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Putin Defies Western Warning, Will Send "Aid Convoy" To East Ukraine

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posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Because the massive military might of the Russian Federation, if they had indeed decided to 'invade Ukraine' is going to be disguised as Red Cross aid volunteers, could ever be prevented from crossing at border by a handful of Ukrainian border guards.

No, but the Russians could pack trucks full of ammunition labeled "medical supplies." Happens all the time in Gaza. Putin has been given an "out" so he can save face. Incidentally, by annexing Crimea, Russia has already invaded Ukraine. The question now is: will Putin be allowed to keep it?

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The Red Cross on Saturday denied involvement in a Russian "humanitarian convoy" that Ukraine claimed to have stopped from crossing the border over fears it was an attempt by Moscow to invade the ex-Soviet state.

Yeah right.

Because the massive military might of the Russian Federation, if they had indeed decided to 'invade Ukraine' is going to be disguised as Red Cross aid volunteers, could ever be prevented from crossing at border by a handful of Ukrainian border guards.

And now...back to reality.

I am not sure what your post has to do with the discussion as it did not address anything.

And we both know that "massive military might" would be like a worm getting swallowed by the whale that is the US might.

Now that we are done with needless and useless chest thumping you can write another reply that actually addresses the topic.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: MysterX

Because the massive military might of the Russian Federation, if they had indeed decided to 'invade Ukraine' is going to be disguised as Red Cross aid volunteers, could ever be prevented from crossing at border by a handful of Ukrainian border guards.

No, but the Russians could pack trucks full of ammunition labeled "medical supplies." Happens all the time in Gaza. Putin has been given an "out" so he can save face. Incidentally, by annexing Crimea, Russia has already invaded Ukraine. The question now is: will Putin be allowed to keep it?

The answer is yes, Obama is far too weak willed and has no diplomatic skills whatsoever. This whole crisis needed an immediate response on day 1, back when Crimea was still Ukrainian and they had the authority to allow US/NATO troops on their soil.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The answer is yes, Obama is far too weak willed and has no diplomatic skills whatsoever. This whole crisis needed an immediate response on day 1, back when Crimea was still Ukrainian and they had the authority to allow US/NATO troops on their soil.

Obama's leadership may be faltering on this one, but eventually NATO will weigh in.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The answer is yes, Obama is far too weak willed and has no diplomatic skills whatsoever. This whole crisis needed an immediate response on day 1, back when Crimea was still Ukrainian and they had the authority to allow US/NATO troops on their soil.

Obama's leadership may be faltering on this one, but eventually NATO will weigh in.

Will they? I find that unlikely. I hope I am wrong, I would love to be wrong, I just don't see it. It's too late, it's like dealing with your friends drunk driving after he crashes his car, there's only so much you can do at that point.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Will they? I find that unlikely. I hope I am wrong, I would love to be wrong, I just don't see it. It's too late, it's like dealing with your friends drunk driving after he crashes his car, there's only so much you can do at that point.

If the Budapest Memorandum is not honored, it will throw all such diplomatic agreements into doubt, triggering a new nuclear arms race. Since Turkey would then have good reason not to trust NATO, they would have no choice but to acquire nuclear weapons for themselves. Likewise, in Asia, the industrialized nations would mistrust the US and also arm themselves. No, Putin has struck the match that lights the fuse....

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: DJW001

The problem is the Budapest Memorandum isn't exactly a treaty. I am with you, but someone who wants to be shady like our current US Government can wiggle a bit.

The results though, of people not respecting the US word, I agree with.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:27 AM
That's a Russian military radar system folded up in that picture posted above.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: Painterz
That's a Russian military radar system folded up in that picture posted above.

That's why Kyiv was right to insist that the Red Cross monitor the situation.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: DJW001

For all of you, saying that Red Cross doesn't know, what is inside the trucks. Trucks will stop before the border and will be reloaded (under the watch of the Red Cross) on the Ukrainian trucks. So Ukrainian side and Red Cross will be responsible for the delivery. And they will inspect it while reloading. Russia is just a provider of food and medical equipment.

You guys are so fast to criticize Russia, even though US just few days ago provided help in the Middle East. Should we criticize US for helping starving people?
edit on 12-8-2014 by baburak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: baburak

Russia is just a provider of food and medical equipment.


posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 07:51 AM
Here is a recent BBC update from today.

If Russia were to choose military intervention in Eastern Ukraine, chances are that it wouldn't be trying it by smuggling military personnel and equipment in aid supplies that are reported to be going to the border only for the red cross to do the rest and for checks by Ukrainian military.

Those blatantly using anti Russian propaganda should consider the hypocrisy of their words. How many times has the US etc used military intervention when they felt there is a humanitarian need in lands and for helping people that they are entirely unconnected to, for example Syria, Iraq etc.

Many of those in Eastern Ukraine consider themselves ethnically Russian.

Perhaps they cannot see that the world are not the minions of the US and would balk to say the least if Russia tried the tactics on them that the US uses worldwide.

But Mr Lysenko said Ukraine had three conditions for receiving the aid:

That it should pass through a border post controlled by Ukrainian government guards
That it should be accompanied by Red Cross representatives
That a decision should be made about the amount being sent, its destination and route.
Another Ukrainian official, Valery Chaly, said Ukraine would not allow access to a convoy accompanied by the Russian military or Emergencies Ministry.

The BBC's David Stern, in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, says there has been some confusion in the Ukrainian government's response to news of the convoy, suggesting it has been taken by surprise.

A Russian Emergencies Ministry spokesman later told the BBC that the Russian lorries would not cross the border, and that it was up to the Red Cross to decide what to do with the aid.

edit on 12-8-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 07:59 AM
So, our gouvernement (Canadian gouv.) can send "militaries non-offensives" materials, but Russia cannot send food and medical equipement. This is called rethoric, and I don't like that. I won't critic the move, or try to predict what will append, I will only say "I'm not a ***ing idiot Mister Media. I will not take side as you whant. I'll take the peace side and this is not the US of A and not de Russian side." Both countries leaders (not talking about people in it) are arrogant, fool and selfish.
edit on 12-8-2014 by Spationaute because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Spationaute

So, our gouvernement (Canadian gouv.) can send "militaries non-offensives" materials, but Russia cannot send food and medical equipement.

Of course Russia can send food and medical supplies... but if you tell them they can't send ammunition and rockets, their supporters go crazy.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Propaganda against Russia should stop, it is really tedious.

Can you imagine how ''crazy'' American supporters would get if the US was told it either couldn't send aid or arms to Kurds or wherever.

Of course Russia can send food and medical supplies... but if you tell them they can't send ammunition and rockets, their supporters go crazy.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

Propaganda against Russia should stop, it is really tedious.

Not nearly as tedious as the anti-American propaganda:

Can you imagine how ''crazy'' American supporters would get if the US was told it either couldn't send aid or arms to Kurds or wherever.

Who is in a position to tell the United States what to do? Putin?

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Britguy

After publicizing this aid convoy, the Russians would not be so stupid as to load it up with military supplies and weapons

Exactly. Practically the whole world is watching this unfold. It would make no sense using this convoy for military subterfuge. That would be (and look) incredibly lame to everyone watching and doubtful Putin want's that.

Besides if Russia was going to "invade" I believe Putin would just go in. Not smuggle troops and weapon into Ukraine in Red Cross supported trucks. Actually that would look almost pitiful.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

If Russia were to choose military intervention in Eastern Ukraine, chances are that it wouldn't be trying it by smuggling military personnel and equipment in aid supplies

Have to say I agree with this. However, just for fun and to appease the "Putin is going to stealth attack!" crowd I'm posting this "smoking gun."

Here it is folks, Putin's super secret plan to invade Ukraine.

They'll never see it coming.

edit on 843pm5757pm22014 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: DJW001

The thing is, I am not anti American.

I can see when a nation is erring in it's ways though and I sure can see when there is hypocrisy.

I don't recommend any nation taking a bully stance to any other nation, that is the point.

Who is in a position to tell the United States what to do? Putin?

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Bassago

Exactly, the military might of Russia doesn't need hiding in aid trucks and any military tactician would see it as a stupid joke.

I am pretty certain Russia aren't trying some sort of contemporary 'Trojan horse' exercise in Ukraine.

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