posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 09:03 PM
I do a lot of laughing, and I see the humor in a lot of things. I have always been drawn to certain types of comedy, while other types do not really
do it for me. Take Monty Python. A lot of that stuff is just not funny to me, although there definitely are some hilarious bits. Perhaps this is
because I was only born in 86, and maybe I was just too late to get a lot of the material, or perhaps it is simply too English. Anyway, Zack's stuff
I get, and that is the type of comedy I find one of the most appealing. Of course much if this is going to be personal preference, so I imagine there
are people with the complete opposite comedic taste. As to whether he is insane at all, I don't know the guy so it is hard to say. I do think that
appears quite sane, and that his comedy is brilliantly timed and crafted. He is one of my favorite comedians, and I also like Louis CK, who never
would have bumbled on stage that way, which makes it even more hilarious. I loved Dave Chappelle as well, and I thought he was the funniest guy around
for a few years. Right now I am liking Daniel Tosh's style of comedy, and I think he is one of the funniest comedians out there right now.