To believe is to take some position. When one takes a position then there rises duality of the subject giving rise to the possibility of extremes and
bias... based on the unfounded. Some do this simply out of tradition, some do it out of experience. The problem is taking the belief as truth either
through tradition or experience. Note we are not talking about facts, though we have some rote truth we have not experienced... we accept this and it
could be called a belief on a personal level.
It is entirely possible to live without belief, most belief is a crutch or coping mechanism... sure it works to placate oneself with mental
difficulties. But this is placebo effect, and people think if they pray harder etc. then whatever will be over come, this is a self delusion. Whatever
it is will pass out of consciousness on it's own due to impermanence. The only reason compulsions, habits, guilt, etc. stick around is making them a
point of mental focus tosses a log onto the fire of consciousness.
Opinions can be had separate from duality, they neither confirm nor deny beliefs people hold by an unbiased view point, that seeks to bring balance
instead of derision, by showing the nature of reality by directly pointing to it... this is what gives Zen it's edge to cut through delusion and cause
The interesting thing is how many Taoists embrace duality, and use it as an excuse to wallow in self delusion the same way blaming a devil for one's
personal actions of body, speech and mind that give Abrahamic religions an excuse to keep harming other sentient beings and feel justified to do so...
removing any personal responsibility, only a vessel to be manipulated and filled by either good or evil and some repentance when one realizes a devil
over took their being. It's an accepted mental illness. Someone that believes in god can run around saying the hear god and speak to god all day
long... few bat an eye, someone saying they don't believe; saying they hear a voice and speak to it all day long, get called schizophrenic...
difference? One has decided to call those voices god and angels, or devil and demon.
So we can see how duality infects and affects society, when based in ideologies or beliefs taken as truth that rose from an idea. Reality? Not in the
slightest. The Yin and Yang itself shows balance or the middle way, it is also symbolizing movement or showing that it is balance in action... so what
would happen if you were to spin the Yin and Yang symbol? The extremes of black and white disappear with balance and it becomes grey, and neither
extreme or bias is found in the world of duality shown by the symbol, this is living the way and being like water when realized with full profundity
akin to the Buddhist enlightenment.
It is entirely possible to exist without belief or a biased opinion, how hard or easy that is depends on an individual and how self deluded they
are... from the delusions others passed to them and they chose to take and cling to as their own, and have grown adopted and expanded it, we all have
done/do this out of greed, hate, or delusion and typically have a very high level of cognitively dissonant ignorance, even when faced to evidence
contrary, because it is completely comfortable to rest there... until the reality of someone believing in another extreme pulls out the stick pin and
Nothing is safe from the world of duality from duality or extremes and bias, all religions, all societies, all politics, all science except; in this
bubble of cognitive dissonance that people choose to live in... by simply pressing the easy button, on something they'd rather not contemplate:
edit on 3-2-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)