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Pope Francis endorses "the beings of the universe"

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posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: MysterX

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
What's the big hoopla about here?

Logic dictates that there are angelic beings mentioned in the Bible, so the Pope has always acknowledged other beings of the "universe", where "universe" is just another name for "creation".

He said nothing new or different so it must be aliens, really?

This piece smacks of desperation for bias confirmation to the extreme.

But, but....but...'angelic beings' ARE ET' definition!

Unless you think all angelic beings are born and bred in Croydon and then get to flit about the Universe after they graduate or something, then of course a so-called angel, is not from is absolutely an alien being.

Same as god, gods whoever they are and whoever follows them, are aliens too.

God being the creator of Earth could never be an alien of His own creation.
Angels came before man with access to all creation.
Sorry no aliens there.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 06:22 PM
This is just the latest blasphemy by papal authority.
They claim dominion over the entire earth.
Now they claim dominion over the angels.

Isaiah 14:12-14

12How you have fallen from heaven,

morning star, son of the dawn!

You have been cast down to the earth,

you who once laid low the nations!

13You said in your heart,

“I will ascend to the heavens;

I will raise my throne

above the stars of God;

I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,

on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.b

14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High.”

Sounds like the exact same thing Satan said in his heart in Isaiah a long long time ago.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: Cuervo

By their fruits you will know them

I've often wondered the same thing :-)

Let's say he even made you feel all warm and tingly inside and performed miracles... what then?

Sometimes, it seems to me that Christianity can be such a Catch-22

It's as if followers have been set up to fail - so long as Satan is part of the deal

Trust no one...

No kidding! Jesus was all like "Watch for my return but if somebody says they're me, they're lying."

What are Christians supposed to do when their savior returns? Give him some sort of divine Turing test?

He was saying don't look "out there" for his return. He aint coming back in the literal clouds, but in the great cloud of witnesses, aka people. When the angels said that he would return in the same way as when he ascended, they aren't saying coming down on the clouds, but that he will ascend in us.

Christ in you is the hope of glory (this is the great mystery of the ages).

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

Because we have known about them for centuries. Millennia. They are fallen angels that taught mankind a multitude of forbidden crafts like the making of weapons, metallurgy, sorcery, astrology, etc. All early religious systems speak of them but Enoch, 7th from Adam, spoke of them first. His is the original account. He also made the first messianic prophecies.

That's why the two witnesses of revelation simply must be Enoch and Elijah, because Enoch's testimony to the past, the fallen angels, the nephilim giants, etc, will be essential to tell the WHOLE story. Witnesses testify, under oath, to events in the past, after all. As in the days of Noah, (Enochs great-grandson) so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why do you think they've been kidnapping and experimenting genetically on people for so long? So that they could figure out how to make their demon offspring NOT be readily and visually identifiable as huge, bloodthirsty giants like in the days of Noah, but make no mistake, Satan has a literal seedline and they are literally here now, again.

They are just in stealth mode now, which is far more dangerous.

Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.
edit on 30-10-2014 by GnosticWay because: grammar

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

Because we have known about them for centuries. Millennia. They are fallen angels that taught mankind a multitude of forbidden crafts like the making of weapons, metallurgy, sorcery, astrology, etc. All early religious systems speak of them but Enoch, 7th from Adam, spoke of them first. His is the original account. He also made the first messianic prophecies.

That's why the two witnesses of revelation simply must be Enoch and Elijah, because Enoch's testimony to the past, the fallen angels, the nephilim giants, etc, will be essential to tell the WHOLE story. Witnesses testify, under oath, to events in the past, after all. As in the days of Noah, (Enochs great-grandson) so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why do you think they've been kidnapping and experimenting genetically on people for so long? So that they could figure out how to make their demon offspring NOT be readily and visually identifiable as huge, bloodthirsty giants like in the days of Noah, but make no mistake, Satan has a literal seedline and they are literally here now, again.

They are just in stealth mode now, which is far more dangerous.

Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

That's all bunk.
There is no need for Satan to make a polluting blood line now because the messiah has already been born. The Nephelim were an attempt to thwart the birth of the redeemer by polluting the gene pool so he could not be born. Satan by logic would now be working to thwart the second coming which does not involve any birth but a coming from the skies. Hence people will look up and instead of saying, holy cow it's the Lord, they will say, meh just aliens....the pope will handle it he has dominion over them, causing nobody to be worth redeeming.
edit on 30-10-2014 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2014 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

Because we have known about them for centuries. Millennia. They are fallen angels that taught mankind a multitude of forbidden crafts like the making of weapons, metallurgy, sorcery, astrology, etc. All early religious systems speak of them but Enoch, 7th from Adam, spoke of them first. His is the original account. He also made the first messianic prophecies.

That's why the two witnesses of revelation simply must be Enoch and Elijah, because Enoch's testimony to the past, the fallen angels, the nephilim giants, etc, will be essential to tell the WHOLE story. Witnesses testify, under oath, to events in the past, after all. As in the days of Noah, (Enochs great-grandson) so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why do you think they've been kidnapping and experimenting genetically on people for so long? So that they could figure out how to make their demon offspring NOT be readily and visually identifiable as huge, bloodthirsty giants like in the days of Noah, but make no mistake, Satan has a literal seedline and they are literally here now, again.

They are just in stealth mode now, which is far more dangerous.

Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

That's all bunk.
There is no need for Satan to make a polluting blood line now because the messiah has already been born. The Nephelim were an attempt to thwart the birth of the redeemer by polluting the gene pool so he could not be born. Satan by logic would now be working to thwart the second coming which does not involve any birth but a coming from the skies. Hence people will look up and instead of saying, holy cow it's the Lord, they will say, meh just aliens....the pope will handle it he has dominion over them, causing nobody to be worth redeeming.

Just as in the days of Noah means exactly that. Read about noahs time and that's what we will be seeing, are seeing. Jesus didn't say it for giggles.

Satan may not need to pollute the bloodlines, but he may need henchmen.

Bad guys always have henchmen, dude.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

Because we have known about them for centuries. Millennia. They are fallen angels that taught mankind a multitude of forbidden crafts like the making of weapons, metallurgy, sorcery, astrology, etc. All early religious systems speak of them but Enoch, 7th from Adam, spoke of them first. His is the original account. He also made the first messianic prophecies.

That's why the two witnesses of revelation simply must be Enoch and Elijah, because Enoch's testimony to the past, the fallen angels, the nephilim giants, etc, will be essential to tell the WHOLE story. Witnesses testify, under oath, to events in the past, after all. As in the days of Noah, (Enochs great-grandson) so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why do you think they've been kidnapping and experimenting genetically on people for so long? So that they could figure out how to make their demon offspring NOT be readily and visually identifiable as huge, bloodthirsty giants like in the days of Noah, but make no mistake, Satan has a literal seedline and they are literally here now, again.

They are just in stealth mode now, which is far more dangerous.

Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

That's all bunk.
There is no need for Satan to make a polluting blood line now because the messiah has already been born. The Nephelim were an attempt to thwart the birth of the redeemer by polluting the gene pool so he could not be born. Satan by logic would now be working to thwart the second coming which does not involve any birth but a coming from the skies. Hence people will look up and instead of saying, holy cow it's the Lord, they will say, meh just aliens....the pope will handle it he has dominion over them, causing nobody to be worth redeeming.

Just as in the days of Noah means exactly that. Read about noahs time and that's what we will be seeing, are seeing. Jesus didn't say it for giggles.

Satan may not need to pollute the bloodlines, but he may need henchmen.

Bad guys always have henchmen, dude.

You don't have to take it literally or do you expect us all to be using bronze age tools and trade in our autos for donkeys as in the days of Noah?
The large picture meaning is the world was in such bad shape God couldn't tolerate it any longer and was going to wipe it out.
Henchmen are easy, just look at all the world religious leaders and nation leaders.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Because if you consider all realities on the ground

it's above my paygrade to respond to that charming geopolitical analysis back there
but i did manage to highlight where it fell apart, imho, re: "other beings of the universe"

i liked the bit about the pope being a brave man, though


Henchmen are easy, just look at all the world religious leaders and nation leaders.

edit on 31-10-2014 by UNIT76 because: eph 6:12

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: GnosticWay

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
Who told him?

His boss is Satan, pretending to be an alien and the pope is complicate in the scheme. I believe they are pretending to be many different races of aliens and have appeared in a great number of guises to a great number of people to perpetuate this "many different kinds of aliens" deception.

Why can't they just be aliens?

Because we have known about them for centuries. Millennia. They are fallen angels that taught mankind a multitude of forbidden crafts like the making of weapons, metallurgy, sorcery, astrology, etc. All early religious systems speak of them but Enoch, 7th from Adam, spoke of them first. His is the original account. He also made the first messianic prophecies.

That's why the two witnesses of revelation simply must be Enoch and Elijah, because Enoch's testimony to the past, the fallen angels, the nephilim giants, etc, will be essential to tell the WHOLE story. Witnesses testify, under oath, to events in the past, after all. As in the days of Noah, (Enochs great-grandson) so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why do you think they've been kidnapping and experimenting genetically on people for so long? So that they could figure out how to make their demon offspring NOT be readily and visually identifiable as huge, bloodthirsty giants like in the days of Noah, but make no mistake, Satan has a literal seedline and they are literally here now, again.

They are just in stealth mode now, which is far more dangerous.

Just as in the days of Noah, so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.

That's all bunk.
There is no need for Satan to make a polluting blood line now because the messiah has already been born. The Nephelim were an attempt to thwart the birth of the redeemer by polluting the gene pool so he could not be born. Satan by logic would now be working to thwart the second coming which does not involve any birth but a coming from the skies. Hence people will look up and instead of saying, holy cow it's the Lord, they will say, meh just aliens....the pope will handle it he has dominion over them, causing nobody to be worth redeeming.

Just as in the days of Noah means exactly that. Read about noahs time and that's what we will be seeing, are seeing. Jesus didn't say it for giggles.

Satan may not need to pollute the bloodlines, but he may need henchmen.

Bad guys always have henchmen, dude.

You don't have to take it literally or do you expect us all to be using bronze age tools and trade in our autos for donkeys as in the days of Noah?
The large picture meaning is the world was in such bad shape God couldn't tolerate it any longer and was going to wipe it out.
Henchmen are easy, just look at all the world religious leaders and nation leaders.

I agree, but there is Also a supernatural element to the end days that I believe we will most definitely see. The false prophet will be able to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of men, etc.

The antichrist will also have supernatural powers. In revelation, when the stars of heaven fall to earth, that is fallen angels, not literal stars.

The locust invasion, the army of demonic horseman, all these supernatural things are going to take place.

Hearts will be failing from fear of what is coming ONTO the earth, to quote it exactly.

The fallen one's are returning. That much is clear.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 10:33 AM
"as above, so below". So much of the wording "on the ground".
On the other side, there aren't that many answers on the core matter that I discuss.
Intelligent answers, there are few indeed that I appreciate even when they are opposite or differ from my point of view. Without applying double standards and presumed superiority.
I am thankful to every single poster who respected that.

On the matter:

I am surprised so many people expect eagerly the deceivers. Antichrists are here for already 2000y. You can continue counting them another 2000y.

You guys don't have to go further if you want to name them in your lifetime and be satisfied you witnessed the end times. Since Obama apparently is no more fit to be the one, you may call Putin the antichrist and pope Francis the false prophet. No matter that Putin has never been a Roman or from the Roman empire, (as Daniel said, or Assyrian, as Isaiah said). No matter pope Francis preaches about Jesus Christ coming in flesh (according to 1John, the antichrist/false prophet would deny that quality of Jesus Christ).

They both fit in a "modern" skewed view spread online (especially about Francis after ExoVaticana and Petrus Romanus), that probably a cunning force far behind your own understanding has planted and promoted. Call it the really evil aliens behind such kind of distorted perception of the world. Having much longer time than one generation, they have even counted the Malachi's list and its logical end with the current pope. Everything fits perfectly. Only, it is done by the opposite side, by the evil ones. Whoever they are (Dracos?) Too clever to allow to be distinguished, disguised in the best Christian clout. Having an army of un-suspicious devote people who think theyserve God by serving that plan, and who don't have to know everything in order to do their assigned role in that grand deceiving theater. If you guys want to find a deceiver, here it is. Because I suppose you don't work for him.
Good luck!

edit on 31-10-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 11:15 AM
I have to say that for the sake of the Book.

Revelation 12 (NKJV)

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.

This is a war in the universe. Everywhere in the Holy scripture the words heaven and sky are only one word and there wasn't a word that we use today for space. Some Latin derived languages preserve that until today (cielo means both heaven and sky). Actually the greek word cosmos existed and is used by Mark when Jesus commanded the disciples to go to the end of the "cosmos" (Mark 16).

What we have in Revelation 12 is not a vision of the past. No prophet prophecies past events, but future ones in order to make them known to the people, who in due time will see, believe and repent. That is the essence of the prophecy. Unlike the historical records of the Bible that are many and that speak of the past.

We never witnessed a space/heaven war with our eyes, never in the recorded history as well. It is pending event.
We have 2/3 vs 1/3 of the stars in a fierce battle. Only when that is accomplished, only then Satan will be cast own to earth to start the Great Trib.

I guess you may wait the end of the space saga for thousands of years. Certainly not tomorrow, even less yesterday. If we see it though, space battles in our skies (or heavens as the words go in Bible) and if we see dragon cast down with his army of ET fallen angels, I'd admit you were right and I wrong.

BTW who is in Revelation 12:17 who OPPOSE the dragon to the extend the dragon wages a WAR against them? That should be a formidable power on earth AT THAT TIME not necessarily now. If I have to name a power today, my choice inevitable falls on Christian Russia.

I can elaborate quite more, but I prefer to stop at that point, having into account the entire mode of this thread.
My purpose is not to tell everything I know in the forum to be read also by the enemy ( or mostly, because I guess the real enemy "above or below" reads every word).

The topic is too long, and too many things have already been discussed. It is good if the efforts are concentrated on the main topic, and that is the pope gives a green light and clears from demonization the aliens in most general terms.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 12:08 PM
I tried to identify two possible sides of Revelation prophecy, the ETs and possibly Russia. I didn't try to identify others (good and bad) although I could. This thread is not intended for prophecy interpretation (that is endless) but for aliens that were just recognized to exist by the current pope.

If we look at that point of view, the Roman Catholic church has every reason to do something to clear her image from history. Especially regarding the stars, and now the ETs. I will not go back to history. Should the Catholic church fail to do that (and for now she is doing just fine although very slow), she may cease to exist the moment the ET appear in the first public contact. The popes know that perfectly. They also know the Malachi prophecy and the public expectations of "end times" or "end of the era" (catholic contemporary prophecies). Pope Francis is doing his best together with his aides to make the transition possible, to assure the Catholic church continues her mission and existence in the era of post-contact. (and perhaps that is also in fatima and other secret prophecies).

Should the catholic church fail in that, she will not be the one to bring the Gospel to the stars. Another one will take her place. I do not suppose the churches should compete for that, and they really do not show any signs of competition in regard to baptize aliens. But we have to keep in mind the universal mandate Jesus himself gave before His ascension: go to the entire Universe (Cosmos). Every church on earth, every christian should feel herself and himself called for that mission.

It is possible another church other than Rome to respond to Jesus' call faster and better, or besides Rome. For now, it is exactly Rome that makes the biggest effort. Surprises are possible though. Imagine you are important person in one of the major churches. Do you want to see your church spread from one star system to another star system? Becoming galactic? Perhaps yes. The moment you realize Jesus' Second coming is connected not with evangelization of China but starting from Alpha Centauri on, and ending only where Jesus himself will say, "you did well, my servant". Practically, the evangelization will end only with the Second Coming that neither the angels nor the Son know when it is. Perhaps after million years, to have enough time to spread the Good news of the Resurrection to every race in the Universe.

Having at least 80+ ET races, according to sources incl. Paul Hellyer (ex-defense minister of Canada), and perhaps as many as 200 races already contacted the earth, we can easily find there will be no competition among churches and nations to make contacts with whoever they want! The cosmos is pretty large, and even our small corner of galaxy has more stars than we would ever be able to visit in our lifetime.

The question for pope Francis is much more important than it seems to be from secular point of view. Dr Stephen Bassett overseeing the disclosure process in one of his video interviews, suggested the Catholic church could be the initiator of that if she wanted. He also listed the countries that potentially could do the disclosure in reverse order of likelyhood: Brazil, France, UK, China, USA, EU. He didn't mention Russia, don't know why. Russia is clearly contacted and it was said several times by officials incl. Medvedev, and shown on video over Kremlin. India is also contacted according to India Daily.

If we have ET-initiated disclosure in the skies and first contact by landing in one or more world capitals, then the cards are on the other side. Then it is we, the people, governments and churches who have to answer positively. I posted a popular wallpaper alien ship lands or takes off in Moscow. It is made professionally and spread throughout internet. Just type "Moscow Ufo wallpaper". There are many other examples that could be taken how silently Russia makes disclosure among its own citizens via TV, shows, concerts, etc. Having all that in mind, I may say Russian people are much more ready for the ET than some other Western nations' people. That might be frightened of evil aliens by hollywood interpretations etc. Motivations and agendas behind scene, there is another thread discussing that.

It would be good if all happens peacefully and before the expected WW3. Reading the latest speeches of Putin, one of them delivered today before military school, I don't have good feelings about that. With or without geopolitics involved. Seems to me the allocated time just expires for reasons beyond our comprehension. (are there opposing ET teams behind the powers on earth?). In anyway it would be a great tragedy to see the ET coming only to save the survivors of the nuclear war. It could and should be otherwise.
edit on 31-10-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 12:15 PM
Ah, I really love this pope. Finally a Jesuit, a man of science, and he's doing great, less doomey than the bible literally taking #s calling themselves "true believers" more brain and reason than the Vatican had ever before. Finally I feel not so ashamed anymore being a born and raised Catholic. I can say that now without blushing, thanks Papa Francesco.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 12:42 PM

Medvedev speaking of alien contacts in a "joking mode". You can't really joke with that when you have the nuclear codes, unless you are Sarah Palin.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 01:25 PM

Russia in 2060: Annoying Aliens and Air Traffic Jams

Let us just try to imagine the world in 50 years. If anyone tried to write such an article about today’s world 50 years ago, in 1960, the author would most likely be ridiculed for predictions about bullet trains, cell phones and many other things that we consider common nowadays.

What will the world be like in 50 years? Let’s imagine what may happen in Russia in 2060.

“Another alien spaceship landed on Moscow’s Red Square yesterday. It became the 48th extraterrestrial delegation that landed on the Earth during the recent five years. The delegation arrived to establish an official diplomatic contact with planet Earth. The delegation was welcomed by a special committee of the United Government of Eurasia for Intergalactic Affairs. A crowd of nearly 200 activists of Terrestrials Against Extraterrestrials Movement was seen nearby.

The first official contact with extraterrestrial civilizations took place in December of 2055. Forty-eight alien spaceships have landed on the Earth since then. All the delegations offered their friendship to humans. A special protocol was developed for official contacts. Aliens shall notify humans of their visit to Earth one month in advance. They shall leave their main spaceship on the Moon and arrive to Earth on board a satellite spacecraft.

2060 or 2016?

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

2015. Landing in London. Says my crystal ball

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart

“He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive and their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things.”

Read more:

He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality.

Certainly, the pope doesn't speak only of the beings on planet earth, even if we include the dinosaurs in an enlarged evolutionary picture! The pope speaks in terms far beyond earth.

“The Big Bang, which nowadays is posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it. The evolution of nature does not contrast with the notion of creation, as evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.”

Read more:

Still, it is a Christ-centered homily:

The Pope said he wanted to point out that “God and Christ walk with us and are also present in nature.”

Read more:

And social oriented too:

Pope Francis encouraged the academy “to pursue scientific progress and to improve the living conditions of the peoples, especially the poorest.”

Read more:
Good thread mate

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: RedDeadUK

Thank you! There aren't that many people to say that in forums. Although I am thankful to the critical posts as well because they show other sides that I myself couldn't be able to see.

Francis sheds light on Fatima, too. If he speaks of countless trillions of beings in the Universe, starting from the Big Bang, then it is close to mind some of them played a role in earth's own past (angels, others) and continue to play today. Then what is Fatima and other apparitions of Virgin Mary accompanied by angels, if Virgin Mary is up there "in heaven" as the Catholic church teaches. Word "heaven" and word "sky" are one same word in the Bible and many languages of latin origin. Virgin Mary accompanied by extraterrestrial beings (angels or others good ones, not demons!) comes and warns the world. Unfortunately we are continuously denied the exact wording of the Virgin in that and other apparitions. But we know the essence - She together with the angels could make the big difference. Including by making the sun rotate, explode etc. If that is demonstrated back then in 1917 it is a time to expect its literal not symbolic realization some 100 years later. It is a time to expect the benevolent contact with ETs who serve God and Jesus Christ, and His Mother.

Now, let those fanatics go and call my writing a promotion of the "end times great deception of the antichrist". Or to say it just doesn't matter. It matters, not because of my wording that is far imperfect. You yourselves could see the same, although from your own perspective and experience. Someone should say it, some group of people should say it from the rooftops, as Jesus said. The awareness of the planet is already raised even if many are unaware of that fact. It is upon us and will be visible the Day when They appear in the sky.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:04 AM
Having connected Fatima and ET ina pretty undeniable way (I am not the first one to do that in the forum!) now I will connect Russia to the ET as well. Fatima specialists all agree on one, that Russia is deeply in the message of the Virgin, although they disagree on Russia's exact role (good, bad, converted).

Russia is contacted by ET for long time. Although the reports are not as numerous as those of US citizens' abductions, they are not that frightening either, the opposite. There are many documentaries, some of them only in Russian, that speak of such cases. Some of the "free abductees" were a general, a scientist, etc.

The first publicly reported contact of 3rd kind was the Voronezh contact with a group of children. The ET played with them instead of doing any harm. TASS the Soviet information agency wrote about it (case available online translated in English).

Finally the ET contact was publicly manifested by the Norway Spiral on Dec 9, 2009 originating on Russian territory above White Sea. Followed by 2 exceptional videos posted the next night on youtube, reposted immediately on Russian state and private TVs. The videos of the Kremlin UFO pyramid.

3 years later Medvedev, president at the time of above events and PM in the video I already posted, said unequivocally that there is a certain list of concrete extraterrestrial persons residing on Russian territory. The list is given to every next president together with the nuclear codes.

Medvedev is not the only Russian politician to talk about ET. The long-term ex-mayor of Moscow Luzhkov announced in a TV show he had a contact device to consult aliens. The ex-governor/president of Kalmykia autonomous republic Kirsan Illumzinov confessed in a TV broadcast speaking in pretty good English hat he was personally invited into a spaceship and given a fast ride to some star and back. Illumzinov is also a president of the world chess federation. His TV/video appearance triggered a leading MP move in Duma to examine whether Illumsinov has given any state secrets to the ETs. The move was presented to Medvedev for signature who didn't react (as far as I know).

Let alone the many other TV documentaries, shows and music festivals dedicated to the ET topic. Unlike their American friends, the Russian kids are not afraid of abduction in the night. They play and dance in ET costumes on mega shows.

Although the abduction phenomena deserves a special occasion, it is noteworthy the "evil intended abductions" mostly happen on American territory and are not reported, at least not in that rate, in Russia or Latin America. I cannot say anything more because I am not specialist in abduction cases. In anyway, the ET over Russia seem tobe pretty different because they do not do what the reported abductions in USA say they do. May be that is one of the reasons, and that is just a suggestion, why after so many years of insiders speaking freely in US media, now youtube, and hollywood movies we don't have a US-led Disclosure. Sure it is not I to give an answer to that big question that takes the minds of hundreds, thousands of the most informed people on the planet. Including astronauts and moon-walkers who speak freely of their own contacts and sightings. Something unthinkable for the era of cold war.

Still it doesn't suffice to make the difference. One of the insiders said, the biggest problem was the concern of religious origin that could be the "apocalypse" and therefore the entire disclosure with new tech clean environment etc is postponed year after year and president after president. If so, seems the Churches will be once more responsible for a historic delay of humanity's development. Now in 20-21 century unlike the Galileo's times. It is a pity because while they could reap the biggest share of baptising willing aliens, many churches choose to close themselves in a demonization mode and to remain in the past. The contact will be disastrous for such kind of mentality and churches' structures. Just imagine what will happen if UFO lands on St Peter's square. The cardinals who damn it will be those who lose their flock, not the vice versus. The mentality of old should remain in the past. It is incompatible with the new world that comes with the ET contact and that will continue for thousands, perhaps millions years until the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus didn't set dates, neither gave cardinals' hats etc. It is all human. Jesus spoke with angels, and it is a denied knowledge. It is absurd we are still hostages to a handful of people who think they rule the world "in the name of God". Good to see at least some of the hierarchy, including popes Francis and Benedict, to slowly but surely turn the page. Therefore, is Vatican, is the Western culture in more general perspective, ready and worthy to turn the page alone, or it is not destined to do so? How could it be a divided humanity on the brink of nuclear holocaust ready and worthy for ET contact to spread that same ill humanity to the stars? Perhaps THEY are afraid of the evil the humans could spread worse than the worst virus. Perhaps their choices are completely different from ours based on other factors. Not on the amount of dollars or irrelevant church' bans.

Does it mean that the very different Russia is chosen for reasons beyond our human comprehension to finally make the ET Disclosure and thus invite the world into the long awaited "era of peace" spoken of in many prophecies? I want to believe the answer is Yes.

edit on 4-11-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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