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The majority of Muslims are scared of being tarred with the same brush:

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posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
a reply to: Vasa Croe

attached sml ints stay heart blood flow powered MATRIX future embeds... Prototyped as of now if not already complete for the self species hatred FAIL, which will require many to need it in order to be CLEARED of illness or attack intents... Your post questions are writing the AI data in current time, Vasa Croe

Wow....that is a LOT of tech built into a really tiny it is powered by the body, has the longest reaching RFID in existence, and learns in real time based off of internet postings....this takes paranoid to an entirely different level.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Thurisaz
No... I am saying that not all Muslims are terrorists.

Its a really sad day at ATS when the question above posed to you gets so many stars and your post none.

How do posters conceive these idiotic questions?

They see the word Islam or Muslim and they start to froth at the mouth just like the media tells us how ISIS member's hate our freedoms.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality
Balance , the best way to balance things is to give the refugees arms so they can fight back .

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

No I think you misunderstand Vasa Croe. The already existent AI is picking up all internet data. The rfid is an recommendation in now time to be later suggested...

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:30 AM
Muslims don't deserve any special treatment.

When a nut job shoots up a school, Everybody yells that gun owners are responsible. No just that nut job is responsible.

When an atheist sues to have a cross removed, all atheists are anti Christian.

When a cop shoots an unarmed kid, all cops are killers.

Well guess what. when a terrorist is a Muslim extremist, all Muslims are extremists.

Why should Muslims get the benefit of a doubt but not anybody else?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Well, my opinion always has been:

If you don't like the radicals in your midst, crack down on them and police your own people. If you don't want to be painted with a broad brush by a few rotten apples -- throw out the rotten apples.

If the Muslim majority that aren't extremist did *something* instead of sitting on their hands -- it would go a long way. So far the perception of non-Muslim, Western people is that the Muslim majority is "silent" -- and thereby complicit with the radical terrorist actions.

Condemn, reach out, educate and help crack down on the radicals in your ranks -- this would go a long, long way. Staying silent is not that much different than outright supporting them.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

Muslims aren't silent about this, but the deafening of the media only showing the horrors of ISIS instead of the condemnation by other Muslims is the problem.

Crack down on the radicals in your midst?

Why is there still crime, violence and murder, rape, etc etc in societies all over, not just Islamic ones?

The majority of people aren't murders and rapists in society so why do these crimes happen, why hasn't the public done something instead of sitting on their hands?

As a MOD how could you post they stay silent instead of point out that there are threads right here on ATS that show Muslims condemning the actions of ISIS, of the top my head a Muslim cleric in Detroit spoke up another in Canada I believe, now these are just ones that I remember seeing thread titles about here on ATS.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:35 AM
If Muslims don't like the negative publicity they're getting they should do something to stop radical Muslims from smearing the entire group.

The solution to the problem is right in front of them but they refuse to pick up the reins.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Thurisaz

These loonies have been there as long as there's been islam - and a whole lot before that. So, with our purest genocidal intentions, we can rule the religion out. Its the nature of the cahoot there. The source of the problem is the boots on the ground. The rug heads themselves. Too much time spent sniffing petrol gases, and they are all equally rotten nut cases each and everyone.

So the final solution really is to bulldoze that heap of sand of mid-east, and bury each and every one of those rug puppets under six feet of sand, and then glaze it with overstock of nukes.

And THAT my friend would be the end to this war on error.

Which unfortunately is not yet a totally politically correct solution to the issue at hands.

But just sayin'
edit on 22-9-2014 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Thurisaz

Its funny that non muslims are always the ones defending their honor. Where is the billion man outcry from the Muslim world denouncing and exterminating these so called extremists?

And that in a nutshell is the big problem..its the question I keep asking, the rest of the Muslim world expect us infidels to do their dirty win for them and no winning for us.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: MystikMushroom
Or and in the event they fail to clean their own mess. Its time for the West to take control and proxy governments in all of the M E..

You do understand that is the reason for the rise of these groups like ISIS don't you or are you ignorant to the history of the ME? In every country that America has stuck it's nose in and helped to remove the leader that we cried they are a dictator we have a problem with these terrorist groups. We went in and helped remove Gaddafi and what happened Benghazi. We removed Saddam and helped to fund the rebels in Syria and look what we got ISIS. IF we were to do as you suggest and replace the governments in the ME then it is guaranteed that will have WW3 on our hands. The best thing we can do is pull all of our people out of that region close all our bases and let them govern themselves.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Well, my opinion always has been:

If you don't like the radicals in your midst, crack down on them and police your own people. If you don't want to be painted with a broad brush by a few rotten apples -- throw out the rotten apples.

If the Muslim majority that aren't extremist did *something* instead of sitting on their hands -- it would go a long way. So far the perception of non-Muslim, Western people is that the Muslim majority is "silent" -- and thereby complicit with the radical terrorist actions.

Condemn, reach out, educate and help crack down on the radicals in your ranks -- this would go a long, long way. Staying silent is not that much different than outright supporting them.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.


OK... what actions do we take as individuals to out those bad-apples who delight in the religious ecstacy of beheading another person in their prime ?

turn in the Radical Imams who espouse extreme Jihad against innocent, peacekeeping individuals from local populations
that would result in nothing, because the politically correct majority would see that as discrimination against free speech ~~even if the Friday Sermon Cleric in western nations Mosques told them to chop heads of the local citizens Aus, Usa, UK etc.

so only 1/3rd of 1% of Muslims are pro-extreme Jihad... well close to 50,000 of those types are concentrated in ISIS/IS and they have slaughtered some 50,000 innocents who could not flee fast enough...
Will their blood-lust Jihad just become passe' and boring...NO
they will enter new provences/districts to purge the idolaters (in their view) Christians, Shia and just lawless behavior

So with the concentration of zealot-Jihadists in Syria-Iraq gives the non-Muslim world an opportunity to remedy mass executions.... local renegade lone-wolf Jihadists living in western societies will eventually be ferreted out or be caught in the commission of their individual Jihad and be killed in an un-martyr like manner,
if a certain family member is pro-extremist- Jihadist and the family supported or aided in the criminal act~~~ the whole DNA family as a group must be deported or quaranteened as undesirable terrorists and 'westernized'
perhaps even given 'the mark of Cain'

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Hoosierdaddy71
Muslims don't deserve any special treatment.

When a nut job shoots up a school, Everybody yells that gun owners are responsible. No just that nut job is responsible.

When an atheist sues to have a cross removed, all atheists are anti Christian.

When a cop shoots an unarmed kid, all cops are killers.

Well guess what. when a terrorist is a Muslim extremist, all Muslims are extremists.

Why should Muslims get the benefit of a doubt but not anybody else?

It's called nitpicking and the MSM thrives off it.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Thurisaz
There are assholes in every religion/culture. Are we going to believe that all Christians are bad because a minority of them formed cults and committed terrible acts? What about the issues within the Catholic Church? Is the entire Church bad because of a minority? Do the wrongs of a minority negate all the good/charitable deeds the Church does?

The Muslims that do not have anything to do with ISIS are scared. There are People protesting and calling for 'ALL Muslims' to be deported.

That is ignorant.

Why are so many fleeing on foot?
The Syrian Kurds fleeing Isis add to headaches for Turkey and Obama

The influx of refugees and calls for Turkey’s Kurds to fight Isis pile the pressure on Ankara and Washington

Some might say they are Christians that are fleeing because of Muslim persecution. The Sunni's are not Christian.
I have seen some terrible footage of Muslim men, women and children being persecuted by other Muslims.

These 'other Muslims' are a fraction of their population, they are extremists.

We have extremists in every culture. I just hope that People will calm down and not allow 'fear' to gazump their intellect.

Religion is the problem because it promotes intolerance. "They don't believe what we believe so they're inferior." "They're trying to convince people to believe something opposite of what we believe so we must stop it." "God says we can kill them if they get in our way so we're divinely justified." This crap has been going on since religion first appeared.

Now that that's out of the way, if modern Baptists were going around murdering Pentecostals and Methodists along with everyone else who believes a different version of Christianity AND killing Jews, Buddhists, Hindi, etc. I would say your comparison is closer to the truth. People love to say that "Muslim extremists are a small minority" but they ignore the tension between Sunnis and Shiites as a whole which, even when it's not overtly violent, is still a very shaky relationship that constantly leads to civil war. You can't say that terrorists are the only problem within the Muslim world. When the Islamic countries stop fighting over which sect gets to run the show, I'll accept a comparison between Islam and Christianity. When ALL Islamic countries stop treating women worse than dogs and forcing strict religious rule on the citizenry, I'll accept a comparison between Islam and Christianity. A nation ruled by religion will always suffer. That much has been proven.
edit on 9/22/2014 by Answer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: demondonna
this fact in of its self is the line in the sand and warrants extreme response from the West, yet there are still those who think because we had an indirect hand in their creation that its ok
edit on 22-9-2014 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Answer

Religion is the problem because it promotes intolerance. "They don't believe what we believe so they're inferior." "They're trying to convince people to believe something opposite of what we believe so we must stop it." "God says we can kill them if they get in our way so we're divinely justified." This crap has been going on since religion first appeared.

Seeing as how this thread is discussing what could be seen as issues involving Islam and its followers,

I just want to point out that Islam actually preaches tolerance in the Koran towards other Abrahamic faiths not the other way round as many want to or have fooled to believe.

I only defend Islamic ideology because its misinterpreted so often in the media.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The other problem is what is an extremist and what's not? When you go and bring out polls showing how many Muslims are in favor of tactics and religious approaches that many would consider "extreme," the line between what constitutes and extremist and a fundamentalist and so on and so forth starts to get blurry.

Who favors bombings? Who simply doesn't disagree with them? Who favors cutting the hands off of thieves or stonings? Who favors Shari'a? Who favors child marriage? Who supports the notion of honor killings? Who supports polygamy?

The list goes on and when you have some groups that favor some and others who favor all, and then groups who hold silence. And you have groups who persist in thinking that a dislike for the radicals is also a dislike for them ... How do you sort them out?

The problem is that the Ummah is often thought of as a body, and it seems to me that sometimes there is more loyalty to it with all its warts than there is to any other group. You attack part of the ummah and you attack all.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: Thurisaz
No... I am saying that not all Muslims are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, no, but these days, most terrorists are Muslims.

It's very simple logic, and people aren't stupid.

Not all birds are eagles. In fact, most of them aren't, but all eagles ARE birds.

This is a very similar type of logical statement.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I believe Western interests are matters of our nations security and should be trusted that at the very least our people and their protection are priority.

LOL...aren't you sweet and innocent. If you really believe that...than you are forgiven.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: Answer

You are right in that the early writings of Muhammad promote tolerance

Seeing as how this thread is discussing what could be seen as issues involving Islam and its followers,

I just want to point out that Islam actually preaches tolerance in the Koran towards other Abrahamic faiths not the other way round as many want to or have fooled to believe.

I only defend Islamic ideology because its misinterpreted so often in the media.

I took a class on Islam.

The early writings of Muhammad do preach tolerance toward other Abrahamic faiths.

However, the later writings of Muhammad preach death to those who are not of the Islamic faith. Muhammad himself ordered the beheading of over 600 Jews and participated in the genocide.

Just as in the Christian Bible, the Old Testament is superseded by the later writing of the New Testament. The old testament is quite violent, however the New Testament says the old violence is wrong and says people should strive to love and forgive each other. So, according to the Bible, Christians are to obey the later writings rather than the early writings.

The same writings order hold the same importance in the Koran, however, in the earliest writings love and tolerance are taught; the later writings supersede the early writings,; in the later writings killing infidels is taught as what a Muslim should be doing. According to the Koran, Muslims are to obey the later writings rather than the early writings.

My link to proof:

edit on 4Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:13:07 -0500pm92209pmk221 by grandmakdw because: format

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Exactly, it is called Abrogation. Whatever was revealed to Mohammad the most recently is considered to abrogate what was revealed earlier. So Allah can change his mind and Allah got more and more violent and warlike and intolerant and time went on.

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