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A look at the weather modification question.

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posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:09 PM
If our government had the capability to manufacture rain as some here think, then why would they let this happen?

Lake Oroville 2014

In actuality, you cannot make rain unless you have clouds that are already full of moister.

Even in dry areas the air usually contains some water. This can be made to come together and form ice crystals by seeding the atmosphere with chemicals such as silver iodide or dry ice.

They work to promote rainfall by inducing nucleation – what little water is in the air condenses around the newly introduced particles and crystallises to form ice.

The ‘seeds’ can be delivered by plane or simply by spraying from the ground.

But does it work?

It’s hard to tell for sure. As is often the case with weather and climate, it’s impossible to carry out a controlled experiment – so, in areas of increased precipitation, we can’t know whether it would still have rained even if the clouds hadn’t been seeded.


So it's quite obvious that if we could make it rain on demand, we would not have issues like this.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: network dude

I agree. Just consider the following though.

Corporations that effectively own the USG stand to lose massive profits if the western drought continues another year or two.

Corporations may demand some kind of action from politicians they own. They may demand the USG dust off it's 50-60's era plans for weather modification and actually start testing and/or emergency roll-outs. It is a very real risk for the future and requires continued diligence and discernment. They might use the chemtrail "outliers" as disinfo cover for very real activity.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:22 PM
They have had the capability to modify weather and create rain since Vietnam, at least. Operation Popeye The question isn't can we make it rain, the question is why won't they make a few experimental runs over California and see what happens?

If it makes rain, experiment success. If it doesn, at least we would know for certain.

Also, this:

HAARP is very real, very much operational, and very much run by the Air Force. The military doesnt get involved in things that can not be used as weapons. The HAARP 'research facility' is anything but that. Why the hell would we be researching the northern lights for over two decades? We aren't, HAARP is an Air Force managed weapons system. Confirmation of this? No i don't have it. But high frequency electrical pulses aimed into the upper atmosphere can have incredible effects on the weather.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

Actually, no, HAARP is no longer operational. It was shut down early this year.

Cloud seeding is not secret and has been going on in the private sector for years.
The last link is a company that makes it's money from seeding clouds.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

Both those videos you posted.

The first one shows that the USAF are involved in the running of HAARP, therefore weather modification is real? That's a big jump. I see people make this big jump all the time. They cite things like Operation Popeye, which incidentally was a cloud seeding operation, as proof. But the only thing Operation Popeye proves is that the USAF and other branches of the military can and will use cloud seeding to attempt to defeat it's enemies. They tried a lot of crazy ideas in Vietnam, most of them didn't work. It does not prove that HAARP is used to weaponise the weather. I'm sorry it just doesn't. If you can't prove it as you say, then why do you believe it?

The second video is suspect as far as I'm concerned. Mr Agnew is a 'Hollow Earth' and 'Planet X' proponent, amongst other things. He was apparently trying to raise $350k for an expedition to enter the hollow Earth through a location somewhere near the North Pole. His 'HAARP chamber' has been shown to generate quite a bit of heat inside which moves the 'cloud' around. I doubt he is a doctor at all.

People should wake up to the idea that there is an industry of entrepreneurs making money off their fears and suspicions, people like Agnew.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

Here you may want to read this about Brookes Agnew and his little HAARP machine.

And as it has been said before...HAARP cannot effect the weather.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: network dude

Yes there are plans to dismantle, and defund HAARP. However it was never 'shut down'. Still very much open and operational as of August 6th as you can clearly see by the amount of vehicles parked outside the generator station. HERE. You expect a military project such as HAARP to just be shutdown? Thats a big negative. DARPA may not want to up the bills, but in my opinion, they also don't have any actual desire to shut the facility down. I would bet money that classified Air Force operations are still on going, well outside of public view. An example that may confirm this was when HAARP was temporarily shut down in 2013 due to a change of operating contractors. Michel Chossudovsky, Rosalie Bertell and Jesse Ventura have also warned the public repeatedly that HAARP is a military weapon installation. Bertell all the way back in 1996! Link

Among other things, BAE Systems will always have the functional designs, forever (BAE contract award). Also, there is still two HIPAS facilities remaining. One is in Fairbanks that was temporarily shut down for reconstruction and one located in Arecibo (HIgh Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory). Europe also has its own versions of HAARP that were based on the BAE Systems designs implemented in Alaska. It's called EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association). Russia has their own version, too! known as the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility.

SkyWave Mobile Communications is a company who specializes in ionospheric reflection. While their operations don't include the heating of the ionosphere they specialize in the manipulation of VHF and VLF frequencies to increase their signal strength by bouncing signals off of the ionosphere. HAARP, in comparison, is ionospheric propagation on steroids.


Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

However it was never 'shut down'. Still very much open and operational as of August 6th as you can clearly see by the amount of vehicles parked outside the generator station. HERE.

And by the looks of these two pics...

I would say they are closed, but if not they need a new landscaping crew.

And the cars are there because there was a news crew getting a look at the inside of HAARP.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:58 PM
Meh, i concede. My personal opinion's will remain intact. The metabunk link was pretty solid.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

The metabunk link was pretty solid.

It usually is.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: network dude
If our government had the capability to manufacture rain as some here think, then why would they let this happen?

If they had the capabilities that some think they have then the likes of Isis wouldn't be any kind of a problem

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 02:32 AM
there are 2 things that come to mind with this question

1. california is saved from fukushima fallout
2. punishment for california to whip the state back in line regarding politics

yesterday we had over 24h rain non stop in europe
all the rain is here we dont have a summer anymore and with it the devastaing consequences it has on fauna and flora
everything is chemicaly or radioactively burned every tree and plant is sick if you look closely
some trees even are fully yellow/red burned with only a few branches that are fully green in total contrast to the burned rest of the tree, this is not autumn
dont know if chemtrail fallout or fukushima but i wish it rather wouldnt rain at all i dont trust what comes down anymore

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: thevace

yesterday we had over 24h rain non stop in europe
all the rain is here we dont have a summer anymore and with it the devastaing consequences it has on fauna and flora
everything is chemicaly or radioactively burned every tree and plant is sick if you look closely

Methinks you are exaggerating quite a bit.

Not all of Europe had 24hrs nonstop rain, and there are plenty of healthy trees around the place!!

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: thevace
there are 2 things that come to mind with this question

1. california is saved from fukushima fallout
2. punishment for california to whip the state back in line regarding politics

yesterday we had over 24h rain non stop in europe
all the rain is here we dont have a summer anymore and with it the devastaing consequences it has on fauna and flora
everything is chemicaly or radioactively burned every tree and plant is sick if you look closely
some trees even are fully yellow/red burned with only a few branches that are fully green in total contrast to the burned rest of the tree, this is not autumn
dont know if chemtrail fallout or fukushima but i wish it rather wouldnt rain at all i dont trust what comes down anymore

I just spent the weekend cycling from one side of Northern England to the other, camping for two nights on the way. All I saw were lush green trees and fields, hedgerows full of berries and moorland purple with new heather growth. I also had no problem getting to the top of some pretty big hills so my health doesn't appear to be a problem either.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: network dude

If our government had the capability to manufacture rain as some here think, then why would they let this happen?

Lake Oroville 2014

Yea because his uncle owns the spigot to fill it back up.

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