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Navy vet gets fired for posting pics of DHS vehicles near Ferguson

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posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 05:53 PM
I'm not understanding why anyone is upset this guy was fired with so few facts. You have a disgruntled ex-employees word and that's it. I would think it SOP employees are not allowed to share video/pictures of guests, police or civilian. You can get fired from many businesses for posting pictures from inside, even incredibly innocuous ones.

This seems less like a company colluding with the government and laughing in the face of free speech than a company protecting it's interests and following procedure.

I would be pissed off if an employee at a hotel I was staying at posted a picture of my car. I wouldn't want to stay somewhere that I knew an employee had posted pictures and wasn't disciplined or fired.

The whole terrorist thing sounds like complete BS. Even if it's true, it's not like the director of security for a hotel chain holds any weight. Just because some jackass calls someone a terrorist doesn't mean the courts would see it that way, or that law enforcement would either.

I also fail to see how this guy being a vet matters at all. I'm tired of veterans getting special treatment in the media. Veterans don't have more rights than anyone else and are not magically incapable of wrongdoing. This is akin to freaking out because the person that was fired was a woman, or black or any other group when it has no bearing on the reason for termination.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: dianajune

Lives are going to be lost in Ferguson in the coming days and weeks. It saddens me to think about it. As much as I wish there was a scenario for which cooler heads prevail and no blood is shed, it's highly unlikely.

If there are any ATSers in Ferguson, hold your children close, and stay vigilant. I'm not a praying person but I certainly wish you all the best.

Yep, it's ironic. Multiple lives will be lost as a protest over one life (Michael Brown) being lost.

More than one life was lost. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Here's 5 from the same month in other places.

Since people hate when I bring up related things that didn't happen locally, here's a local story from 2009.

Back in 2009, according to the Daily Beast, police in Ferguson approached a 52-year-old man named Henry Davis in his car after running his license plate, saying there was a warrant out for his arrest. The warrant was for a different Henry Davis, but that didn’t stop the cops from tossing him in jail for the night.

In the cell, Davis later testified, police officers beat him until he was bleeding so much he had to be taken to the hospital by paramedics:

"He ran in and kicked me in the head. I almost passed out at that point… Paramedics came… They said it was too much blood, I had to go to the hospital."
After the hospital stay, he was brought back to jail for four counts of "property damage" — the officers involved had charged him for bleeding on their uniforms.
. My emphasis added.

There is a long history of police brutality against Black's in general and in Ferguson and the greater St. Louis area in general.
edit on 17-11-2014 by tavi45 because: added a sentence

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
I thought of another thing. There are plenty of hotel employees etc, that post pictures of say lambos and ferraris in their lots without any BS firing for "breeching privacy". How is this any different than that?

I know plenty of people that have lost their jobs for posting pics they shouldn't, but then again, I know a lot of people in the hospitality business. Usually it involves celebs though. I think this might be a first for a governmental contract.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: tavi45

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: dianajune

Lives are going to be lost in Ferguson in the coming days and weeks. It saddens me to think about it. As much as I wish there was a scenario for which cooler heads prevail and no blood is shed, it's highly unlikely.

If there are any ATSers in Ferguson, hold your children close, and stay vigilant. I'm not a praying person but I certainly wish you all the best.

Yep, it's ironic. Multiple lives will be lost as a protest over one life (Michael Brown) being lost.

More than one life was lost. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Here's 5 from the same month in other places.

Since people hate when I bring up related things that didn't happen locally, here's a local story from 2009.

Back in 2009, according to the Daily Beast, police in Ferguson approached a 52-year-old man named Henry Davis in his car after running his license plate, saying there was a warrant out for his arrest. The warrant was for a different Henry Davis, but that didn’t stop the cops from tossing him in jail for the night.

In the cell, Davis later testified, police officers beat him until he was bleeding so much he had to be taken to the hospital by paramedics:

"He ran in and kicked me in the head. I almost passed out at that point… Paramedics came… They said it was too much blood, I had to go to the hospital."
After the hospital stay, he was brought back to jail for four counts of "property damage" — the officers involved had charged him for bleeding on their uniforms.
. My emphasis added.

There is a long history of police brutality against Black's in general and in Ferguson and the greater St. Louis area in general.

That Henry Davis case went to the Uk at least, and some the officers even perjured themselves, since they did not have any blood on their clothes... and the outcome ridiculous WTF. But we are drifting, so best stick to this story as given, even though it needs a lot of corroboration as yet, otherwise we could see some posts in room 101. I don't think there is any harm though in speculating on why all the police cars are there.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 09:24 PM
DHS should be there, in case any lawless criminals decide to vandalize and burn down the local businesses just because they can't dictate due process.

What concerns me, is who are they really there to help or support? Read between the lies. ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: SheopleNation

DHS should be there, in case any lawless criminals decide to vandalize and burn down the local businesses just because they can't dictate due process.

Who can't dictate due process? The DHS or the local businesses? How is due process not being followed?

What concerns me, is who are they really there to help or support? Read between the lies.

Could you be less vague and just state your opinion? Who do you think they are really there to help or support? What lies should I be reading between? That just sounded like cryptic paranoid conspiracy mumbo jumbo.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:05 PM
And that is why when you see something fishy you post as anon. (At least as anon as you can be if the NSA doesn't get a loose hair up their butt and look into it.)

Of course this site doesn't have anon posts, but some forums do, and there are some other popular sites that don't seem too phased by throw-away accounts if you were to take that approach.

Anyhow, I guess somebody didn't like having it known they kept all their eggs in one basket. Those that think they may be above the law just don't realize how susceptable they are to some rather lowbrow tactics in asymetric scenarios. The fanciest guns and armor mean moot, if the will of the people turns sour enough. Cleverness is the most powerful weapon and it's seconded only by numbers, and that's what really scares the crap out of those who think they could otherwise get away with it.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:23 AM
I have a problem with those who are dismissing the story by calling it "hearsay" and nothing more.

I'm not going to dispute your reasons for doing so because you do have valid points for saying it is hearsay. Such things are supposed to be resolved in other ways and hearsay has caused a massive share of problems.

My problem with it is, when things like this go down, there comes a point where a voice must be given credibility. Where you have to give some trust to those that have claims like this.
Especially when it's put up against the power that our giant corporations and the government have. Think of how easily this one man can be shut down. How long before it's more people?
Many of us know how cold and indifferent corporations can be and trust me, they're winning under the guise of professionalism.

How many people suffered because no one believed their word in the holocaust? How many were cast aside for the same reason of hearsay until it was too late?

When our government and society are working against us, sometimes you have to believe in the word of people like this until it is actually disproven.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

When our government and society are working against us, sometimes you have to believe in the word of people like this until it is actually disproven.

This is a private business.

This is the definition of hearsay. One guy claiming something with no actual proof of anything.

When our government and society are working against us, sometimes you have to believe in the word of people like this until it is actually disproven.

Think about this for a minute. Pretend I'm a friend you trust and just want you to sit back and think about that.

You seem like a smart and thoughtful person. Give it a few seconds and accept that it's OK to be wrong. Being wrong doesn't mean you're dumb, admitting it makes you much more intelligent.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: jburg6

In states where they can fire you without a reason doesn't include illegal reasons though. If their firing of him violated any right or other statute, then the "at will" part doesn't count.

Cant sue but the company could sue him. When he started the job im sure he had to sign an agreement saying he wouldnt divulge information on guests in the hotel. See if it is government agents or a movie star divulging they are in the hotel is a violation of there clients privacy.And if as the story claims they lost a contract because an employee divulged there presence in the hotel than the hotel has a great case for a law suit against the former employee. Freedom of speech doesnt allow you to ignore others rights to privacy.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: jburg6

In states where they can fire you without a reason doesn't include illegal reasons though. If their firing of him violated any right or other statute, then the "at will" part doesn't count.

Cant sue but the company could sue him. When he started the job im sure he had to sign an agreement saying he wouldnt divulge information on guests in the hotel. See if it is government agents or a movie star divulging they are in the hotel is a violation of there clients privacy.And if as the story claims they lost a contract because an employee divulged there presence in the hotel than the hotel has a great case for a law suit against the former employee. Freedom of speech doesnt allow you to ignore others rights to privacy.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Domo1

I'm afraid I don't see the point to your post with relation to mine. I never stated it wasn't hearsay.
I'm saying that it's wrong to dismiss this as hearsay and walk away thinking it will work out however it does.
And that in cases like this, some credibility to the man should be given until his claim is disproven.

If the story is accurate, then this man has been wronged in a big way that is becoming increasingly acceptable amongst the corporate way of thinking. The terrorist label is an even greater wrong and something we need to stamp out. Even if this man posted the pictures stating "Look at all the cops here at the hotel waiting here to get you", he hasn't done any terrorist actions. I view actions like what he did as heroic for the people's side of the problem.

I'm warning people to be wary of such easy dismissal when doing so in the past has been a grave human error that led to horrific circumstances, including but not limited to the holocaust.

You quoted my final statement twice and I'm unsure why you did this. I stand by it as I do quite believe our government and (especially corporate)society are working against us and attention needs to be given to the people that are being swept under the rug.

Also, I'm Really trying to not find offense in your last paragraph as it's got an element of condescension I feel is unnecessary.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
The word terrorist doesn't mean anything anymore. Its thrown around so often wrongly ...

Yup its become the new communist.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: tavi45

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

a reply to: dianajune

Lives are going to be lost in Ferguson in the coming days and weeks. It saddens me to think about it. As much as I wish there was a scenario for which cooler heads prevail and no blood is shed, it's highly unlikely.

If there are any ATSers in Ferguson, hold your children close, and stay vigilant. I'm not a praying person but I certainly wish you all the best.

Yep, it's ironic. Multiple lives will be lost as a protest over one life (Michael Brown) being lost.

More than one life was lost. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Here's 5 from the same month in other places.

Since people hate when I bring up related things that didn't happen locally, here's a local story from 2009.

Back in 2009, according to the Daily Beast, police in Ferguson approached a 52-year-old man named Henry Davis in his car after running his license plate, saying there was a warrant out for his arrest. The warrant was for a different Henry Davis, but that didn’t stop the cops from tossing him in jail for the night.

In the cell, Davis later testified, police officers beat him until he was bleeding so much he had to be taken to the hospital by paramedics:

"He ran in and kicked me in the head. I almost passed out at that point… Paramedics came… They said it was too much blood, I had to go to the hospital."

After the hospital stay, he was brought back to jail for four counts of "property damage" — the officers involved had charged him for bleeding on their uniforms.
. My emphasis added.

There is a long history of police brutality against Black's in general and in Ferguson and the greater St. Louis area in general.

Their motto is "every black life is important". You point to other instances of police brutality is other locales. It seems that they are only protesting blacks killed by police. If every black life is important, then why no protests in Chicago where black on black crime caused the deaths of many blacks? Selective racism if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 08:34 AM
This guy hasn't wasted any time trying to cash in on his termination. He is asking for 10,000 dollars on gofundme.

I was wrongfully fired from Drury Plaza Chesterfield for posting a picture and short video of homeland security vehicles. I will use the money for lawyer fees and personal expenses.

What a joke.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
The word terrorist doesn't mean anything anymore. Its thrown around so often wrongly ...

Yup its become the new communist.

Damn commies contaminating our precious bodily fluids.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: gottaknow
I have a problem with those who are dismissing the story by calling it "hearsay" and nothing more.

I'm not going to dispute your reasons for doing so because you do have valid points for saying it is hearsay. Such things are supposed to be resolved in other ways and hearsay has caused a massive share of problems.

My problem with it is, when things like this go down, there comes a point where a voice must be given credibility. Where you have to give some trust to those that have claims like this.
Especially when it's put up against the power that our giant corporations and the government have. Think of how easily this one man can be shut down. How long before it's more people?
Many of us know how cold and indifferent corporations can be and trust me, they're winning under the guise of professionalism.

How many people suffered because no one believed their word in the holocaust? How many were cast aside for the same reason of hearsay until it was too late?

When our government and society are working against us, sometimes you have to believe in the word of people like this until it is actually disproven.

The point where a voice is given credibility is when there is corroborative evidence. There was and is a lot of corrobative evidence for the holocaust

You cannot logically prove a negative. Claims must and should have evidence to back them up.
edit on 18-11-2014 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Freedon of Speech does not equal Freedon from Consequences. There may have a Non-Disclosure aspect to his employment. And regarding the violence expected at Ferguson, haven't there been reports of such beliefs for about a week now?

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Cameras Ever ware!!!
For Your Protection...

but if YOU do it.
you are a Terrorist????

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

He works for a hotel chain, he tweeted pictures that indicated who the guests of the hotel were. As an employee of the hotel that is against policy.

The fact he tagged it as #ferguson and #nopeace indicates he fully intended for rioters to know the location of the agents.

The agents probably had to move hotels, resulting in a loss of money for the hotel this man worked for.

It sounds like he was fired for stupidity.

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