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Does anyone on ATS know of a cure for Type 1 (NOT Type 2) diabetes?

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posted on May, 26 2015 @ 04:42 AM
Also, here's a great link to look at with the risks of GMO insulin:

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

They say that vitamin D3 is converted to -1-25 D in diabetics, and can cause a host of medical reactions in diabetics. They even tell diabetics to us UV protective clothing to prevent absorbing vitamin D3 from the sun!

-1-25 D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) is a synonym for Calcitriol. This is the hormonally active (final) form of Vitamin D3. It is present (and absolutly required) for all human on Earth.

Here is an excerpt from my personal notes on human synthesis of D3:

1- Photosynthesis of 'Previtamin D3' from 7-Dehydrocholesterol inside human skin.

2- Cholecalciferol (called 'Vitamin D3') is produced inside human skin by heat isomerization of 'Previtamin D3'.
Previtamin D3 also produce Lumisterol3 and Tachysterol3 by action of UVB radiation.

3- Calcifediol is produced in the liver by mitochondrial hydroxylation of Cholecalciferol by the enzyme 'Cholecalciferol 25-hydroxylase' (CYP2R1).
==> Blood test measure Calcifediol.

Hydroxylation in the endoplasmic reticulum of liver hepatocytes of cholecalciferol to Calcifediol is loosely regulated, if at all, and blood levels of this molecule largely reflect the amount of vitamin D3 produced in the skin or the vitamin D2 or D3 ingested.

4- Calcitriol is produced in the kidneys from Calcifediol (hydroxylation) by action of enzyme '25(OH)D-1α-hydroxylase' (CYP27B1).


Trust me, you don't want to be deficient of vitamin D3!!! Many autoimmune disease are linked to lack of D3.

On a side note, don't trust the "vegetal" version, namely vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol). It has a low bioavailability and its use is based on 70 years old studies on rickets prevention in infants (and low cost of production).

Your metabolism is based on the animal Kingdom and NOT on the plant Kingdom. Any other advises that the vegetal version (D2) is better is pure BS coming from people knowing absolutely NOTHING of what they are talking about, and simply parroting things they have read on the internet without a shred of beginning of understanding.

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

yeah I had a little look at the marshall protocol they seem to be on the ball always a good sign when they highlight the bad things I didn't like the look of the Olmesartan though too many side effects so you want to find out the chemical that blocks these receptors rather than use some drug which is going to cause problems in other areas of your body.
also it is used for high blood pressure where organic sulphur should be used instead although Epsom salts have a very absorbable form of sulphates and the magnesium catalyses about 1000 enzymes, the key to curing disease is to get the bacteria and enzymes right as well as removing the toxins from you.
Also it talks about photosensitivity I thought your body only soaked up a specific amount of UV rays a day although through your eyes it takes it in constantly which is why you need to wear UV protecting sunglasses they talk about this in relation to iodine being lost through the eyes as well.

and when the companies say they need to add the additives in them rather than being made to prove they need them you have got to worry especially when pharmaceutical companies and doctors kill 1 in 80 people in the states they are the third highest cause of death in the states today, and doctors tell you they are good and you should listen to them LOL.

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

but the object of these companies is to reduce the population! there are cures for everything its just they are hidden and most people are too scared to stand up to these low life filth they even gave me a death threat the other week and all I do is talk on the net a little bit LOL I mean how many people would view this thread or the other threads regarding health on here virtually none. but at least when people understand whats really going on they can see what the truth is.

this is quite a good read

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: jinni73

I have question for diabetics in this thread? Are You using insulin pomps or just custom insulin pen? i've back to the pens after visit in hospital.

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: PeterMcFly

Its becoming clearer, that all the kids with autoimmune disease , have one thing in common . They have significantly low levels of gut bacteria . This is because the modern environment doesn't expose them to the vast range of bacteria, that happened in less hygienic times . The micro flora of the vagina changes as birth becomes immanent, the same as any animal entering the world from a sterile womb/environment, this coats the infant with the right type of bacteria,and boots up the immune system from day one. Caesarean births, over sterile environments, just are not booting up the immune systems like they used to. Their are many live bacteria in mothers milk, that seed the infants gut, formula is sterile, and mostly Dairy, which might be to acid for gut flora to survive..

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: awareness10
Don't quote me either, nor i'm not a phd, however upon viewing your thread went on a quick search and found this.

I've always liked baking soda, a friend of mine got rid of their cancer using it as it alkalizes the body.

There are many accounts like this one though. You may want to check some out.


Just to make a note here about why i mentioned cancer-

The Diabetes-Cancer Connection Evidence linking diabetes and high insulin levels to certain cancers has grown stronger over the past several years, leading scientists to investigate potential mechanisms. Insulin vialsA growing body of evidence is finding that having diabetes or signs of insulin resistance may lead to an increased risk of certain cancers. The connection is strongest among certain types of cancers, including kidney, pancreatic and colorectal.

Diabetes-Cancer Link

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Its becoming clearer, that all the kids with autoimmune disease , have one thing in common . They have significantly low levels of gut bacteria . This is because the modern environment doesn't expose them to the vast range of bacteria, that happened in less hygienic times .

I have often given consideration to this theory and while it is reasonable to think that an immune system that have nothing to do, may find itself something else to attack like its host. However I think it may be a little more complicated than that.

What I find strange and conflicting is that low carb eaters, typically meat eaters, produce excrement that smell practically nothing and flatulences are innexistent. Personnally I have converted from very high carb diet to low carb high meat and I can confirm that.

Flatulences are gas produced from fermentation of guts bacteria. Littles of them mean littles bacteria present or minimal activities for them. Smell of excrement is also an indicator or guts bacteria activity. So on a low carb diet, I think it is reasonable to speculate guts bacteria are minimized and/or different. One thing for sure is that bacteria like carb a lot.

What if lots of guts bacteria on one side give something to do to our immune system, but on the other side poison us?

What puzzle me is that low carb high meat diet is anti-inflammatory, and the ketone bodies produced from fat burning are strong natural antibiotics. It may be one positive effect compensating for the negatives effects. However, I alway come back to this: Human have evolved for millions of years on a diet of high meat, and only recently have "tried" to adapt back to chimp's high carb diet with added grain and sugar.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: awareness10

The Diabetes-Cancer Connection Evidence linking diabetes and high insulin levels to certain cancers has grown stronger over the past several years...

Yes there is a strong link between cancer and insulin level in blood. Here is some statements for you to consider:

1- Cancer cells have a high and exclusive metabolism based on anaerobic glucolysis. It mean they can only get food from glucose.

2- Insulin act (among other things) to tell cells to "eat" as much glucose as they can to lower glucose level in blood.

3- We can expect that cancerous cells also have (depending on cancer type) insulin receptors. So high level of blood insulin will "tell" to already hungry for glucose cancerous cells to hurry up and eat more glucose, thus multiply.

4- If you have high level of insulin in blood, the chance are very high you have high level of glucose in blood. As said before, cancerous cells love glucose. The more you give them, the more they multiply. In other word you feed the growth of your cancer...

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
a reply to: awareness10

The Diabetes-Cancer Connection Evidence linking diabetes and high insulin levels to certain cancers has grown stronger over the past several years...

Yes there is a strong link between cancer and insulin level in blood. Here is some statements for you to consider:

1- Cancer cells have a high and exclusive metabolism based on anaerobic glucolysis. It mean they can only get food from glucose.

2- Insulin act (among other things) to tell cells to "eat" as much glucose as they can to lower glucose level in blood.

3- We can expect that cancerous cells also have (depending on cancer type) insulin receptors. So high level of blood insulin will "tell" to already hungry for glucose cancerous cells to hurry up and eat more glucose, thus multiply.

4- If you have high level of insulin in blood, the chance are very high you have high level of glucose in blood. As said before, cancerous cells love glucose. The more you give them, the more they multiply. In other word you feed the growth of your cancer...

That could be why, Vitamin C works, the molecular structure is like sugar, so if their is no sugar available it will use what it . So the rouge cell still has a sugar supply as an alternative.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: anonentity

That could be why, Vitamin C works, the molecular structure is like sugar, so if their is no sugar available it will use what it . So the rouge cell still has a sugar supply as an alternative.

I never heard that vitamin C can be metabolized like glucose. Its structure only have resemblance. In fact, any excess of vitamin C is rapidly excreted in urine.

There will alway exist a minimal qty of glucose in blood even if you do not consume carb at all. The human body can produce glucose from fat or protein using a process called gluconeogenesis, Thus red blood cell will get the glucose it need.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
a reply to: awareness10

The Diabetes-Cancer Connection Evidence linking diabetes and high insulin levels to certain cancers has grown stronger over the past several years...

Yes there is a strong link between cancer and insulin level in blood. Here is some statements for you to consider:

1- Cancer cells have a high and exclusive metabolism based on anaerobic glucolysis. It mean they can only get food from glucose.

2- Insulin act (among other things) to tell cells to "eat" as much glucose as they can to lower glucose level in blood.

3- We can expect that cancerous cells also have (depending on cancer type) insulin receptors. So high level of blood insulin will "tell" to already hungry for glucose cancerous cells to hurry up and eat more glucose, thus multiply.

4- If you have high level of insulin in blood, the chance are very high you have high level of glucose in blood. As said before, cancerous cells love glucose. The more you give them, the more they multiply. In other word you feed the growth of your cancer...

Yes and it's getting worse by the year.
It makes me wonder whether there is a connection with this:

There is a very high probability that Cancer is a Fungus. Based on what people ingest i have no problem believing it.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: awareness10

The cancer-diabetes link article talks about a link between type 2 diabetes and cancer.

I have been studying that Marshall Protocol a little more. It looks like a lot of autoimmune diseases may have a bacterial link. Have a look at this:

The woman (Bonnie B.) that tried the Marshall Protocol and got to Phase 3 (several years of antibiotics + benicar prescription) said this:

How does you doctor feel about your progress?

Two appointments ago he told me that all my lab work indicates that I’m recovering. He said that the MP (Marshall Protocol) is clearly helping me.

I'm going to try to find a doctor that will let me try the Marshall Protocol. They say that Benicar has very few side effects (if any). I have heard bad things about antibiotics, but the way I see it-I've tried just about everything else I can think of. The toughest part of the Marshall Protocol for me will be limiting my Vitamin D3 exposure via the sun. That's where the old saying "If there's a will-then there's a way" fits in. I will find a way to make that part of the program work for me, and still get the outdoor things done that I need to.

They say that they've never tried the Marshall Protocol on a type 1 diabetic, but they basically admitted that people with type 2 diabetes' symptoms "went into remission". I think its worth a try. Apparently, it takes several years to notice a difference for the people that it has helped.

I've tried every known "anti-diabetic" method in existence, and none of those have worked. Some things have helped in minor ways.

The toughest thing is going to be finding a doctor that will allow me to try it for several years. I will print out all of the important points, and discuss with the doctor to show them I've studied the protocol thoroughly. I think I might have someone in mind, and I hope they will help me with it. I will keep this thread updated with the progress.

Side Note: I have a friend with Systemic Lupus who is going to talk to their doctor about trying the Marshall Protocol. They have severe debilitating pain and other symptoms from the disease. Since Systemic Lupus is an autoimmune disease, then if it helps this person-it will be well worth my time to try it. We can do a sort of comparative analysis together to compare notes and see if there is any progress for either of us-as long as our doctors approve it.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: awareness10

There is a very high probability that Cancer is a Fungus.

Cancer is not about the cause but the end result. There can be many cause of cancer; heredity, virus like HPV, chemicals, radiation, aging and even long term irritation of tissue... Anything that cause damage to the complex machineries of the cell. Eventually, these damages will conspire to put the cell in a specific cancerous "mode", where its metabolism change and many of its functions are no longer well regulated.

It is impossible to eliminate all cause of cancer, each day we are bombarded by ionizing radiation coming from space and natural radioactive isotopes (like potasium). Even if fungus were one of the cause (I don't believe it is one but nothing is impossible) and you eliminate it, there are tons of others "things" that will cause damage to the cells, and eventually, theirs repair mechanism will fail.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: AutumnWitch657
Type 2 is environmental where the pancreas is over worked because of obesity or sugar consumption

No it is not, I have type 2. At 5' 10'' and 180 lbs. Add that I have NEVER been a sugar hound even to this day.

In MOST cases the pancreases works normal, the body's rejects it.. called insulin resistant.
Your protein has to be more than the cabs you take in.. proper diet and watching what you eat is the key.
My sugar is now around 130 +/-. that is pretty dang good for someone who’s sugar was 250+.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

It may be of interest to you, as I remember we talked about this previously, that my spouse have heard about someone diabetic type 1 that control himself using a ketogenic diet. He control the glucose level at least 10x time per day. He still use insulin but it seem he require less and with passing time, his requirement in insulin decrease.

I found it quite dangerous and hard to believe but it seem he succed to avoid ketoacidosis, probably due to the frequent control.

This is a French guy and I don't think he has a blog or something similar, nor did I think he speak English.

There are still many things unclear about this, but my spouse and I will investigate the case as much as we can.

We will keep you informed.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: DogMeat

Ketogenic diet work well and are relatively safe for type 2.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: DogMeat

Any starches which a prescribed low fat diet from the American heart association will encourage in large measure will convert to sugar as soon as the spit in your mouth starts to react with it. You don't have to be a sugar hound. Pasta, rice, bread and potatoes are all sugars once consumed.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: [post=19401772]PeterMcFly[/Ketogenic diets are by nature low carb diets.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

Ketogenic diet is a low carb diet.

A low carb diet is NOT necessarily a ketogenic diet.

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