I wanted to share one experience I had yesterday, because it was so intense, I woke up with tears of joy, and thanking my late mother, who passed away
a year ago in October.
Do and can our passed on loved ones send us dreams?
I have been visited by passed on grandparents many times in the past, telling me how well I am doing, and to keep it up, and giving me advice on
current situations in my dreams, but can they also send us dreams?
Last night I had an argument with my husband, it wasn't anything big, we already made up today. We never argue for too long, but before going to bed I
went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I asked my late mother to please send me a dream to give me some rest, a dream to calm me down.
I have never asked any of my passed on relatives to do this for me.
This was a first for me, and I have no idea why I even asked for it, I was just desperate.
So, then I had the most wonderful dream, a dream I wish I've had before in my life, but never had.
I dreamt I was in an antique bookstore, and was the only customer.
I got to browse through all the magnificent old/ ancient looking books.
Look at the covers, read them...I was there all day.
Now,... only my mother knows how much I truly love reading, and how much I love books, especially ancient ones, and which topics.
I found only books there, that were to interest to me. It was so peaceful, it felt so special.
Alexander the Great hated grapes.....
Julius Ceasar had tiny feet....
I got to read all these interesting tidbits, and take in everything. The feel of the books, the smell, the atmosphere.
When I woke up, I had tears in my eyes. I was so happy.
I didn't even think, I just said "Thank you mom. I love you."
So my question is: Has anything like this ever happened to you? Has a passed on loved one sent you a special dream?
edit on 21/11/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: spelling
edit on 21/11/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: (no reason