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Did Elijah Cummings and the IRS commit crimes and Cheat in a Federal Election?

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posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:19 PM

Video Summary...

Attorney for True to Vote accuses Elijah Cummings of Directing Lois Lerner.

Emails show proof Elijah Cummings began some sort of rouge investigation.

Video shows a Conspriacy between the IRS and Elijah Cummings to attack Conservatives.

The difference between the 2nd Article of Impeachment for President Nixon.

And, the criminal acts of Cummings was the IRS told Nixon No.

This cannot stand for either side...The IRS also released personal Tax Information.

We need a Special Prosecutor.

Not a smidgeon of Corruption ?

edit on 15-12-2014 by whyamIhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:28 PM
" Did Elijah Cummings and the IRS commit crimes and Cheat in a Federal Election? "

Yup. He absolutely was deeply involved in the corruption.

We've proved some of it in past threads.

Cummings' own actions during hearings makes his involvement obvious.

Glad he's on the skewer again.

edit on Dec-15-2014 by xuenchen because:

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

"No there, there".

"Not a Smidgeon of Corruption"

Obama probably would of won anyway.

But, when you cheat it call into question the results of the Election.

We need a Special Prosecutor. It's obvious that several crimes were committed.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere


I think we might be seeing the initial "justification" for a SP.

Heads will roll.

Big heads.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

But, when you cheat it call into question the results of the Election.

Many people still refer to the 'fact' that Al Gore 'beat' GW Bush..... just because they didn't like the results of the voting in a single state, even after multiple recounts.
Imagine if they had evidence of Bush cheating!
But this.... there is no there there.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:48 PM
We need a DETAILED Senate Report next year.

Exposing the current administration,and it's cronies at the IRS.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Then they can EXPOSE the rest of the corruption of those 'phony' scandals.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:57 PM
Here's big boy in 2009......

Obama: Transparency Will Be Touchstone

The IRONY of a Paradox !!!

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

This is pretty weak. Firstly, Ms. Mitchell is talking out of her ass about the purview of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. They've got a lot of latitude and asking for publicly available information isn't tantamount to launching a "rogue investigation" let alone directing the IRS.

It's well known that starting in 2012, True the Vote was being investigated for among other things voter intimidation. I'd say that an investigation of True the Vote for politically motivated (and controlled) voter intimidation is more in line with the mandate of the committee than investigating steroid use in MLB. Though maybe any investigation that isn't started by Issa is "rogue" in your opinion?

I'd also like to point out the date of the email is Jan 25, 2013 which goes to your later comment:

Obama probably would of won anyway.

But, when you cheat it call into question the results of the Election.

So even if all of the conjecture were in fact true, it wouldn't have been a factor.
edit on 2014-12-15 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: whyamIhere

This is pretty weak. Firstly, Ms. Mitchell is talking out of her ass about the purview of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. They've got a lot of latitude and asking for publicly available information isn't tantamount to launching a "rogue investigation" let alone directing the IRS.

That's what I was thinking,
The DOJ and IRS work closely together in just exactly these kind of matters, anyone can like it or not. That Fox interview is misleading, no need to ask why.

Responsibilities of tax division of the DOJ.
The Tax Division works closely with public schools and corporations of the state and the Criminal Investigation Division and other units of the Internal Revenue Service to develop and coordinate federal tax policy. Among the Division's duties are:

Participating in the President's Corporate Fraud Task Force
Working with the Securities and Exchange Commission to promote corporate integrity
Pursuing criminal tax investigations and prosecutions of corporate executives
Handling criminal investigations and prosecutions of terrorist financing cases
Fighting abusive and fraudulent tax promotions
Seeking civil injunctions against promoters of abusive tax schemes
Handling criminal prosecutions of major tax fraud promoters
Working with the Federal Trade Commission to combat internet fraud schemes
Using both civil and criminal tools to put tax fraud promoters out of business
Enforcing IRS summonses for records of corporate tax shelters
Attacking the use of foreign bank accounts to evade taxes
Enforcing IRS summonses for records of offshore credit card transactions
Initiating criminal investigations of suspects in offshore tax evasion cases
Combating schemes that cheat the IRS through abuse of the bankruptcy system
Enhancing policy coordination between the Tax Division and the IRS

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: whyamIhere

This is pretty weak. Firstly, Ms. Mitchell is talking out of her ass about the purview of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. They've got a lot of latitude and asking for publicly available information isn't tantamount to launching a "rogue investigation" let alone directing the IRS.

It's well known that starting in 2012, True the Vote was being investigated for among other things voter intimidation. I'd say that an investigation of True the Vote for politically motivated (and controlled) voter intimidation is more in line with the mandate of the committee than investigating steroid use in MLB. Though maybe any investigation that isn't started by Issa is "rogue" in your opinion?

I'd also like to point out the date of the email is Jan 25, 2013 which goes to your later comment:

Obama probably would of won anyway.

But, when you cheat it call into question the results of the Election.

So even if all of the conjecture were in fact true, it wouldn't have been a factor.

So, let me ask you this...

Should the IRS be a truly Independent Agency ?

Why would Lois Lerner take the 5th if she did nothing wrong ?

Should Congressional Staff have private Tax Payer information ?

I have some follow-up questions if you don't mind.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: smurfy

The DOJ and IRS work closely together in just exactly these kind of matters, anyone can like it or not. That Fox interview is misleading, no need to ask why

Yes, but they do not coordinate with Congressional Staffs.

They do not give Congressmen Private Tax Payer Information.

C'mon man...Why not let a Special Prosecutor take a look.

If this is regular business. It's not, crimes appear to have been committed.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 03:11 PM
Many people fail to see what actually happened.

Those "Conservative" organizations applying for specific tax status had done nothing wrong or illegal.

All they did was apply the legal way.

But the jealous Administration was on the hunt anyway.

The IRS collaborations may have been and probably were illegal.

Lois's 5th proves illegal things happened and she knew about it.

People will swing from the yardarms next year.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Many people fail to see what actually happened.

Those "Conservative" organizations applying for specific tax status had done nothing wrong or illegal.

All they did was apply the legal way.

But the jealous Administration was on the hunt anyway.

The IRS collaborations may have been and probably were illegal.

Lois's 5th proves illegal things happened and she knew about it.

People will swing from the yardarms next year.

I hope they will investigate why the IRS gave Congessional Staff Tax Returns ?

Staff doesn't look over private returns in their spare time.

With the head of the IRS visiting the White House over 80 times.

This is a Conspriacy of the highest order.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
a reply to: smurfy

The DOJ and IRS work closely together in just exactly these kind of matters, anyone can like it or not. That Fox interview is misleading, no need to ask why

Yes, but they do not coordinate with Congressional Staffs.

*They do not give Congressmen Private Tax Payer Information.

C'mon man...Why not let a Special Prosecutor take a look.

If this is regular business. It's not, crimes appear to have been committed.

*I thought Cummings asked for publicly available context...Cummings ironically had legislation passed back a bit that all Government employees e-mails be backed up and stored to be readily available for the country, yet the IRS, 'lost' e-mails kind of suggests that the IRS were pissing on his work, don't you think?
I wouldn't object to any special prosecutor going over his stuff at all. But this woman, Cleta Deatherage Mitchell is a media fly, and I think she is talking shiite in true media style. So she was a Democrat and now a Republican..What next, UKIP?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 03:34 PM

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Couple of old threads that expose some of the Cummings Capers......

Letter: "Holder Aide Accidentally Calls ISSA Staff For Help Spinning IRS Scandal"

U.S. Congressman Elijah Cummings prompted IRS targeting of True the Vote

It was every single group with Liberty, Tea Party or anything that sounded Conservative.

The IRS basically shut down the opposition to Obama.

But, some members are willing to look the other way.

Shameful...This IS a Conspriacy.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Should the IRS be a truly Independent Agency ?

In my opinion, the IRS as we know it shouldn't even exist and until it can be done away with, it certainly shouldn't be wielded as a political tool. That said, I believe somebody needs to be responsible for investigating fraud by 501(c)(3)/501(c)(4) groups impartially.

Why would Lois Lerner take the 5th if she did nothing wrong ?

People plead the 5th to avoid self-incrimination so it naturally follows that it's a fair assumption that a person doing so is more likely than not guilty of something. What does this tell us about whether or not Elijah Cummings launched an investigation against True the Vote without cause in a politically motivated attack or the complicity of IRS officials in such an attack?

Should Congressional Staff have private Tax Payer information ?

That's not really at issue in this case though is it? The public disclosure requirements for 501(c)(3)'s specifically exempt them from having to reveal the names of contributors. It's also stated three times in the email that the request was for publicly available information.

Megyn Kelly might as well be part of Catherine Engelbrecht's PR team. If I'm not mistaken there have been some Fox News contributors who were speakers at KSP/True the Vote events. Maybe the reason that only Fox News seems to be reporting on this story is that it really doesn't have legs but they're throwing a friend a bone?
edit on 2014-12-15 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: smurfy

He received private Tax Returns from people applying for Tax Exempt Status.

They reportedly received 1000's of private tax returns.

Congressmen are not allowed to see their opponents private returns.

Don't forget the lists of hundreds of questions including what they prayed about.

Private returns need a Judges permission. Cummings got them from the IRS.

No warrant...Just hey Lois, send over this woman and her groups Tax Returns.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Here's some background from 2013....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The IRS inspector general said this week that while some liberal groups were given extra scrutiny by the tax agency, they were not subjected to the same invasive queries as tea party groups — a finding that seems to confirm a political bias was at play.

In a letter sent late Wednesday and released Thursday, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George said that just 30 percent of groups with the word “progressive” in their name were put through special scrutiny for tax-exempt applications, but 100 percent of groups with “tea party,” “patriot” or “9/12” in their name were subjected to invasive questioning.

IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tea party groups, Franklin Graham, Christine O’Donnell, a pro-marriage group. And now Dr. Ben Carson.

The list of conservatives targeted by the Internal Revenue Service for audits, tax-exempt reviews or tax privacy breaches keeps growing, raising fresh questions in Washington about whether a scandal the Obama administration has blamed on bureaucratic incompetence and coincidence may in fact involve something more nefarious.

The long line of conservatives targeted by the IRS

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Some of you guys are making it hard for me to hold Obama accountable for anything tangible, that is for sure.

I think instead of taking each new story that comes out of Fox news every other day and running with it like it was the ultimate 'gotcha" impeachable offense, the energies of the masses would be better spent exercising an attention span and addressing the real "gotcha" impeachable offenses (of which there are plenty).

Isn't it frustrating to not utilize an attention span long enough to really accomplish anything with all the angst we obviously are seeing??? The other powers in government aren't going to go into addressing something that isn't even important enough to keep the attention of the nation for more than a day or 2.
edit on 12/15/2014 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

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