08:45 PM
Are you ready for a New World Order yet? If not we'll make you hate us more.

posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

Looking at counties and saying what country is the most evil is basically like saying which serial was most evil, Bundy or Dahmer.

At the end of the day, most counties have done, and still do terrible things. That's why we should not look at it as countries, but as a whole.

We are a destructive violent race as a whole. History tells us that, and the world tells us that now. Nothing has changed. In fact, we just don't seem to learn from our mistakes

Very true. I have to agree with all of that. I just think that US uses some of the ugly things going on in the Middle East to gain public support for their wars.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:41 AM
The USA is hated for its foreign policy blunders (there have been many) while Israel is hated mainly for its treatment of the Palestinian population. Those are facts that cannot be ignored.

They are not irrefutably, however, the most violent or bloodthirsty countries in history - not by far. Even in modern times, you have to take into account that both these countries have a relatively open media (especially compared to countries like North Korea, China and Russia) and therefore seem more violent/aggressive.

While it's true that not everything makes the media in the West, that is especially true in most non-Western countries where media is heavily regulated and the government is placed on a high pedestal.

Moreover, people that think USA/Israel are the most evil countries are suffering from false dilemma (black-and-white thinking) where a country is seen as evil or good and there are no shades of grey.

No nation has a truly clean sheet when it comes to examining their history.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 02:42 AM
I think people hate the US because they wield all the influence but squander it. How many times did the US send it's troops to fight for "freedom and democracy" only to find out it was for geopolitical strategy and corporate greed?

It is no surprise to me though. To some it does not make any sense how the US could be so arrogant and think the world is too stupid to see that they are always up to more than they say. To me it makes good sense though. America is NOT where the global power structure is based out of. America is expendable to the global movers and shakers and that is why Americas behavior makes sense to me. The people that control her do not give a damn if she lives to see tomorrow. America is serving the purpose of power that is not in America and likely has never set foot on American soil.

Israel? What can be said. When you kick in a door and murder the residence you tend to come out with a stain on your shirt. I guess since Israel figures the US gets away with treating everyone like they are stupid, Israel should get to as well.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Perhaps this might provide insight.

The US regularly accuses other countries of heinous crimes and crimes again humanity and genocide, but they refuse to say how many women and kids they themselves have to kill before they are guilty of genocide.

Perhaps you might like to offer a number of kids the US has to kill before they are guilty of genocide?

edit on 7-2-2015 by learnatic because: typo

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 03:09 AM
Personally I think this thread is a pile of feces.

Get a clue the word is a violent place, people on ats sit here and rag AS IF every country in the world doesn't have it's power structures. families, blood lines... hell even while we debate race because of a couple of retards we forget in a moment we are the only genuinely multicultural nation on the planet.

Internal violence... so what it's 20x better than the lack of capacity to fight, i'll take the title with a grain of pride the greatest dictatorships in history are the least internally violent when it all boils down and that's the truth.

I don't care much about Imaginary worlds unless i'm publishing fiction and as the saying goes "Haters gonna hate" No one likes a winner for long... of course Israel is hated it thrives despite that hate and in the end it's performance has been bad arse and so has ours, we throw away more food than other nations can eat and then are told we should feel bad about it and hate ourselves, get a clue anyone holding the championship belt is going to be trashed talked. the end NO ONE would be better than us if they were in charge instead, from the fundamentalists, to the race based nations, we'd be in chains if we didn't carry a big stick and there is no other reality, sure we are rude, hypocrites, all of it, but we won't enslave people to bs gods or racial superiority complexes in the 21st century when all is said and done... we just aren't so bad as global overlords and someone will be if we aren't.

Everyone wants to rule the world, I'd prefer it be my nation, if not it will be someone else and god help you if you decide out of some misguided notion that some one else deserved the chance more, they wont be sitting at home worrying about how you are being treated as a result.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Sorry to be pedantic, but it's "Israel" not "Isreal".

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

To be sure, We have made some mistakes in our history, but we are certainly not alone. Spain decimated the native Americans in their early conquests by the millions through enslavement and disease. The British empire was responsible for the death of between 12 and 29 million people in India alone, by forced exports of wheat to England during a drought. The British were also responsible for the Tasmanian genocide, and killed over a thousand in a rebellian in Kenya in the 1950s. Stalin is reported to have killed more people than Hitler, and we will probable never know the exact number. The red Chinese also killed millions during the cultural revolution. So we are far from alone in having blood on our hands. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Governments in general are the biggest murderers on the planet. The average people are not.
edit on 7-2-2015 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I hate the fact that Israel (Higher-ups) own the US congress. I hate the fact Israel (Higher-ups) raping your tax money. And there's more for you and others to figure if you have the time to research with an open mind!

"Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls." - George Carlin

edit on 7-2-2015 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

You could say that about any major country. There isn't a country in the World that doesn't pollute, and kill. Why do people hate America and Israel? You want the easy answer? Because of God. they hate God, and anything to do with Him. Israel is THE Jewish state, and America is THE Christian state. Other people can argue all they want, but America was dedicated to God on the first day of it existence as a country, and has been a target ever since. Sure, people will use the same old excuses you did, blaming it on pollution, or politics. But in the end, it is God they hate, which is why they rant and scream that this country was NOT founded on God, but on some other ideal that they can't even name. And pretty much why there is a long-standing movement to remove Him from American life. Yet what are the alternatives? The OTHER guy? He is NOT your friend. I wish more people would see that. They must like being lied to. That's the only way I can figure it.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: thoiter
a reply to: FyreByrd

Sorry to be pedantic, but it's "Israel" not "Isreal".

Be pendantic by all mean - I'm not a good speller to begin with and I didn't try too hard with this one.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: FyreByrd

To be sure, We have made some mistakes in our history, but we are certainly not alone. Spain decimated the native Americans in their early conquests by the millions through enslavement and disease. The British empire was responsible for the death of between 12 and 29 million people in India alone, by forced exports of wheat to England during a drought. The British were also responsible for the Tasmanian genocide, and killed over a thousand in a rebellian in Kenya in the 1950s. Stalin is reported to have killed more people than Hitler, and we will probable never know the exact number. The red Chinese also killed millions during the cultural revolution. So we are far from alone in having blood on our hands. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Governments in general are the biggest murderers on the planet. The average people are not.

And it doesn't disprove or excuse the statement that the US is the most violent country on the planet. Consider direct and indirect violence/immediate and long term deaths attributable to US 'intervention' and you can only imagine how high the number of people affected.

Using the atrocities of one nation never excuses the atrocities of another. (I rather think that the Europeans 'outsourced' a lot of their 'colonial' violence to the US and Israel - heh I spelled it right.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

Looking at counties and saying what country is the most evil is basically like saying which serial was most evil, Bundy or Dahmer.

At the end of the day, most counties have done, and still do terrible things. That's why we should not look at it as countries, but as a whole.

We are a destructive violent race as a whole. History tells us that, and the world tells us that now. Nothing has changed. In fact, we just don't seem to learn from our mistakes

This is not a discussion of GOOD vs EVIL - violence is violence.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: JimNasium
a reply to: FyreByrd

Guten Tag- (This is to make You wonder if I'm German or just have Weimaraners and drive a cool VW GTI™...)

Your answer starts with a "Z" You're starting Your query with an "A" (American, and a certain ATS™ member if they read this will enjoy that We are using the full term "America" vs. 'Merica...)

But because only a Ginger can call a "Ginger", 'Ginger' Where here about the colonies do You call Your ecological niche? Where are You getting Your info/dis-info besides Dennis Praeger, or is a person whose job is to divide the division Your only source???


P.S. But because it is America We have the 'freedom' to say/type/utter whatever We want until the day We can't, how great is that?

Anti-ZIONism is not anti-Semitic...

It is the Zionist that You have the 'beef' with and so do the "sleeping masses" but as is noted 'they' are asleep as in not yet "wakened" to the fact(s)...

If you would be so kind as to reread the OP you will see that Mr Preager is hardly my only source only a jumping off point (along with Martin L. King) for the thread...and... I used his phrasology and whining regards "...hating the US and Israle" to carner attention.

Actually, I used MLK to answer Praeger's question in 1964 I believe.

I tend to agree with Dr. Kings assessment and find it very difficult to dispute. Knowing that some would react 'violently' to the idea of the US as the most violent nation on the planet, I wanted to see if there was any plausible argument. I haven't see any of substance.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: FyreByrd
The USA is the most violent country in the history of the planet with arguably Isreal coming in second place. I don't think there is any disputing this.

The US military is the largest polluter on the planet and is using limited resources needed by people in the name of endless war.

By what metrics are you basing these opinions?

China has been the world's leading polluter since 2007. Per capita, I think the USA trails Russia and per unit of land mass USA isn't even top 5.

USA is 111 in homicides per capita, 22nd in overall crimes, 3rd in total military personnel (57th per capita), and scored a 2.13 on the Global Peace Scale... good for 63rd place on the least peaceful chart. By comparison, Russia was 8th least peaceful with a 3.06 rating.

Your argument seems to fail.

How? Because I include many forms of violence the US perpetrates on other nations and it's own citizens. You as for 'metrics' - I have none because all the 'metrics' require an easily quantifiable input - such as 'recorded' deaths and therefore shows us nothing about 'unrecorded' deaths and disabblments, rapes and thefts, distruction and sabotage and that's just Physical violence. Economic violence is hard to pin down as is psychological violence. And 'metrics' looks at a single 'snap-shot' of time in a very limited (rate on a scale of 1 to ten how statisfied you were with this transaction (meaning the person you talked to - not the service or whether your issue was resolved -- I digress).

Metrics is insuffient to the subject and limited in it's usefullness on most subjects.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: FyreByrd

To be sure, We have made some mistakes in our history, but we are certainly not alone. Spain decimated the native Americans in their early conquests by the millions through enslavement and disease. The British empire was responsible for the death of between 12 and 29 million people in India alone, by forced exports of wheat to England during a drought. The British were also responsible for the Tasmanian genocide, and killed over a thousand in a rebellian in Kenya in the 1950s. Stalin is reported to have killed more people than Hitler, and we will probable never know the exact number. The red Chinese also killed millions during the cultural revolution. So we are far from alone in having blood on our hands. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Governments in general are the biggest murderers on the planet. The average people are not.

And it doesn't disprove or excuse the statement that the US is the most violent country on the planet. Consider direct and indirect violence/immediate and long term deaths attributable to US 'intervention' and you can only imagine how high the number of people affected.

Using the atrocities of one nation never excuses the atrocities of another. (I rather think that the Europeans 'outsourced' a lot of their 'colonial' violence to the US and Israel - heh I spelled it right.


All that proves is that we are winning, there is this thing going on in regards to self hatred and I honestly believe it is mainly perpetuated by individuals with outside agendas from within America.

Now I certainly wont say "every" military situation a nation gets in is always "correct" certainly it is not.

But nothing in reasoning by "Death Toll" takes any of the following into account.

A: Genuine Military Threat
B: Genuine Economic threat
C: Genuine threat to way of life

Highest Death Toll means nothing in the end other than we are winning battles, none of that is an actual discussion in regards to reasons for the wars. Anyone on top is going to face threat to that position and by nature of growing population those Death Tolls will be higher than the Nations that came prior, that's just common sense. But as Nations go... I'd offer that for all our fighting we are also the most humane yet, we don't unlike most of our predecessors rape the population kill the males and keep the territories, fighting with Islam in this cultural war we aren't carpet bombing cities, we focus mainly on Military and body politic and actually spend a lot of wealth "attempting" to avoid civilian casualties ...with no guarantee btw that our enemies if we "didn't go to war" would be nearly so humane about it... doubt it, ask anyone in Germany what the Russian Occupation was like compared to ours... I couldn't think of ANY other situation where post war time Nations are rebuilt as successfully as have most of the past century... Japan is the no 2 economy in the word Germany 4? I think? We are not exactly maintaining our position without a degree of humanity that hasn't come before in war time.

It would of course be fair to debate the "need" for "some" of our wars...

But overall i'd say YES, stopping the spread of Communism was necessary a simple look at North and South Korea and the lives people are living in the South is more than enough to justify it. I'd also say that Radical Islam is also a genuine threat both examples being "way of life" "economic" and genuine Threat and... let's not argue WW2, okay definitively stopping the Nazis was kind of a priority.


Almost everyone in here who bashes and "hates" us... hails from a nation who exists as it is because of it, you eat the food, you enjoy the clean water, even in a crap economy it's pretty nice mainly, the places we hail as "better" northern Europe with it's many examples of decent socialism Japan, even OZ with it's high minimum wage, Japan with it's "pacifist" international status, Canada and it's glorious Medical care... all for crap with if didn't stop the Russians, it would be interesting to see what Denmark would be like if they were under the Russians Umbrella

So... Drive your Car, Enjoy your House, Eat Your Steak or Organic Muffins from Sprouts and don't be so fast to bandwagon scream "atrocities" at us because when you open your fridge your a hypocrite you wouldn't enjoy those things if we weren't Bastards about it all and your a fool if you think you would, If a Communist national system with local Sharia govt is your bag there are some nice backwoods locations in central Asia that are just like that where you don't get a fridge you get a slab of dried salted meat once a month your daughter doesn't go to Uni some guy screws her when she is 14 and your new ride is a Camel and your skin looks like leather and your wifes arse feels like it too.

Sorry but if you eat it, you drive it, you live in it, you wear it on your back, watch it on tv your part of it and your enjoying it.... the sanctimonious "we are awful" crap does nothing to change your participation and if you live in the Western World or Protected East or South East Asia or North America... sitting on the Internet lol it's just so god damned hypocritical to be using your awesome PC to rag how you got it and get to keep it.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: mekhanics

If Israel owns the US congress then why haven't they used congress to approve an attack on enemies that Israel would love to conquer, like Iran or Syria?

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: St Udio
could it be imperialism, colonialism. banker predatory practice, making the conquered state a fertile ground for resource stealing/population servitude under a guise of 'labor' or installing despot puppets as leaders- until no longer needed?

Couldn't have put it myself

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