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'Mad Max' battle buses and tanks built by Kurdish fighters to repel ISIS soldiers in Syria

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posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:15 PM

Brave Kurdish soldiers battling Islamic State militants in northern Syria have converted tractors and lorries into tanks by adding metal plates to create Mad Max-style road warriors.

Brave Kurdish soldiers battling Islamic State militants in northern Syria have converted tractors and lorries into tanks by adding metal plates to create Mad Max-style road warriors.

The peshmerga troops were forced to take the initiative and create their own armoured vehicles after the far better equipped ISIS jihadists repeatedly got the better of the Kurds' Soviet-era military fleet.

read more in the link.

'Mad Max' battle buses and tanks built by Kurdish fighters to repel ISIS soldiers in Syria

Mods move to appropriate forum

Despite the odds being against them, peshmerga forces have bravely fought back against the estimated 31,000 ISIS militants operating in Syria and Iraq - whose self-declared 'caliphate' forms an area larger than Britain with a population of four million brutally oppressed citizens.

Homemade: Kurdish forces have converted tractors, farm vehicles and lorries into makeshift tanks in order to compete with the considerably better-equipped ISIS militants ravaging northern Syria

Elaborate design: Troops from the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria previously had little more than rifles and flak jackets - making them incredibly vulnerable in the face of heavily-armed ISIS terrorists

Design: The Kurdish forces have used their homemade armoured vehicles - which are bright and elaborately decorated - to keep ISIS advances in check, and in some cases even force them to retreat

Seem's A lot like mad max. Imagine this thing hauling at a blockade LOL
Guns blazing

I am really impressed by their skills in Engineering. Considering the circumstances.

A lot of these look really well designed, Some look like turrets from video games lol

Pretty inventive

Brave: Kurdish peshmerga forces have carried out the defence of much of northern Syria and Iraq, despite the fact many of the militants only know how to operate clunky, decades-old Soviet-era weapons and are hugely under-resourced in terms of ammunition and protective equipment

Tough: A peshmerga soldier poses with one of the converted farm vehicles being used in the fight against ISIS

Hard to destroy: Kurdish troops were forced to take the initiative and create their own armoured vehicles. They hope to stop the advance of ISIS militants, who are armed with high-tech weapons captured from the Iraqi army

Power: Brave Kurdish soldiers battling Islamic State militants in northern Syria have converted tractors and lorries into tanks by adding metal plates to create Mad Max-style road warriors

This is fantastic news, Hopefully the rest of the world catches on and the numbers of engineers in society double.
Without any urgent shipments of arms these people are relying on what they have to survive. I commend them for their bravery.

Would Mericans do this push comes to shove, if a foreign nation overwhelmed your nation security? Some of those look really badass.
Take a beating for sure.

edit on 29-9-2014 by AnuTyr because: missed some content

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:32 PM
I think they lack imagination.

Second verse.

And mad max they are not.

Max mad was cooler.
edit on 29-9-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:37 PM
I'm looking real hard and I don't see bullet hole one in these things. If there is such fierce fighting going on between these folks I would expect to see some battle damage. Just one scratch?

In recent weeks hundreds of thousands of Syrian Kurds have been forced to flee across the border into Turkey, as ISIS launched an onslaught into the autonomous Kurdish territory in northern Syria.

People are fleeing something going on in "Northern Syria", alright.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: neo96

its not like there in some sort of auto beauty contest, at least there taking some initiative and doing something against these wicked people known as IS.

edit on 07/16/2009 by Lichter daraus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr

Would Mericans do this push comes to shove, if a foreign nation overwhelmed your nation security? Some of those look really badass.

I am an American. If push came to shove, I would do this. So there's your answer. But, these guys ARE doing it. I hope its effective for them. It is a great idea.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:44 PM
Make do with what you have right? It's better than laying down and dieing. I just hope the U.S (U.K) Can arm these guys with some ammunition or some up to date cannons lol.

ISIS needs to be stopped. And the U.S is stalling the inevitable. These people should of be armed instead of Iraq.
Now the west is hesitant to help them out because they don't want the munitions to fall into the wrong hands... again.

smithjustinb, Glad to hear you and others would take the same initiative. Many great weapons and tactics in war were developed through forced ingenuity. When an obstacle becomes difficult to overcome, we develop and initiate the next best solution. Tanks. lol.
edit on 29-9-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I'd imagine these are the photo's taken of them when they have been just finished fabricating them, I wouldn't rush to judgement.

Got to love their ingenuity though.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Lichter daraus
Maybee he doesn't know Mad Max is not real life..I guess I won't ruin it for him.
Pretty damn creative actually.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:05 PM
Most of the look just a little bit tall for my liking if going into combat.

And to answer the question, yes us Mericans would make vehichles like this, only more baddass because we do have more resources. We have more farms with equipment and iron, more steel, more welding machines and cutting torches, more ingenuity and more flair for the baddass...oh and more guns...

maybe they should build one to like like a koran? or the rock of the dome??? or a goat, sure them is gals love their goats...

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

The Kurdish deigns on them remind me the units from the GLA faction in Command & Conquer Generals the GLA Battlebus i can see where they got there imagination from.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:41 PM
Yeah, let's paint them camouflage and put our flag on top then post pics on Twitter so ISIS will know exactly what to shoot at.

Considering the fact that most of these don't look like traditional military vehicles, they should have painted them with standard heavy equipment colors so no one would know what they are.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:06 PM
Cool, man. War was starting to lose its aesthetic appeal and become a little to sterile. These guys are doing it right.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Agent_USA_Supporter

Ramm them! lol. And the reason why modern armies use classed vehicles is because of factories having to be equiped with the knowledge of what parts to make as well as changing the assembly lines depending on what blueprint is being used.

These guys are just throwing together what ever they can find. I'm sure when factories become more flexible as technology progresses vehicles could be created in *units* to suit the specific terrain in the geographic area they will be sent to.

Armor up a dump truck with some gear and make it a mobile headquarters/battle fortress that can carry troops into battle. Like a mining truck lol.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: stumason

I'd imagine these are the photo's taken of them when they have been just finished fabricating them, I wouldn't rush to judgement.

You can "imagine" anything you want. The only evidence I have for this ISIS is the main stream. I been watching it all along. I know its a crock. Have a nice brainwashing.

These pictures of show room "army" are proof of nothing. The "Syrians" being refused entry into Turkey are fleeing because of the US bombing is my opinion, not imagination or judgment.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

I think they call this, 'RECYCLING'.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:48 PM

This is my getaway car. It doesn't have guns but it's packed full of explosives. They would be stupid to risk their own lives and shoot me.

Anyways, I would just paint ISIS on the side in big letters. They would never shoot one of their own.

Instant camouflage.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: intrptr


The only evidence you have is "mainstream" - well how about looking somewhere else then, as it is everywhere if you care to look. I suppose the Peshmerga are just faking it? The Iraqi's? The Syrians? There are tweets and social media updates from people in the region describing what is going on, what about the people fleeing ISIS before the US bombing began? The video's being released of captured hostages? I suppose you're one of these that thinks IS is all made up and only came into existence in June of this year?

All faked? You're full of it....Yes, it is your "opinion" but based on your imagination, completely at odds with all the evidence.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: stumason

I suppose you're one of these that thinks IS is all made up and only came into existence in June of this year?

I know that every war the US has started has been on false pretenses. I don't expect that to change. I also know that whatever propaganda campaign the media bombs us with is in line with all the other bulls*** campaigns they have bombed Americans with about every war the US has a started.

I witnessed it during Vietnam and have seen every aggressive war started by the US in the Middle East play out the same exact way.

Like I said, I don;t have to imagine anything.Next you'll tell me that we are winning over there too. That all four of the last presidents have announced the bombing of Iraq. But yah, it will work this time.

Syrians been fleeing their country for three years. Exactly how long the US has been saying Assad must go.

There is no evidence of what you claim. My evidence is a lifetime of looking at US foreign policy decisions that fail again and again.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Whatever dude, you're clearly talking out of your arse.

No evidence? There is plenty of evidence IS is real. If you don't trust "Western Media", look somewhere else.

I assume, seeing as you're so cock-sure of yourself and your "opinion", you've spoken to Iraqi's, Syrians, Kurds and Yazidi's who have confirmed there is no IS and that it's all BS made up by the US, right?

What do you mean, No?

I would have thought being so convinced of your own superiority and thinking, you'd have done this? Then how can you know it's all faked? You can't - all you're doing is buying into your own delusions.

Disclaimer - I know the media is used to justify various acts and I know the US (and others) don't have squeeky clean records. But to deny IS is real? Give me a break!

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: neo96
I think they lack imagination.

Second verse.

And mad max they are not.

Max mad was cooler.

I think you're mean-spirited and have limited awareness of what they are up against.
Mad Max wasn't cooler. Mel Gibson is a tosspot.

I think the Peshmurga are brave, and doing an amazing job under duress.

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