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Weird Lucid Dream

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posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:03 PM
This topic is not a topic about a dream where I am predicting world endings or natural disasters.

I am simply sharing my weird lucid dream from last night.

So normally when I would lucid dream before in the past the dream was still dreamlike and not too lifelike(just like I like them). Last night however, I was having a lucid dream where I was in the old house I grew up in. I awoke in the house and it sounded like a kid yelling mama, but of course since it was a lucid dream I realized it was a dream because honestly, it's been years since I've been in that house.

Anyway, so I walked through the whole house and it was dark(like everyone was asleep only because it was a dream and I realized it was, I realized it was just empty because my mind was creating it...which then made me have a moment of thoughtfulness inside my dream head, where I got sad for a moment when I realized my parents were not in their bedroom because they are dead).

So every detail was exactly as the house I grew up in. Things I had forgotten. I was able to walk through the house and observe since I knew it was a dream. Then the whole world started to swirl and I then floated down the stairs and everything morphed into blackness. But not before I saw the walls of the staircase with these weird designs on them...which was not a part of the original house. Then I woke up and realized I was hungry.

That is all.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:05 PM
You lucky duck. a reply to: OrphanApology

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:06 PM
Nothing, real or imagined, is as strange as the alchemical soup of stuff that largely makes up our brain.

It's utterly amazing to me that we can even come to a consensus on reality let alone a dream.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:11 PM
I don't believe that the brain is anything more than a biological "connector" between here and there. "There" is where the signal (consciousness) comes from.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: donktheclown

I just think the brain is a wonderful organ that comes up with all kinds of weird # that manifests when you're sleeping. Who knows though. No way to prove a negative. I guess as more research advances we'll know more about things.

Since the brain burns the most calories, I wonder if you burn more calories when lucid dreaming?

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
. Things I had forgotten.

Aaaah,.....but you didn't....

Dreams dreams are just the brain's way of "ticking over" , leaving the body to repair.

Sometimes the subconscious and the subconscious meet on their switch over and THAT is when we get the opportunity to glance at the real US.

Perhaps you still yearn for the security and comfort of the home that gave you those things as a child (I know I do), so no surprise about the images and freelings.

Then you made the "switch" and your body took over and said "feed me"!

All good. Be well, life is unfolding perfectly.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: donktheclown

Then what is your take on microwave ovens?


Seriously...what is your take?


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Actually "forget" just means to fail to remember, doesn't mean "erased".

I get what you're saying about the dream's meaning. But usually I take dreams at face value because I think the dream world has a separate set of rules.

Like I always say, kind of like having a dream where you are a giant banana riding a tortilla down snowy slopes while dodging cannonballs being fired by egg shaped canons...maybe there is no secret meaning to something like that. Maybe by trying to find secret meanings you are missing the most important meaning of all...

That you are a giant banana riding a tortilla down a #ing slope while dodging cannonballs.

Maybe my dream was just a revisit of a place that was important to me at one time. I can't say I wish to go back, because I really don't. But it was a nice experience while it lasted. For some reason my T.V. was missing though.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology,
I was having a lucid dream where I was in the old house I grew up in.

Then the whole world started to swirl and I then floated down the stairs and everything morphed into blackness.
But not before I saw the walls of the staircase with these weird designs on them...which was not a part of the original house.

Then I woke up and realized I was hungry.

That is all.


...a lucid dream where I was in the old house I grew up in

~ this represents all your past life experience as your present 'self' ~

...Then the whole world started to swirl and I then floated down the stairs and everything morphed into blackness.
But not before I saw the walls of the staircase with these weird designs on them...which was not a part of the original house.

~you say "the whole world---started to sway (spin)"...
That observation is quite different than just the house itself being caught up into a Vortex of some sort.

There are a number of possible vectors this Lucid dream is pointing to you to explain the meaning

the weird designs, codes, symbols, you see on the walls of the staircase you are levitating down might mean some transcendental input is coming your way (no, I don't think abduction encounter)

Normal information exchange or learning through study is pretty much Not the way this transcendental enlightenment will occur to you--- that's what the floating down the stairway with unknown graffiti symbols/formulas on the walls actually means...
your new enlightenment will not be from a discussion between you and a stranger, like a physcistist or mathematician either
No.... the graffiti covered stairway walls & your floating-levitation downward along this well traveled corridor/pathway (albeit with a new twist) is telling you to be prepared for an unexpected enlightenment/epiphany encounter, which is/will be centered on your physical self
that's the Lucid-Dream linkage with the familiar house you grew up in

sorry I am so is what it is

edit on th31142154271617582015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

But not before I saw the walls of the staircase with these weird designs on them…


If you would…

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Lol. I was already falling "awake" at that time so I don't really remember it too well but the recollection reminds me of this:

but made out of stone and were like...diagonal line of squares...kind of like tiles...but sort of three dimensional...

The maze/design or whatever it was in each square formed as I floated down the stairs before I blackened into consciousness. Sort of like a square appeared and then these 3D designs started forming...I don't know it was the strange part of the dream. I still realized I was dreaming at that moment though and found that part strange and even commented to myself in my dream head.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

The maze/design or whatever it was in each square formed as I floated down the stairs before I blackened into consciousness. Sort of like a square appeared and then these 3D designs started forming...I don't know it was the strange part of the dream. I still realized I was dreaming at that moment though and found that part strange and even commented to myself in my dream head.

The reason I asked was because that was the message in your dream. Everything else was already familiar to you. You were being led to that last bit to show you part of yourself you still have to work on or is a problem in your life… whatever.

What was forming in the the 3d 'squares'? Its okay if you don't remember, usually we do but its too embarrassing to relate.

The "house" you used to live in was yourself in the past. The rooms for your parents, (they are gone), the old places (gone now) from your psyche, the you as represented in the dream. The darkness, the dizziness and maze, showing you there is some history there that is uncomfortable to you, probably associated with your folks.

Probably some darker memories? Or confusion about your relationship with them. I don't really know anything about you or your past, just stabbing in the dark.

If you can remember the images on the walls better or go back there and look closer at that you might find an answer for you about it. Sometimes we are led to a place and shown something that we don't remember upon waking because we aren't supposed to remember, thats alright, too. But if you can direct your self in your dreams you can try to get to the bottom of it.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: OrphanApology

If you can remember the images on the walls better or go back there and look closer at that you might find an answer for you about it.
But if you can direct your self in your dreams you can try to get to the bottom of it.


this is where I call the observation a dynamic transcendental episode... because the symbols or graffiti was not meant to be deciphered at this moment--- that process is what this enlightenment/epiphany is pointing towards...

there came up, quite unexpectedly this article about the metaphorical, coded meaning speech by Christine Lagarde...the article is titled:

January 17, 2015
"Hidden Messages To The Global Elites In Christine Lagarde's "Three Rosetta" Speech?"

this line of thought and comparison is very applicable to this thread, ~in my mind~


La Garde’s :3 Rosetta Moments will be a revealing of the Global Government, Financial System, and Religion. Just like the Rosetta Stone was a breakthough moment to the general public understanding of the Egyptian symbols

The main meaning in Lagarde's speech is two-fold - Breakthrough and Revealing.

The "Rosetta Stone" was not a breakthrough or revealing of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics for the World's Mystery School Initiates. They already knew and understood the Egyptian Mysteries and symbology. What the Rosetta Stone represented was a revelation of the Egyptian language ( and thus the outer Mysteries ) to the general public and un-initiated.

the OP Lucid Dream is very much a similar to the linked 'Rosetta Stone' speech... in this instance the Lucid Dreamer is being made aware that within their self, there can be found the Key to 'outer mysteries'...the symbols/language are there on the wall...the walls of the descending stairway which leads to the house exit-entry doorway to the outside world.


edit on th31142158251118012015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on th31142158377718222015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: St Udio

in this instance the Lucid Dreamer is being made aware that within their self, there can be found the Key to 'outer mysteries'…the symbols/language are there on the wall...the walls of the descending stairway which leads to the house exit-entry doorway to the outside world.

Downstairs leading to an exit-- or the basement. Where the deep embedded issues of our soul reside. The engrams, buried trauma and bad habits.

Thats usually why we interrupt these dreams. It gets "confusing" or we "black out" even waking up as though its a bad dream.

The signs it is a negative memory is all that associated dream experience of "darkness" before getting to the issue.

The mind protects itself and buries these issues deep. If it was a good character trait or habit, there would be no need to review it.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 07:18 AM

my Friend

a reply to: intrptr

But...OrphanApology would have pointed out that it was a basement their body was floating towards...
therefore, it is clear that the entry-exit door to the outside world was foremost of the two choices

However... mention was made that 'Hunger' was a strong sensation... perhaps the kitchen and refrigerator were the reason for going downstairs....and not to find hidden or dark places in the basement nor to see the outside world after that vortex experience where everything was swirling or spinning 'round.

I am satisfied with the earlier, less clumbersome interpretations of the Lucid Dream of OrphanApology
edit on th31142158773018282015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)


have any feedback for us OrphanApology
edit on th31142158798318332015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

Thanks for posting! That was a very powerful and insightful dream. I urge you to write down that dream in great detail, and add details as you remember them.

That old house where you were raised represents your comfort-zone, a Past that you understood and still cling to - however much it is holding back your growth and understanding of the Present/Future.

That strange writing on the wall that you couldn't read, says it all. There are suppressed, mind-blowing realities that are about to explode into our current reality. And will benefit only the greedy and corrupt who accept their reality - and skew it into the negative.

POSSIBLE SAMPLES: UFOs and ETs are not only "real", but there are underground compounds of ETs both good and bad on Earth and in our solar system. The solar systems in the Orion constellation have been at war so long they have destroyed their space environment. And some of those warring societies are here and headed here. Some of those more advanced societies have close ties to the people of ... the Mid East. How about Jihadism with advanced weapons we don't understand, let alone can counter?

I'm not saying that the above is the only possible "explosion of our comfortable reality" you were being warned about. And I may be wrong. But the point is we have to quit clinging to our "comfort-zone, now unreality" and be willing to face what's really going on in our cosmos and on our planet. Our head-in-sand, forced ignorance about the reality of UFOs and ETs is only serving the purposes of our enemies - whether on-planet or off.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

Every morning, I wake from my sleep into a lucid dream.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Everyones entitled to their opinion. Mine is not that cumbersome. Some have said that whenever we dream of a building we are dreaming of our real selves. Some its a dark castle, some a sunny cottage or even a car or boat. What we find inside is supposed to reflect upon or true selves.

Now read the dream again.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: St Udio

I'm on my cell so can't really respond properly right now. I will say this though that all the responses are interesting takes on deeper meanings of the dream world.

I can't say I agree with these complex dream interpretations, like religion they are usually an opinion that is passed off as the deeper truth of our sleeping reality... but so far I think everyone is just throwing their own interpretation in and they have been very interesting to read.

Also to note. ... there was no basement in this house and I think the floating down stairs was more akin to falling into consciousness as it felt similar to falling asleep.

Will read through them more thoroughly when I have access to some wifi for my laptop.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 10:06 AM
Developing the 6th sense takes discipline and dedication. But it may save you since it can be used to:

~ Wake up courage and discipline

~ Follow through to enliven consciousness

~ Increase your state of awareness

~ Enhance your higher metaphysical ability

~ Enhance spirituality...

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