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Dead babies in Winnipeg storage unit 'tragic beyond belief'

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posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Sabiduria

It's sad. We all are sympathetic to the lives lost of these babies.

But people who do abortions don't consider them children or living beings.

I am sympathetic towards the lives lost in abortions, as I believe it's wrong.

But, there are circumstances in which an abortion is the best thing to do for a variety of reasons. I personally know of a woman that had to have an abortion because of medical reasons and she has dealt with the emotional/psychological consequences ever since.

So don't think for a second that these women don't consider them children or living beings.......because they deal with things that men like you and I will never know or understand.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

You must have missed my rebuttal.


Look, I get it. There are some terrible things that happen. But we live in a society now where people state that growing babies are nothing but cells, tumors, lumps of flesh. People/society has become inured to abortions, our society teaches that it is not a big deal. Our society has created an environment here people don't look at pre-natal or neo-natal infants as viable. Just look at the late-term abortion proponents!
We have a society now that will go to war when ISIS kills a journalist yet turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to the millions that are aborted.

So whatever the circumstances, whomever was responsible was a vile human being, but society has to take some of the credit for this.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: soficrow

I completely forgot about the sex slave industry. There are those sick SOBs who get off on babies. **shudders**

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: mrsdudara

I didn't even think of the leverage part in that.

It is disgusting how huge the sex slave industry is and how it hardly gets any attention at all. So many damn things wrong with this place. Why can't I rule the world? Things would be a gazillion times better!!!!

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Yes society is messed up. Can't really argue with you there.

For debate sake:
I don't think it is right that you, or anyone else for that matter, demand that everyone should think of a unborn baby the same way as you. Everyone has always had conflicting ideas/beliefs from other people, look at religion. Why should your way be forced onto everyone else?

How do we know when a soul enters into the vessel? Is it when it's still cells, when it starts to develop, when it's born? It's a never ending argument. There are many who don't even believe in a soul so that it adds to their belief that an unborn baby is nothing.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Sabiduria
a reply to: beezzer

Yes society is messed up. Can't really argue with you there.

For debate sake:
I don't think it is right that you, or anyone else for that matter, demand that everyone should think of a unborn baby the same way as you. Everyone has always had conflicting ideas/beliefs from other people, look at religion. Why should your way be forced onto everyone else?

Okay. Don't. I'm just saying that when society thinks less of an unborn child, then horrible incidents like this will happen, because people don't think there is anything morally wrong.

How do we know when a soul enters into the vessel? Is it when it's still cells, when it starts to develop, when it's born? It's a never ending argument. There are many who don't even believe in a soul so that it adds to their belief that an unborn baby is nothing.

True. And because people think that way, and because our current society promotes that type of thinking, incidents like this will continue to occur.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: beezzer

You are so right! I could not possibly agree with you more, it makes me really sad to know that this is what people think, its like an unborn baby isn't a person, they are!!! theyre just in the uterus finishing their growth for being able to live in the outside world, they are a living breathing human they might breathe in amniotic fluid but they are breathing their hearts are beating they are human and they are innocent. I had 4d scans all through my last 2 pregnancies from 16 weeks, even at 16 weeks my babies were rolling around and sucking their thumbs and cuddling in to my placenta too fall asleep (ew I know placentas are grosse but it was really cute) they had strong heart beats and were like tiny little people..

I do not understand how society has numbed itself to this point that they don't even consider foetus's human anymore!!! I was watching a show the other night about a woman that lost her baby at 30 weeks in a car accident to a drunk driver crashing into her, and she is trying her hardest to get babies from 24 weeks to be recognised as humans so that when a driver hits a woman that is past that point in her pregnancy they will be charged with manslaughter if the baby is killed, it realy hit me at that point that we are all insane as a society to not even have that law in place for these babies that are as human as you and me the only difference with them is they rely on their mother for 40 weeks to keep them safe so they can grow to be viable to live in the outside world, that is the only difference.

I agree though us as a society we are responsible for this without a shred of doubt.

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Sabiduria
a reply to: Shana91aus

Maybe it's someone who goes and collects unwanted babies from mothers.

I don't think that's likely I think it is more likely that they are all related in this case and it was this woman that had them and is responsible. 6 babies is a lot of babies, how many women are going to go out of their way to find someone to take their baby, I understand messed up sh!t happens on the black market and such but that's a lot of women to be willing to give their baby to just anyone, and somehow this woman put it out there that she would take unwanted babies?

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

It's too hard to say for sure. There are so many messed up people out there and lots of people who take advantage of those messed up people.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:19 AM
originally posted by: beezzer

Okay. Don't. I'm just saying that when society thinks less of an unborn child, then horrible incidents like this will happen, because people don't think there is anything morally wrong.

To think that abortions will stop because society views an unborn child differently is a tad silly. Abortions have always and will continue to exist. It doesn't matter what society as a whole thinks, it all boils down to what that individual woman thinks and is going through.

True. And because people think that way, and because our current society promotes that type of thinking, incidents like this will continue to occur.

Again, incidents like this would still exist if society had a different view and if people thought differently.

Are you seriously going to tell me it is more humane to let a baby be born with a terminal illness where it will have to suffer god knows how long until its body finally shuts down? Sometimes that is just hours sometimes that is years.

I get what your saying but if society changed their views, there would be less abortions and dead babies turning up but it still would be there. There will always be abortions and there will always be people with some sort of mental issues that kills a baby or 6.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: Sabiduria

in these autopsies I take it they were going to perform DNA tests??? so I guess that will say if they are the womans babies or not or all related ..

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Shana91aus

Yes they will need to determine the identities of the babies during the autopsy in case they aren't all related to the guilty woman. In will also let the police who the next of kin is so that they can be informed of the deaths and put their children to rest.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Sabiduria

You can't save everyone. Some people just want to see the world burn.

The problem with counseling these days is that they try to shift the blame on something or someone else. You know, as instead of blaming a murderer, some people just want to blame society. it's not like the murderer, or other criminal made the decision themselves right?

You think more counseling will help, I am thinking with the way most counseling is done these days it breeds more crime.

I am not saying that some types of counseling don't work, but by trying to shift the blame and tell the person who committed the crime "oh, your mom was abusive, it's ok that you murdered that sweet old lady, it wasn't your fault. it's society's fault for not understanding you."

Look, yes, people do suffer and can suffer as adults for some dramatic experience they went through childhood, but that is no excuse to commit any type of crime.

If a person decides to commit a crime, such as killing 6 babies as in the case of this woman, I doubt any type of counseling would have helped her. She murdered those children, she doesn't deserve any type of sympathy nomatter what dramatic experience she went through. I still believe that for some types of crime, the death penalty is the right punishment.

Paedophiles and murderers are some of the people who deserve the death penalty. If someone has to kill a person who is trying to harm them, or their family that's a different story. But cold blooded murder? or raping a child? You get no sympathy from me.

edit on 24-10-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 04:56 AM
I had to leave all of a sudden and wasn't able to edit my response above.

When I wrote: "I am not saying that some types of counseling don't work, but by trying to shift the blame and tell the person who committed the crime "oh, your mom was abusive, it's ok that you murdered that sweet old lady, it wasn't your fault. it's society's fault for not understanding you." (I should have added the following phrase to complete my argument) This breeds more crime, because you are giving an excuse for people to commit crimes, and in their minds "it's ok because they suffered in the past, so they think is ok to make other people suffer". Personal responsibility has gone out the window in the minds of a lot of people. When a criminal thinks that he can blame his parents, school, society, the world, etc, etc for their criminal activities instead of putting the blame on himself/herself, you have a person who will continue to be a criminal and will never change.

In some cases, such as this woman, and even the other one from Utah (she lives in an area that is really nice, I have friends who live in that area but I don't know that woman thou.) These type of people are just pure evil. I could never understand how can anyone hurt one innocent child, but these women murdered 6? and 7?... These people are serial murderers and don't deserve counseling. They deserve the death penalty imo. Don't ever give this type of people the opportunity to commit similar crimes, because most often they will do it again.

Is bad enough some of the things people do to other innocent people, but when it happens to children... I can't never understand it.

edit on 24-10-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: mrsdudara
a reply to: Sabiduria

I guess it's possible that one woman had 6 pregnancies that she managed to hide from her husband, family, friends and neighbors - and that she miscarried or aborted all 6 without anyone knowing. And clearly, people would rather demonize one single individual than consider larger issues, but we do live in a sick, sick world and maybe there's more to the story.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Sabiduria

I'm not going to argue the issue of abortion.

But as long as society treats a developing fetus as just a "lump of tissue" then you'll have a disconnect.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:41 AM


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Or addicted to heavy drugs and selling herself to cretins that don't care if she gets pregnant.

She gives birth or aborts and hides their bodies to keep on keeping on.

Drug addiction is a powerful motivator. People have no idea.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Sabiduria

How do we know when a soul enters into the vessel?

If we aren't human at conception then we aren't human now.

Life is the difference. Life is key. If its living it is precious beyond anything. Every person is unique in all of the Universe. No two are alike. How can we disrupt that live giving process before it has a chance?

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

You are arguing that banning guns will stop all handgun violence.

Can you show how that has been effective?

I don't know why you are getting all bent out of shape, to be frank.

Society today has stated loudly that unborn are nothing. Why are you shocked that people are treating the unborn or new born as nothing?

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